

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello Marci, Welcome! It's sounds like you got great goals set for this month :-) I have a phrase that really speaks to me presently.

    Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's unbecoming everything that isn't you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

    Powerful eh? I love that and the mindset that I can be perfectly imperfect. That there is perfection in the realization that my scars, my life's story, gives me strength. I'm like those beautiful Japanese pottery bowls that have been broken but repaired with gold shining in the seams of the cracks connecting it, and making it really strong. Welcome again!
  • Millerxll
    Millerxll Posts: 10 Member
    Peach1848, here's the website. http://www.redhenfabrics.com/ I'm sure she won't mind a little advertising from me--Patsy
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret – I think most of us try to decide what our ‘stressors’ are and try our best to avoid them whenever possible. Admittedly, it is more difficult when that ‘stressor’ is a family member. I get tired of the ‘oh, poor me; you love them more than you’ll ever love us’. Maybe if she had changed that ‘we to me’ I might have been able to agree with her; but, my DOS isn’t like that. But, to tell him, he would only take her side, no matter what … because she will ‘slant the truth or good side’ her way. It hasn’t changed in almost 17 years … little doubt that it will change now; so I don’t make the effort. She can believe what she wants to, and does. Nothing I could ever say would change her. I’ve torn off that last ‘chance’ ticket and put it aside.

    Barbiecat – I took my ‘good’ clothes to the “Thrift Store’ in hopes they will seel enough that I took for a good price and I will use to towards something I need (like shorts). None of them could be altered without doing so much to try to make them NOT look altered. Some had already been altered this past summer. The rest I took to Goodwill.

    As for me, I travel a little over 2 hours to get to a MD that I like; lost all trust in any MD in that field because of what one in Albany did to me. She’s in the wrong field of medicine. Most mean-spirited B**** I’ve ever met; beforehand or since. I did prove to her that ‘just because I was where I was when we met, did NOT make me stupid’. She thought she had the ‘upper hand’ and I proved her wrong. Apparently, she has not changed; she has bounced all around this area and can’t keep a job. I wonder why? If your DH went to the small town hospital … and a MD saw him who might only be a GP; they’d have to transfer him to a much larger place if he needed help. I think he would do better to find another MD in the practice, even if it is far away. To me, well worth the change. Too many things go on in the local ‘city’ hospital that should not happen.

    Carol and Miriam – I think when a man retires for a ‘white-collar’ job; that his ‘ties’ would make great scraps. We have enough ties to tie a ribbon around the house; only need a few of them. But, the second I were to take them; they’d need that exact tie.

    Katla – We had to put up a pull-down shade from Lowe’s to go on our back deck so that we could enjoy sitting out in the swing and reading in the late afternoon. Once the sun gets blocked by a tree on the other side of our drive-way it gets better.

    Vicki – I don’t blame you for being ‘mad’. I would have been mad, too. More because she called the boss, at home, at night; then the fact that he caved and made you do the same (she’d know that it wasn’t really a ‘good’ thing to do by going over your head; but, I think it was Katla that said I was probably a ‘mean girl’ because of something I posted something that could be taken as being ‘mean’. It helps to have a boss who supports his supervisors. They are trying to see where your line in the sand lies (or so it seems).

    Nb1959 – Good looking young men. I know you’re proud of them. Obviously 3 totally different personalities. My sons are polar opposites; but, they get alone very well. DOS is the ‘quiet’ one; but, he is beginning to stand up for himself more; DYS is a ‘go-geter’. If his Plan A doesn’t work he will work all the way to Plan B about his work.

    KJL – I did not know we had ‘censorship’ here; they ought to go to some other sites. Some of them are downright raunchy. Leave us 50+ women alone; let us say words that we grew up with all the time. LOL!

