Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    Thanks for all of the encouragement! I don't plan on quitting! I plan on continuing this journey one day at a time!

    Just got home from the hospital with my husband. Had some complications but is okay now. Walked around the hospital for my cardio, stayed within calories but way over sodium! Feel uncomfortable but hopefully now that I am home I can limit my sodium intake and feel okay again.

    JFT log everything, walk, stay within calorie, nutrients and macros. Let everyone know how I am doing. This helps me feel more accountable for my actions! Thanks everyone for this thread! So helpful!

    Hang in there! We are behind you all the way.

    @Elaine352962 Thanks Elaine. Love the new drawings, especially the chimp.

    @47Jacqueline Very sensitive watercolours. Great movement in them.
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    Thanks for all of the encouragement! I don't plan on quitting! I plan on continuing this journey one day at a time!

    Just got home from the hospital with my husband. Had some complications but is okay now. Walked around the hospital for my cardio, stayed within calories but way over sodium! Feel uncomfortable but hopefully now that I am home I can limit my sodium intake and feel okay again.

    JFT log everything, walk, stay within calorie, nutrients and macros. Let everyone know how I am doing. This helps me feel more accountable for my actions! Thanks everyone for this thread! So helpful!

    Hang in there! We are behind you all the way.

    @Elaine352962 Thanks Elaine. Love the new drawings, especially the chimp.

    @47Jacqueline Very sensitive watercolours. Great movement in them.
    bri170lb wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    Hey, all. Haven't been around for a few days. Not too much damage, just lost focus and let some discouragement throw me off track for a bit.

    JFT, 12/28

    1. Stay within calorie limit :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Strength day: Push Circuit 1 :)
    4. Get in some walking or a short cardio session (elliptical or bike) :) >10k steps
    5. No drinking! Geez. :#o:)

    @abacus93jp, glad to hear your husband is recovering!

    @47Jacqueline, beautiful work on the paintings!

    Doctor told me yesterday no more high-impact cardio so I'm trying to deal with that thought. It's what's kept me off medication for the last couple years. I need to find an alternative, I guess, that's not so hard on my feet. Trying not to let this overly discourage me. ALL my favorite workouts are high-impact and I really need them. Yikes.

    JFT, 12/29

    1. Stay within calories.
    2. Walk the dogs.
    3. Cardio day so maybe some elliptical at the gym - don't know what else to do. :'(
    4. No drinking!

    Oh! Come on! Where's your happy thoughts!

    This is a perfect opportunity to branch out, expand your hoilrizons and grow!

    You get to try lots of new exercises, you lucky thing!

    How about .... rowing!?! Do you live near water, is there a rowing machine at the gym or recreation center, can you buy a used one off the internet?

    Or...biking, swimming, water aerobics, walking, elliptical, stairs or stair machine, WEIGHT LIFTING, kayaking, sailing, Tai chi, rock climbing, hiking, yoga, pilates, resistance bands, snow shoeing!, step aerobics, ballroom dancing, rollerblading, cross country sking, down hill sking or golf!
    bri170lb wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    Hey, all. Haven't been around for a few days. Not too much damage, just lost focus and let some discouragement throw me off track for a bit.

    JFT, 12/28

    1. Stay within calorie limit :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Strength day: Push Circuit 1 :)
    4. Get in some walking or a short cardio session (elliptical or bike) :) >10k steps
    5. No drinking! Geez. :#o:)

    @abacus93jp, glad to hear your husband is recovering!

    @47Jacqueline, beautiful work on the paintings!

    Doctor told me yesterday no more high-impact cardio so I'm trying to deal with that thought. It's what's kept me off medication for the last couple years. I need to find an alternative, I guess, that's not so hard on my feet. Trying not to let this overly discourage me. ALL my favorite workouts are high-impact and I really need them. Yikes.

    JFT, 12/29

    1. Stay within calories.
    2. Walk the dogs.
    3. Cardio day so maybe some elliptical at the gym - don't know what else to do. :'(
    4. No drinking!

    Oh! Come on! Where's your happy thoughts!

    This is a perfect opportunity to branch out, expand your hoilrizons and grow!

    You get to try lots of new exercises, you lucky thing!

    How about .... rowing!?! Do you live near water, is there a rowing machine at the gym or recreation center, can you buy a used one off the internet?

