
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 141 Member
    Monique: Could you share how to calculate the amount of protein and fat that you use?

    You could do a search for "ketogenic calculator". There are several online.

    However, because they have to be done whenever one's weight changes I do it this way:

    Divide my weight (lbs) to kilograms by dividing it by 2.2 That's how many grams of protein I eat.

    Double that amount for the grams of fat.

    Weight: 145 in lbs. Divide by 2.2 to get 65.9 kilograms (round up to 66)
    66 grams of protein
    132 grams of fat

    If I'm hungry I don't increase the carbs or the protein; I increase the fat. This means my body will use it instead of my body fat and I won't lose as much weight but one of the best things of this diet is not feeling hungry so I eat a bit more anyway.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Lisa: Looks like things are lining up for you.

    Michele: Great to see you back posting. I missed you! Your halloween decorations are fabulous.

    Glo: OHmmmmmm What fortitude you have!

    TNToni: Thinking of you... hope you can get more rest.

    Katla: Glad that you are feeling better - glad you've found a horse that you like.

    Sherry: Congrats on the motorhome! Sounds like it will be a great benefit to you financially.

    Carol: Hope the low carb approach works for you. It is working for me as I'm finally seeing some losses for the first time in 2 years.

    KJ: Happy Sunday. Gotta love BIL's like yours!

    Monique: Thank you for the calculation. There are so many different version of calculators that it becomes quite confusing. You've obviously had success with your method. I've only been on a low carb eating plan for about 2 months so I'm still experimenting with how many grams of protein and fat to consume that will give me more consistant results with the scale moving the direction I want. :)

    I prefer the fall back time change to the spring ahead, although I would much prefer just leaving the time alone. Why don't all digital technology have the function built in so that you don't have to reset all the clocks. It is a royal pain!

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Nov:
    - Increase walking by at least 100 steps per day
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy Sunday Ladies!! (((((group hugs and says 'Cheers' with me coffee mug to the screen!)))))))

    We seem to be on the same page when it comes to family, the holidays and generally just trying to make things happen. After my phone call with middle son yesterday, I felt a bit sad that I "gave him an out". I mean that I told him I understood that it was hard to do the long trip. I know that he discussed it with her, and she probably just said, "great, so we can take our time, see my family in Vacaville, and not have to do the long trip!" I am just guessing, and I suppose that is like "mind reading" your mate, and oh that is like so not a good thing... lol! I watched a couple of movies because it was "tear jerker movie" Saturday.... So that was healthy crying. Oh and husband and I watched Navy beat Notre Dame in football, and I screamed so THAT was healthy!!!!

    Got up at 8:30AM so I was amazed at myself. Of course the time change made it easy. I made some quick berry muffins for everyone, so that will be my breakfast with coffee!! Was at the computer balancing the checkbook with the online bank...(which I always do to the penny), and I wanted to check in with my ladies.... Love my Sundays when I sip coffee, read the paper, watch mindless TV, clip coupons, and do the various crosswords and puzzles. It's simple bliss really...or I am just easily entertained.....

    Oh I might start my Candy Trains today. I will post pictures if I do!
    the cleanest state on the planet (cuz it rained like a mutha all night)
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey, I wonder what happened to the third pic? The post shows 3 at the bottom but only 2 loaded. Oh well, it was just a head on pic of the front, you aren't really missing anything. You get the jist of it.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Carey wrote: I prefer the fall back time change to the spring ahead, although I would much prefer just leaving the time alone. Why don't all digital technology have the function built in so that you don't have to reset all the clocks. It is a royal pain!

    Carey - I have a Garmin watch with built-in GPS. It figures out where it is and resets itself to the proper time for that time zone. It's really practical except when I'm travelling, because I can't set it myself. The watch has to be able to "see" the satellites before it can figure out where it is, which means I have to take it outdoors.

    I remember standing way out in the third traffic lane outside arrivals at Logan airport last summer, out beyond the bridges that hold up the roadways for departures, upstairs. I stood there with my arm stretched out, attracting bemused stares and feeling like a fool. It felt like a long time before my watch found enough satellites to lock into and could figure out where it was.

