
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelyn – Sorry to hear about your sister. Mucho prayers coming your way. I pre-log my food; therefore when I ‘know’ that we are going to do something … like go out to eat; I can rearrange my food on my log; delete something so I can eat something I’d like to have at the restaurant. Or if DH wants to eat spaghetti sometimes. I usually have leftover spaghetti when I make it.

    Kim from N. California – I agree that kids needs someone they can talk to and ‘confide’ in, if necessary. I think that is a grandparent’s job. Only breach their confidence ‘if’ it means trouble for them; but, be honest about it ‘up front’. They still need to know that parents’ rules are not to be broken, especially if the child is left in the care of the grandparent. It is also the grandparents’ job to find out what the rules are … from the parents. That way they will continue coming to you with their ‘stuff’. I might not agree with the parents; but, these are their children. I raised my son one way; his wife was raised entirely differently; but, I won't go stepping on her toes insofar as the rules. She/they make them, I follow them ... and I try to make my grandchildren understand that and why.

    Pip – “Organ Donors” … that’s a good one. I agree!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member
    How do I join the 50 + group?
    You did by posting... Welcome
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Kat02092015 ... Welcome! You joined by posting. Tell us about yourself ... Sign with a name and location... Others are better at explaining how this all works ... So I'll let them do that!

    I'm all caught up on the posts ... Ok ... I skimmed ....

    Heather and penny ... Love that you're able to visit ... Love the photo!

    Mary ... Welcome back! Missed you.

    Ny Karen ... You handled the work situation beautifully.

    Allie ... Hugs ... Just hugs. I have no words for all the disrespect you endure ...

    Margaret?? ... How are you?

    Lisa ... Glad you're feeling better!

    Becca ... Hope all is well.

    Carol ... I hear you about not taking care of yourself ... Why do we do that.

    Can't remember anymore ... But know I think of you all often ... Just when my ditzy brain feels like it!

    Have a good night!
    Beth near Buffalo

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    It was a horrible time but the good news he's doing well & I'm back to where I was before. I started MFP in January weighing 258 pound OMG! My first big goal was to lose those 36#s I gained.and this morning I MADE IT
    WooHOO! Congratulations, and I'm glad your husband is doing well. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    And also, wooHOO the scale finally budged this morning. I finally weigh less than I did seven weeks ago. Best one-and-a-half-pound weight loss, EVAR. :smiley:

    Starting weight: 230
    MFP starting weight: 225
    Current weight: 202.5
    Goal weight: 185-ish, depending on muscle mass/strength-to-weight ratio (read: can I do pull ups :tongue: )

    Happy happy happy. :star::star::star::star::star::star:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    Pip: Cyclists without helmets are well named as Organ Donors. :broken_heart:: You made a very good point that applies to goof around & occasional bike riders as well as folks who are seriously on the road regularly. :flowerforyou:

    Has anyone heard from Becca? I hope things are going well for her DH. :heart:
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited June 2016
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of a bosu DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Leslie Sansonse's 5 Day Walk DVD.

    Did you like the Bosu DVD, and if so, what was it? :wink:
    nccarolb wrote: »
    My ex kept me in the dark for most of the years we were married and heaven only knows how much he had stashed away when he left--leaving me with nothing. I also got an allowance like a child.

    What is it about men and money? My ex and I both had careers; the main issue with our marriage was that he didn't want to be a husband. When we were seeing a marriage counselor about the fact that he had been "denying intimacy" in all our years of marriage, he claimed it was because I hadn't turned over my income to him. Wha???

    Heather and Penny, how wonderful! Penny, I wanna visit you, toooo (ain't happenin any time soon, though). :wink:

    Larisa in Seattle
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    How do I join the 50 + group?

    You just did by posting. Welcome.
    Keep coming back.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Michele I feel stupid. What is Mexican Train.
    For your party- How about making ice cream in a real ice churned. Everyone can have a turn or 2 and the result is great. You can make fresh fruit ices as well. Make several flavors. You can scrounge around for loaners or a party supply store might rent them cheaply.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Michele I loved the suggestions about home made ice cream and making balloon animals...

    and correction to post above...Becca, not Because :#

    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - I am so glad that your tribute to your teacher went so well! I am sure that she enjoyed it very much. You are a great friend!

    Beth- thank you! I really miss you and everyone here so much. It is so nice to be able to come dad. I just have to try to control myself and limit my time here.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    MFP ate my long post again. Grrrrrrr. I think it is telling me to go to sleep.
    Hugs to All
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I'm outta here. See you in a week! (or more lol)
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Feel as if I'm always trying to catch up on posts... :( I am to the bottom of page 22, but heading off to bed so will have to catch up tomorrow.

    Mary from Minnesota – So glad to see you posting again. I am glad the medicine is working! Shep has grown and he looks so happy with his stick.

