Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Update: one wish came true, in that my checkup went awesomely. My head is still pounding slightly, but I'll live. T-minus 5 days and counting until I'm allowed any semblance of normalcy for a while, yay!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @KJEFFRIES2 we need to take our tree down too. We're just so easily distracted!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sounds like things are trucking along fairly well for most everyone. I started working with my dad this week. I am his new putty girl. He is a finish carpenter and someone has to go behind after he installs the trim and fill in all the nail holes with wood putty. I am really enjoying it so far. Everyone was like you will be so bored and not like it but it seems perfect to me. No one watching over me, work at my own pace, set my own schedule within reason, and I don't have to talk to or deal with anyone all day. Just listen to my music and live in my head. I am a fairly introverted person and this is like heaven compared to all the customer service oriented jobs I have had in the past. The one thing I am unsure of is how to account for the physical work level I am getting. It is lots of bending and stretching, crawling and scooting. My fitbit doesn't register any of that so not sure what if any burn I should calculate for it. Well I am off to bed soon since tomorrow is a work day :0 take care all and have a great day tomorrow. :):)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Puttygirl - - the first half of your job as you tell sounds great but when yu get to the ccrawling and scooting you leave me in the dust - I am in awe. Ican the fit bit or a step counter count yuor step and can you calculate the rest in one say, hour, and then multiply it yourself and work it our here on MFP? There should a way to get credit for all that stupendous exercise.

    Grr....feels like I'm typing in molasses. Next typo - ok, I just counted second, and it literally is taking this macking more than 2 seconds 2 type each letter. Bye.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Women's Healthy Weight Day!
    One for the ladies, and a day for husbands to squirm, perhaps. Whilst waking your spouse on Women’s Healthy Weight Day to proclaim your whole-hearted approval of her size may garner some testing looks, it is unequivocally an occasion for female empowerment. Though now an international affair, unsurprisingly it originated in the United States, where whooping it up whilst tipping the scales can be done with a unique Stateside joie de vivre.
    For the rest of the world it has become a more modest day of reflection and a chance to highlight the lady behind the shallow stereotypes they often suffer. In short, it’s a day for the gals get together and celebrate one another in any way they choose. Brunch, barbecue, cheese and wine? At the risk of stating the obvious, it might also be renamed International Diet Amnesty Day. Or for the gents, International Walking On Eggshells Day!

    Healthy Weight Week 2016

    Healthy Weight Week

    What is Healthy Weight Week?

    Women's Healthy Weight Day and Awards

    How to Identify Weight Loss Quackery and Fraud

    The 21st annual Healthy Weight Week is a time to celebrate healthy diet-free living habits that last a lifetime and prevent eating and weight problems. Our bodies cannot be shaped at will. But we can all be accepting, healthy and happy at our natural weights.

    Green Mountain at Fox Run
    is new Sponsor of Healthy Weight Week

    After our many years of spearheading HEALTHY WEIGHT WEEK and its awards, Healthy Weight Network welcomes a new sponsor for the event. A great deal of thought and effort went into this selection. Thanks to you who volunteered help. We are delighted that Marsha Hudnall and her Green Mountain at Fox Run facility in Vermont are willing to take on and expand the mission of Healthy Weight Week.

    A registered dietitian, Marsha advocates a sound, science-based approach to health. For the last three decades she has been a voice of reason in helping people move away from diets. We’ve known her for almost that long, pre-dating the awards and even our founding of Healthy Weight Journal. Marsha currently serves on the boards of the Binge Eating Disorder Association and the Center for Mindful Eating and is active in the Association for Size Diversity and Health. Green Mountain has a 40-year history of retreats, classes and workshops on women’s health and wellness, helping women develop a healthy relationship with food, exercise and body image.

    This will be a good fit, we feel confident. Under the new leadership Healthy Weight Week will continue its mission to help people understand that health isn’t about numbers—on the scale or otherwise—and to encourage people to stop dieting and pursue livable and sustainable healthy lifestyles through eating well, living actively and feeling good about themselves.