    I guess I miss the test y'all are talking about; must have been one of those that fell through the cracks. I don't often go to the websites listed her.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    pip ... I'm afraid to do the sit and rise ... I suspect my results will tell me I'll be dead next week! :smiley:

    Margaret ... I read your latest reflection about assuming blame and being bumped at the gym. Then I went grocery shopping ... On a Friday afternoon no less ... And found myself saying "excuse me" three times when it was the other person who ran into me. None of those people even acknowledged me!! I also watched a woman get extremely angry with her cart because the toddler seat wouldn't fold down so she could put her purse down ... What are the odds she had a miserable shopping experience?? I'm enjoying your book!

    Carol NC ... I'm glad your eye procedure is now behind you!

    Vicki ... Hang in there! It will take time for your voice and authority to be respected.

    I am on track for another day within calorie goals!! Woohoo! Tonight I made a new stir fry with asparagus and shrimp ... Very tasty and very low cal. I did put it over a brown rice blend ... But it could have stood on its own or been served over something else. Sometimes I put this kind of thing in a salad.

    It's been a long week and tomorrow, Lisa, I'm going to hit an early estate sale. Preview pics showed some lovely teacups and end tables that caught my eye!

    Have a good evening!
    Beth near Buffalo ... Where it's been cold and snowing!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DH just told me that DDnL#1 is going 'bar-hopping' with one of her 'friends' to celebrate her 'divorce'. I'm not so sure that DOS was particularly happy about it. DGDs are old enough to know what's going on. Mmmmm, wonder which one of them (or who else) might be the D.D. tonight. It's going to be an 'interesting' weekend, for sure. LOL!!!!! I told Louis that 'divorce seems to be catching'. Another one of her friends came very close to getting one; but, 3 small children, no HS education, and hubby making a lot of money that she could spend it as fast as he could make it = jealous hubby who keeps close tabs on her now. Was surprised to see her out here, alone; but, she did not stay long. I think she told him a 'fib' about where she was.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Kim in Northern California, may I ask where in Northern California you are? My hometown is way up north.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    SERIOUSLY???? I can't say the m word on here? They censored the term for self pleasure. Wow. Time to go all Dr. Seuss and use words that rhyme with what you mean. spasterbate

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :)Larissa, when we've had to go to see Jake's cardiologist in Seattle, we parked the car at Bainbridge Island and walked onto the ferry and took a cab to the doctor's office. Because it was downhill to the ferry, we walked back and stopped for lunch at O'Asian, a great restaurant along the way to the ferry. I'll keep in mind connecting with you next time we go to Seattle.....in May, the doctor will be coming over here for the last time. After that, we'll be going to Seattle for appointments.

    :)Kim walking over 10,000 steps with Levi is a great way to get your day going.

    :)Noreen, good looking sons

    :) Line dance class today was great. After lunch Jake and I went on a shopping excursion to Home Depot and Office Depot...now it's time to relax.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good lookin' boys/young men, Noreen!

    Thank you!
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    This is the group I've been looking for...I am heading into my mid-fifties and lately I've been feeling a little lost. There are days when I feel like Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes, "I'm to young to be old and I'm to old to be young." So it will be nice to connect with all of you. Next week I start the third phase of the Real Age Workout plan, strength training. I'm walking every day and doing core work several times a week. So my goal for April will be to walk for at least 30 minutes every day, core work every other day, drink at least 100 ounces of water daily, eat at least 80g of protein a day, 30g fiber every day, and keep my added sugar count to 25g or less. I'm working on a bariatric cookbook and plan to test one recipe a week for the next four weeks.

    Welcome, Marci!
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Hello Marci, Welcome! It's sounds like you got great goals set for this month :-) I have a phrase that really speaks to me presently.

    Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's unbecoming everything that isn't you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

    Powerful eh? I love that and the mindset that I can be perfectly imperfect. That there is perfection in the realization that my scars, my life's story, gives me strength. I'm like those beautiful Japanese pottery bowls that have been broken but repaired with gold shining in the seams of the cracks connecting it, and making it really strong. Welcome again!

    I will remember this post for a long time. Beautiful!
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Just watched the sequel - Washington, California, Arizona and Texas. :D

    Sorry Noreen my Internet won't let me see your kids. :'( I'm sure they are great.

    DDIL has said she's fine with us going up on Monday 18th. Hooray! We'll just see the kids and baby for a few hours, but it's worth the journey. :love:

    Sorry if I'm not replying properly to you all, but I'm struggling with this Internet nonsense. :sad:

    Heather UK

    Noreen - Just got to see their faces! Lovely! They remind me of my elder son with their beards. <3

  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Oh, oh. I fell off my wagon. 250 over. >:) made me do it.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    VickiNE, I’m sure you will do a great job in your new position. Like the rest of life, just take it one day at a time.

    Yvonne, don’t you just love having the different birds around? We laugh that we know we are “old” now because we enjoy them so much.

    Heather, the Sit and Rise test is interesting. I was going to try it until I saw the next video where the man said he can’t even get up unassisted. But at some point, I will give it a try…at least the “sit” part. lol

    Sioux, that was a good point about mindless eating. When you do have to eat at your desk, the next trick is to “Plan”. When planning your lunch be sure to only take the amount you want to eat so that you can’t/won’t mindlessly overeat.

    Allie, since Tom couldn’t find his soup did he go without eating? It’s so sad that some men are helpless.

    Beth, so sorry that your son is having such a bad time. It seems like he had been doing better.

    Joyce, sorry about your experience at the restaurant. At least you have tried it now since it opened and can decide if you want to go again. I hate to overpay for food because no matter how good it is or how great the experience, when it’s over it’s over.

    MicheleNC, I hope the new pj’s work out for you. I can’t get over how much new ones cost in the stores. I mean some cost more than a formal. Oh, the worm and turtle turned out so cute!!! What did you say the banners are for? My memory is failing me again.

    Joyce, when you say your sis is leaning toward no therapy anyway, does that mean she’s given up? sad.gif

    Katla, I love that you can get remnants of vinyl flooring for small projects. I did that for an outside storage closet.

    Karen, you are really getting a bit brazen going for italics. Good for you.

    Heather, I do think it’s about time to get back and see those grands. I’m sure you miss them all but especially that beautiful Bea!!!

    Lillian, I hope you love retirement as much as I do. I was concerned that I wouldn’t but it’s been wonderful.

    Barbie, that is a bummer to have to travel so far to the cardiologist. I guess that’s what you get for living in the boonies??

    Chris, good for you on the dating front. I hope you have a good time.

    Carol, I’ll give you two Gold Stars for going through the procedure. Just the thought of it makes me a bit queezy. (((Hugs)))

    VickiNE, sounds like you did a great job on your first day as supervisor. Keep up the good work!! Oh bummer. Just read the next paragraph. Sorry your boss is butting in. Not good. Hope it all works out.

    Noreen, I love the beautiful summer scarf. Feel free to share pictures often. Most of us love them. Good lookin’ boys!

    Marci, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come often. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’ll admit it, friends. I did try the up and down test. I got down okay with the help of gravity. Up was another story!!! Not so sure in my case that all the practice in the world would make a difference. But the truth is, I am in so much better shape and condition than I was before MFP that I won’t worry about it. Pip, I’m not at all surprised that you scored a 9. Go girl.
    Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    Hi gals,

    Great job Pip -

    NB – beautiful wedding pic

    Miriam and others in love with the book quilt - I had this idea – Wouldn’t it be fun if each of us (who want too) sent each other a piece the size of a book, with a favorite title on it (real or imagined) so each of us who made it would have a MFP quilt….. some one will need to decide the book size piece…

    Vicki – you have every right to be mad. That is ridiculous. The boss and you will have to come to an understanding or it is not worth having the job.

    Milerxll – you have to work a lot harder to hurt us then just not keeping up with our names …LOLOLOL beautiful scarf!

    Alison - I would see if your local senior center would like them or a center for disabled adults.