    Another kind of jet-lag, I guess.

    /Penny, not at the North Pole just now
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    NYKaren - Dang I forgot about the time change last night. If I hadn't gotten on here this morning I would be arriving at church in the middle of the sermon.
    Kate - Yay for jumping off the plateau!
    Lisa - Hooray for everything good that's happened for you and DH!
    Allie - poor Homer but he's lucky to have you as a caregiver.
    Carol - I'm going back to a nutrition plan that I used to lose 100lbs. It is low carb and you don't have to count calories. I don't know why I ever stopped using that plan as one of the reasons I started on it in the first place was that there was a roadmap for me. If we support each other with this we can be successful! Truthfully I did not start exercising for months and continued to lose weight. Weight Loss is 80% what we eat and 20% movement. That's not to say that exercise is not necessary for good health for both the mind and body.
    Rita - have a wonderful day and get your fill of grandson hugs! When I had to put my grandsons in daycare I would blow them a kiss and have them rub it on their cheeks so they could touch it later and remember it was from me and vice versa. We still do this.
    Heather - what is an Allbran loaf? I have a box of Allbran (the buds) in my cupboard waiting for a recipe.
    CSOFLED - really REALLY like the Hugs emoticon
    Kelly - my Mom's only instruction as we each left home was that we spend Christmas Eve at her house. We would go to church then drive around looking at the Christmas lights. When we got home we would sing Christmas Carols with the caroling books they used to hand out at the gas stations (anyone else remember this) and then open our presents from family. Christmas morning was spent with my DH's family.

    Gloria (not quite as euphoric as yesterday) in WA Ohmmmmmmmmmm

    That reminds me - wonder where Lenora has been
  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Haven't had a chance to post the last few days, but have been reading all the posts today. Been super busy the last few days. Got word a few days ago that my spot in the RV park I have a reservation in is coming open next week so it looks like I will be moving Tuesday or Wednesday. The last 3 days have been spent moving a two bed house worth of stuff into a 32 ft motorhome. I decided to move into a motorhome as rent here in Portland is getting outrageous and I can't afford it anymore. An RV space is only half the rent I am paying now and I will get free electric, water, sewer and garbage. That is going to help out a lot. Maybe now I can splurge and get cable TV!

    So the last 3 days have been busy taking my furniture and other items I can't keep to Goodwill. I'm amazed at how much crap I've gathered to me over the years! I hate to see some of it go, but I can't fit it all in there so I have to give it up. Today was the last day of moving into the motorhome, so now I am camped out in the driveway and ready to go in a few days.

    I got a killer deal on the motorhome! I only paid $5,400 for it! It is a 1996 Georgie Boy Pursuit that blue books out to $13,000 to $15,000. It's in excellent condition and everything works! It's really nice on the inside and very comfortable for me and Missy, and I don't have to lose the queen sized bed. I will post some pics of it tomorrow, I don't really have time to tonight.

    I kinda blew it on my diet the last few days because I've been so busy, I ate a little junk food/fast food. But now that everything is done I can go back to eating healthy whole foods. I'm really gonna miss my wonderful neighbors here. Bless their hearts, they all pitched in and helped me move the heavy stuff, I didn't have to touch any of it. I hope I have good neighbors in the park!

    Monday I start PT around noon, then late afternoon I go to an intake appt at the mental health clinic I really want to go to for counseling, so it's gonna be a busy day!

    I know I missed a couple of Birthdays, so Happy Birthday to those that had one! I hope you had a great one and had fun on your special day! To all the newbies, Welcome! To those that have been having difficulties my prayers are with you and yours. And to those that have been doing well on their eating and exercise, way to go!!! And to anybody I missed, "Wooot!"!

    I hope everybody has a wonderful evening!

    Sherry in " soaked" Portland :p

    Wish you the best in this new adventure for you! You'll miss your old neighbors but, I'm sure you'll get to know new ones. Thanks for the welcome ;)

    Virginia Beach, VA
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather - you made me laugh out loud. You're never going to tell him and burst his bubble are you? ;)

    Penny - lol.

