

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited June 2016
    We once had a cat who was an indoor/outdoor cat. She went on one of her hunting trips and brought home her bounty and put it in front of me. Like your cats, was so proud of it. I took her bounty by the tail and swung it as hard as I could. Oh the poor look I got from my dear cat. It took a long time for her to be my friend again.

    Talk about temptation, my daughter's fridge went out completely and I have her entire freezer and fridge contents in mine. There is ice cream in there, chocolate ice cream.

    Do some of the more 'oldies' here remember when some one actually was able to find the calories of a fingernail???? This was from a nail biter.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »

    Do some of the more 'oldies' here remember when some one actually was able to find the calories of a fingernail???? This was from a nail biter.

    Joyce, Indiana

    :) If you search for "fingernail" in the food data base (just like you were searching for a real food), you'll find the calorie count for a fingernail.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – I did the same when I had my sleep studies – slept through the night the 2nd night and they had to come in and wake me up.

    When my boys (and granddaughters) were little they had some sort of ‘purple’ stuff that went in there mouth for thrush … stained EVERYTHING! Actually only one of mine had it; but, I remember my DGDs having it a lot. I nursed my boys, so I think that help a lot with not having thrush. I hear it is painful and leaves white patches that are like blisters.

    I’m sorry that your husband is unwilling to deal with learning how to change his bag; my DFnL had a urine bag after prostate cancer surgery. They did radical surgery on him. When DH has it they implanted the seeds. He did not have too many problems; but, recently he had to have a procedure that opened up his urethra and had to wear a bag for a week. OMG, I wanted to just ‘shoot’ him to get him out of my hair and to stop the non-stop bitching.

    Charleen – I think I would have still been screaming with a warm, dead mouse/rat on my chest. Tux watches our hummingbirds; but, he has learned to ‘just watch them’. We were out on the swing one evening and before I knew it he had batted one away (did not kill it, just stunned it); but, he went ‘flying off the rails’ about 10 feet off the ground for doing it. We have about 7 feeders out back and one out from the kitchen window (DH has to fill it because it needs a ladder to get to it). They have been emptying 3 a day or two. I can’t think of anything that he has not killed: rat, bird, bunny, mole, chipmunk, and lizard … anything that moves. When Shorty was alive, he'd bring something up to the garage for them to 'play' with. About 3 bats back-and-forth; Shorty would get impatient and 'kill' it. Tux would come up to her, look at her as if to say, 'dammit, you were supposed to continue batting it back-and-forth until it died ... NOT kill it'; and, walk off. IF he has ever killed a snake, then I don’t know it. But we have them out here. Worry about Cracker because she likes to explore. She has had her rattlesnake shot/vaccine. It saved Shorty when she was alive; but, vet thinks it was only because it only got one fang in her. The other brushed her nose.

    Katla – I think in GA, they have to do some ‘student’ teaching … sort of like doing an internship. I’m sure she will be moved around a bit when she does. When my DBnL’s granddaughter and her husband had to get ‘temporary’ jobs while he was waiting to pass the test to get into medical school. She applied to the county they lived in … because she was a Biology major, they found a job for her to do, they were happy to have a 'science/biology' teacher and she taught the AP classes; then they set up another class for her to take. She had grown up in that particular county, so they knew how smart she was … she had a 4.0 GPA from kindergarten through 12th grade. She has told my DOGD not to ‘worry’ that she isn’t making all “A’s” and “B’’s” in college … the first time she made a “C” she ‘cried’ for days. I think that made DOGD feel better … she said ‘if’ she made a “C” in Organic Chemistry she was going to be very happy. Great-niece and great nephew-in-law have just moved to Gainesville, FL. Plans were, she was going to support them while he is in medical school because they are NOT allowed to ‘work’ while they are in medical school. Just found out she is pregnant. Maybe DBnL will move down with them to help out financially and otherwise. DH has been telling him that he needed to do something like that; maybe buy a duplex, and let them live in one side ‘free’ of rent; and, I know that she will make sure that he eats like he should; he’d spoil that baby stinky rotten, for sure.

    Dammit and pipcd37 – And when you go to the bank; you’ll find that it has all been transferred to one of my ‘off-shore’ accounts that is untraceable.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    UK Politics Alert Skip this post if you want to, it's all about EU and UK

    I am lovingly and respectfully disagreeing with some of you lovely ladies about Brexit being comparable to our worrisome (USA) upcoming elections.

    We in the USA get a chance for a bloodless exhange of power every 4 years if we don't like who has been elected to the White House. I am very worried about our upcoming elections, just as all of you are. It scares me more than a little.

