

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, my daughter Michelle has several lap dogs at a time. And they all try to get some part of them on her. She has Trevor who is a Heinz 57 that is a medium size dog, then Timmy who is her old man with bad arthritis who also is a medium mostly lab, then Justice who is a full blooded boxer and she is babysitting for several weeks Willis who is a Great Dane/Lab mix all 120 pounds. So she better make sure she goes to the bathroom before she sits down. They also all sleep in bed with her except Timmy who can't get on the bed but his bed up the stairs and put it right beside the bed so he can be with his brothers. Her cat CAT kind of just tries to hide at times.

    Miriam I was in my psychiatric training back in 1971 and I can still see those ECT treatments. That and insulin treatments where they purposefully put you in insulin shock. I am glad medicine has improved. I am glad to know that the electro therapy has grown up and improved. They changed my MIL life forever. I often wondered if I could have actually had a real mother in law relationship with her instead of what the shell of a human being was left. But she was quite a shell. Glad that feisty part of her was left.

    Our town here in Indiana just got our first Olympic gold medal!!!!! Lilly King is from here. I'm sure if you watched any coverage of her you have heard her name. She swam the 100 meter breast stroke I think. She will qualify for the 200 meter later this week. She is the one who made the comment about the Russian team and doping. Just like most towns, the side of town kind of determines your personality. Well she is a west sider through and through! Her shaking her finger at her and her comment was really showing her west side.

    Dr Katiebug, I love the leggings. I am like you, would probably never buy them for myself but once it is on it just works. And I envy other older women who can wear it like that. But I have such thunder thighs.

    My legs were killing me last night. I hope I can sleep better tonight.

    Joyce, still jumping up and screaming with Evansville, Indiana tonight
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) This was an odd and scattered day for me. My MRI was scheduled for 12:30 and I was supposed to arrive at 12:00. We got there early and I took one of the lorazepam tablets that the doctor prescribed en route in the car. I checked in early and then someone whisked me away to the MRI area far away from where Jake was waiting. I left my cell phone and my pedometer with Jake for safety and found myself alone in a waiting room with no other people and a lot of magazines that didn't interest me. Finally I decided that it was probably time for the second pill so I took (without water) and then found an Oprah magazine with a great article about meditation----exactly what I needed. The MRI went well thanks to lorazepam and meditation....I kept my eyes closed and focused on my breathing. I am so grateful to have survived it so easily. They brought me back to Jake in a wheelchair and he helped me to the car. At home, he sent me to bed where I slept for several hours. I am more myself now, but still a bit rocky on my feet. No more drugs for me.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2016
    sandrachis wrote: »
    Everyday life can be a challenge. Made it to exercise class this morning and have made myself promise not to engage in any political discussions. They just don't get anywhere but seem to draw a strong emotional response from others. Most of the people I know are voting for the same person I am so why bother with the latest updates. It is difficult to stay out of the negativity. I have so much to be thankful for and I wish I could get on a bike and ride like the wind.
    Sandra in Portland

    Sandra, are you in Portland, Oregon, or Portland, Maine? I agree that political discussions are unpleasant. Nobody in my yoga class has mentioned the elections at all and I don't start election discussions with my friends & neighbors, nor do they start election discussions with me. Thank goodness! We do talk about local issues that affect our town & our county sometimes.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    Katla49 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Katla First number = sets, second number = repetitions and third number = weight .

    Janetr okc

    Thanks for your help, Janet. :flowerforyou:
    I think this is right:
    3 sets of 10 repetitions at 1 pound = 3X10X1. (Next time it will be heavier. Maybe twice as heavy.) :devil:

    I know I'm a piker but I have a frozen left shoulder and I'm working to get it unstuck. This is really about as much as I want to do in addition to yoga, which is a lot more strenuous but doesn't focus specifically on my frozen shoulder.

    Katla, yep you got it :) The most important thing of all, is knowing what you are able to do and what you can't. What works for you and what doesn't. It would not be a help for any of us to do something that would do more harm than good to our bodies. Like Barbie said yesterday, the thing that works for one person doesn't work for the other. You have done such a terrific job of maintaining your weight all this time, you obviously know what works for you.

    I'm still struggling with what works for me to maintain. I think I rock along well for a while and then get a little over confident and think I've got this and then over eat and/or under exercise and there I go right away moving the wrong direction on the scale. I weigh each morning to keep a handle on it before it gets out of control. I'm still hoping that eventually I will hit a more level routine.

    Janetr OKC
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Monday Everyone !

    Kim -- Happy Birthday
    Cheri-- Glad you arrived safely in Texas!

    Today I was just dragging all morning! Normally I don't have such a hard time getting going! It followed me thorough out the day! Had a hard time going to The YMCA but I did! Really happy that I did. I Think tonight I will turn in early.

    Sugar thing plague me to that I wanted it! I started the day with my normal breakfast bowl of oatmeal and a hard boiled egg! But on the way to work I kept craving donuts! I did not buy any but it was strangled cause i have triggered foods but donuts are not one of them! I don't like them.

    So glad that I put dinner in the crockpot this morning it was ready when I got home from the Y. Plus yay leftovers going to turn it into dinner tomorrow!

    We have been enjoying watching the Olympics! Our whole family is following them!

    Heading to bed now! Wishing everyone a good night!!

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Kim - Happy Birthday.

    Congrats to all of you with the NSV's and welcome to everyone new. 'bout time to hit the hay

    Nitey night friends.

    Carey - Northern Alberta
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,875 Member
    Hello ladies: Went to the YM today for water exercise. DD's best friend is arriving late tonight to celebrate her birthday. She will be here until Thursday. It was cool and rainy here today so didn't get much else done.DH made dinner, bean soup but he almost let it boil dry and put way too much spice in it. Shouldn't complain, at least he cooked.

    Kim - Happy birthday to you!

    Purl - Where do you live? We are located between Snohomish and Monroe on ten acres. Would like to ride our horses on the Centennial trail some day.

    Katiebug - Congratulations on the new sizes!! Crazy leggings.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kylia – Cracker stays pretty close to home and/or us when she is outside. Since we adopted her; she has had 4 accidents/procedures which have caused her to favor her left paw. Vet says she will probably continue it until her 2 middle toenails grow back in fully. I think she knows that ‘whatever’ makes that ‘awful’ sound has to be much bigger and runs in packs, too. She doesn’t scratch at the door unless she ‘thinks’ that ‘maybe we have gone to bed without letting her in’. Definitely scratches (and whine) if the coyotes are baying. She goes outside a lot during the day to play; but, this heat has gotten to her about as bad as it gets to me. I can’t stay outside for more than 15 minutes, unless I am ‘in the pool’. She follows me and lays under the golf cart or under a tree. I have water put out for her that I change every day; but, unless she drinks out of the container, she doesn’t seem to drink much; but, she is funny about eating her food. We put a cup in her dish in the morning; and, maybe by evening … she’s eaten it all. Same thing with her cup in the evening … she might eat it all by the time we put her to bed. If you walk into the kitchen while she is eating, she’s stop. She’ll sit and wait for it to be poured into her dish; but, when you tell her … “OK” … she just looks at you; she’ll get up and come look to see if the dish is full then walks away. Our JRT we had before her … would ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ until we said “OK”, then, she’d go for it. Didn’t matter what we had put down in front of her …. She’d sit forever, if we didn’t tell her ‘OK’. We could even walk away and go around the corner of the deck. She's lay down and sort of crawl closer; but, if we said, 'eh, eh' ... she'd move back and sit down again. She’d shake all over waiting for it. Pets can be pretty temperamental; but, I ‘love’ my little long-legged “Jack Rat”. Soft lamb’s ears and Grinch feet! She can also be a little ‘stubborn’.

    What are your ‘girls’? They must be pretty big to have taken on coyotes.

    Michele in NC – I would get him to finish teaching me. You never know when a straight shift will be the ‘only’ vehicle to drive in the event of an illness or accident and you might not be able to call for an ambulance … cellphone might not be close enough to a tower. My DDnL#1 doesn’t know how to drive one either. I’m not sure about DDnL#2. Now-a-days they can be such a hassle because there is so much ‘road rage’. I can remember going to ‘art school’ I had a VW that was straight stick. I could change shifts without rolling back, even on big hills; but, one day, going downtown. Every time I stopped, a car behind me would tap me on the bumper. Did this about 3 times; and, then I saw a policeman and parked behind him and told him what he had been doing. He got pulled over for it. Now-a-days you might get shot. I had a woman pull in front of me to get into the turn lane, she was talking to her passenger; had a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other and 4 children unrestrained in the back seat. She had to have been driving with her knees – or the passenger was driving. That was the last time I had ‘road rage’. I sat down on the horn and she flicked me the birdie finger; and, I pulled over behind her and passed her and flicked a ‘flock’ of them back (which means I ‘waved’ wildly at her) and smiled big as I passed her.

