
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Hello everyone! I love how Penny signed her name above ("lurking"). I got behind 1,305 messages on November's thread and now I'm already 10 pages behind on December! I just can't seem to keep up. I've been lurking long enough to know many of your names and a bit about you but I never seem to get caught up enough to pipe in and let you know I'm even here! So, just letting you know that I am!

    November Goals:
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month :D
    2. Drink half my weight in water daily :( Doing better but not where I want to be.
    3. Cut out the foods testing positive on my Food Sensitivity test :)
    4. Continue following the Medi Weightloss plan :D
    5. Meal plan and do food prep on the weekends for the week ;) Ummmm....sometimes?
    6. Activity at least 3 times a week :s I'm still working on this one. I just am terrible about getting myself moving. I'm so tired at the end of a work day that I haven't been able to make myself do it. Tomorrow I plan to get up 30 minutes earlier and exercise, so we'll see if the Snooze button comes into play or not...
    7. Have half my Christmas shopping done by the end of the month ;) Kind of? Does it count if a lot of the grands what money this year? :smile:
    8. Make all the adult couples homemade gifts (Pinterest ideas for pot holders, kitchen towels, baskets, etc.) :s Yeah....not going to happen this year. Maybe I can start them this year and actually have them done for next year!?

    This last month has been crazy hectic at work. I work in the IT Department for a group of hospitals and clinics and I train new physicians on how to use the software systems. We are expanding into the western half of our state now, so this week started the big bang of training out there. 75% of the team is out there starting today to teach all the nurses, therapists, registrars, radiologists, radiology technicians, Home Health, Emergency Department Staff, billers...well, you get the idea...anyone who works there, on the software they will be using beginning the end of February. That means putting together lesson plans to teach from, handouts to give them, scheduling, etc., and since we are salary we end up putting in 12 hour days easily every day. So, with these long days, I'm really struggling with taking care of "me". Today I have made a few changes and am hoping they will help me. I am going to pre-log my food and stick to what I journal. Let's see if that keeps me on task. I'm also setting my alarm 30 minutes earlier tomorrow and going to try to exercise in the morning so I don't keep getting home late and tired and skipping it. I need to do this. I need to feel healthy. No more excuses.

    So, besides wanting to say hello and that I have been thinking of you all, I want to write my December goals. I'm tickled I actually met some of my November's!

    Tracie in WI
    If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always gotten. Time for a change!!

    December 2016 Goals
    1. Weigh less at end of month
    2. Medi Weightloss specs improvement -- more muscle, less fat, and less water
    3. Make exercise a priority
    4. Work toward making exercising in the morning a habit
    6. Take up a hobby. Don't just read about it and Pinterest about it. PICK ONE and DO IT! Set up that sewing room and begin making quilts or write that book you've always wanted to write. Do something besides work and sleep. Start really living again.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Tracie ~ Glad to see you! Your job does sound very, very hectic. Good luck on your journey.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    So sorry Barbie. <3 I know my parents waited too long with my beloved Oscar (kidney failure ) and it still haunts me. You are making the right decision in love.
    Wish someone could do the same for me when the right time comes.

    I spent well over 5 hours with my friend in the hospital. It's not very well organised, but I guess they are doing their best. In the end I had to leave for the train, but she assured me she could get home ok. I offered her taxi money, but she took the tube. She texted me later to say she had had to beg and plead with the hospital pharmacy to dispense her painkillers in less than 45 mins. She seems to be coping fine with the chemo. I'm going to do the same thing again in January. Other friends are working in shifts, so it's not a burden. It was great to see her.
    I ate my sushi on the train, which was full, but I got a seat. :D DH picked me up from the station. Very tired now.

    Tomorrow is yoga, followed by a lunch with my Portsmouth friend. Just popping down to my local pub. I always have salmon and vegetables, so not a disaster, diet wise, but yoga is not a great calorie burner.
    Today I didn't have time to do my exercises, so I walked from the London train station to the hospital - about 45 mins brisk walk. Bit of walking coming back, but I am still over. :( Tomorrow will be better .

