30 Day Shred Group - July



  • I just finished day 3 of Level one... still difficult but slightly less painful! Anybody else that is doing the program should friend me :)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    I'm on level 3 day 9... almost done. Results are great already, I can see it on my body.

    well done for sticking at it!

    today will be day 10 of level 1 for me.
  • Got the DVD in the mail last night... 20 minutes later, it was in my DVD player. 10 minutes after that, I was cursing all-things Jillian. Argh.

    I didn't realize how out of shape I was! I run about 2-3miles a day, 3-4 times a week but this surely kicked my butt. Got through Level 1 by the skin of my teeth; by the time she did the last jogging-in-place, I was ready to fall out. My husband was pretty amused by the whole show. LOL.

    I feel all kinds of sore this morning but I'm loving it. I also noticed that I wasn't as huffy and out-of-breath climbing the usual 4 flights of stairs to my office this morning, either. Not sure if it had anything to do with the routine last night, but it was nice not looking crazy and near-death as I approached my office door.

    I do have a question for folks (and I'm sorry if this has already been answered): How heavy are your weights? I used a pair of 5lb dumbbells that I already had laying around but thought they were too much. My shoulder even locked up once and I couldn't bring the dumbbell back up. Just curious :)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Got the DVD in the mail last night... 20 minutes later, it was in my DVD player. 10 minutes after that, I was cursing all-things Jillian. Argh.

    I didn't realize how out of shape I was! I run about 2-3miles a day, 3-4 times a week but this surely kicked my butt. Got through Level 1 by the skin of my teeth; by the time she did the last jogging-in-place, I was ready to fall out. My husband was pretty amused by the whole show. LOL.

    I feel all kinds of sore this morning but I'm loving it. I also noticed that I wasn't as huffy and out-of-breath climbing the usual 4 flights of stairs to my office this morning, either. Not sure if it had anything to do with the routine last night, but it was nice not looking crazy and near-death as I approached my office door.

    I do have a question for folks (and I'm sorry if this has already been answered): How heavy are your weights? I used a pair of 5lb dumbbells that I already had laying around but thought they were too much. My shoulder even locked up once and I couldn't bring the dumbbell back up. Just curious :)

    hi angie. i had been running and cycling before trying 30DS and i struggled too in the beginning. am on day 10 of level 1 tonite and the improvement already is massive. was sore for a few days but get past day 4/5 and you're flying!

    as for weights we only have 2x2.5lb weights so that what i use. works fine for me. i'm male and know i could easily lift more but am happy enough with the weights we have. weighed myself after week 1 and had lost 4lbs so if that keeps up i'm sticking with the small weights!

    tell ur husband to try and it and see how much he laughs then! lol :laugh:
  • I love the "unless you puke, faint, or die" Jillian quote. For the record I almost did all three on day 1! But I love that after day 3 I am still sore in all my trouble spots and able to keep going. I wonder how long it will be before I really notice a difference in my body.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Got the DVD in the mail last night... 20 minutes later, it was in my DVD player. 10 minutes after that, I was cursing all-things Jillian. Argh.

    I didn't realize how out of shape I was! I run about 2-3miles a day, 3-4 times a week but this surely kicked my butt. Got through Level 1 by the skin of my teeth; by the time she did the last jogging-in-place, I was ready to fall out. My husband was pretty amused by the whole show. LOL.

    I feel all kinds of sore this morning but I'm loving it. I also noticed that I wasn't as huffy and out-of-breath climbing the usual 4 flights of stairs to my office this morning, either. Not sure if it had anything to do with the routine last night, but it was nice not looking crazy and near-death as I approached my office door.

    I do have a question for folks (and I'm sorry if this has already been answered): How heavy are your weights? I used a pair of 5lb dumbbells that I already had laying around but thought they were too much. My shoulder even locked up once and I couldn't bring the dumbbell back up. Just curious :)
    I just started on July 4th and I am still super sore from Day 1 and 2. The first day I used 3lb weights and day 2 I alternated between 3 and 5 lb weights. Other post have stated that it gets easier after day 4/5 I hope so because I really want to do the program 30 days straight. Off to do day 3 now!
  • colehook
    colehook Posts: 46
    I've been on level 1 for 7 days. I'm going to start level 2 tomorrow...scared but determined!!!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    I'm getting my dvd in the mail today. Can't wait! I don't care how difficult it is, I WILL do the exercises.
  • Starting this work out tonight... Cannot wait :)
  • where can i find the DVD?
  • I bought my DVD on the Clearance rack at target for $5 that was back in March though...
  • Maagrie
    Maagrie Posts: 49 Member
    I just finished day one of level one. Yeah! I made it! I also took my measurements and did a before picture. All my pre-30ds apprehension is gone. I'm ready for this! Good luck everyone!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    where can i find the DVD?

    Walmart has it for $10
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I just finished day 3 of Level one... still difficult but slightly less painful! Anybody else that is doing the program should friend me :)

    Agreed! Everyone should friend me, if they'd like =)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 3. Im finding the workout goes much faster now, but I still have problems with the lunge/weight lift "to your eyes" maneuver. I decided, for now, to use 3 lb weights for that. My 5 lb weights are too much for that one yet. Other than that, I think things are going well. :smile: Keep up the good work, everyone! You're the ones that keep me going :heart:
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I just finished Day 8 of Level 1. Great job everyone!!! Feel free to add me as your friend if you'd like! The more the better!!!
  • ctj101502
    ctj101502 Posts: 18
    This may have been answered but I can't find it. Under exercise when I am recording what I have done, what do I count shred as? Cardio? Weights etc?? how many mins for each? I am doing only 1 level per day..
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    I have done the shred in the past and made it about halfway through, but then daylight savings hit and I couldn't force myself to get up an extra hour early to do it. I'm back now and ready to complete all 30 days. Even though I was only halfway through, I was seeing changes in my body, so for those of you who question the results, don't worry you'll see them.

    Today was L1D2. I lost my ability to do the amount of push ups I had been able to do before, so I have to work on that. For the side lunges with anterior raise, if you have a 5lb weight and its just too heavy, hold one weight with both hands. It's still hard, but it makes it less impossible (and you don't have to go buy more weights).

    Happy shredding!
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    This may have been answered but I can't find it. Under exercise when I am recording what I have done, what do I count shred as? Cardio? Weights etc?? how many mins for each? I am doing only 1 level per day..

    I log mine as circuit training :smile:

    Just completed L1 D6 and it is getting better :bigsmile: