
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • MountainMomma58
    MountainMomma58 Posts: 44 Member
    KJLaMore - Thanks for the words of encouragement. Congrats on the Cubs. We'll be routing for them too.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Hi all!
    Just got back from spending my 20% off voucher at the store. We went to get DH some more cargo pants, but he didn't like the only ones they had. So I bought a winter coat! :D It's probably 8 or more years since I bought a smart, "city", winter coat as I don't really need one in the countryside, but I hope to wear it in Brighton on days and evenings out. It's a black/grey fleck, calf length.
    We also did quite a big food shop. Lots of offers in my favourite shop.

    Our nights are getting colder, but the tender plants are still blooming so far. My pots are still going strong. Leaves are mid colour. I do notice the dark mornings though. :( I'm always the first one up to make a cup of tea, currently in the gloom.

    Spicy Salmon tonight (I use chipotle paste) with mushy peas and broccoli.
    Tomorrow I'm going to make a venison stew, cooked in cider.

    Penny - I have just one pot of Barbecoa Beef left in the freezer. I usually serve it over roasted butternut squash, or roasted cauliflower if I'm short of calories. We both found it delicious. Last time I had a whole heap of kale with it as well, so we felt very virtuous. o:)

    Margaret - I'm reading a fascinating book called I CONTAIN MULTITUDES by Ed Jong. It's about bacteria etc. I asked for it as part of my birthday present from my son. I think you would like it. It requires attention, but it's not hard going.

    Lots of love to all. Heather UK

  • DebbieBlackburn61
    DebbieBlackburn61 Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning ladies, I hope this post finds all of you doing well. I'm a bit tired. I went to a Holloween party last night that my friends put on. I just about froze to death because it was outside and boy was it cold. I slept last night in my sweatshirt because when I went to bed I was still thawing out :D . Thank all of you for your words of encouragement. I have definitely chosen the right community. To those of you who have thanked me for my service, you are very welcome. Even though it cost me my leg, if I had it to do over again, I would serve my country proudly. Does anyone know how to get a picture from facebook to here? I would like to do that so everyone can see who they are talking to but I don't know how to do that.

    Debbie Blackburn
    Birmingham, Alabama
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Hi ladies! I have been lurking but not posting. Barbiecat and exermom both encouraged me to get back on the thread. Good advice. I really need the support. More to come.
    Rita from CT
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member


    This is how I got my first cat! On my birthday (many, many years ago), my DH brought a present with the box top not quite on. It popped up and a little gray head appeared. I screamed, "What did you bring me? A rat?"
    Then I discovered my beautiful Siamese kitten. Love him dearly.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janetr – Well, it was something I was told was high in protein (would be something to eat if I exercised during the day). I have no doubt that it is high in sugar; but, I was going on with what I had been told to eat if I was still hungry after I had reached my CI because of CO being high. Dipped in peanut butter. I’m not diabetic, so I don’t know the restrictions they have to be careful of taking in. But, at the same time, I think it is very important for anyone on a weight loss program to check with their MDs for any restrictions. Thank you for that information.

    Glo – My first FB account got hacked, so it was closed down; when I set up a new one, FB would not allow me to do so. But, with the ‘drama’ … I figured that was a ‘sign’; so I just let it go. A few days ago, set one up under my ‘other’ name; but, they will probably eventually cross-reference the email and lock it down, too. But, I did not realize that I could not transfer my contacts and I do not want to make any friend requests other than just a few. One emailed me, by snail email, to ask if that was how I was setting it up and I told her that it was. Not too many know my other name, especially since I have been married. But, I did find that when it got ‘hacked’ it infected my entire computer; so I had to get my technicians to run a scan and remove the viruses, other malware on my computer, etc. Was a P.I.T.A.; because it took several hours to do both computers. I really did not like giving the information that it took to make a new account. If I never make any friends on it, I won’t miss it. Just wanted it so that I could 'see' the pictures of my DGDs - I can still see those, if they have not changed that. I have not gone in to see if I can get to my old account; but, I have been told by many that it is still up. That I definitely did not like to hear. I would have thought if I had ‘deleted’ it; then they would have taken it down completely. I just no longer trust them. When I have been on FB, it always was getting hacked. Way too much ‘personal information’ on the site to suit me, anyway.

    Katie – After I had a wreck in my ‘new’ car; we got a check for $1300+ as ‘depreciation of value of car’ … I had never heard of such a thing. Called insurance company and that is what they told me. It was an ‘unexpected’ thing; but, came at a good time.

    Lisa – Have you thought about those ‘condos’ that are all on one level; have a firewall between them and look like they are individual homes from the looks of them? Usually have about 6 to a strip of them. DH and his workers just got finished painting some in a ‘gated community’. The biggest part of the job was painting the iron fence that surrounded the community.

    Date Night! I love it! Just need to drink 4 cups of water between now and when we leave so I won't be too hungry.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rita welcome back! Hope you enjoy posting, and of course, reading. I have found this group to be fun, supportive and real. Just what I needed to support improving my health and my habits for the better. One step at a time.

    Debbie if you have pictures on your computer then you just download them. Go to the profile page on mfp and click on add a photo, you follow the insert a file from one of the pics you have on your computer. I surprised myself when I learned to do this myself....I am really slow on the computer but getting a little better.

