Urban phrases that you HATE!!



  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    To me 'urban' has only inner city connotations. Our (UK) inner cities are a mix of ethnicities but the over riding feature is poverty. I would never deride those living in poverty and actively work towards alieviating poverty,, but I will deride some aspects of the abuse of the English language what ever the source.

    I personally hate the word 'chav' as I think it is used too broadly and with little understanding of it's origin. But I wil educate rather than hate those that use the word.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Thank you, Ms_Natalie. I just don't like vacay...
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I'll go first...

    It annoys me to no end when people say...

    "I know, right"!!!!!


    LOL I say this one, but sarcastically and only when quoting 'mean girls'.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Cool beans....I eff'n hate that
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    just saying...

    It is way over used and it just sounds dumb...just saying

    I'm guilty of that one.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I hate it when people say "hun" or "sweetie" when they are being condescending. Or in general when anyone speaks condescendingly to me. It drives me absolutely crazy!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    To be honest though, yes sometimes black people use the words that we have posted, but so do whites....my cousins are half white and half mexi and they say ax or pacific and errbody....they are southern......

    I say "black" phrases as white as i possibly can just to be silly....like "holler at your home girl" or whatever. Its like the reverse carltin from fresh prince effect......

    But i date black guys, and hardly ever think a white guy is attractive, so i don't think im a racist in the least bit
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    To be honest though, yes sometimes black people use the words that we have posted, but so do whites....my cousins are half white and half mexi and they say ax or pacific and errbody....they are southern......

    I say "black" phrases as white as i possibly can just to be silly....like "holler at your home girl" or whatever. Its like the reverse carltin from fresh prince effect......

    But i date black guys, and hardly ever think a white guy is attractive, so i don't think im a racist in the least bit

    Have you ever seen "Poolhall Junkies" the opening scene is pretty hilarious, with the white guy purposely enunciating a certain word the black guys were trying to make him say like them.

    Anyway, I've been seeing a black guy and he keeps saying things like "You tryin' to go to the club this weekend?" At first I was like "What do you mean? If I want to go I'll go, I don't have to try that hard."

    Really the phrases or words I hate the most have already been mentioned, "Cool beans", "Journey", and "Redonculous".
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    Its easiest for the most oblivious individuals to lack sensitivity....


    For people who are not effected by this issue regularly and/or who are not subconsciosly racially sensitive, the point you are making does not resonate with them. They are just oblivious to it all. Living in an interracial marriage, w/ multicultural children, and having taken several African American Studies courses at the collegiate level, I am beyond aware, as it is my life.

    What you are thinking, is the first thought I had when reading the title of this thread. As someone stated, to be politically correct, it should read "Generational" not "Urban". When you think Urban, sure you may think about a metropolitan area, but when combined with the describing of a type of language, clothing, or music...then what comes to mind...right. Most will remember what the media has conditioned society to recognize, which is racial stereotyping. Since this is a LARGE community, let's remember to have social tact.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member

    Me too!

    And "bangin'" drives me nuts..

    Biggest annoyance: "FML" -- Really?? "I just walked out to my car and forgot my phone.. FML"

    I hate it so much.. Nothing is worth saying that.. Unless it's like, "My house just burned down and my friend saved me but died in the fire. I've lost everything and can't go on.. FML" Then maybe.

    FML is terrible! I caught my sister posting to her facebook "Ugh, mom screamed at me, FML." Ya? You're life is terrible for getting reprimanded because she caught you j/o-ing the neighbor? Eff you're life? I'm sure she's not crazy about hers.

    Funniest thing I have ever read on MPF!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    well, i just don't think as urban meaning black.....i like urban outfitters....i don't think :"hey these black peoples clothes are cool"

    But, I hear these words all day long, and i live in a community where there is only like 6 black people amongst 15000....some are southern white people who say things that are considered"ebonics", but thats just a southern way of talking....

    And who is to say that those words are "black only" words....brah is a term i have only heard from whire surfer boys until like 2 years ago....i have NEVER heard a black person say cool beans or redonculous....

    Yes white people can be very disonnected from how tough it can be for a person of another race, but i don't think this thread was going there.,...or maybe my white eyes were too blind to see it.....

    I hate when people say valentimes day instead of valentines day......my dad hates when people say compare-able instead of comp-rable.....i hate when people pronounce mature as mah-tour
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member

    Me too!

    And "bangin'" drives me nuts..

    Biggest annoyance: "FML" -- Really?? "I just walked out to my car and forgot my phone.. FML"

    I hate it so much.. Nothing is worth saying that.. Unless it's like, "My house just burned down and my friend saved me but died in the fire. I've lost everything and can't go on.. FML" Then maybe.

    FML is terrible! I caught my sister posting to her facebook "Ugh, mom screamed at me, FML." Ya? You're life is terrible for getting reprimanded because she caught you j/o-ing the neighbor? Eff you're life? I'm sure she's not crazy about hers.

    Funniest thing I have ever read on MPF!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The house burned down scenerio reminds me of a rant a guy went on about people overusing the word 'rape' as if it didn't really mean anything other than a slight annoyance, "Oh dude they totally raped me at the grocery store today." Really? Really, they 'raped' you? Yeah, paying an extra $.50 for a 6 pack of beer is tough, I'm sure that someone who really had to go through the terrible and frightening ordeal of actually being raped can understand how you feel, because it's totally the same."

