

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Had a good exercise day today. Hoping this is going to keep me on my streak of losing each week.
    Grace - just saying, if you don't have candy etc in your house you can't eat it. If I have some left over from a holiday ( any holiday) I think a I have to hurry and eat it all so I can get back on track. Grrrrrrr
    So sorry the weather has been so bad for you southern girls. I went to college in Hattiesburg MS where 4 people were killed.
    Better go.
    SueBDew in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had my PT today. One of the things she asked me was how I felt after PT last Wednesday. I told her that if it was going to intense each time that I would need to change the days since I wasn't worth anything the whole evening and choir practice is to important to me. So she changed things up for me. She cut out the time when she was physically putting pressure on my spine. So today was working on my core. And those exercises is something I can do sitting in the car, in the recliner, etc. I don't have to be lying on my tummy on my bed every 3 hours. She also had me do more of the flex up. So it was much easier on me. After I was done I stopped at one of the local shoe stores that sold diabetic shoes. I have a script from my Doctor so hopefully Medicare will reimburse some of the exhorbatent cost. So the place I went to today was the store my Mom went to for so many years. It's the same store that carries unusual sizes. I wore a 9AAA, my sister 10AAAA and Mom 11AAAAA and then my brothers went up from there. But once they were adults they were responsible for their own. So Mom lived for their semi annual sales. Well the store no longer files for Medicare and they no longer have sales except for shoes that just don't sell. So they start out at $119 and the one I liked was $175!!!!! So tomorrow I will go to the mall with Charlie. While he walks I will go into the medical supply store and look at their shoes. The guy at the other store said that the medical supply store does take care of Medicare billing. Only problem in that I don't know if since my Medicare is through AARP United Health Care that I go by their ruling and not Medicares ruling. But Charlie said if I need to spend a lot of money on them then I have to do it.

    My sister has a knee replacement tomorrow. She has had knee replacement on both knees before so this is a revision of one. She has chosen to not go to a rehab place after surgery. She has never used one before and did fine. But I was her assistant at home. Her husband has more flexibility in his hours and will be at home more for her. Her son in law had his gall bladder removed today, he had it done the little laporoscopicaly way. Charlie is jealous since he has a 6 inch incision. He is blind and I can't imagine what it is like to have surgery and not be able to see anything. But he did well. I remember when I had mine done that I would be able to escape those 3 day gas pains after surgery. But oh was I wrong. I guess whatever way the gall bladder is taken out, that colon does not like to be moved around whether it is buy a surgeons hands or those instruments they put in through the belly button.

    Penny, I can not imagine what it is like to be able to physically see the Northern Lights. I know I can see videos or still pictures of it. You are a lucky person. And thank you so much for Heather's message.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    What happened to my post????
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Margaret, you mentioned ginger and tumeric for their anti inflammatory properties. Have you heard of "good girl's Moonshine?" I had never heard of it until yesterday, but I mixed me up a batch today and drank it. Time will tell if it works. I used 2 tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of ginger and 1 tsp of cinnamon with a quart of water, poured it over ice no sipped on it throughout the afternoon. I won't say it was the yummiest drink I've ever had, but it was okay. It's supposed to help with joint pain, controlling hunger, and digestion issues. I wonder if you could put tumeric in it instead of the cinnamon. I had tried drinking warm water with the vinegar and honey a while back. It was ok, but I do prefer the cold drink.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katie - You need to add the 'moonshine'. LOL!