    Sherry - love your RV wish the boys and I had one and could just take off sometimes!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)<3janet, thank you for your kind words....I have learned so much from my years on MFP that I want to share with others...I'm glad I've been useful to you.

    :) the sheets are changed, the bathrooms are clean, I've spent 30 minutes on the ice pack in the recliner watching TV and knitting and now we're going to meet friends for lunch. I know what I'm going to order and I'm looking forward to it---it's the same thing I always have at this restaurant and the portion is exactly the right size.

    <3 Barbie
  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Heather in the UK - really hope everything works out for you! Especially with the owner being able to go ahead and make the sale. People can be really weird, and I know how worrying it can be.

    Katla - glad you're feeling better, too, my dear.

    Thank you all for the good words on the sale. Was so wiped out last night I could barely post. But the sale did go very well, all things considered. So glad that the ending to all this was a successful one, even though I will not be continuing it into next year. Selling second-hand goods, even though I turned a small profit, is not something I could do for a living. Love being able to give my sister a reasonable amount, as well, as she gets ten percent of what I sell... and they can always use the money.

    To the one person who asked if I sold the beautiful Tell City table and chairs--the answer is "no," but that's typical of the area. They only want to buy things that are priced at maybe ten percent of their actual value, if that. Everything else sold because I had marked it down sharply. Not disappointed, as now I can take the table apart and fix the horrendous job someone did of putting it back together with far too much glue, and really restore it to its original beauty top to bottom. And then keep it. Score!

    And... I got treMENdous news yesterday. I think I mentioned I had put my application into the Veteran's Administration to see what would happen. I get ten percent disability, and have ever since I got out of the US Air Force in 1983, for a knee that I blew out jumping off a ton-and-a-half truck. My general assumption was that I would get a message back saying that they could care for any issues with the knee, but that was about it. Honestly, I've always felt a bit guilty taking money at all, as I was never in a war, never involved in a direct conflict.

    I got a call yesterday saying I am now fully covered through the VA for the rest of my life. I can get a primary physician, mental health care, the benefits list is long. It is valid under the Affordable Care Act, so I will not have to carry private health insurance ever again, and will be valid even after I go on Medicare at 65. Can you say "relieved?" It will save us thousands of dollars over the years--we can afford to get insurance for the DH at a much cheaper rate than we can for the two of us.

    And, it will impact our house search, as it will make sense to be close to a VA Medical Center, or at least an outpatient clinic. And, with the sale finally over, I feel as if I can throw my energies at the dream of finding a place for us to develop a small farm. The hunt is on!

    And, bonus to my DH working at a trailer place, they had a trailer that came in and they pretty much put everything new on top to bottom. They guy decided he didn't want to pay the bill, so they're selling it to us for the repair cost. We'll be buying a fully enclosed, completely repaired, securable trailer that we can pack all the furniture and other items in that were never going to make it in the camper, and I'll be pulling that with my truck while Corey pulls the camper when it's time to go. So I don't have to give up everything after all. :)

    And, between press day, the hunt for the reporter and the sale, I've lost five pounds of what I'd regained. Stress destroys my appetite. :wink:

    Love y'all, hope it's been a good weekend for all,
    Off to get the laundry done...
    Lisa in rainy, damp West Texas

    Hi, Lisa,

    I'm a disabled veteran too. I'm at 50%. I was grateful to serve my country and am grateful that my injury is being taken care of by them, too. Less than 1% of the population serves. Currently, it's at .4%. I'm very proud to have been one of them, as I'm sure you are too.

    My injury was to my knee, also. I had surgery and was pain free for only a year after. Because of that knee, I have damaged my other one, by favoring the one operated on. So, it's difficult to be active. But, I find, that if I walk on inclines, it strengthens the muscles that allow me a bit more flexibility. So, that's what I'm focusing on now. Hope you will find something that will work to help you out with your knee.

    Also, good luck on that great find, the trailer! Lucky you!

    Virginia Beach, VA
  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, friends! Glad to be here ;)
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Brenda - Thanks! I look forward to meeting my new neighbors, I just hope they are nice people with positive attitudes. I have a really hard time being around negative, mean and cranky people. It's very draining. :'( So cross your fingers that they are good peeps!

    Gloria - I noticed Lenora disappeared too. I hope everything's OK. Maybe she is just super busy and hasn't had the time.

    Well ladies, it's time to get some things done around here. I'm ready for my stroll around the neighborhood. Think I'll add a little more distance today and hit the little store for a diet pop along the way. I can drink that while I'm lounging later this afternoon watching movies! I love lazy Sundays!

    Later all!
    Sherry in "dry" Portland

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    MountainM – Picture is of a ‘beautiful’ bride, thanks for sharing.

    Joyce – Sounds like you are describing “crimson pygmy bayberry”. It is an ‘ever-green’ (not really); but, it doesn’t lose it leaves. It has pretty small pink blossoms on it in early spring when the leaves are green; then it turns a really pretty purplish red in the fall. We have 2 on either side of our deck steps; ours are pretty tall, as shrubs go. Hope this helps; and, they grow in just about every state. There are a lot of shrubs that lose their leaves; but, the branches are a really bright red. I can’t think of the names; but, that might be what is called a ‘burning bush’ because the branches look like fire burning. It will put out long stems; which we cut off so he bush will be symmetrical. I cannot remember if that is in early Spring; or late Fall since DH does it.

    Janetr okc – I would not think a flamingo could tolerate the additional weight on their skinny little legs.

    Margaret – I wish my cacti would bloom like that. They have only once put on buds and put on a few flowers. I have several potted in one pot and they are different colors. I’ve been told a lot of things. Do they have to get pot-bound to flower? Or do you have to put them into a dark, cool place?

    Becca – I’m not having to cook for Thanksgiving. Will certainly will miss DYS and DDnL#2 and DGD#4; but, it is a long jouney and he has put in so many hours at work, he wants to just ‘chill’ at home. I understand; but, I hope that DnL#1 is not the reason. We’re going to her Mama’s small trailer (although it is a short double-wide, she has so much tchotchkes that there is not much of a flat surface to eat from. But, not having to cook is worth the trouble. I’ll cook a ham to have over the weekend.

    HA! HA! If I had been told that the reason DYS and his family WAS because of DnL#1 – DH and I would have gone out to eat somewhere, even ‘if’ we had to drive all over town. If we could not find a place open … that would be my 2nd choice – Hungry Man Turkey dinners.

    Michele – I agree – ‘what goes around comes around’. Maybe you’ll find some neighbors who might want to try it out … at your house.

    Kim – We have a few persimmon trees that grow ‘big’ persimmons; but, about the time they produce the fruit, the deer beat us to them. Same with the pears. Just told DH that I found 3 more jars of ‘cooked pears’. So, I won’t be upset that the deer have eaten all the ones they could reach. When we walked, we knocked the upper ones down about 10 of them, the next day there were GONE!

    Gloria – I’m also thankful for good MDs and those that listen and know which meds I actually need to be on. We talked about lowering one because of the weight loss; but, he let me decide. I did not want to because this has been a stressful time for me. He was ‘ok’ with that decision. I have ‘bipolar disorder’ but I rarely swing into that depressed portion; both times I did, I got admitted into the hospital. First time, it was right around Christmas and I talked him into letting me out for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; but, then I did not go back. We called him and told him I was doing better; but, then I ended up back in the next September for 2 weeks. The hardest part was that I was 2+ hours away from my family and they did not visit with me. I’d go into my room at visitation hour and take a nap.

