

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello, Wonderful Women!

    KJ - I certainly don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with Pip - she is my hero. But thank you... and I am thinking good thoughts for whatever time you have left with your Sister. Treasure every moment that she is truly with you.

    I have to run - I will check in from work.

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX

    OF COURSE you deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as me or anyone else for that matter, don't down yourself like that! you are awesome!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    PIP t31137.gif
    You Did It!!

    Katla Not to be indelicate, but do you donate your dishrags to an organization that sends them to third world countries for use as sanitary napkins? I know someone who is part of a group that does that. It seems like such a humane womanly good deed sort of thing to do.

    I have been wanting to try yoga. Some people like hot yoga but I just don't know.

    Mary I have been watching StrongLifts videos. I know what a goblet squat is now. t31209.gif

    Karen in Virginia
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well ladies all of your "de-stressers" sound awesome. I also thought of another while in bed last night. My volunteer time helps with stress too. To do things that benefit others, helps you look outside your own box, and especially when my seniors know I sing opera! This past time, however, I did not sing to them. I just didn't have it in me, and of course they understood.

    What are somethings that you have done recently that are "outside of your comfort zone"? For me I guess it would have to be driving, and the singing. One takes strength of wits, and the other takes confidence that I can do it. Sometimes I just get to comfortable, and I NEED to drive somewhere strange or scary. It puts a zing into my weight journey, because it reaffirms that I DO have what it takes to do this. We all do, we just have to tap into it.

    ((((hugs))) and sing (in your head because if you don't people stare at you) "Just keep swimming, swimming swimming" like that fish Dory.....

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Well hello there from30'000 ft
    We are in flight to Nashville from Detroit..poor Homer needed another 7 teeth pulled.that makes 14 in the past 4 yrs poor baby,Tom has tomorrow off from work so he will be babying the poor boy..will check in later ;)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    karen in VA tell me more about donating dishrags to go to women in Third World countries
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca- I did the limbo at cosmic bingo night. I didn't realize at the time but I was doing it wrong LOL. So now I feel like I should practice to redeem myself. I thought that if you just made it under the bar that was good. I didn't realize that you had to bend backwards. Now I am practicing to bend backwards without falling on my rear. I can actually get down pretty far but haven't figured out how to move forward without falling.

    Karen VA- yay on the goblet squat! Those are excellent for helping to become more limber. If you watched the strong first videos they have you stretch your legs out while you are down in the squat position.

    Allie- I hope you have fun on your trip!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    . thanks Ketonekaren :0)
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member

    I am not at all down on myself... but, I am seriously up on you. You are a marvel of physical fitness and I can only aspire to someday be able to get anywhere close to you in that regard.

    And Ladies - come on... I can't be the only one....

    Do none of you make use of your Husband as one of the best non-food stress relievers, ever? Mine still knows how to ring the bell... Hope that's not TMI... lol

    Re in TX

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie I don't know any more about the dishrags than I posted, but I can easily find out from the woman who does this. She has given me several of her nice 100% cotton dishrags and I use them all the time (as dishrags, LOL!)

    Mary Yep, I saw an example of limbering/stretching with your elbows on your inner knees while doing goblet squats. Looks pretty great! I also looked at the Russian kettlebell swings. Awesome!

    Becca Comfort zone stuff:

    Dealing firmly with contractors. This is a tough one for me. I get taken advantage of and then I am furious and humiliated.

    Getting up on stage to dance with the Jazzercise instructor (a fun thing we spontaneously do from time to time that is not comfortable for me).

    Saying "no" when a coworker asks me to trade a shift that I don't really want - there are many times I do it because it is the right thing to do, but there are other times when I give up more than they gain by trading. Some people figure they might as well ask for a shift off even if it isn't that important, and people like me think they wouldn't ask if they didn't really need it...


    Karen in Virginia
    Dory.gif 667.8K
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    LOL! Re, that seriously made me snort my water out of my nose! I generally don't use my dh as a stress reliever; he usually is the cause of the stress.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Becca- Hmmmmm...out of my comfort zone...thinking about it and I think I have a rather large comfort zone; but one thing for me would be keeping my mouth shut. You know, the whole "elephant in the room" scenario and everybody is expected to ignore it. I was raised in a family where the elephant was acknowledged and more often than not, given some wine. I married into a family that puts a doily on the elephant and turns it into a coffee table. I try to be good and sit and drink my coffee; but sometimes I just can't stand it and get up whip the doily off the elephant and look around at my MIL and BrothersIL and say "Holy *kitten*! It's an elephant!" So, I guess being good and towing the line is out of my comfort zone.
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all...I just cannot keep up with all of your messages...whew! I have a question though...does anyone in the group who may be following a Low Carb High Fat way of eating utilize "fat bombs"? If so, please message me...I may never find your response unless I camp out on the computer. LOL! Thanks!

    I hope everyone is having a terrific day...or, at least better than yesterday!