    Nancy – Sure glad y’all did not have the devastation that Albany and other counties around the Albany (Dougherty County), GA area. We did not have any damage. Of course, the first one to hit Albany was 1/2/17; still has people who have not had their electricity restored from that one. So many huge live oaks trees down in one area and big old pine trees that snapped in two or three pieces. Most homes either had big trees snapped or uprooted, a whole lot had them ‘in their roofs’. The TV station had done a drone fly-over and it was straight wind storms that hit our ‘old’ neighborhood and tornadoes west of the Flint River. The ones that happened yesterday was a long stretch though the south side of town. Lot of wind and sheets of rain. News Alert WALB-TV (stayed on all night – 3 weather people spent the night there and took shifts reporting the weather) were warning people if they lived in a mobile home; they needed to get out of it and into someplace safer. Sunday afternoon; it set down in Radium Springs and just about followed the road that dead-ends to the main road and it did not look like it picked up for more than 6-7 miles. Wiped out a ‘big’ mobile home park … lots of military since it is close to the Marine Base. Not so much damage there to structures; but, lots of trees and the fence that goes around it. It’s so sad. I would like to go ‘help’ but, Louis doesn’t want me to do so, afraid I would get hurt somehow. So many heartbreaking stories. Four dead in Albany (might go up once they can get in and check the areas). Hit Worth County and DDnL#1’s mother and grandmother lived almost right in the middle of the path. Trey had to first convince her that it would miss her Mom’s house by showing her where she was located on the weather map. We had a cone area that involved our area; but, I think it sort of petered out before it got here; sucked back up in the clouds. Two or three different cones overlapping in places. She finally called her Mom and told her that she might only get some strong winds; but, to go back and stay in her Grannie’s room which would be the furthest corner of the house if she did get caught up in it. They went over late yesterday and did some yard work.

    Katla – “I did not mean to say that people [don’t] deserve to be treated with ‘respect’ until they prove us wrong, just wasn’t thinking and omitted it … actually I apparently did not ‘proofread it either. DUHHHH!!!!!

    Mary from Minnesota – I will send you a PM. Quite honestly, Madonna’s remarks were totally unnecessary; no matter what she ‘felt like’ … should have kept it to herself or maybe to a ‘few’ friends. But, she has the 'right' to say what is on her mind, even 'if' others do not agree. Had it been someone else, the FBI and SS 'might' not have 'let it go'. I do not think that celebrity children ought to be ‘bullied’ by the media or others on social networking sites. Regardless, Trump IS his Dad and I am sure they have a loving relationship; because his older children speak so highly of him. I don’t think anybody seems to realize that the looting and burning of a neighborhood only destroys that neighborhood. Unfortunately, some of these 'instigators' have no interest in the neighborhood and some just get sucked up into the feeding frenzy. You could not pay me to be a policewoman and I would not marry a policeman, like military never knowing if they will return home. But, of course, I don’t have that guarantee with my DH, nor does he with me. So I try to make sure that he leaves the house on a ‘goodbye’ and a big kiss - with "I'll see you tonight." He wakes me up to have ‘fresh’ coffee in the morning. Most of the time, I stay awake for the rest of the day. Occasionally, I will go back to bed and sleep another hour or so.

    Margaret – It really did have character … and it also ‘had’ a character … our “Christmas ghost.” Every Christmas (not necessarily on Christmas) … usually one of the book-end weekends; we’d all be down in the living room and it sounded like someone walking upstairs … up and down the hall. All the kids would still be up and awake and with us. Once it kept up so long that Daddy went up the front staircase and my DBnL went up the back stairwell (each holding a rifle - neither loaded, of course). They looked in every room and closet – nothing. After that we just let whatever was making the noise … make the noise.

    Talking about teachers – my DDnL#2 called this afternoon … still ‘hot’ because her daughter has a teacher who ranted and raved about things before the election, voicing her 'own opinions' and then she started a classroom discussion about ‘abortion’. DDnL#2 has already complained to the man who ‘opened’ the school and several of the board members … who have been asking other parents and students what went on those days ‘in class’. She said that she did not ‘think’ she’d be back next year. She said that DGD#4 doesn’t even know about ‘sex’ and that it is ‘her’ place to tell her; not a teacher’s. She probably knows enough by chit-chat with other friends/students; but, she wants ‘no part’ or “The Talk” … all she has wanted to know about was about 'starting her menstrual cycles' … and why she doesn’t have a baby like some others. That is a hard question for her to answer. Not like they aren’t trying … just not able to – I don’t ask any longer because I know it is ‘hurtful’ if I do. She believes that ‘if’ she could ‘let it go’ then ‘maybe’ it would happen. I told her that ‘letting go’ was the hard part of the equation. But, DYS has told her that ‘he did not marry her to have a baby’ … he married her because he ‘fell in love with her and her daughter’. DYGD#4 loves him. He loves her as if she IS his child.