    Or...biking, swimming, water aerobics, walking, elliptical, stairs or stair machine, WEIGHT LIFTING, kayaking, sailing, Tai chi, rock climbing, hiking, yoga, pilates, resistance bands, snow shoeing!, step aerobics, ballroom dancing, rollerblading, cross country sking, down hill sking or golf!

    @bri170lb lol! Thanks for well wishes! Shoveling snow today! Can you believe it? It was in the 60's a couple of days ago!
    JFT I will log everything, walk, stay within nutrient goals. I can do anything for one day!!!(my mantra)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have a friend who owns snowshoes. I am going to try snowshoeing in January!

    I also have this crazy thought on the back of my head that I am going to ice skate 5k, but it's been so long since I was on ice skates that I don't want to commit to that till I try it again. I'm going ice skating on New Years Eve, so I'll let you know about that!

    I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA!!! (all of you) to try at least crazy new activity that you thought you would never do during the next month!
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    I got a sled for Christmas! Haven't done that in like 30 years!
  • BoaRestrictor
    BoaRestrictor Posts: 194 Member
    H4N4H wrote: »

    I did it, but tomorrow I'm gonna be busy so

    Just for today: 12-29-15
    1) I will do my 30lbs Weight routine
    2) I will do my ab routine
    3) I will not eat outside my food window. (3PM to 7PM)
    4) I will be under 1480 calories

    Thanks guys! This thread is great for me until the Ultimate Accountability Challenge January 2016 starts up!

    I did it. Here are tomorrows goals:

    Just for today: 12-30-15
    1) I will do my Ab Routine in the morning before getting my coffee.
    2) I will do my General Fitness routine while sipping my coffee.
    3) I will continue to do the Warrior Diet
    4) I will be under 1480

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    J4T Monday 12/28/15

    1. Journal every bite Done
    2. Water, water, water!!! Done
    3. No added sugar FAIL
    4. Pack Tuesday's lunch tonight Done
    5. 30 minutes of activity Fail

    ~Tracie in Green Bay

    Had same goals for today (Tuesday)

    1. Journal every bite - DONE
    2. Water, water, water - Done
    3. No added sugar - Not a complete fail. Had a cookie but no ice cream tonight
    4. Pack Wednesday's lunch - Done
    5. 30 minutes of activity - Fail
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    J4T (Wednesday:

    1. Journal every bite
    2. 80 oz of water
    3. 30 minutes of activity
    4. 15 minutes of meditation or reading something inspirational
    5. 15 minutes of journaling

    _Tracie in Green Bay
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    I hope everyone enjoyed the festive break in their chosen manner.

    JFT Mon 28/12 The holiday is over, so I am buckling down once more.
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid.
    2. Clear away all the guest stuff from family visit.
    3. Enjoy time with my hubby.
    4. Work on my new jigsaw.
    :grin: I had a very busy morning followed by a relaxing afternoon on Mon.

    I was so busy commenting on the art work yesterday that I forgot to post my goals. I pre logged, followed through and met my step goal for the day. Also watched the first two episodes of series 4 of Game of Thrones. I bought the boxed set for my hubby for Christmas.

    JFT Wed 30/12
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid.
    2. Do grocery shopping. There are few veggies left in the house.
    3. Spend time with my hubby. We may watch episode 3 of GoTs together after lunch.
    4. Work on my new jigsaw.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Have a good day everyone.
  • debmcfly
    debmcfly Posts: 11 Member
    JFT 30/12
    1. Eat planned meals
    2. stay within todays calories
    3. get 6000 steps
    4. Eat fruit for snacks in the evening.
    5. start a journal.

    I am new to this but it really helped having done it yesterday when I ended up in the supermarket really hungry and managed to avoid all the rubbish.
  • mammashine
    mammashine Posts: 6 Member
    eat breakfast
    not eat after 5:30 pm
    drink water
    I really need to get to the grocery store, I need frozen veggies for quick fixes.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    JFT. Tuesday 12/29/15
    1) OT and pool pt
    2) No potato chips
    3) Breakfast

    ^Vegetable chips - but a small bag

    JFT Wednesday 12/30/15
    1) Wait for a bunch of deliveries
    2) Mail return packages
    3) cook a real dinner in my newly functional kitchen
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Protein shake for breakfast as late,as possible :smile:
    2. Light lunch :smile:
    3. Walk/jog :smile:
    4. Gym and Abs - didn't have time for gym, free day for Ab Challenge
    5. Stick to pre logged plan for dinner out with friends - went over slightly

    J4T Wednesday
    1. Protein shake for breakfast
    2. Mom in hospital (knee repacement) have to eat out, but will be very careful about calories
    3. Gym - Zumba, weights, Abs
    4. Stay under calorie goal in evening!