    Paula in northeastern NC
    Working on July Goals - Personal and Sea Dog Rescue
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    @prbford64 Paula If you click on Community and Search and enter fat bomb there will be some options under recipes, general diet & nutrition and LCHF forum that might interest you. Also this website: http://www.ruled.me/start-here/

    Tried to message you and it said an error occurred. It might be an MFP glitch or you might have to change your settings. I can't message Re either.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – To handle stress; I type in my journal or paint and/or draw. Pet “Cracker”, Get in the pool, go for a walk, take a nap, read a book, or watch a favorite program on TV, having good friends who do not mind my venting to them or having them do the same to me. That’s what friends are for. Typing is very soothing for me. DH asks if I am writing a ‘book’ … someday! Having “Cracker” playing with her toys and then coming to me or DH and ‘trying so hard to talk like we do’; he said ‘if’ she did, she’d be like any little girl and chatter until you want to ‘put them outside’. She loves going out; I’m sure she runs when I don’t ‘see’ her on ‘all 4’s’; but, after 4 injuries to her left paw, vet says it will be very tender until the nail grows back. She’ll run on all 4’s until she sees you looking at her or speak to her. I still ‘think she is milking us’ for all it is worth. She is a ‘great’ companion for me, since I am retired on a disability … and especially so now that I am on another ‘driving restriction’. Hopefully, we’ll get the Honda back today; had to get DDnL#1 to follow DOGD and me to the ‘body shop’. Then had to pay $85 for them to change out the ‘locking lug nuts’ because between the wreck’ and coming back to us … the ‘kit’ disappeared. If you don’t have it … you’ll ‘S******’ if you have a ‘flat tire’. I chose to have them replaced and a ‘new’ kit now rather than wait 3 weeks to have them order a kit that fits my particular lug nuts. Outside my comfort area? I'll have to think about that one.

    Joyce – I’ve been married to my ‘rock’ for 44 years this coming August. At times, I want to kill him when he comes home and vents on me because DOS vents on him.

    Re in TX – I get weighed every 2 weeks; and, I never step on another scale; frustrates me too much.

    Lisa – So happy your DH got a job … getting ‘hired’ on the spot had to be an ‘emotional booster’. I hope that DDnL#1’s interview next week goes well. She was the only person who had actually taken her resume up there before applying for the job … had to list it for a couple of weeks online; but, they said they’d put her resume on top of the list when the application comes in. She is not taking the job from yesterday’s interview … does not pay very well. She’s been a lot more pleasant to be around since she left that job; just ‘stressing’ over not having that 2nd income they depended on. She said that her former boss and his son, have NO clue about what all she did do for them; but, they’ll find out soon enough.
    DYS has a job that he ‘loves’. Married for a year; and, his bosses all love her. I think they are really ‘happy’ that he married basically a ‘local girl’. They’re about 25 miles from his place on the lake (next to all their places, none live there fulltime). DYS and his wife stay mostly at the house she lived in when they married; but, before the news of needing to try I.V.F; they were looking for place that would be ½ way between where he works and where she works. He goes to the ‘lake’ house and does his job out there – Wildlife Biologist and is the overseer of a ‘hunting preserve’; then sometimes they stay out there. He has loved his job. They run it like a real ‘business’. His DFnL comes out to help him when he needs something repaired; sometimes it just takes 2 people to do the job. He is a former carpenter and welder, so he is a lot of help.

    KJLaMore – When one door closes, another one opens up – God watching over you. I think sometimes we get so upset about that ‘closed’ door that we forget to look behind others or out the windows. For me, when I am trying to make a decision … if I feel ‘conflicted’ … it is usually ‘not for me’; but, if I feel ‘peaceful’ … it is normally the right one.

    Freida – DH – right on the ‘husband’ part; “D” normally stands for ‘dear’; but, it can also mean ‘damn’.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    karen in VA tell me more about donating dishrags to go to women in Third World countries

    I want to know more about this as well. I would love to do this.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Re, I think Becca would be the person to talk to about using her DH as a stress releaser. The two of them are always stress relieving.

    Barbie, so glad that your DH is sitting up without anything hanging out of him. Hope he continues to do well.

    Went to Christopher Banks today. I had a rewards certificate that expired today and also a $10 off if is spent over $50. Well I had no problem in that. I had never bought white jeans before but I have a pair now. I feel like I can dress them up and wear them to church or wear them to play mini golf. I told them how they helped me get my MOther's Day present in that since I wear a lot of their rings and they are chunky, it helped my daughter see more of what I wanted.

    Saw nurse practitioner today, B/P was a little high so the question of taking a B/P pill away is off the table. I did get the order to see my cardiologist again since I have had a syncopal episode while on my Lasix. She also said that Charlie should have had a follow up appointment after his surgery. So we have to make those.

    Charlie saw the ostomy nurse this morning. He did lose his seal on his bag. I was wondering if he had last night since it looked discolored but the stool didn't come all the way out to the skin and it didn't smell. But his poor skin. So she is calling another company to send us some of their bags free to see how they work. Since she put this bag on, I hope it stays on for 5 days. She suggested I put the bag on him with him standing up. This will also help him see in a mirror how to do it himself.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Bummer today. When I had my mammogram, the technician strongly encouraged me to have a sebaceous cyst on the underside of my right breast removed by a dermatologist. I had my regular, yearly full body check today, so I asked her about it. My surgery is scheduled for July 14. All of this is really just routine, nothing to worry about. The bummer part - NO WEIGHT LIFTING for two weeks because it might break open my stitches. The nurse said I can still walk, do the elliptical, and do lower body. I'm going to bring it up again with the Doctor. Some things I can see not doing, but I think I can do a few movements with light weights.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi from London!
    Amazing news from my country. A farce and a tragedy.

    Luckily I have my grandchildren to take my mind off all this. They are sooooooo gorgeous. Gutsy and brilliant.
    My son made a fabulous video of their trip to Portugal. I will share the link when he puts it on Utube.
    We had a great Turkish takeaway.
    I feel grateful that I have a small life. I am sad for my country. I love the people around me.

    Bathing the grandchildren and putting them to bed is my stress reliever. We watched a bit of children's tv with them in the evening and we all joined in with the actions. They are totally in the moment. That is a lesson for me. <3

    There are no grown ups left in the house. Let's listen to the children.

    Heather UK