

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,214 Member
    Joyce - <3<3<3 But don't eat the brownies!

    Anamika - Welcome back! Please don't keep running off. We like you. :D

    We went out for a meal and I went over calories, but not a disaster. Enjoyable evening.

    Sooooooo nice to have wifi back. :D

    All the windows upstairs are open because of the painters. Freezing. I had to put the heating on. :disappointed:

    Tomorrow I'm going to do some of my memoir. Promise. It's been weeks. Months. :hushed:

    Love Heather
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: Sending good thoughts for your daughter's surgery. What a horrible thing to happen to her. I hope the outcome is excellent. :heart:

    Heather: Congrats on WIFI! Fingers crossed that it runs like a champ for a really long time. :wink:

    Freidasmith: I lost over 70 pounds counting calories and measuring my portions, but it is not a speedy process. Stick with portion control, count your calories, and be as active as you are able. That is the road to success. :flowerforyou:

    Re: When I order a salad in a restaurant I have my salad dressing on the side. It is amazing how many calories you can save by dipping one little bite in after another rather than drenching the whole thing. It tastes great, too. :smiley:

    Joyce: (((HUGS)))

    Carol: My father-in-law used to have rentals and that made my husband absolutely opposed to the idea. I suspect slovenly tenants are a common problem. I hope you are able to get some rest and feel better soon. :star:

    We've been getting ready for the Fourth of July weekend and also for our upcoming trip. We're headed to an anchorage that is away from fireworks central and plan on a quiet and pleasant few days. This will be the first time we've taken our boat out for an adventure in way too long. There is a lot to do to get ready, but we'll do a bit at a time. I am hopeful that this will be the beginning of renewed fun on the boat.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Good morning ladies. Going to be a beautiful day and I am working the long shift today. I had both my doctor appointments yesterday. The one said my wrist is good and took off the brace. My elbow has some range of motion problems, but working on that. Then I went and had the spot on my arm taken out. He ending taking a good size piece and went to the muscle. So have a fair amount of sitiches. I am just glad it is done and pray the report comes back that he got it all. Not as sore today and I expected.Thanks for all the prayers and support. It means so much to me.
    Weigh in this morning I was down .1. Better then a gain and that is what I was afraid of. We are leaving for our trip to Denver Thursday and be back late Monday or Tuesday and planning on a lot of walking. Going to take 3 grand daugthers, one grandson and our daugther. They are all from different families so going to be fun for us all I hope.
    I do think I am getting more comfortable in my new roll as supervisor. Been to 5 of the 6 leadership classes they offered. I will do the last one sometime in the next couple months. I do think things are going well, I have been doing rounding with each person and for the most part it they are happy. I have a couple, the one that had the job before me that is not happy and doing everything she can to piss me off. Been doing a lot of praying.
    It is almost time to sign off and been reading and love hearing about how everyone is doing. Take care and enjoy the day. Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    Just looked at my calories burned so far for June, 27887 calories! holy crap, no wonder I am pooped!
  • sfstegall
    sfstegall Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, ladies. New to this forum, but not to MFP. Recently (three months ago) came off a medical weight loss plan where I lost 45 lbs. Still need to lose another 30 lbs to reach a healthy weight. I work out three days a week with resistance training, but I need to add more cardio. I am at 1100 cals/day (determined by RMR and my MD), so I can't really cut any more. My FitBit is my constant companion, but 10K steps a day ain't doin' it for me. So I need to up my walking/bicycling time. It's really hard right now, since my mom recently fell and is in a nursing home; she needs lots of attention, advocacy, etc. And it's the end of the month/quarter, so I'm working overtime a lot. Very stressful, and hard to avoid snacking. I look forward to getting and giving some support to other 50+ ladies here!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :)Katla Enjoy your boating adventure
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    Fly by hi!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Barbie, thinking of you and Jake and wishing for a good outcome.
    CJ, I will be checking out the Grand River Times regularity. I enjoyed it thoroughly, thank you for sharing.

