

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I had my ears pierced when I was in nursing school. Quite a few girls were getting it done so I did it also. Numbed my ears with ice, put a bar of soap behind it, did use a sterile needle that some one got from the hospital and after a big ouch it was done. What was the funniest time was when my Mom had hers peirced. Being the wife of a very conservative Southern Baptist preacher, he did not want his wife to do that. But one day she just told him she was going to do it anyway. Shocked us and the church.

    Went to Walmart today to get our grocery shopping done for next week. It will only be about 11 or 13 there. Michelle has a room mate that usually doesn't go anywhere and we love to have him. He is the cutest thing. He was adopted as a baby from Veitnam and I think he is the same size as Ellie our DGD who is 10. Last year her boyfriend came over. But both he and Michelle know how he feels about interracial couples. He may say that they have to prove they are bad but yet his every day conversation doesn't show that. They have dated 2 years and I don't know if they will ever marry. Whether they are sleeping together or not I don't know but I would imagine they are and they are contented to keep it that way. But she was living with her ex husband for a year before they were married. Anyway, all the things I will make for Thanksgiving I will either double or triple for Christmas. My pantry won't hold all the stuff for Christmas so I will do some of that later. If anyone wants a ugly Christmas sweater go look at Walmart. I don't think they are advertised as that but they sure look it.

    Don't know if it was a record high today but it was 80 this afternoon.

    joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,645 Member
    Joyce - it is warmer in Indiana than it is in California --that seems weird. I just lite the first fire of the season, my house is as warm as it has been all day at 60 degrees I could not stand it any longer - the sun is down and the fire started... for the newbies - I heat my house with a insert in my fireplace. Older home, no central heat or air....

    Smiles Kim - enjoying the fire and heat, in N. California
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Kim - I love fires! I miss having a fireplace. I guess I could always get that DVD of the logs on fire and play it on the TV, but somehow I just don't think it would be the same, lol. :s

    Sherry in "what's for dinner tonight?" Portland
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Tere: I’m sending prayers up for your job search. Dinner for 20….WoW!

    Carey: I didn’t know coconut comes in powdered form. Will have to look for this. Thanks for that tip.

    Chris in GA: Welcome to our friendly community. Tired of being sick and tired…oh, I so get that! Keep coming back here for support and inspiration.

    KJ: I agree with you about the adulteration of the Thanksgiving story. Ever since I visited Plymouth, MA and heard the full story, I have not celebrated Thanksgiving. For the past 4 years, DH and I have treated it as a day for prayer, meditation and fasting. Yes, as in NO Food.

    I’m not caught reading but will post this now. Have to get bundled up to walk to our condo annual homeowners meeting. Ugh.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills where it’s snowy with windchill

    November Goals with mid-month progress to goal:

    Tabata training a minimum of 2 times per week - on target
    Try a new ‘Skinny Taste’ recipe - on target
    Eat mindfully - on target
    Reduce household budget by $400 - complete
    Be lighter (thanks Lisa for coining this goal) -haven't gained or lost...

    Word for 2016: Optimism
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    Lenora, I so understand drought. We didn't get near as much rain this summer as we need. Usually we get the "monsoon rains" and this year it hardly rained at all. If we don't start getting rain or snow, it'll be a dusty winter. Ew

    I had read the Independance Pass closed today for the season. That's good news for all of us in CO and North Central NM. Hopefully the jet stream will run right and bring us ALL some moisture!

    But really CO can keep the 27degree night we are expecting tonight. Burr!

    I did run around the yard and unhook hoses and put plants away and checked the tomatoes for the last bit of harvest before tonight's freeze. And then rode the bike and made cinnamon rolls. Breakfast for dinner.

    My farmer called and said my turkey isn't gonna break thirteen lbs....gonna have to stretch the sides out this year. I think I'll add that lovely squash soup the the mix. We don't often have a soup course around here, so it might be fun to just run with it and act like we are rich for a day. Lord knows I have plenty of dishware to serve a coursed meal and DD's fiancé and I are both chefs. I can do soup, salad, fish maybe and the main meal. Everyone will flip out if there is no cornbread dressing. And of course a cake and prolly three pies. I think we can do it. :D

    I know none of that sounds like I'm trying to lose weight....but right now, with all that's going on in the world I think I will take that day off food wise.
    And my post about food just fell in under Rori talking about fasting and it looks ridiculously not what it was meant to look. For me, the day is about family, food and football. I don't think I've heard "the" history of the day. Way I see it, a bunch of hungry immigrants were fed and helped by the Americans that day. Not much has changed... o:)

    Katy, looking for her extra blanket in NM
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Marvelous Mamas!