    I will be thinking of you both tomorrow, Barbie and Jake. <3<3<3 And of lovely Brandy.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
    yegpac wrote: »
    Hello all, and forgive me if this isn't the place to post this question, but I'm 51 years old, was happy to find a room with similarly aged women, and just joined MFP this week! I have a question. Thus far, I've just been tracking food and steps taken (via Vivofit tracker), but today I thought maybe I'll resume a 30-day plank challenge. I wanted to find PLANKS among the list of exercises (that you can put into your diary), but it's not on either list (cardio or strength)!! I was surprised and disappointed. Has anyone else noticed this? TIA, Lisa

    I just create the new exercise if I don't see it listed
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    edited December 2016
    Just for you cat lovers - this is DH's nephew in the bath with his cat. Love it!


    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    evening ladies~
    today has been a day.. tomorrow should be ok but Weds is horrid, the office manager and other assistant will be out on Weds the Dr usually shows up 20 mins late and I am the only assistant for the day I will be working 8-6 and they have doubled booked most of the day.. so we will be seeing 17-18 patients and 4 of them are Crown preps, meanwhile there are holes in tomorrow's schedule and friday... but nooooo they have to pile them all on me because I am going on vacation. I told the financial manager , who will be working the front desk to please not put anymore patients in, and she says well we need the production, you go back and try and clean 2 rooms at a time and put things in the sterilizer,I am sure the 2 hygiene people wont help out.. I am not looking forward to this,,
    OK Rant over...
    I am thinking of Barbie and Jake right now and instead of my petty whining, I will be sending warm and loving thoughts to them <3
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Barbiecat - We feel your tears. Brandy will be in a place without pain, with a wagging tail and happy eyed grin she will be waiting for you just across the rainbow bridge.
    It hurts now but you will have her with you always in the memories of love and happiness you shared with her.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Pip – My aunt (by marriage) had an Indian head and would plant “Mother in Law Tongue” in it and it would look like feathers. They stood straight up and were two-toned plants with slightly spiraled leaves. I found one, but, it was way more than I could afford to pay at the time. They had a lady’s head at the plant store where I buy most of my houseplants. I like to have different looking planters (to at least) put my plants down in.

    MrsGLT – I don’t think that praying or asking others to pray for you is what we meant by ‘not' discussing ‘religion’. I think all of us at some point, believe in a higher power and we talk to it every day or at some point, probably every day. I think maybe the differences between two religious ideologies is what we try to stay away from. My DBnL had a stroke on the Friday before Halloween and I did ask for prayer for him. My niece opened up an account on CaringBridge.org for him so that she could let us (family and friends) know how he was doing daily. They had been on vacation down in Miami with another couple when he fell and hit his head in the bathroom. He did have a stroke; and, the MDs/Surgeons down there at Mt. Sinai said that it was the worst, most extensive bleed they had ever seen. He might have also had a seizure which caused him to fall and hit his head. The MDs told my sister the day they discharged him to be 'transitioned' back home to the Atlanta area, that he had been within 4 hours of dying. He had to have 3 different operations (6-10 hours each) and miraculously he has pulled through with flying colors. With only a little weakness in both arms. He has come out of surgery each time recognizing my sister and their two children and talking to them right out of recovery. I asked for prayers for him. He got over 2500 ‘hits’ on that site from people praying for him. This website, I had never heard of, was a wonderful way for someone who has family in another place to keep tabs on them. I am thankful to all the ladies that said prayers for him. Sometime praying is all you can really do for someone.

    We called them tonight - Louis really wanted to talk to him (especially). Sister said that he did get a little bit emotional when talking to friends and family. He had been to his MD before they went on the trip, really wasn't feeling himself. The MD said that he was 'ok' to go on the trip to Key West (something that was on "The Bucket List" of the man in the other couple. God was watching over him, since they had driven up from Key West to right above Miami. When she called my other sister our nephew picked up and told her to NOT allow them to take him anywhere else other than to Mt. Sinai - best MDs and other services. He is now in PT-OT 3x a week from home. They are both very thankful and 'blessed'.