    Katla – I hope you have not ‘torn’ your rotator cuff … that is what caused my ‘near’ frozen shoulder (right one) and I am ‘right-handed’ (predominantly). Then I reinjured it and had to have a second surgery to repair a 2nd tear (from a seizure).

    Joyce – West-siders … as in “West Side Story”? Or what side of the ‘tracks’ she lives on. That was the determining factor in the small town I grew up in. I think all 3 of us, at some point, in our teens dated boys that a lot of people looked down on because they were considered to live on the ‘wrong side of the tracks’. But, our parents never told us who we could or could not date. I think that was because when my Mother came to the town to go to an ‘all women’s’ teaching college’ … the Dean wrote her Daddy with a list of ‘eligible bachelors’ with the request that he pick 2 names from it that she could date. It pissed him off so bad, that he drove down from Marietta to tell the Dean, that ‘if’ he had agreed to send his 16-year-old daughter off nearly 3 hours away, and he had raised her ‘right’ … she could pick any eligible man to date that she wanted to. I wonder what Pop thought the first time he met my Daddy who was 9 ½ years older. But, he loved him. My in-laws were 9 ½ years apart; and, my DH and I are 9 ½ years apart.

    Some of the ‘nicest’ boys I dated were not exactly from the right side of the tract; and, I can remember the only thing our parents saying was … 'be careful because you never know who you’ll fall in love with', then you will marry his entire family. Sometimes they were far more respectful than the ones that were considered from ‘the right families’. I got out of the car of one that my mother and his mother had set up the date; and, started walking home. The same thing happened to my middle sister with his older brother. That was the ‘last time’ my mother got ‘buffaloed’ into making us go out with them … and we never told them why not. Like in all counties in GA; and, I am sure this is true of all counties/parishes in other states. There is the county seat with a lot of little communities in other parts of the county.

    Barbie – For whatever reason you had to have a MRI – sure hope you get ‘good results’. I had one in May when I had a wreck; but, was so ‘out of it’ I don’t even remember it or the CT Scan or any x-rays they took of me. I'm pretty sure they sedated me. My DOGD came and took me back home; and, all I remember was her saying, "Nana, I'm going to go pull the car around - they'll bring you to the door to help get you in the car." I don't even remember how I got into my bed at home.

    Katla – My Daddy used to say that ‘if you go to the county commissioners’ meetings' that is a good way to find out what is going on in your county. I grew up in a ‘small’ town; but never went to one there because we always ‘knew’ what was going on since Daddy was an attorney. The other places we’ve lived until now have been big cities. I started going to them when we moved here. Found out that they apparently ‘get together ahead of the time’ and already ‘know’ how the vote would go, no matter what the people attending have to say. At that time, the prison camp was in charge of making sure that the dirt roads were kept in passable condition (until the county build a sports park) which gets used by the public school only (at this point) – and that’s about it. It was ‘donated’ by the Head Commissioner; and, if ‘not’ used as intended it will revert back to his family. He was a ‘bully’; a major “B-U-L-L-Y”. I asked for permission to speak/ask a question and he told me ‘if it was about the condition of the road I lived on, then “no”; because I had made the choice to live on a dirt road’. The next meeting … I got stuck in the mud; neighbor came by; but, because he was on his way to a funeral he called another neighbor to come get me out. I walked into the meeting a little late and a couple of guys from a different area of the county had a presentation going with pictures and all sorts of things. I got up and said that our road needed some work; he asked me ‘if I had a presentation’. I said, ‘SURE’! Stomped the mud off my tennis shoes that I had sunk down in the mud until it came into my shoes and up past my ankles, ruining the socks (and the shoes – which were new). That’s my presentation and I took off them off and held them up … I wanted to ‘throw the shoe at him’. Especially, since they spent 3 years leveling off that location (with borrowed machines from other counties and paying a lot for dirt to do it). It was bad because the public school had already had a portion of the land they had built the school on … leveled off for future building for sports … football and baseball and track. They get ‘charged’ to use this sports park. It is known as the ‘paved road to nowhere’. I don’t want our dirt road paved, just want it properly ditched, graded, and packed. They have ‘finally’ purchased a packer; but the “Trustee” of the prison farm (who was the only one who knew what he was doing) decided that it was a good time to ‘run off’ when the Road Crew Manager left him for a little while. Caught him two counties over so now he doesn’t get to get off the farm any longer. Thankfully, this Head Commissioner has ‘retired’ after 40 years ‘in office’. Which was about 38 years too long! Now his son is running for his position. I’m sure that he had been ‘groomed’ as well. If he had lived on the other side of town, then it would probably have benefitted our county more. There were a lot of businesses that would not move here because they could not get any 'breaks' to do so. I think he held our county back from being the 'next' new growth county in these parts. If it did not benefit him in some monetary way ... it wasn't going to get done.