    Marci – welcome

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    pip ... I'm afraid to do the sit and rise ... I suspect my results will tell me I'll be dead next week! :smiley:

    Have a good evening!
    Beth near Buffalo ... Where it's been cold and snowing!

    i was laughing my as$ off when i read that, !!!
  • grammyx23
    grammyx23 Posts: 24 Member
    edited April 2016
    Lenora - I've done a quilt out of mens ties. Taking them apart was a big job. But finished result was worth it. I did for a church fund raiser. My original stash of ties ran out so put note in bulletn that I would give old ties new life. The ties came flooding in. After top was completed and i had quilt layers together, I left on the tables in our fellowship hall. The next morning was men's bible study and they all looked it over to find their ties. When I came in later to work on it, Pastor came through and showed me a piece that was "similar" to one he has. His wife came up behind him and commented , HAD. Unfortunately the quilt only brought in only $300. I have done one before that 2 generous members were bidding against each other. It brought $1100. Made me proud :).

    Watched Hawaii 5-O. Tonight's episode is using the 'copter from Magnum PI.

    Sioux in Tulsa
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Had my physical today and all labs came back good. B) Slight increase in the bad cholesterol, but overall, nothing that can’t be addressed with diet and supplements. Whew! Now she wants me to get my colonoscopy a year sooner than we’d planned because of my sister’s colon cancer last year. Ugh.

    Just for added assurance, I did the sit and rise. 7.5! I’ll take it, especially considering one knee has arthritis and I have plantar fasciitis in foot on same side.

    Vicki: I’m proud of you for staying strong and demonstrating leadership in a tough situation. The uber-boss sounds like a wimp.

    Katla: I’m excited for you getting a visit from DD and grands. Will you take them to try horseback riding?

    I’ve been active getting appointments and plans set for my Hawaii trip. My tenant has just told me he’d probably not be buying the apartment….waaaaah! Now I have to really test my optimism and believe in my heart of hearts another qualified buyer will love it.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    APRIL Resolutions:
    Eat mindfully.
    Strength train 2x/week
    Beat March step total
    Purchase appliances for Hawaii condo and schedule other work
    Weigh less at the end of the month
    Maintain Gratitude Journal (on free app by the same name)
    My word for 2016: Optimism
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Ok, I tried the fit and rise test. Lost one point going down, at least. I need a hand for balance. Coming up I need a hand and a knee. An evaluator may think I needed two hands and two knees. I don't know. What I do know us that I don't have to crawl to a table or chair to help pull me up anymore like I did before I started my strength training in January. So take that, you old test!

    Mama and I drove all the way to Dawsonville today for the specific purpose of trying on sports bras at the Soma outlet. That's a good hour from Mama's. They don't carry sports bras in the store. So disappointing! They had some really nice workout pants, but I wanted the capris and they didn't have them in my size. The long pants were super nice, but I knew I would burn up in them this time of year, and I'm hoping to be a smaller size by cold weather. I bought a pair of workout shoes, a pair of navy dress pants, and some tee shirts for Dave. The shoes are nice, not the color I really wanted, but they were on sale and seem to fit well. They are Under Armour, gray with turquoise accents. I wanted some neon yellow, but couldn't find any.

    I knew I should have gone to NOLA. They sent my sister home with an IV pain killer. She has to have someone with her 24-7 for the next 48 hours. Well, I hate it, but my niece is going to have to spend the weekend with her mother. She will survive, I'm sure. Sometimes it sucks being an adult. LOL!

    I'm trying to decide whether I need to take another day to go to Dillard's in Atlanta or just bite the bullet and order a couple of bras from the Soma website. I really, really want to try them on, though. On the other hand, I don't have time to go driving all over the countryside. Why couldn't my boobs be a Walmart size???

    On the plus side, lest all the newbs think all I do is whine, I worked out every day this week and was down a lb at my weigh-in. Yay!

  • grammyx23
    grammyx23 Posts: 24 Member
    Kim, what a wonderful idea for the "books". Mine will be Gone Withe The Wind.

    Sioux in Tulsa