    I was able to drag myself out of bed for a brief elliptical session this morning, was able to squeeze in a 25 minute walk during work and took Jake the rescue dog for a 20 minute walk when I got home from work. I'm exhausted and haven't even done any kettle bell or strong lifts. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get into a new routine to include some strength training.

    Love to all,
    Chris in MA
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good evening friends... Really busy trying to get things ready for the family reunion this weekend but thought I'd share a link with one of my favourite crock pot recipes budgetbytes.com/2011/07/taco-chicken-bowls/ By the way this web site has lots of really good recipes that I was using a lot before I started back to work.

    Have a great evening all!
    Carey - N. Alberta
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Hugs to Barbie, Joyce and Allie. Seems like you are all going through trying times...wishing for the best!
    Welcome new ladies!
    Next month I am seeing a DD for the first time in two and a half years. Wish me luck it goes smoothly and we can both express ourselves well to each other. It has been a hard slog.
    Congrats on the move to Texas from Ohio and a long-awaited job!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 9.33min, 16.3amph, 134mhr, 2.5mi = 84c
    SPIN- 56min, 97ar, 51aw, 7g, 127mhr, 11.6mi = 326c
    ride gym 2 wk- 54.11min, 12.3amph, 145mhr, 11mi = 431c
    ride wk 2 hm- 53.12min, 11.5amph, 152mhr, 10.2mi = 466c
    total cal 1307
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Pages 64 – 71 I caught up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Heather – so here we threaten to move to Canada if we don’t like the political results, you can come live here ! If you and DH visited us all each for a week we’d have you seeing all of the states and ready to go back to live in your mixed up world instead of ours – LOL

    Pip – all this riding and spinning – you are amazing.

    Chris – That is absolutely crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think illegal, at least in CA…

    Becca – DH is a keeper!!!

    Karen in Virgina – one time I had to log a whole container of cookies, it took a calculator to figure out… but once was enough.

    Re – it wasn’t me but I’ll raise my hand for the crock pot recipes

    Rita – great job on the walk and the therapist….

    Cheri – congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics of the new home???? Later – great pictures, the home looks nice…

    KJ – pretty much no basements in CA – I think it is just cheaper and quicker to build one with out a basement – and we have earthquakes not wind to hide from.

    Mary – Wow hope this works well for your DD

    Barbie – thinking of you and Jake.

    Melanie – no walking would do it, but sometimes it is nothing you can figure out, our bodies just do this in their own way.

    Freida – glad this is working for you - many of the ladies use the forum to talk about their weight issues as friends and family are not interested.

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with Vickie, working in Eden garden, sailing in the pacific ocean
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm not sure who asked but here is what I found to explain the term "Gig'em" on the picture of the barn I previously posted... A term the fightin' Texas Aggies of Texas A&M University--College Station use to push each other on toward victory whether it be in 1.)athletics, 2.)academics or 3.)life. It has it's origins in the old rivalry with the TCU Horned Frogs in which a gig was something used to kill a frog. It is typically associated with the thumbs up symbol.

    We explored Austin today.. The state capital. Toured the capital building and the grounds. Heading home tomorrow.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth Geneseo was DD's first choice. Orientation showed me how right she was to select it. Very friendly, supportive place. I think she will grow a lot there. I gave up on the dorm room stay because I had no sleep and it was way too hot for me to get a decent night's sleep. So executive decision.. I booked a hotel room and slept soundly! Next day she picked all her classes and seemed very relieved. The 6 hour drive home was treacherous with heavy heavy rain but I got through it slow and steady with her asleep next to me for most of the ride! Thank goodness I had slept.

    Barbie thinking of you and Jake, strength and hugs go out to you both.

    I will catch my breath and regroup tomorrow cause somehow a large bag of almond M&Ms were my companion on this trip. And I didn't share a single one! NYKAREN :p
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    637.1miles so far
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    Thanks for your support. DD's surgery went well. They needed to do a little more of a bone graft on one side but Dr said it should heal well.

    I will be staying here until tomorrow when she is determined to go to work. Kids!