    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf." ~Jon Kabat-Zinn


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    In keeping with 'Healthy Weight Week' shared by @Morgori ... nutrition tip from Alton Brown, the weird science-guy chef ... vrom his video on YouTube ... He said, something along these lines ...

    ... Food, to you, is like gas for your car ... both are energy. When you fill your car, it's good to go but will run out of energy as it goes along and you will need to replenish it. When you fill it, if you put in too much, it will run all over. The difference between your energy and your cars is that when you overfill your tank, the 'too much' doesn't spill on the ground, it runs over to your bud, stomach ... anywhere where it can store that excess enerty. ...

    This was the introduction to what he did when he had been told by his doctor to lose weight because weighed too much and his lipids were out of whack. He designed a food plan for himself that came down to 4 lists ... here they are ...
    List #1 -- Daily foods must include ... fruits, whole grains, leafy greens, nuts, carrots, green tea.
    List #2 -- At Least 3 Times a Week Must-Have foods ... oily fish, yogurt, brocolli, sweet potato, avocado
    List #3 -- 1 Time a week only foods ... red meat, pasta, dessert, alcohol (don't skimp on the portion, you only get one a week, :)
    List #4 -- Do NOT eat this food ... fast food, soda (except club soda), processed food, canned soup, food labeled 'diet'.

    Of course, he lost the weight he needed to lose and his lipids improved greatly.

    You can do this if you try.
    Follow Through with Consistent Focus
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Niki, it's interesting that you say that. I've seen that show/episode, and (pardon the pun) weighed it against common sense and my doctor's advice, and have concluded that no foodstuff should be on my Do Not Eat list unless I'm allergic to it. That's what I do and the lifestyle that I encourage my MFP mentees to follow.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    In keeping with 'Healthy Weight Week' shared by @Morgori ... nutrition tip from Alton Brown, the weird science-guy chef ... vrom his video on YouTube ... He said, something along these lines ...

    ... Food, to you, is like gas for your car ... both are energy. When you fill your car, it's good to go but will run out of energy as it goes along and you will need to replenish it. When you fill it, if you put in too much, it will run all over. The difference between your energy and your cars is that when you overfill your tank, the 'too much' doesn't spill on the ground, it runs over to your bud, stomach ... anywhere where it can store that excess enerty. ...

    This was the introduction to what he did when he had been told by his doctor to lose weight because weighed too much and his lipids were out of whack. He designed a food plan for himself that came down to 4 lists ... here they are ...
    List #1 -- Daily foods must include ... fruits, whole grains, leafy greens, nuts, carrots, green tea.
    List #2 -- At Least 3 Times a Week Must-Have foods ... oily fish, yogurt, brocolli, sweet potato, avocado
    List #3 -- 1 Time a week only foods ... red meat, pasta, dessert, alcohol (don't skimp on the portion, you only get one a week, :)
    List #4 -- Do NOT eat this food ... fast food, soda (except club soda), processed food, canned soup, food labeled 'diet'.

    Of course, he lost the weight he needed to lose and his lipids improved greatly.

    You can do this if you try.
    Follow Through with Consistent Focus

    I miss Good Eats, still catch re-runs every once in a while. I could tell from his recent shows that he had lost some weight, he has some interesting ideas and I follow a pretty similar regimen--especially list #4, I do try to avoid those unless I'm someplace where it can't be avoided. I also try to keep "trigger" foods (i.e. Cheetos and anything with caramel in it :wink:) out of the house.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited January 2016
    @zcb94 ... different strokes for different folks.

    @kah68 ... I have a #4 list also ... things that triggers binges, things contain too much sodium, things that have ingredients I cannot pronounce and/or don't know what they are.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am bored. That is all.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well the snow has claimed another day. The board of Ed sent the teachers to work on time this morning, however there were multiple falls due to ice covered parking lots. The roads were not in great condition either with some travel lanes reduced and side roads are a mess. Needless to say another snow day tomorrow.