    Decided to stay home and prep, plan, pay bills etc. and glad I didn't go with DH to visit his mother. DH seemed a bit disappointed but I really needed this day to get my week off to a better start than last week, including going to the gym, grocery shopping, laundry, meal prep and now on to paperwork! I am on fire!! :p

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    morning peeps-

    kjlamore- kirby says the cold doesn't bother him so far... i don't mind sweating at all and i am what i call a drip sweater. kirby doesn't want to go to the gym. i am for a slow short run, stretch then the hot tub.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mary... beautiful! I've been to Glacier a half dozen times or so (my best friend lives a few miles from the Western Gate) but it never gets old.

    Lenora - um... we're in the back of beyond, there is exactly one set of condos here, and they're truly awful. Long story, but the DH and I lived in them shortly before and after we were married. Would never do it again. That's OK - things have a way of working out. If we're meant to stay, we'll find that a way opens. If not, then we'll go.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    I am on fire!! :p

    Glad to hear that, I'm assuming "everthing" is in a row. :)

    Janetr (in Tampa where I worked out for an hour in the pool this morning)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To those of you who have or are having family problems or have conflict. I saw this on face book when I got home from church. Hope it shows up.
    https://www.facebook.com/findingyourpeacewithin/photos/a.606580366113332.1073741828.606568546114514/638704126234289/?type=3&theater Oh, I guess you have to click on it, hope it works.

    Yes, I went to church!!!! I set the alarm to get up and take a shower. I have been taking it on Saturday nights so that I can sleep later or if i do sleep a little late, I can usually get ready pretty quick, maybe no make up but am clean. So I woke up at 8:30, realized my back hurt A LOT, put my heating pad on in bed, at 9 got up and took my shower. Had to go back to the heating pad on the couch. But then was good to go. I do need to take a pillow to church. Yes, I will be one of those old ladies at only 66. Pastor has been having his massages on the Sermon on the mount. He does know how to step on toes. He says if his messages don't step on his toes then they aren't good enough for us.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Thank you for all your kind words.

    Heather I will look for the book. It does sound like a book I would like.

    Mary we were in Glacier about 20 years ago. One of my favorite trips. Loved the smell of the pine in the camp ground we where we stayed. When I walk under pine trees it reminds me of that trip.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Hidee Ho~
    I am home, and exsausted... that was a rough fast 24 hrs.... went to see Ruth and brought most of her family pictures and important papers to her.. she was wearing one the new nightshirts I got her looks great...
    then went back to see Ray.. I feel just awful .. I just wish I could sit there and be with him when he passes, he is there all alone.. with music.. talked with the nurse, it will be anytime now, guessing either tonight or sometime tomorrow.. I gave him a kiss of the forehead and told him I loved him.. what more could I do.. he was out of it today, glad i got to see him a bit lucid yesterday. I am praying for an easy transition for him...
    went to breakfast, and then went to the house for a couple of hours, going through and trying to find important stuff.. did get a flat screen t.v. still in the box, and some of Ray's etchings .. will see if I can give them to the cancer society to auction off..
    but heavens to betsy it is alot of driving for what I had to do...
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Debbie, I’m glad you are finding some helpful words from our group. Just reading about what you are doing and seeing your progress is encouragement enough for us. We all love to see each other succeed. Keep up the great work. You can do this.

    Barbie, my DH often wants to go to breakfast after I have eaten. Sometimes we compromise but I usually say no and offer to fix him one at home.

    Gloria, that’s terrible to have a broken washer with so much laundry to do. Our dryer just stopped drying well and DH bought one off of Craig’s list. They delivered it yesterday and we had to change the plug as it had a 3 prong and our house has a 4 prong. We got it hooked up and it seems to work fine. Thank goodness. I didn’t understand where you did all that laundry but I hope you get your washer fixed soon!! (((Hugs)))

    Charleen, you are smart to seal the cracks in the driveway before winter. I’m sure it saves some expensive concrete work over the years.

    Janetr, I was told the same thing about bananas when I was Type II diabetic. I still rarely eat any because of the sugar although I do love them.

    Kay, wow that $600 rebate was a nice surprise. That is “found money” to do something special with. mischievous-grin-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Lisa, I hope what I’m about to say comes across the right way. Please know I say it with love, but I’m not the wordsmith that you and some of the others are. I’m glad you have decided to stay put for the time being and it’s always nice to plan ahead, B U T please remember to live for today, this week, this year and not so much always be looking to the future. Life never really looks that different, no matter where you are or when it is. I want you and that wonderful husband to enjoy each moment you have together because as someone once told me, “This is it”.

    KJ, I have an image in my mind of your DH going to bed in his night cap. So cute and so nice to let you have it freezing in the bedroom. LOL

    Rita, come on out of that corner and visit with us. We miss you when you lurk!

    NYKaren, hope your DH is okay with you not going with him, but it’s nice to have time to prepare for Monday.

    Mary, beautiful pictures.

    Allie, you are a saint. I’m glad you got to go tell Ray good bye and spend some time with Ruth. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Today I made chicken soup. I really get into the soup mood when the weather turns a bit cooler. Tomorrow I go to the doctor to see about this knee. I hope we can do something other than surgery. Grrrr Will let you know.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Sun jog- 15.37min, 10.02ap, 5.5-5.7sp 155mhr, 138ahr, 1-1/2mi = 151c
    Jog- 5min, 10.2ap 4.2-11.3sp 146ahr = 73c
    Stretch- 5min =61c
    Total cal 340