    While a bit pricey; hope y’all have checked into a metal roof. Won’t have to replace it under normal wear & tear. Only a real bad wind, might do some damage. We’ve had some pretty bad winds, but no damage,. On the deck, we have just the metal roof and the rafters, so rain hitting it is wonderful sound; and, we can open the French Doors from our bedroom to the glassed-in porch and hear it very well.

    Barbie and Katla – I’m sorry about Brandy slowing down and limping. Poor Cracker has really had a time of it. Seems like about the time her left paw starts feeling better, something else goes wrong and she starts limping again. Her vet said it had gone on for so long that part of it ‘might be in her head’. But, her nails on that foot have grown catty-wampused ever since and I take her in about every 6 weeks for him to do the grinding of her nails. The middle two turn almost at a 90-degree angle and one gets to the point it is touching the other pad; one outside nail grows up the other grows down. In the house she usually puts her weight on all four paws; except right as she gets out of her bed. But, her personality has not been dampened one bit. I’m sorry you had to make that difficult decision to get Brandy out of pain.

    Meg – I think all of us are happy that you are back.

    Joyce – I’m so sorry for your daughter’s friend and her child. Animals (especially that belong to a child) really can make them responsive. They call them something – not ‘rescue’ dogs but, it has to do with their ability to calm them down. DOGD got a dog a few months back and her demeanor has been a lot better; doesn’t seem to be quite as ‘stressed’ as she had been in college. She has Knox to come home to after school and she is growing by leaps and bounds. Luna, her Daddy’s dog is not really ‘thrilled’ with her, she is quite jealous. Told her that she needed to make sure that she watched them when they were together.

    Sherry – If you can, what a lot of us do is, open up a word processing program and minimize them side-by-side; and, then you can work from the last time you posted to the present. Maybe you want to say something definite to someone, maybe you don’t; but, you won’t lose you typing. One thing you will have to do is, go to the last page and the box you would normally type in. Cut the typing off your WPP and paste it to the box. Once you have done this, you can delete your WPP typing, then maximize the MFP page and then you can go into the box and make any kinds of changes in the MFP box and then ‘post’ it. I hope that helps. The only ‘other’ way to be able to go back a page would be to ‘post’ that page’s post; then you can go back, otherwise you will lose everything you’ve typed.
    I had one of those small crockpot; but, gave it to my DOGD when she went off to college.

    Lisa – Michele (exermom) does a lot of ‘planking’ … maybe she can answer that question for you.

    Tracie in WI – I find that if I have 85 or more posts; I just jump in on the last page and don’t worry about it. You won’t miss too much because we are all posting at different times, and if you have a question of ‘what’s going on’ … sometimes someone will tell you.
    I don’t think I could drink ½ my weight in water; and, I am pretty close to my goal.
    I got everybody on my list ‘gift cards’. One at Victoria Secret; 2 at Rue 21; and 5 at Walmart (MasterCard, so they can use it anywhere). Then I had a few things I have been buying online throughout the year. Got it all done today … in the misty rain, now pouring down; but, we’ve needed it, just hope we don’t get too much too quickly. Right now it is a nice normal steady rain.

    Heather – It’s called a Living Will or an “Advance Directive”. I think that most MDs’ offices have an “Advance Directive” … basically a ‘fill-in the lines sort of form’. You need to tell your family what you want them to do … no resuscitation code, donation of organs, keep you fed and hydrated, remove all life supports if MD says there is no way for you to be anything but in a vegetative state.
    My Kissy Kat that I had when I was in HS, loved water; no white – totally black with green eyes. We had a 6’ long claw foot tub in the upstairs bath, she’d jump up on the dresser and slide down the back of it. She’d be all the way up to her back in water, just like she was ‘supposed to be there’. She’d stay until I got out. The only way to keep her out was to close the door tight; but, then she would ‘wail’ if you did not let her in.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry in Dufur: It sounds like you have a good plan. We left Comcast behind due to costs and are very happy with our satellite service. I chose Direct TV because of the horse programming. DSIL has the Dish. We're happy with ours and she's happy with hers. Broadcast TV is not practical because of our location. We don't get any signal. :flowerforyou:

    Traci in WI: It is good to see you post! It sounds like you'll be busy in the near future, but I'll be happy if you stop by at random whenever you can. I bet others feel the same way. :smiley:

    Heather: Your cat picture reminds me of a cat I once had. She looked quite a bit like this one, without the white patch on her chest. I told DH that she liked to have baths, and when he was feeling ornery he dumped her into the tub with me. She sat down and started to purr. You should have seen the look of surprise on his face. I still miss her, nearly 40 years later. :heart:

    Charleen2: Your Christmas tree skirt is beautiful! It seems likely to become a family treasure. :star:

    Barbie: (((HUGS)))

    I was able to go to yoga today after missing a whole week. It was great to get back to the routine I love. I had long telephone conversations with both of my kids today and enjoyed the contact. I had quite a bit of news to convey, most of it regarding DH's eye problems and also a little about our raccoon trouble. DH has another appointment coming up soon, but I don't have it on my calendar. I need to fix that problem asap.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Wow, what a great group! I've been looking for something like this on MFP!
    My name is Moira, I'm 63, I live in Kenmore WA (just north of Seattle), and I have another 100 pounds I'd like to lose. I've lost 134 already, with gastric bypass surgery, but the surgery was four years ago so I'm slogging along now.

    Goals for December:
    1. Continue to track every bite and water daily. (I do this already.)
    2. Exercise daily, even if it is only for five minutes! (I struggle with exercise. It's boring! But I know I have to get into the habit.)
    3. Find joy in the season, even with our current challenge; my mother-out-law (my ex's mom) has cancer, and is now refusing all further chemo. I'm trying to help my ex and my sons with her decision, while keeping my own spirits up.

    That's all for now, more later, I want to read through all the previous posts!

    MoyMG in Kenmore WA
  • rhjones0611
    rhjones0611 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Renee and from Dallas, Texas area. 57 yrs old and started my journey seriously in Jan 2016. I am really enjoying my journey, as I have learned some things about me that I did know. Well, I'm here to meet new friends in the same size, shape I'm in that really do understand
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
    total stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 14.15min, 12.5amph, 142mhr, 2.9mi= 127c
    fitbit- 147mhr, 100c
    SPIN- 42min, 81r, 109w, 9-17g, 148mhr, 126ahr, 16.8mi = 356c
    fitbit- 147mhr, 295c
    ride gym 2 dome- 8.15min, 10.3amph, 154amhr, 1.4mi = 88c
    fitbit- 135mhr, 50c
    walk station 2 wk 8.31min, 3.5amph, 110mhr, .4mi = 52c
    fitbit- 177mhr, 70c
    walk wk 2 sta- 9.03min, 3.2ap, 89mhr, .4mi = 56c
    fitbit- 109mhr, 106c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.07min, 7.6amph, 137mhr, 2.6mi = 195c
    fitbit - 138mhr, 141c

    wahoo = 871cal
    fitbit - 762cal
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,082 Member
    New York trip went well, I overdid the carbs. Good to be home and back to simple, clean foods. I have 11 pages of your posts to catch up on. Another trip east coming up on the 11th.

    Barbie: Saw your news about Brandy. So very, very sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, Jake, Sasha and Bernie.

    Colorado Foothills
    Temps will be below freezing when I walk to the gym tomorrow
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla~If you are ever in the area of Fort Stevens, you HAVE to trop me a line. I am just up the street and we can meet at Buoy 9 Restaurant in Hammond central...I will private message you my home phone number so you can have it. It rings on my 1957 rotary dial black phone. I shall sit and answer it like the lady I am! HAHAHa!
    in chilly