    Well – the week is nearly over, and tomorrow is my Work from Home - Jammie Day! I am glad about that. It also means that tomorrow night is my weekly Taco date with my Honey. Love me some tacos.

    Next week is going to be... challenging. Not diet wise – at least I hope not – and not exercise wise – but work-wise. It’s the glorious week of Thanksgiving – and due to a change in the people that I “back-up” when they are out, I have TWO people that I will be covering for... *sigh* And of course – there is NO authorized Overtime... Thankfully only one that I have to do ALL her duties – but, having the additional work means I most likely will vanish off the face of the MFP Earth for the entirety of next week. Nobody panic, or anything. I assure you I will live, and I will resist the urge to eat three boxes of Thin Mints and an entire Turkey. I just won’t be checking in with you, my incredible friends. Or I will be lurking, at best.

    So, nobody worry about me, next week, ok? I am telling you now, because of my notorious weekend disappearances – I have more DIY stuff planned for this weekend – so it is likely that I will not be seen around here, again, until Monday the 28th.

    I will be thinking of you, Ladies – even if I am not actively participating in our little fellowship.

    Lisa – So glad you got some sleep!

    Pip – Aw, you are so sweet!

    Liz – Turkey and veggies are perfectly acceptable on almost anyone’s diet... just try and limit the gravy, stuffing and pie, and it should all be ok. ((Hugs!))

    Cheri – Not even sure what Parathyroid Hormone is/means. I mean, I have heard of the Thyroid one... but not the other. And yes, the Fall in Texas is truly a fabulous time. It cools off enough to be pleasant – and you still get the gorgeous blue skies. It’s really the only season you can spend a lot of time outdoors – unless you happen to be an extremely hardy soul.

    – Another person who is nicer than me... LOL. I would just SAY – “Push the button, already.” Good luck with the quest for your Dream Job – and keep up the bike-riding... just think... “I will pedal for stuffing!” One feast day is acceptable in any life.

    Janet – You’re GORGEOUS, Sweetie. I am pretty sure Lenora didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

    – LOL – somebody has to be into your self-importance – it might as well be you. That’s how I feel about my own, anyway. “Only” 11 or 13... er... yeah. OK. More than 2 is too many, so far as I am concerned.

    Sherry – Say it ain’t SO... Taco Bell toxicated you? Man, they have always been one of my favorite places – at least before I started trying to eat a little healthier. Guess now I have an even better excuse NOT to make a run for the border. And awesome that you are going to do Christmas activities – rather than stress our about decorating and cooking and gifting and, and, and... Enjoy the holidays! Great job on the Cigarette Free thing... and YAY for more nice neighbors!

    Katla – Sorry about the stress – I know fixing things is what you like to do – but honestly – there are things you just can’t fix. And, Sugar, any workout will burn a lot of calories when you weigh 224... I use whatever MFP shows for calorie-burn – but, I did try to keep my heart rate up for the 20 minutes. My schedule has been a little tight lately – so I have only had 20 minutes to spare for cardio after I do my lifting. I am hoping to get a few longer cardio sessions back after Thanksgiving. I am really focusing on getting my lifting in – I know the strength training will help me at least as much as the cardio – if not more. Thanks for the heads up on the acid reflux medication... I alwo have some memory issues, so I will avoid that!

    Carey – CUTE flying chicken! And I had my ears pierced with the gun – repeatedly. It was fine. I don’t think I could have stayed still for a needle and an ice cube... not a fan of needles.

    Kim/CA – Hilarious about T-Mobile and Vermont. Sorry about the cancellation – but, you at least get to work on your own garden.