    This wasn't the exact rant, but it was similar-It may have been Penn from Penn and Teller, I don't remember.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Urban Dictionary, anyone?
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Urban Dictionary, anyone?

    I have to go there a lot when talking to my friends.....like i didn't know what the term "kick down" meant....or i was called cornfed once and had to look it up to make sure i wasn't being called fat.....things of that sort....i just don't want to look "white and nerdy"
  • Ty2010
    Ty2010 Posts: 43
    I am tickled at the post. WOW! I would have to say "COOL BEANS" and "NO WORRIES" will drive me crazy......We have this one person on my job and all she ever says is "Oh, NO Worries" It is so annoying. If someone sneezes, she will say "No worries" and I just want to scream SHUT UP PLEASE!!!!! and stop saying that!!! Okay I'm done...Off to do my workout!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I was looking threw this topic. And I was VERY surprised to find talk of racism. So I said to myself. Ellie you know you can't help yourself. Gotta state your mind. So I am going to!

    I found it incredibly funny at all the many phrases that my fellow MFPers hate because i say almost all of them naturally without thought on a daily basis. In my circle of friends you will most def here words like.....like......Def...chill.....chillax....papa gonna hate....boss.....legit....shake dat.....whatever.....OMG.....Kk......lika shoulda coulda woulda.......words with too many eeeeee's or ssssss's......boo....dude....homey.....crank dat....rock it.......just sayin....ya(or you) know.....yo....don't hatin or just hatin. To name a very few. I don't just have one race of friends. We ALL say these things. Where is the racism? If anything it would be racist(if you HAVE to say its racist about something)against young people since we are the ones to say such things. But I am a young person who frequently says these things and I take no offense. I'm proud of who I am so frankly i dont care if everyone hates what I say. Not gonna stop me so why complain. Just shrug it off. It's really NOT that hard.

    On another note. Whoever WAS crying racism....a note to you. I am WHITE...I'm not even that....I am whiter then white wall white paper. I say most of these things so how can it be considered racists towards black people if I'm white and I say these things. It has to do with culture and generations. My parents laugh and tease when they hear my friends and I talk. These are funny and weird terms to them. They are used to words like narly and all that. These words are what a LOT of young people say with no prejudice to color. It all has to do with my generation. I didn't take offense and if anyone should.....tis I.

    So with that said....pull up a chair....quitcha cryin and join in....what phrases don't YOU like eh?
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    I am tickled at the post. WOW! I would have to say "COOL BEANS" and "NO WORRIES" will drive me crazy......We have this one person on my job and all she ever says is "Oh, NO Worries" It is so annoying. If someone sneezes, she will say "No worries" and I just want to scream SHUT UP PLEASE!!!!! and stop saying that!!! Okay I'm done...Off to do my workout!

    Theres a tip for you.
    Just in case you were ever thinking of visiting Australia - maybe think again....
    Aussies have a "No worries" lifestyle and the phrase is used alot !
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member

    Its easiest for the most oblivious individuals to lack sensitivity....


    For people who are not effected by this issue regularly and/or who are not subconsciosly racially sensitive, the point you are making does not resonate with them. They are just oblivious to it all. Living in an interracial marriage, w/ multicultural children, and having taken several African American Studies courses at the collegiate level, I am beyond aware, as it is my life.

    What you are thinking, is the first thought I had when reading the title of this thread. As someone stated, to be politically correct, it should read "Generational" not "Urban". When you think Urban, sure you may think about a metropolitan area, but when combined with the describing of a type of language, clothing, or music...then what comes to mind...right. Most will remember what the media has conditioned society to recognize, which is racial stereotyping. Since this is a LARGE community, let's remember to have social tact.

    Well Im in an interracial marriage as well - with mixed kids - and my wife and I have been living in a different culture from our own for more than 10 years.
    I totally get what racial stereotyping means and do get affected by it myself.

    However - i think people have definately over-reacted to this thread. ... like....
  • mpuebla0925
    mpuebla0925 Posts: 13 Member
    Not really an "urban phrase" but

    "Are you ready, Freddie?" and "What's the plan, Stan?" annoy me.

    lol >.>;;;
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    Its easiest for the most oblivious individuals to lack sensitivity....


    For people who are not effected by this issue regularly and/or who are not subconsciosly racially sensitive, the point you are making does not resonate with them. They are just oblivious to it all. Living in an interracial marriage, w/ multicultural children, and having taken several African American Studies courses at the collegiate level, I am beyond aware, as it is my life.

    What you are thinking, is the first thought I had when reading the title of this thread. As someone stated, to be politically correct, it should read "Generational" not "Urban". When you think Urban, sure you may think about a metropolitan area, but when combined with the describing of a type of language, clothing, or music...then what comes to mind...right. Most will remember what the media has conditioned society to recognize, which is racial stereotyping. Since this is a LARGE community, let's remember to have social tact.

    Well Im in an interracial marriage as well - with mixed kids - and my wife and I have been living in a different culture from our own for more than 10 years.
    I totally get what racial stereotyping means and do get affected by it myself.

    However - i think people have definately over-reacted to this thread. ... like....

    Was attempting to spell it out for those who were confused how it could be potentially offensive. *shrugs*