    Heather – I have my Mimi’s old ‘20’s style of furniture. The sofa and chairs are extremely heavy. Might end up giving them to DOGD, if they decide to move out of the house they share with another couple because she says that she is the “Princess Witch”. Said that she thought that DOGD’s ‘renter’s insurance’ would also cover them; but, she told them that is not how it worked, she has a policy, her boyfriend has one – both are to cover THEIR things and nobody else’s. The she said she was letting in a sorority sister of hers so ‘they’ could split the rent. She told them that would not be fair to she and her BF; if anything it needed to be split either 3 ways; or 5 to be fair to everybody in the house. She is looking to ‘get out from under the contract’ she signed when she moved in because she had not expected to have the “Roommate from HELL.” Told DOS, they might end up paying an attorney, and ‘if’ they lost might end up paying their lawyer. He told her she just needed to ‘move out’. Said that DnL#1 called DOGD’s mother to tell her she was planning on ‘going up there to straighten out everybody; which means she is going to ‘cuss’ out everybody’. She had told DOGD she needed to ‘grow a set and not let others to push her around’. She does not like ‘confrontation’ either. But DnL#1 will only make it worse for DOGD if she does go up to ‘straighten’ out anybody.

    I’d like to re-do our home, since nothing has changed. New counter tops in kitchen; and upper and lower cabinet painted; with the lower one significantly darker than the top ones. New flooring and carpet throughout. I’d really love to reconfigure bathroom. At our age; we don’t really need a bathtub; and ours is so deep and it takes hanging on to a bar that DH put up to get in and out; and it is shorter than a normal one. Would like to make a shower at the far end (where the tub is now) as big as the space, get a toilet that is taller than the one in there; and make a double laboratory and cabinet where the shower is now. If not, then I would like to have a cabinet built to the left side of the laboratory that is in there now. I hate it because it is all one piece. I would not ever recommend one like that. Oh, and in the kitchen, I’d like a stainless sink with a Farm apron front (if they even make one). No more white porcelain sink in a kitchen for me.

    Kevrit – Your DS looks so much like our late dear nephew it is almost like they could be twins. I’ve always heard that somewhere you have someone else who looks like you have a ‘twin’; this is one of those times!

    Barbie – I also agree with you about ‘gratitude’. My DBnL, the one who suffered a bad stroke (but doesn’t seem to have suffered much damage to his body) told my sister that he was ‘full of gratitude to even be ‘here’; not sure if he meant ‘here’ as still on earth; or ‘here’ as in a very good hospital with very good MDs. He has gone through 2 surgeries already (the 2nd one, they went ahead and did because they did NOT want it to become an ‘emergency surgery type’. Monday, they are going to go in and see what is going on behind his ear; but, have told them that they could only do what they needed to do, within a certain time limitation; and, if they did not finish they would have to go back in. All his surgeons have told them that it was the most extensive bleed that any of them have ever seen; and, they are amazed that he survived it. He has acknowledge sister and nieces both times he has come out of surgery. He also told my sister that he could not wait to get back to church to tell of his ‘nearly going over to the other side’. What a ‘testament’ that should be. Will definitely take my laptop to the Women’s Retreat this year; unfortunately, sister won’t be there.

    Money, definitely does NOT buy happiness. It is what comes within and the only person who can change it for the better is THAT person. Things and what others say can make you ‘unhappy’ by the way you end up dealing with them. I tend to stay away from those who cause me ‘great’ stress. My husband uses the sentence … ‘that’s what the girl at the picnic said’. First (sometimes the 2nd) can be very funny; but, after that, I start looking for things that are causing his ‘stress’ and figure out what can be done to remove it.

    Fyree39 – We’ve done that very same thing before; got to church and wondered why nobody was there; so we decide to go eat; and realized by looking at the clock on the wall what we had done. “Fall Back in Fall, Spring ahead in Spring!” To me, it is easier to change them the night before; to change to Fall before 12 Midnight; or as soon as we get up in the AM (usually an hour before we want to).

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Well, I'm back in order after NYC DUMPLING MARATHON yesterday. I watched the real marathon on tv at the gym while I got in 45 minutes on cardio. Also finished the grocery shopping and made hummus to go with my veggies this week. Now I will relax in the tub with a junky magazine (guilty pleasure) and sort out some work plans for my 4 day work week.

    Planning meals and snacks has been key to keeping my weight in check and my checkbook in a healthy place! It may not always be fun or even possible to prep every day for success but as we love to say here--don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    So veggies and hummus will save me from overeating during dinner prep or cleanup--my danger zones for overeating mindlessly.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member