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Hey, snow shoveling is another low impact exercise, but I don't know how much fun it is! (At least where I live, because it snows often, November through May.)

    I have minions for that job! I stand at the window and rub my evil hands together while they suffer!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    JFT 12/30:
    1) CATCH UP THE FRIGGIN’ HOLIDAY CHORES! (not done 12/28)
    2) Possibly a few more miles running tonight? (Did my 12/28 run and got 3 in this morning but I’m really close to monthly goal…still could get there..)
    3) Work on furniture project
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    Thank you! Hang in there! Can you do what you were doing before just not so intense? It may feel strange at first but at least you are still doing something you like.

    Most of them have low-impact options but it may be too sad and I might not be able to help myself. I'll give it a shot, though, and see how it goes. :smile:
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Oh! Come on! Where's your happy thoughts!

    This is a perfect opportunity to branch out, expand your hoilrizons and grow!

    You get to try lots of new exercises, you lucky thing!

    How about .... rowing!?! Do you live near water, is there a rowing machine at the gym or recreation center, can you buy a used one off the internet?

    Or...biking, swimming, water aerobics, walking, elliptical, stairs or stair machine, WEIGHT LIFTING, kayaking, sailing, Tai chi, rock climbing, hiking, yoga, pilates, resistance bands, snow shoeing!, step aerobics, ballroom dancing, rollerblading, cross country sking, down hill sking or golf!

    C'MON, I'm trying to feel sorry for myself here and you're being all helpful-like. LOL. I actually do a lot of others things. I do lift three times a week but follow it up with some cardio. I live in San José, CA so no snow here but I also do the elliptical, biking, a lot of walking, etc. I'm just mourning the loss of my beloved workout DVDs.

    Anyway, on to daily business.
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 12/29

    1. Stay within calories. :smile:
    2. Walk the dogs. :smile:
    3. Cardio day so maybe some elliptical at the gym - don't know what else to do. :'(:smile: 45 minutes on the elliptical.
    4. No drinking! :( Fail. Ended up having people over last night so of course I ended up having some drinks.

    JFT, 12/30

    1. Stay within calorie limits.
    2. Walk the dogs.
    3. Strength day: Push Circuit 2.
    4. No drinking!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I hope everyone enjoyed the festive break in their chosen manner.

    I was so busy commenting on the art work yesterday that I forgot to post my goals. I pre logged, followed through and met my step goal for the day. Also watched the first two episodes of series 4 of Game of Thrones. I bought the boxed set for my hubby for Christmas.

    I could sit down and binge watch Game of Thrones from Season 1 Episode 1 all the way to the most current episode! LOVE that show.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    I could sit down and binge watch Game of Thrones from Season 1 Episode 1 all the way to the most current episode! LOVE that show.

    I'm almost sure I saw Game of Thrones on that list of low impact workouts...you should Google it. :smiley:
  • TeresaGoal145lbs
    TeresaGoal145lbs Posts: 57 Member
    My goal today is to eat my food and log it...keeping within calorie range. Love myself.
  • Mfsdiet
    Mfsdiet Posts: 13 Member
    I like this... Taking it day by day!!!
  • BoaRestrictor
    BoaRestrictor Posts: 194 Member
    H4N4H wrote: »

    I did it. Here are tomorrows goals:

    Just for today: 12-30-15
    1) I will do my Ab Routine in the morning before getting my coffee.
    2) I will do my General Fitness routine while sipping my coffee.
    3) I will continue to do the Warrior Diet
    4) I will be under 1480

    Just for today: 12-31-15
    1) I will do my Ab routine.
    2) I will do my 30lbs Routine
    3) I will continue the Warrior Diet
    4) I will be between 1200-1300 calories.