    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,345 Member
    Did an hour of Kelly Coffee Meyers Body Shop DVD. Actually, there are two 30 minute workouts on that DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the deep water class.

    Got started on the seaturtle yesterday. The plan is to mow the grass (weeds, really) today. Tomorrow night we have ceramics again. Don't know what I'll do next Monday. No senior bowling and no ceramics. I suspect this one lady is going to have mahjongg but I'm not going to ask Vince to drive me into Hickory, drive home (about 20 minutes) and then come back to Hickory in a few hours to pick me up. See, it usually doesn't make that much difference since he's right in Hickory at ceramics. He can drop me off and then go back to ceramics, then pick me up. but I'm not about to ask him to make two trips for me, that's asking way too much If all goes according to plan...only 35 more days of this no driving restriction.

    Am trying to get a balloon twister to come here at the pool social. I was in contact with this one gal. I thought it would be neat for her to be here since her parents are members of Newcomers. However, she thinks she has an engagement for that day. Well....those people are probably going to be paying her more than we would. On the other hand, I'm a bit surprised that she didn't contact them to see if they, in fact, needed her. What if they don't? She's given up a confirmed paying job. Well...not my business. Update: got a quote from another place. Before we could get the price approved by the Board, they were booked. Now some on the board want us to have yard games. Our yard isn't conducive for that, too hilly, not level at all, and there are drainage ditches in the backyard. We need to put something around them but there's no way I would let someone run around in the yard. And what if it rains?

    Cheri - I'm so happy for you as you sound like you're so happy. big congrats to your hubby. It's wise to rent before buying. We rented before we bought this house, and am I ever so glad we did! People who moved here, didn't rent first, and then were sorry they'd bought where they did. One thing I found out was that I really wanted to be near a mall, near shopping. There were so many lights where we were that depending on the time, it could take as long as 20 minutes to get to the mall. To me, that was unacceptable. Now the mall is just 5 minutes away. The bad part is that people seem to feel that where we're located is out with the cows. We're actually closer to a lot of things than they think. Congrats on the house

    Joyce - You'll get this down. I honestly don't understand how being an ostomy nurse in the hosp is that much different from being one at home. Can you explain? The only thing I can think of is that working on a loved one makes you much more sensitive, I don't know

    barbie - sending only positive vibes for you and Jake (and the doctors and nurses)

    KJ - I don't know about Texas and basements, but I can tell you that Florida doesn't have basements. The reason is because their soil is all sand. We have a basement here in NC

    I'm trying that cake/brownie for Vince but trying using the large package of pudding. We shall see how it turns out. I used mini-chips, mainly because that's what I got at the store. Someone must have put them in the wrong spot and I picked them up. I didn't look real closely mainly because I know that Vince doesn't like to go shopping so I tried to make it as quick as possible.

    Anamika - I was wondering where you were! Come in more often

    Made those cake/brownies for Vince but this time I used a large box of the chocolate pudding. They did come out more brownie-like. Then since it was raining and we couldn't cut the weeds, we went to the ceramics place in South Carolina where I got my snail from. The lady passed away but her husband poured it for me. I took him a cake to say "thank you" and "sorry for your loss". Tomorrow I'll probably take the snail to ceramics, clean it, and then they can fire it to become bisq. Once it's fired, I'll bring it home. I just feel badly leaving a lot of things there, they only have so much room. Some people leave lots of things there. I am leaving the wolf only because I'll be waiting for the paint to come in, then I'll have it fired.

    Did a little bit of crossstitch on the way down to SC, but not much. Just want to finish the small section that I'm working on before the ink disappears.

    Was about to get a balloon twister for our social, just needed to run the cost by the Board, but in the meantime they got booked. So I'm going to try another company. They do face painting and balloon twisting. Maybe this year I'll just do the balloon twisting and next year the face painting. Can you just see some of the Newcomers with their faces painted? (remember, most of the Newcomers are senior citizens)

    On the way back from SC, Vince wanted to stop at this Dairy Queen. I was good (well, really, I wasn't hungry at all) and just had water. I was expecting that they'd sell me a bottle but instead they gave me a cup. That's OK

    DJ - when you said "Tom is such a jewel", I'm sure you had a smirk on your face

    Frieda - if the "old geezer" doesn't want to hear you talk about weighing, come here and talk all you want about it.

