You cannot target fat loss!!!



  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    edited November 2016
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    If all your doing is steady state cardio day in and day out then thats fine, but you're cheating yourselves out of progress ..
    If someone is losing weight doing it, how is that not progress?
    As i said before our bodies are highly adaptive, walking for an hour on a treadmill is not pushing your body to its limits, you'll eventually burn less and less calories, its ok to do some steady state cardio, i walk/jog 3.5 to 5 miles on the morning to kickstart my metabolism so i burn more cals throughout the day, but i also make sure to spend 15-20 mins a day on the treadmill and or the elliptical pushing my body.
    The metabolism doesn't need a kick start. It runs based on physical activity. And really all one has to do to make walking on a treadmill harder without increasing the speed is incline it.
    I didn't say HIIT was the only effective way to exercise, what i said was try something new, shock your body and see the results faster. If you can't do it then don't bash my post, start off slow and work your way up to it, because the fact of the matter is its a much much much more effective way than steady state cardio will ever be
    Steady state cardio has a place in fitness. The best fighters in the world do steady state cardio for endurance and to help keep their weight in check.
    If you don't like steady state cardio, that's fine, but don't bash it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I never bashed it, i even said i do steady state, do you guys read?!?!?! Lol what i said is if that ALL you do day in and day out then you're cheating yourself, mix it up a little bit .... why is that concept being so ill received

    And while progress might be acheived why not maximize that and optimize the time spent working out, hence cheating yourself ... and why wouldn't you do everything you can to burn more calories if losing body fat is the goal, if that means shocking the system or boosting metabolism then why would that be a bad thing? As i stated before our bodies are highly adaptive, you only get results for so long before it adapts and know longer responds the same, why not mix it up, keep it guessing and working hard to burn cals, fat, and build muscle?

    Any professional athlete, bodybuilder, and trainer will tell you these are the basics.
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    You guys are delusional, I'm over it ... i never said it was the only way.. what I'm saying is try something new and work harder

    Its obvious there's a bunch of close minded folks in this place so hey if what you're doing works for you then cool, don't know why you commented to begin with.

    Its funny to see people who are out of shape tell me how what im saying is wrong lmao jesus i should go take financial advice from a homeless person too i guess
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    Its not bro science its actual science, please don't insult my intelligence, ive spent countless hours researching what i need to do to achieve my goals... no i don't have a trainers certification but i have done my due diligence to research what needs to be done and the science behind it, I've had trial and error in the gym and still do to this day... when i share something ot isn't just me talking out my *kitten* its me sharing something i know works because I've researched it, tried it and have seen optimal results

    So have a lot of other people here. Which is why some of the broscience you're putting out there is being challenged.

    What bro science? Lol what have i said exactly thats bro science, because i believe earlier I posted real scientific studies to back what I've said... just because i have muscles doesn't mean i spew bro science. And if you truly did the research you'd know that

    "Kickstart your metabolism", "shock your body" - both of those are BS straight off the Dr. Oz show or some cheesy diet supplement ad. Claiming that you'll burn less and less calories as your body adapts to cardio - not true either. Making the blanket statement that HIIT is superior to LISS for cardio - the effect of EPOC (if you know what that is) isn't near as large as you think it is. All straight up broscience. Prove me wrong - post some scientific studies that show how you can "kickstart your metabolism". I'm sure a lot of people here struggling with weight loss would like to know how that's done, and see scientific validation that it is possible.

    You claim to have "optimal" results with your methods. You may have good results - maybe even very good results - but unless you've compared your methods against other methods and controls in an RCT with defined parameters and measurement criteria, you don't know that they're "optimal".

    You started off strong with the part about not being able to spot reduce (target fat loss), but it went downhill into the woo from there.

    Doctor oz is *kitten*. I posted links to actual scientific studies from ncbi so again tell me what bro science? I doubt these muscles came from things that don't work.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Yes, we're all out of shape. You got it.

    Seriously. WTF is your point?
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