    Hope this is not considered ‘too political’ for you. Just the facts; m ’hams, just the facts (or living in a small community).

  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    @drkatiebug You are rocking those lu la roes!! Super cute! I just got my first skirt, and love it. A friend is about to become a consultant so I am looking forward to shopping more.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate - UK

    Home again to help DH with decorating kitchen he is a perfectionist which means cupboards emptied, doors removed so stuff everywhere. Should explain he built all the cupboards himself they were originally varnished pine but now painted white. Maybe should think about getting modern kitchen but he won't hear of it. Fortunately even though he's 75 with arthritic hands and a reduced lung capacity he manages to get things done it just takes a little longer to get started.
    Weighed in this morning lost again ( in spite of choccie biccies at DDs maybe because no alcohol either) anyway only 4 lbs off goal will need help and advice re maintaining as I've lost before and put it all back many times in my life. Intending to keep exercising as I now love it have ordered my own kettlebell and cant wait fo it to arrive
    Anyway hope you all have a great day and keep on supporting each other
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    morning ladies~
    was asleep early.. I asked Tom what the plans were for the weekend since it is my weekend off ,asked if we could do something fun.. he said guess ill be working around the house.. well that was a downer, so I will see what I can find to do.. if he is going to be a fuddy duddy then thats what he can be. working 9-6 today
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    having my second cup of tea, and then walk the boys and stop at the dump and then go feed DFIL and then to work.. will check in later...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Good morning all! Hopping on quick, as I have today off and am waiting for my dh to get himself together, bc we are headed to my BIL's surprise award ceremony! It is a three hour drive, though and we have to be there by 11am. It is 7:30 and I wanted to be on the road by now...tic, tic, tic,...this is what life is like when Miss Punctuality marries Mr. Late For Everything! :# Grrrrrrrr!
    Kay- I LOVE your party pants! My dh hates mine, too! But I love them, because I feel like I have been in responsible "mom" mode/dress for most of my life. My kids are grown and I am getting older so I am rockin' whatever fun pattern catches my eye, lately.
    Heather- Those kids in their tiger jammies are SO cute! Lucky you to look at those faces so often!
    Re- Whoot! You go girl! Knock those pounds down! I knew you had this!
    Whooppee! Here comes the dh! Gotta fly.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies! Caught up for now! Yesterday was a great day. AM Ready for today! Same goals as yesterday.

    Lenora- I love the 21 pieces of advice for aging! How inspirational and so the way I think! My girls are Sara- Great White Pyrenees mixed with Golden retriever and Mandy, a sable German Shepard. They are both about 80 #. Both are pound puppies and 8 years old. Mandy was only 10 months old when we got her and well trained. She suffers from anxiety. DH calls her a butt buddy :D Sara was 2 yrs when we adopted her and hadn't had a home in a long time if ever. Mandy actually housebroke Sara. I did very little. Mandy is the Alpha. Sara is the opposite. Calm and gentle always. She loves being around us and the grands. Mandy will go to her bed if the grands are being rambunctious! Will try to post pic.

    Kim from N CA- Sounds like birthday was a success! I still am challenged by the water thing! I read if you are hungry, have water first, wait 10 minutes, if still hungry, then eat.