    A good workout today. Took measurements again and I had a two inch loss in the waist, thigh increased but that is good=more muscle. Worked on intensity today which helped to change it up. Then I ran at least 1 mile or a 1.5 miles. Lost track of laps.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- like kelley, I eat a lot of the foods in lists #1 and #2, and I have certain foods I only eat only rarely, like fast food. I, however, don't limit the number of days I can have red meat; my budget often limits it to only once or twice a week though. I also have trigger foods I try not to keep in the house. Mine include doritos, frosted mini-wheats, and ice cream.

    @zoe-- good to hear your check-up went well.

    @tammy-- it's awesome that you enjoy the new job. :)

    @kaye-- I'd never heard of piyo before, so I googled it and found a 25 minute video that I may try. It looks like a great combo of stretching, balance, and bodyweight moves.

    @laurie-- hope your friend heals quickly. So sorry to hear about the ankle injury; surgery on its own is traumatic enough on the body.

    Thursday Truth:
    I almost went over because I forgot about 2 mini reese's I ate at school today. Fortunately, I remembered before eating my evening snack, so I can adjust to stay under goal. Phew!

    I swear I'm not procrastinating on finishing the speeches; just waiting for forgetful students to share their videos with me. I will collect a short writing assignment from my juniors tomorrow, but I already have a plan to get most or all done saturday morning while I'm at the dealer getting some maintenance done on my car. It's been so great not being bogged down by grading that it's motivating me to not fall behind.

    I decided to skip the gym today b/c I had some errands I needed to run. I did take gunner for a walk, but sidewalks were really slick so it was short. I will do another gym visit tomorrow or saturday.

    Any thoughts on a February challenge?

    Grading Goals:
    1. 11/22 object speeches
    2. x/22 object speech reflections

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = 5/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    31k done/ 969k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Laurie - a 2 inch loss in the waist - that is phenominal - congratulations, lady <3 wow!!!!! WOOW!!!

    Still having a slooow time typing - obvioiusly need to take this in for an overhaul.

    So many comments, not enough time!

    Welcome to the newbies - your joining is reason to celebrate your wise decision - don't worry about slipping up. It happens time and again.

    @ rough things happened here - found a vagrant asleep in our stair well 2 nights ago with a stack of cigarette stubs aside him - he fit the whole space - I waved cane and shouted at him and woke him up, at least he wasn't on drugs or drunk cuz when I "ordered" him out he left. I called police they never came. This morning I saw him hitch-hiking near highway.
    alwo a woman in our building was found dead by her VNA nurse this am, so sad. Quite expected though - hospice at home, apparently, several ladies here were her friends... so very sad. many tears. I didn't sleep at all last night.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @RobinsEgg, so sorry to hear about your neighbor. With that and the vagrant, it's no wonder you didn't sleep. Sorry about your phone too, I know it's frustrating when they start doing bad things.
    @LaurieK70 - congrats! I haven't been doing measurements at all, maybe I will start. I know I've lost about 4 to 5 inches in my waist tho, because one of my belts that used to barely fit now doesn't fit at all, because there's no holes where they need to be, far down on the belt! The other belt is a woven one so I can still wear it, but the tail is now about 7 inches long. AND, I can now comfortably wear 18" chains on my neck - I used to have to use a spacer chain.
    Still trying to complete that UA challenge on Map My Fitness - 16 20-min workouts doesn't seem like much but GPS doesn't work inside my building, so I have to go outside - not always the best option late at night. Also, I only have a 30 minute lunch, and I don't always get to take it. I had 3 or 4 workouts that didn't get counted because either the GPS didn't work or it was on a treadmill, and that doesn't register with GPS either. Boo! But I only need 4 more 20 minute workouts by Feb 5th, I'm sure I can make it.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Thomas Paine Day!
    Freethinkers Day, also known as Thomas Paine Day, is an opportunity to promote appreciation of freethought thought the life and works of Thomas Paine. Freethought supports reason over faith, and rejects arbitrary authority.
    Thomas Paine was a courageous freethinker, whose life and work inspired great social and political advancement across world. Raised in England, Paine played a vital role in the American and French Revolutions. His books and pamphlets, including The Age of Reason, The Rights of Man, and Common Sense gained a mass audience for the liberating philosophy of the Enlightenment.
    Thomas Paine (1737-1809) arrived in America in 1774 at Benjamin Franklin's request. On January 10, 1776, he published Common Sense, a remarkable and powerful republican pamphlet which had an immediate success. He served in the Revolutionary War under General Greene and later in official positions appointed by congress and in the Pennsylvania legislature. In his later publication, Age of Reason, Paine expressed that "all religions are in their nature mild and benign" when not associated with political systems. Paine was the quintessential Deist of the 18th century.
    Between March 1791 and February 1792 he published numerous editions of his Rights of Man, in which he defended the French Revolution. The words of Thomas Paine inspired many to strive for political, economic and social advancement. He was among the first to call for an end to slavery and the establishment of human rights around the world.
    In the 1990s, the Truthseeker magazine began celebrating Freethinkers Day on Thomas Paine's birthday in order to educate the public on the importance of Thomas Paine in the history of freedom. Also in the 1990s, the Thomas Paine Foundation began celebrating the birthday of Thomas Paine on January 29th, a Thomas Paine Day proclamation on June 8 and other Paine theme events during the year.

    ” You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice.” ~Steven D. Woodhull


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Didn't get to post my Thursday truth yesterday. The scale is finally moving in the right direction. I just need to really stay focused.
    On another note, my son's ex step daughter is getting married in a town 2 hours away tomorrow night. I really want to be there, but we are having really snowy bad weather. I am afraid to drive over there, especially since I would have to drive home after dark. I feel so bad. I guess it is what it is, but it sure is a disappointment.
    Have a great weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Weighed in at the Doc's office this morning - down 14 pounds this month, 34 pounds in the last 10 months, and my BMI has dropped 6 points. Altered my route from the appointment to work to prevent the car from turning into the parking lot at Dunkin Donuts (Meatball loves a Dunkin Iced Latte). All in all, a successful start to my day.

    I was pleased to learn that the PA I meet with periodically on this journey doesn't disapprove of my weight loss philosophy. I basically live by the "use more calories than you eat" rule. I aim to make healthy choices 90% of the time, but allow for the occasional splurge in order to avoid martyrdom. It seems to be working so far, and although she would like to see more veggies and less carbs - she is reasonable in her expectations. I can live with that.

    Morgori - Your "husband" point of view on Healthy Weight Day made me giggle. I purchased a new pair of dress pants the other day that felt quite comfortable, but were a different style than I usually wear. I needed an honest opinion about what they looked like to the unsuspecting public from the rear view. My husband was the only human available to offer an opinion. He required a written and signed statement that nothing he said would be held against him at any point in the future before he would comment. :smile: BTW, he actually thought they looked good!

    Have a great weekend!
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    @celtikgirl 14 lbs this month?! Amazing! Congrats!

    Finally made it back to the Y to swim yesterday! I felt so good when I woke up this pain anywhere, including my rotten knee, for the first time in Months! Wasn't planning to go today because I need to clean my house for guests coming this weekend, but I felt so good I just had to! Got a great swim in and a nice dip in the hottub, and I'm feeling fabulous! I haven't said that in almost a year.

    Doing well on my calories (even had room for a couple splurges this week) but struggling so hard to meet my protein requirement without going over on fat and calories. That is my goal for next week...up the protein!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm sure I will be over some, going to a big party and I know the bud light will be flowing-lol- but going to take my huge water cup with me and try to drink at least 2 of them at the party also. Happy Friday everyone!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    You know all the good holidays @Morgori
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Friday Fitness: nothing structured done, but I'm squirming a lot due to sheer discomfort and burnout over my current situation. I guess that burns a few calories.