    Re - is the clay in TX very different from the clay in NC because we have a basement. I know that you guys have black clay whereas we have red clay. I remember when we were having the pool built talking to someone in TX (I forget about what) and they mentioned their black clay. I can't get over some of the things that are in a salad. I usually have to order mine without this and without that. Dressing on the side always and most times I don't even have any

    Joyce - with everything on your plate, if I were in your shoes, I'd have more than a brownie and chocolate chip cookies

    katla - have fun on YOUR trip

    Vicki - I hope they got it all, too. Have fun on your trip

    sfs... - welcome.

    Betty - I wish you only the absolute best. How I wish I could see my son! For that matter, even talk to him! Jessica and Denise both said that he's moving, he never said a word to us so I don't know if he's planning, if he has or what. I'm so happy for you and hope everything goes well.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Mary, when you told us that your DD was kicked by the horse, I didn’t realize it was that serious. Not that I thought it was a walk in the park, you understand. Sending good thoughts and prayers for her with hopes of a successful surgery.

    Heather, woo hoo on finally getting a modem that works. Just the two hours that our power was out yesterday was bad enough!!! And I agree that I hate typing on my phone. And when I talk while it types, you should see some of what comes out. LOL I’d rather be able to eat than share a medal but you can have both. Good for you on the exercise.

    Melanie, please don’t get discouraged. You will definitely have plateaus. Mine has lasted for months but my body is still changing and people still think I’m losing weight. This is a life journey so just take one day at a time.

    Freida, congrats on your success. I weigh every day most of the time and just don’t tell DH about it. That is for my knowledge and what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt me (or him).

    Re, I’ve tried two different times to message you but MFP keeps giving me an error. I want the recipes when you get a chance. Thanks. And learn to cut a couple of things from those salads that have the highest calories. 

    Joyce, as they say down south, “Ain’t that some s#!!”. I just hate it for both of you. A blow up is probable what you needed but I feel bad about the chips and cookies. Did you really?? Hang in there my friend as this too shall pass; maybe just not soon enough. (((((Hugs)))))

    CarolGA, I’ve always been the painter in our family but I have decided that I’ll only do small projects from here on out. I know I’m getting too old to keep going up and down the ladder.

    Katla, I’m so excited about your boat outing. I know you’ve been missing it. Have fun, my friend. t31116.gif

    VickieNE, glad the job is going well. Have a safe and fun trip and enjoy those grands.

    Sfstegall, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come here often. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. You can do this and we are here to help.

    Carey, thanks for the link.

    Betty, good luck with your visit with DD next month.

    Cheri, I knew “Gig em” had to do with gigging frogs but didn’t know how it got started with the Aggies. Very interesting. I hope you love it there!!!

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Yesterday when we lost power for two hours there were a number of people at the community pool. It has an electronic gate lock that requires a key card to enter. Needless to say people were locked in at the pool. Now being on the Board of Directors they expect us to make it so that never happens again. *sigh* I hope the lock company has a way to manually over-ride it or I don’t know what we will do. I’ve lived here for 9 years and this is the first time we’ve lost power for more than about 10 minutes, but never a dull moment in life. Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    So sorry I've seemingly been ignoring you. I got my old job wrapped up only a week after starting the new, :sweat_smile: and I'm learning so much new stuff every day, that I come home and my brain just wants to be quiet. :blush:
    I skim the messages every couple days to make sure everyone's doing okay...I probably won't participate much again, until at least next week, but I'm doing well, loving the new job, lifting weights in shorter but more frequent split workouts, and walking the mile to and from work most days. Now if I can just figure out how to get swimming back into my routine...

    Keep on winning, :star::smiley::star:

    Larisa in Seattle