    – If ear piercing makes one “loose” then I REALLY qualify... lol. I have 2 piercings on my left ear and 4 on my right. Funny, I don’t remember working my way thru the college basketball team, or anything... Hmmm. Perhaps they were wrong about the “loose” thing. >:) And your printer is 7-8 years old? That’s downright geriatric in “Computer Years.” Sorry. The good news is – printers are overall not horribly expensive AND/OR – you actually can probably live without one. Unless you are printing a whole lot more stuff than I do.

    Karen/VA - <3

    Michele – I wish I were HALF as motivated to exercise at home, as you are. It just seems like, when I am at the house, I don’t want to do anything that strenuous... You are seriously rocking it! Too bad there is no room for Jess to store the holiday stuff.

    Sharon – Not familiar with microblading...guess I will have to google it. Too funny – the “weirdos” at the tattoo convention. No ink reminds me... I about freaked out the first time I went into a Starbucks in Texas. Being from the West Coast – I know that a barista has a mandatory two tattoo minimum – and must, absolutely MUST have at least one piercing (male or female). There was NO WAY those clean cut poster children at the local Starbucks could be considered Baristas. I was almost afraid to order a coffee... Glad you lost a couple of mystery pounds. Just because it’s junk doesn’t mean it has to be super high in calories... I do hope you feel a lot better, soon. That will help you to make better food choices – I am sure.

    NYKaren – that soup sounds fantastic.

    Heather – Thank you! Edie and Max deserve equal billing with Bea – they are all three adorable! Have my fingers crossed for a productive viewing, tomorrow! Let's get that place SOLD.

    – Florida sounds wonderful... I hope you get to relax some. Buffet style dinners are excellent! Then nobody has to worry about eating anything they don’t like – or eating more, or less, than they want.

    Tere – Good luck with the job! And I might have had a different response to my DH had he suggested that I should, after all, cook a bunch of food after it was arranged that everyone would share the burden. I might have suggested (very sweetly, of course) that he was going to get very hungry, since I was only bringing green beans, stuffing and devilled eggs. But, that’s just me. I expect you are a much nicer person than I am.

    Chris/GA – Welcome! 80 lbs is totally “doable.” Just try not to rush it too much – make your changes small and painless – and you will be able to maintain your better habits for as long as needed to lose the weight – and to keep it off.

    SueBDew – Nothing like a couple of rounds of golf and some vigorous plant moving to wear a girl out. Alas, I have NEVER in my life been too tired to eat. Get some rest, Sugar.

    – I hate the cloud... It’s hacker heaven up there... so not going to use it. My DH found some program on line that stopped my computer from automatically loading windows ten – called stop ten or something like that. I loaded it on everything because I don’t WANT windows ten, and I have no intention of getting it. Have you noticed that every new Microsoft program has more pictures and less words? I like words... I knew where everything was when we had word-menus... or at least I could find it by using the words. I have NO idea what half of those little picture icons are supposed to be. *sigh*

    KJ - I know, right? My folks made me wait til I was 15 – I would have been mad, too – had they let my bratty little sister come before SHE turned 15. LOL – what is it with people and blood? I suppose for your Sis it was the needle... but still, fainting? I don’t think I have ever fainted in my life... I can’t even imagine. Stone soup sounds like great fun!

    Carol - <3

    Rita – Glad you don’t have to drive Mom all over. No guilt required... Your Uncle is driving her – and that is as it should be. It’s not like you are her only relative. (Hugs!!) Hope the dog-walking was properly therapeutic.

    Becca – I imagine you handle those interesting conversations pretty well... we will just continue to think that it takes him a long time under the hot water to get his eyes open. And I conversate with myself, too. Must be an Oregon thing. I picked it up there and brought it with me to Texas.

    Kate/UK – love the vacation pics!

    Barbie – My only expectation for Thanksgiving... I will spend some quality time with my DH. I hope you enjoy every moment with Brandy – and I have my fingers crossed for a lot more moments for both of you.

    – Oh yes, Rice is always calorie dense – and fried rice is worse – but, I seldom eat any of that stuff. I only eat fried rice when I go to a particular restaurant that just does fried rice... it’s awesome stuff and well worth whatever calorie hit I have to take. Otherwise, it’s meat, veggies and a tiny bit of steamed rice for me. My lunch today (leftover Chinese) was only about 360 calories.

    – You are so good to make quilts for the shelter. LOL – my condolences on receiving the Medicare Card... Hope you get back into top form, quickly. ((Hugs!))

    Rori - Enjoy the reading!


    Well, my Sweet Sisters, I must away... the leftover curry is calling my name.

    See you all after the holiday! Happy Thanksgiving to All!

    Love and Blessings to each and every one of you.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Ummm...for dinner I think some wild caught Alaskan cod, long grain brown rice and brussel sprouts...all done in the steamer.....yum!

    News last night said Mt. Hood got it's first snow of the season...11" at Timberline Lodge (ski resort)....a lot of snowboarders playin' hookey from work yesterday...wonder what their bosses thought after seeing their interviews on the news where they looked right at the camera and stated they weren't going to work, lol! For those of you who don't know, Mt. Hood is about an hour and a half, kind of East/Southeast, of Portland. Wish I didn't have such a screwed up back and was in better shape, I would go "tubing" on the slopes! But that is best left in my younger years, now I'd be afraid of breaking something!

    Did anyone see the video of the 9 year old boy catching his 11 month old brother who fell off the changing table when the mom turned away and took a step away from the table??? He managed to run over and put his arms out just in time! Whew!! Way to go kiddo! Good save!

    Time to go start dinner....

    Sherry in "chilly" Portland
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,645 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,637 Member
    Re- I know, I can't help it B)

    Will put in my stats tomorrow
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hello everyone (waves at the screen)

    Well I was sooo tired after volunteering at the senior luncheon. I tip my hat off to any of you that did waitressing. We only had 7 tables so there was about 63 people. So three of us serving split pea soup, bread and butter, and the meal which was Swedish meatballs, noodles with a sauce and carrots. Dessert was cup up squares of poppy-seed muffins and made into a pan of bread pudding. Really good, I got a square in my meal I could take home. I told everyone that the meatball clicker person was actively doing a good job, and I also complimented the guy that was ladling the split pea soup in the kitchen, because he was making nice patterns down the sides of the small cups. So then I had to tell the person I gave the soup to, that he had to get the good soup on the sides, and that the guy in the kitchen had worked hard to get the drips just right. The guy smiled and said I will get that part first, and leaned his head to the side, licking the small bowl! I tried to sing, but there was just too much noise, people just chatting and such. Holidays there is a lot to chat about, and today wasn't my day to share my voice, no worries.

    So when I got home I downed my meal, well most of it, and promptly took a nap. Drooled and everything!

    Sherry in Chilly Portland I saw that video and all I could think of is that was a silly mom not using a Velcro strap. Hey news flash, babies at that age roll! Glad her brother was there at the right moment.

    Once when my middle son was less than a year old, I was going downstairs to get a bottle made during the middle of the night. No husband, he was out to sea, (story of my life), and I miscounted the steps and was on the landing to where the stair turned before I realized it. Stepping wrong, baby came out of my arms and promptly rolled down the stairs. Thank goodness he rolled over and over in his blanket, but I was devastated! Kept him up for the rest of the night in case he had a concussion, that was what the doctor told me to do. Of course when he finally came to rest he was wide awake and there was a pause, as he looked at me with a, "Momma what the heck did you just do!" I swear the world stopped for a minute too, because after the pause, he let out a wail. By that time I had FULLY awakened.

    Tonight's meal was steak, salad and some great brown bread from the community center. I do admit, I do cook steaks really well. Nice and brown seared on the outside, pink on the inside. Melt in your mouth. I cover the steaks with a seasoning of Parmesan cheese, Italian bread crumbs, salt and pepper. I saved the drippings from the other night when we had burgers, so I used that to brown them in, then baked them for a bit. I keep my men happy.

    We rec'd our teenagers grades and I went into his room (after I awoke from my nap) and said with a stern voice, "I am disappointed in you son!" I told him that he makes it so hard to discipline him when he gets straight A's. Even in his Calculus, and College English Writing course he got A's! He did give me a startled look, which was what I was aiming for. He is such an amazing child, and he is ending his High School years on quite a high note. So proud of that kid....

    My middle son when he was a Senior in High School, he wanted to do something non-traditional for his Nov Birthday. We looked into getting a tattoo, but he wasn't old enough to do that. He wanted to get a piercing, but with the piercing place in a smoke shop/ drug items shop, silk screening tee shirt shop, well they said he was not able to without an adult signing for him. That same day, he and I went down and he got his first checking account with a debit card which was kind of special. He had deposited all of his birthday money as well. Flash forward to him biking home from the bank and I continued on my walk. I was passing the smoke shop, piercing place so I went in and asked if I sign and stay with him, can he get a piercing? They had no problem with that, so I called middle son and he rode his bike down probably as fast as the speed of light... Now what he wanted was piercings called "snake bites" which are piercings on both sides of the lower lip area. So its a swift curved needle with the hoop on the end of it. Unfortunately as he was getting "skewered" he held his breath, so he promptly passed out. Now there is nothing as terrifying as seeing your son passed out, and twitching, but in a second he came to. Then the next one was done and it was done. The fact that he exerted a lot of energy riding his bike, not really eating a good lunch, and being nervous had everything to do with his fainting. I told the Moroccan owner, "Ok my 17 yr old has been to the bank today and opened his first account, fainted for the first time, got pierced for the first time, heck do you have hookers in the back and we can get that done too!!??" He smiled and just said, "Not today, come back next week". Holy Heck that was a stressful day for me, and for my son. He had his "snake bites" for his Senior Picture, and then lost one of the studs so thank goodness he was all healed by the time the Navy came and took him. If he hadn't lost them as early as he did, then the Navy probably wouldn't have taken him because he has an open wound. We had made the rule with him that it would be just something fun to do before the Navy that was all.

    Ok long post, but I am CHATTY KATHY tonight!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,645 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :) I got a $50.00 gift card from a friend for a grocery store that I absolutely can't stand to go into because it's so crowded (too many people and too narrow aisles) so today I finally took Jake with me and went shopping. We bought a lot of the things for our Thanksgiving dinner (no produce because their produce was terrible) but many other things including cat food. Now I don't ever have to go back and our holiday meal shopping is half done...we'll do the rest on Monday when we do our normal weekly shopping at the store we love. <3:)

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    110 minutes of dog walking
    27 minutes walking by myself
    55 minutes riding the exercise bike

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,645 Member
    Barbie - what a drag on the store choice, but a nice idea... so glad you finally just did it.. we have a store like that here, but the aisles are perpendicular to the exits, so you go to one side of the store and then work your way around, living in earthquake country having to wind my way around to get out, makes me nervous...

    smiles Kim
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Howdy! It will take me a while to just get through the November posts, but wanted to say 'hi' and introduce myself.
    I'm 64, and this is my second real commitment to MFP (many many more times losing and gaining weight). I lost about 80 pounds during my last MFP adventure, but through a series of things aka excuses and bad decisions, gained 50 pounds of it back.
    The only thing I did right was to come back to MFP before I gained it ALL back B)
    So here I go again. I've lost about 13 pounds since my return, but many of my old gang are MIA or veddy, veddy quiet (and I'm usually not). This group is so active that you were hard to resist!

    Goals for the second half of November:
    *not one more blasted episode of binging/mindless eating
    *log consistently and honestly
    *walk 25,000 steps at least three days every week, and a minimum of 16-20,000 steps daily (unless planned activities make that impossible)

    My husband and I will be spending Thanksgiving at home this year without company (which is fine). We decided to have boiled shrimp, and I'll probably pick up a pie that he likes that I can easily resist. He got turkey and his corn bread stuffing at his work luncheon, so he's not feeling deprived :)

    Sorry for the long intro, but there you go. Nice to 'meet' you all!
    -Marilyn (or ker is fine too) from Gulf Coast Texas
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

    Breast fibroids... When I was 36 I went for a baseline mammo where they found a lump. This was two days before 9/11. Most stressful time of my life. The Drs insisted on a biopsy that confirmed a benign lump, that to.this.day I have to explain every year is not cancer, and is exactly as it looked when it was first seen. Since I have change healthcare plans a lot, the Drs are always way more stressed about Litlle Noma than I will ever be again. Yes, she has a nick name.

