The meanest thing anyone has ever said.....



  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I sent you a friend request.

    That guy is clueless about how to be someone's partner. I hope he goes bald! :laugh:

    Speaking for bald guys everywhere: I hope you do, too.*

    *I'm just wondering if anyone else catches the humor in that response, heh. I mean, I'm sure everyone would notice if someone said "He's an insensitive jerk, I hope he gets fat!"....
  • Good for you. You deserve better, a person should accept you for you and I'm glad you are doing this for you. I just started myself.
  • He will get his one day. What a A*S. Glad to hear you dropped him and are moving on. Good luck with you journey and request on its way.
  • calequestrian
    calequestrian Posts: 39 Member
    Sounds like you have already lost some "dead weight" Good for you for moving forward for yourself..that is what is most important. I started in January and have been losing about a half pound to a pound per week. NO fad dieting, just eating sensibly and excercising and I bought some new jeans and they were a size six! My husband has been nothing less than supportive in my endeavor. I struggled because I was always thin, then menopause and middle age caught up with me. This is a great site for support and ideas. Welcome~
  • DanaBravo
    DanaBravo Posts: 5
    So glad to see someone being honest with themselves. I married my husband weighing 120lbs and now weigh over 200. He is not the type of guy to "sugar coat" anything he says (pun intended). He is fit and stays in shape, and has encouraged me to do the the same. People change, they lose their hair or things start sagging, we get wrinkles, but weight gain is "fixable" and we should own up to our actions (and inactions). Good luck to you!
  • WOW. Just wow. I can't even say how angry that made me to read what he said. I had an ex along those lines. Putting him behind you and moving on to become better for yourself will be the best feeling ever!

    I know we can all do this!!!
    TWEETIE19 Posts: 54
    That is horrible!!! I'm srry that this has happened to you...Just know that we are all here helping one another. Keep your head held high because you are worth this. Add me as your friend and we can support one another...:bigsmile:
  • Shannibal
    Shannibal Posts: 103 Member
    If he needs a good ole "Kentucky country boy style" a** whoopin, just let me know.

  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am so sorry he said that to you! That is terrible!! My sister's ex boyfriend once said to her "I will marry you when you get boobs". Well she got those boobs and now they have split up. And I am so glad you are not with him anymore. That is just so terrible!! Good luck on your journey!! You can do it!!!
  • meparker56
    meparker56 Posts: 36
    :mad: That really burns me!! Tell your Boyfriend that my husband married me while I was fat! It takes a good man to look past a womans "Looks and size"!! I'd leave him behind with all those pounds you are going to shed! You can do better!!!!!!!!!!!
  • meparker56
    meparker56 Posts: 36
    Also, don't think of it as a diet, that will kill it every time...It's a lifestyle change, and that can work. You can get all the support you need here. I'm sending you a friend request so I can follow your progress. Good luck and God Bless! PS. I think You are beautiful NOW!!
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Hello Everyone,

    Today I start my diet. Just like everyone else here....I hope we are successful and make goals. I'm here because my boyfriend last week said to me. I would not marry you at the size you are now. But I know you COULD BE beautiful. Then he said....Let's get real....You can get anyone to "screw you"....but no one will marry you, cause your fat. Well he is now blocked from my phone and I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for ME. I don't have tons of friends so I'm looking forward to this website because I know people will understand the struggles that I am facing. I am definately a person who "eats for what's eating me". But I hope by the posts I read from others it keeps me motivated. So good luck to everyone and stay POSITIVE!!!! Pam

    I think I know how you feel. I was once with someone who was capable of saying things like that...he never said those same words but the message was the same. I think I let him say things like that to me because in part I think I believed him...but then one day it just clicked that the fastest way to lose 200 pounds was to get rid of him! I haven't looked back since then..good for you...I am so proud of you for choosing you as the hero of this story!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    wow not sure what to say but I am so glad you left his *kitten*
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    The best weight you ever lost was the dumb *kitten* you just broke up with. That being said.... you go girl! You can totally do this and we are all here for you. If your looking for positive and supportive friends here - add me please!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today I start my diet. Just like everyone else here....I hope we are successful and make goals. I'm here because my boyfriend last week said to me. I would not marry you at the size you are now. But I know you COULD BE beautiful. Then he said....Let's get real....You can get anyone to "screw you"....but no one will marry you, cause your fat. Well he is now blocked from my phone and I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for ME. I don't have tons of friends so I'm looking forward to this website because I know people will understand the struggles that I am facing. I am definately a person who "eats for what's eating me". But I hope by the posts I read from others it keeps me motivated. So good luck to everyone and stay POSITIVE!!!! Pam

    That just makes me SICK. How dare he say that to you! No one deserves to be put down like that! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm glad you are here for YOU. And he will eat his heart out if he ever gets the privilege to see you again. (By then, I hope you wouldn't take that jerk back!) I know you can do this! For you! :D Good luck! Feel free to add me! I am very supportive, and motivated in my own endeavors. I won't let you give up!
  • DebinAZ
    DebinAZ Posts: 30
    Glad you found out what a loser that guy is before you married him. :)
  • bombshellintraining18
    bombshellintraining18 Posts: 30 Member
    WOW what a jerk. so glad you kicked him to the curb. stay positive and the pounds will melt off.
  • p2thanay
    p2thanay Posts: 1
    WOW your beautiful regardless what size u are!
  • I had a fiance like that once...dumped him too, lost weight, and found my husband that I have been married to for 8 years and my weight has been up and down. Good for you for standing up for yourself. YOU are worth being happy and healthy!!
  • sarahwilly
    sarahwilly Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, that's brutal especially considering he's your boyfriend!! Well, was I guess!!! What a total heartless jerk! Good luck with your this for yourself but when you get where you want to be you make sure to rub it in his face!! Makes me so angry!! Good luck....stay positive and you can do this!! Just takes time and motivation:happy:
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