    Cheri- moves have a way of making you realize what you really need/want! I have, for the first time in my life, been in the same place for over 20 years! Helping my mom with moves (she is a Hoarder!) makes me realize how much crap I have collected! I am downsizing. I have stuff in the attic, why? I probably won't ever look at it again up there. My girls don't really want much of it, so why am I keeping it. Good luck with the settling in!

    MRSGLT- Great job on dealing with the stresses! Sometimes walking is my best way to destress!

    Michele in NC- Yes, riding lawnmowers too. I love all the engines and customers. I know strange, but so cool!

    Barbie- Glad MRI is done. They didn't give me any drugs! Claustrophobic with no drugs in MRI! Was insane. I too had to close eyes and concentrate on breathing! I hope it comes out okay.

    Time to get ready for work. Make today a great one and remember to smile!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Kylia, I have avoided having an MRI since my legs started hurting in September because I was so afraid and then I met a man at the imaging center who said he'd taken some drugs to relax him for an MRI and his wife was there to drive him to and from....so when my doctor suggested the MRI, I asked her about drugs. A friend of mine had her doctor prescribe something to relax her when she went for a needle aspiration of cysts on her thyroid.....your dogs sound sound wonderful.. mine are waiting for their after breakfast walk.

    <3 Barbie

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi all, I relate to Janet OKC post about feeling off and on track and feeling liking I am sliding into overeating or under exercising. Well I am no expert but according to "better than before" understanding whether a little of something is okay or can never be eaten is a part of the journey.
    I myself could never abstain from trying new foods or eating a little of something I love (right now it is water ice every nite-hey it is summer!) also, I skip out occasionally from my exercise routine, other people know that even a little sends them right off, I think that is called being an abstainer (Right Barbie?) understanding yourself can help get back on track and say it with me ....don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

    I am going to have to extend my library time for the book, it is super great read. Gretchen Rubin "Better than before", very enlightening but I must admit the olympics have taken up my time at nite so I am only halfway through!
    Excited to watch gymnastics tonite --NYKAREN
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello, Ladies

    I will be back later to read up and do a proper post - but today is the challenge stats day - so I am posting here, as well as on the "official" thread.

    Ding Dong the Puffy Princess is DEAD... WHOOT!

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    Re in TX

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning!

    Barbie, Glad the MRI was manageable. They're pretty intimidating.

    Lenora, I loved your story about the road, your tennis shoes, and the mud. I grew up in a rural area in NM, and I vividly remember times I got stuck in mud past my ankles. The worst was being stuck late at night with a church group in a van on an icy and muddy forest road. Of course there were no houses around, no cell phones, nothing. My mother and stepfather came to rescue us. Luckily he knew the forest roads really well or we would have been there all night.

    Heather, The picture of your grandchildren is adorable!!

    I'm off my plateau, and I've lost 13 lbs since late May. Yesterday I worked and got some exercise (kettle bell + a walk that felt as if it was all uphill, which it couldn't have been, since I went in a big circle. But a solid mile of it was almost all uphill, with a few little dips and no flats. I was exhausted by the end of the day--practically stumbling around in the kitchen when I made dinner.

  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    I am 57 and getting my first colonoscopy tomorrow. I know I was suppose to get my first one when I turned 50. Today is prep day. So I am sitting here sipping on warm vegetable broth and reading posts. I am more worried about getting a headache and feeling sick due to no real food than I am about the procedure, 11:30am tomorrow. I called the dr office and told them I reallly really really hate IVs so they are going to gas me then give me the IV but with only fluid, no sedation in the IV. I am a big baby when it come to pain. I get gas to get my teeth cleaned.

    The fitness studio I attended and led a class at closed at the end of July. Last night several of us went to another class, Fit Girls, it was free and fun and I got to meet new friends. I got a great workout!

    Have a blessed day!!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian, where in the world did you go to get in that many steps? Way to go, my friend.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    I am not sure where I am going :( - I seem to be in a frenzy ..... trying to catch up on all the things I have not done while working...??
    I didn't get to the shopping .... I went to my mom's house and gathered up all the towels, blankets and sheets... when a house is closed up it starts to smell, so I brought them all home...made a lot miles as my mom would stash towels all over the place...she told me that "oh the ones in the bottom drawer in the closet in the living room I was going to give dad to use for grease rags... and the ones under the laundry strand ...well they are worn out...