    Katy, forgetting to sign off in NM

    I had a biopsy too! Benign little lump of fat. However on my mammogram it is marked by a cute breast cancer ribbon. And yup...I get to explain it every year to the tech.

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Well doesn't that just figure!!! I sing the praises of my tablet and the dang thing freaks out and now won't charge! The screen shows it's charging but the battery level isn't going up at all. I've only had the dang thing about 4 months! Good thing there is a one year warranty on it, I'm gonna take it back if it doesn't charge by morning and demand they give me a new one. And if the new one screws up I'm gonna take IT back and get my money back. Good thing I have my pics and stuff saved to google drive!

    Sherry in"WTH???" Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: We had a fireplace insert in our previous home. We loved it! It was wonderful heat and I am convinced it helped DH recover from pneumonia many years ago. I left a kettle on the top of it so the room was both warm and moist. It took time, but he recovered. nicely. :smiley:

    Katy in NM: I hope you get the moisture you need this winter. :flowerforyou:

    RE: I hope that your week goes well enough that you can find time to stop in and let us know you're okay. :smiley: Thanks for your kind words regarding stress. I'm feeling a lot less stress today because DH had a very positive appointment with his MS doctor yesterday. Yay!!! :star:

    Sherry: Your dinner sounds wonderful. :smiley:

    Barbie: I'm happy that you're finished with the store you don't like very well and can go back to shopping at your favorite place. :star:

    Marilyn from TX: Welcome back to MFP and welcome to this group. There are many very nice women here, and some of us have been here for quite a while. I'm among those who are maintaining now. I've lost the weight but I know that I need support and encouragement to keep it off. This group is great at support and encouragement. :bigsmile:

    I just had a facetime call from DD and my two grandsons. I enjoyed the conversation and loved seeing the two boys. The baby was sleeping but the two year old was a bundle of energy and fun. DGD was sound asleep in bed so I didn't get to talk to her. She has school tomorrow & needs her rest.

    I had a vigorous walk with my former neighbor and some friends of hers this morning. We're now walking on Tuesdays and Thursdays, rain or shine! It has been a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    Barbie, most people who know me know I will buy at a tubal amount of their gift certificate. I then use that gift card for items we would normally and pocket the amount of the gift card in an envelope at home.

    Oh my, post didn't show up. Was talking about the estimates on out tiny bathroom and I mean tiny. Remove commode and vanity, new flooring and this bathroom is only about 5x 4 use same vanity top if we have to get a new vanity but he thinks commode is viable" and put a new O ring on commode. That is all. We like to get 3 estimates, throw out the ridiculously high and the to good to be true low estimate and go with the middle. But 2 of these companies are wanting about $2000 to do this. The other one is $880. But I worry why he is as low as it is and he can start it next Wednesday and hopefully have it done in one day. To many things good about this guy.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,303 Member
    edited November 2016
    Slept well with no drugs at all and woke at 5.30. That's 6 hours - pretty good for me. Woke up worrying about silly things, so I decided to get up and talk to you. :D

    Got to do a final tidy up before the viewing, but we are pretty good. Will be nice not to be making lunch. But we will have to eat something before I go looking at phones. Can't do that kind of thing on an empty stomach. :laugh:

    All this Windows 10 talk is scaring the **** out of me. :noway:

    DH wants new shoes for his Christmas present, so we will have to look at some shops up in London next Monday. He likes posh leather trainers, but so many of them these days have white soles, which he doesn't want. In fact he wants new ones of the ones he already has, but they don't make them any more. He has already had two pairs of them. :laugh:

    I think I've shaved off a few ounces this week. I am so enjoying Barbie's book, YOUNGER NEXT YEAR - for women. Especially the science bit. It's getting me to do a bit more HIIT and get a bit sweatier in the morning. I haven't done kettlebells for a while as my knee didn't like it and it is HARD work ;):* , but I will get back to it. I am consistently using my heavier dumbbells and stood up for a bit of it yesterday. I have been sitting down because of my knee. The book has just confirmed for me the absolute importance of exercise and strength training. The benefits are huge in every way, including brain function.
    I am 67 with a dodgy knee and hip and mild arthritis, so no athlete!!!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member