    Katla – I like yoga too, but don’t get to do it as often as I would like. This summer, they are doing a “yoga in the park” series. So I get to do yoga each Saturday morning. And, I have found that doing yoga outside is quite relaxing.

    Larissa – Congratulations on the new job.

    Dr. Katie – Congratulations on finishing the 5K! I’m working to train for my first 5K in about a month.

    Karen/Virginia – I know exactly what you mean about this group. I find it very inspiring, but I’ve been posting on and off for about a year and I often wonder when I will feel like part of the group.

    Joyce – I am so glad that you and Charlie are finding tender moments while you take care of him. And, I am so happy that you were able to go to choir and make beautiful music.

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    I have loved all the puppy pictures! Our foster kittens turned 3 weeks old this week and I’ll have to get some pictures posted here. They are starting to get more adventurous and playful as they gain control of their legs. Momma still tries to move them and hide them under the couch. For some reason, she thinks they are safer under the couch than in their cage. Oh well, soon they will no longer fit under the couch.

    My oldest daughter had a garage sale today, so I tried on all my pants. Found about 10 pairs that are so big I can slip them over my hips while still buttoned. I gave my sister a few pairs that fit and put the rest on the garage sale. If they don’t sell, then I’ll donate them to the women’s career closet at our church. :)

    I sent my youngest daughter off on her annual church choir trip. She’ll be in Rori’s neck of the woods as they are headed to Colorado Springs and Estes Park, Colorado for the week.

    Talk to you all soon my friends.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Carol NC: I have to remind myself constantly that taking care of me first is important or I won't be here for anyone else. I'm so glad that your co-worker recognized your teaching ability and complimented you on it. :D

    Penny/Heather: Love the picture - thanks for sharing

    Charlene: Congrats on the bone density! Maybe I should retire early.

    GLo: Yay for the 36# - well done!

    Linda/IA: What a wonderful NSV!

    I hadn't realized that you could post future dated food to prevent losing your logging streak. This could help me when I go camping and there is no internet. Thanks for the tip. You have no idea of the lengths I've gone to to keep my logging streak. It always feels so good when I see that number increase.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Carey- Northern Alberta
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,694 Member
    Hi Gals!!!

    Welcome – newbies!

    Ljdw99 - world wide happy dance for you!!!

    Karen in VA – so glad Griffin is having a good baseball season

    Lenora – I think it could be grandparents, but it could be a GodParent (me), it could be an aunt or uncle… In my nephew’s case his grandmother is raising him and his coach and I share the role of trusted adult… I really believe that each situation is different and that a trusted adult can come with many a different title. As for rules – the rules at my house are different where appropriate, so for example everyone helps make dinner at my house – the kids call it aunt kim’s rule where at their house they are not allowed to, but manners, bed times, homework, those type of rules are the same. I am lucky in that neither of the families my niece and nephews live in have rules that I have trouble with except the cooking one… (and these are not little kids- so it is not a safety thing – it is a control issue) And of course seeing how I teach kids cooking in the summer, I think kids belong in the kitchen.

    So I read about the men and money problem and am really glad the “man” in my life is a furry friend, he never gets involved with the finances ---LOL

    Tomorrow is my nephew’s 18th birthday - he is being raised my his grandma (my mom) but his father has custody, his parents are divorced and his mom is around. **historical context: My brother is physically and emotionally abusive to my mom and my nephew – both of my nephew’s parents have drug and alcohol problems – my mother is classic co-dependent. I don’t put up with abuse, and when my brother has taken me on I have called the police and pressed charges, as a result my mom keeps me and my brother apart as she feels that calling the police on my brother was wrong. ** Ok so now you know the history – well a party for Kyle and 15 of his friends was planned – it would be the first time he has had a party in years as his father had decided that he should not have one. Well it got cancelled today – his father is on a bender and threated everyone, and is generally being an A hole and the party is off…. My heart is breaking for my nephew - I called tonight and his friends took him out, so I’ll call tomorrow - but why are people so mean and hurtful…

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with vickie
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    linda- thanks! Congratulations on the NSV!
    I love kittens! Can't wait to see pictures!

    Kim - so sad for your nephew. My dad was like his. He is lucky to have you in his life.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy, 64 and retired. Anyone from the midwest? Someone responded to me about a week ago and somehow I lost her post. Looking to see who needs support besides myself.

    I'm from Illinois and joined February of last year. I've lost 45 lbs. but this last 20 lbs. I need to lose is really testing my patience. Up down, up down, up down... I know I can't give up or I'll be back to that yo-yo syndrome and I don't want to have to lose this weight all over again. I'm sure you can all relate. As they say "misery loves company".
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure if I'm doing this right. I do not see my last post...
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    Okay! I get it :)