    The UK leaving the EU is on a whole other level. It would be a little bit like Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina seceding from the Union together, but still wanting to be called Americans and stay friends with everybody else, so we can call our own shots as far as our borders, economy, immigration, etc. Maybe we would end up being a shining example of how to do it right in the long run, but not without paying a rather hefty price and causing a lot of uproar in the USA. Other states might decide to secede from the USA, following our example, eventually leading to a hindered if not hobbled central economy. The analogy falls apart a bit because we are states in a country, not countries in a union.

    Brexit is already affecting economies worldwide, with one of the biggest worries being people in the UK living on a fixed income whose savings are much smaller today than 2 days ago. Globally, world trade (exports to the UK particularly) will suffer in all countries who trade with the UK, and relationships that the USA has with other European nations which rely on the UK as part of the EU to help negotiate, will be affected. Not to mention the UK is now distracted on many levels by leaving, which will affect global issues of immigration, the war on terrorism, and other concerns. And Scotland may well vote to leave the UK and stay in the EU...so the UK would no longer be the UK as it stands now. Sort of like when the USSR disbanded.

    Prime Minister David Cameron resigned. The only comparable thing that happens in our elections is that the lame duck president leaves office. No comparison. A more appropriate example would be a sitting American president resigning office halfway through a term (think Richard Nixon).

    I doubt there will be another chance for the UK to rejoin the EU. Unlike our elections, where we get a chance to change our minds every 4 years.

    Done with my little rant.

    Karen in Virginia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of a bosu DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Cardio Mashup DVD.

    Anne - have fun at the wedding! We'll all be here waiting to hear all the juicy details from you

    pip - awesome!

    Joyce - I did enjoy the last Person of Interest. From what I understand, when most shows go off the air they usually make two different outcomes. But they didn't with this show. They also left the door open for a possible sequel (remember a few episodes ago they met up with others who do the same work as they do/did). I always thought that in the end Reeves would get shot. Some other things surprised me, tho

    When I hostess someone coming here, I try to have as much prepared in advance as possible. Thank goodness for the freezer!

    NYKaren - I don't think I could go vegan, too many restrictions for me. I also don't think I could go completely vegetarian. My understanding is that there are certain vitamins that, while not impossible to get, are harder for vegetarians. Like (I believe it is) heme iron which is abundant in meats. Same with B12 (I think it is). But vegetarians can get those vitamins (not in suppliments). They just need to be careful about what foods they are eating together. I think rice and beans is supposed to be a good combination for them. Another reason why I couldn't go vegetarian/vegan is because I know me, I'm someone who doesn't like to hurt someone's feelings. I'd just feel badly expecting my host to make certain foods just for me. I would have just a small portion of something (like a meat). I just don't care for lots of sauces/butter on my foods.

    Carol/Peach - Vince laughs at me because I totally clean the house before we have guests. That is, EXCEPT when we have a Newcomer social. I learned the hard way the first time we ever had a social here. I cleaned from top to bottom and when everyone left I had to clean from top to bottom again.

    We have the end-of-season bowling party tonight. I have the fruit salad that I'm bringing already made and in the refrigerator getting cold. I still have to get the veges together for the vege tray, but at least I have the dip made.

    Then tomorrow a friend of ours is having this blues concert at his home. Not sure how many people are going to be there. I am planning to make these chocolate pies to take with me. If it's not enough for everyone, at least it's something.

    Then Sunday we're supposed to go to the Hickory Community Theater to see a show. The bad part is that it's in the afternoon, I'd rather go in my pool. But sometimes you just need to do things with others, this is a Newcomer function.

    Of course, Monday is senior bowling and then ceramics then mahjongg. Boy, this retirement stuff is hard work. Where did I ever find the time to work?????

    Went to the post office then WalMart. Home to put away groceries then in the pool. Came in and got the veggie tray ready, cut up the zucchini and carrots. Didn't realize I needed to steam the sugar snap peas or I would have done that earlier. Now on here. Will probably leave in about an hour.

    Lenora - Vince had a section of his bowel removed, too. Does your sister have any restrictions or is there anything different? Vince finds that whenever he has ice cream, he needs to have a bowel movement. He doesn't have any dietary restrictions, tho (he's still a pickey eater). For a while he was "pooping in a bag" (as the kids called it) but he was really glad when it was reversed.

    Had the bowling party. Had mostly veges and fruit salad for dessert. Only water to drink. Bad part is that I finished the fruit salad when I got home and then had a piece of chocolate cake. Why did I do that?

    Michele in NC
    who needs to get ready for bed now
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    grits - lmao!!!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Had an MRI today for my shoulder issues. I knew there was a bone spur and the Dr. thought that is all there was because of my description of my pain level. I wanted to know the full extent and so he agreed to the MRI to rule out other issues. Well..... I get a call this afternoon, the MRI had already been read and results sent to the Dr. He called me and said, "you must have a super high tolerance to pain because you have a significant tear in your rotator cuff." Uh, yup. I knew I had a high pain tolerance and it's hard to explain to medical people when they ask you on a scale of 1 to 10 what it is. My 5 is a 10 in most other people. I ask them if they want it on my level or on a "normal" level and they just think I'm nuts. Maybe I'll just start exaggerating from now on. lol So I have an appointment on Monday to discuss treatment options. Everything I've read says tears don't fix themselves alone and surgery is a possibility. We shall see.

    Surgery would put a real hitch in my cello learning....

    Marcelyn in Houston
    who just found out grandbaby #12 is on it's way!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, we arrived safely down at Table Rock Lake. I am now 7 hours closer to JanerR but still too far north to bop over and say hello. Hubby is snoring softly next to me as I catch up on your posts. Thinking of you all.

    We explored the resort a bit when we arrived. It is quite hilly here and lots of stairs so I will get my exercise this week. I was a big ball of sweat after walking around tonight, but I felt good. A year ago walking all those steps would have left me exhausted. So NSV that I am able to conquer steps and hills!

    Got to hit the hay. Talk to you later.

    Linda /IA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Linda/IA - you are for sure much closer to me, about a 3 hour drive from my house. It is so beautiful over there. I know you and the family will love it. Its a bit hot but at least you have the water to play in and help y'all cool off. Enjoy,

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Marcelyn, my Mom had a super high pain tolerance. She never could get anyone to believe she broke her hip because she was still walking on it and she was taking Tylenol 500mg. She really thought she was overdosing herself when she was taking 2 of those things 4 times a day. So people didn't take her pain seriously. So finally she had me call for an ambulance to take her to the ER. You get looked at quicker at the ER when you come in an ambulance. Well her hip was fractured and when they repaired it the next day they found it was cancerous.

    Lenora, we used to have the most wonderful cat, doesn't everyone say that, when I was a teenager. Mom and Dad bought her for company for my sister who had cancer and was living at home and was sometimes by herself. Anyway, this thing would clean her paws as she walked down the hall. Walk a couple of steps and clean, walk a couple of steps and clean. She knew how to open doors, etc. But when she had kittens and it came time to teach them how to hunt, she would catch a bug in the garage, take a leg off the bug and let it lose. That way it was easier for her kittens to catch and eat them. She was so precious. She chased a German Shephard police dog up a tree because he was in HER yard! All of us kids learned about child birth from her.

    Karen, thank you for your explanation. Very informative.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Thanks Karen, I am too depressed to even talk about it.
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    A quick note to all from vacation on Amelia Island Florida...
    I have walked just over 2 Miles on the beach each morning at sunrise...
    And over 5 miles total each day...
    Have run in the pool and played /swum in the ocean every day for hours...
    Went kayaking for 2 hours yesterday with my husband...
    And climbed 4 flights of stairs to our condo 6-8 times - up and down-everyday! One team in heels!
    Pictures our on my Facebook page... just look for dawn Hanlon on Facebook and you'll find me!
    I'm off to attempt 4 Mikes on the beach today as it is the last day I have to walk the beach and I want to enjoy a such as I can before heading home on the 14 hour drive tomorrow morning.
    Hope all are well!
    Dawn from Maryland in Fernandina Beach, Florida for 1 more day!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather I understand. I make a very good cup of tea according to my British plumber. Wish I could do that for you today.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Busy-busy-busy but having a great time in New Hampshire. After dinner last night, my daughter's fiancé asked us (my parents and my sisters and me) to sing a song in honor of Swedish midsummer's eve. That really set us off! I know the song by heart but the others don't and we couldn't find the music, but we found a lot of other music. We spent the rest of the evening singing (Heinrich Schütz, William Billings, Prætorius, madrigals, Christmas music). Our choices were highly eclectic and a bit churchy, seeing as how my mother was a church organist for years and years.

    This morning I ran my usual course and got the third best time ever in the three years I've been running it.

    Below I'm posting a picture of me and my lovely daughter after dinner two days ago.

    Heather - I'm thinking of you, the rest of us Europeans, and by extension, everyone who has anything to do with Europe. What is the world coming to?

    /Penny, feeling very much at home in my local environment, but a stranger in the world