    Re – I think the storms are over with; at least for the rest of the 7-day forecast. When they strongly urge people to get out of their trailers … it is going to be a ‘biggy’. Most people who live in them, know to get to some place more substantial. My DDnL#1 is ‘terrified’ of bad weather. But, when Mother Nature decided to blow through that isn’t a whole lot you can do; but, pray!!!!! She has the two younger girls also 'terrified' of bad weather. My attitude about fear of weather is ... just wake me up if it is lightening and thundering ... I love nothing better than a good old 'light show'. If I am asleep with my C-pap I will sleep right through it unless the power goes out; then I sit upright in bed ... panting because I feel like someone is smothering me.

    Yvonne – I saw a ‘sign’ that got posted on FB that was WAY over the line. Very, very, very blasphemous. That crosses the ‘line’ … as a Woman I would be highly incensed by someone carrying that banner … especially when one of them was a man who was badly dressed as a woman. Maybe he was marching for more than one reason. Apparently.

    We’re having the last of the chicken, duck, and Andouille sausage gumbo that our DYS made and brought to us about this time last year. Mmmm, I will dish it out and then combine any rice left over with any of the remaining gumbo and have it day-after-tomorrow for lunch (that is if Louis does go back for 2nds).

    TNToni – I am hoping for good weather, albeit a little cooler this next week. They are still working on clean-up from the storm on 1/2/17 – this is going to be a mess for a long time. Looks (from what they are showing from a drone – or small airplane) – like Albany has been bombed!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Chris, a size 6???? Wooo Hoooo Doing a happy dance for you! super-happy-dance-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Kay, you look M A R V E L O U S. Way to go, my friend.. (later) I was thinking the same thing about Pip’s hair. If it hasn’t been cut she might want to consider it because it really looks cute.

    Grace, you are right that beating yourself up over unwise eating won’t change a thing. Move on to tomorrow and make better choices is definitely the way to go. We all do it and just hope we don’t do it too often. Hang in there, Scarlett. saying-yes-nodding-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Marni, that is too funny that your dog barks at the TV when your DH is yelling at it. Thank goodness ours doesn’t do that. DH does enough. Gosh it sounds like you have had more exercise than you need with all that snow shoveling. I attribute my back problems to shoveling heavy snow in Milwaukee for 10 years.

    Kristina, glad you are staying in with all that rain. Stay safe.

    Lovie and Julianna, welcome to you both. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit about yourselves to help us get to know you. It’s also helpful to sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.
    Pip, if the short hair made you look like your mother, I’d say you have a pretty mom. I vote to go back to short cause it looks great on you. barber-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Sarah, congrats on the minute plank. Way to go!!!!

    Kay, your concoction sounds like something the Mad Scientist would stir up. Do let us know if you can tell any difference.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Today I met my co-chair at the Moose and we each sorted a roll of tickets into strips of 6 to be sold for the 50/50 drawing at our Basket Bingo the end of the month. I made a quick trip to Hamricks and scored three tops and a dress all for under $50. I don’t even own a dress other than formal but will need one in March at the State Moose Convention when I’ll be in an induction ceremony. I really like it and will just need to figure out what shoes to wear with it. It’s navy blue with tiny white polka dots. I’m sleepy so heading to bed but happy to be caught up again.

    A thought for the day: “Apparently you have to eat healthy more than once to get in shape. This is cruel and unfair.” Author unknown

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    17,000 steps
    168 minutes walking Sasha
    46 minutes riding the exercise bike
    2 hour nap

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Didn't post yesterday as I could not get out of bed at all from the pain in my back and left arm from falling on my keister on the ice last week. Could barely lift my arm and couldn't even sit up in bed. So just layed there like a lump all day and watched some of the stupidest TV shows I have ever seen. Thankfully I sleep with the remote on my bed so didn't have to try to get up except to pee and then I crawled to the bathroom. Ugh! Had to slide off the edge of my bed like a snake and did a half-assed belly crawl. That was not fun and trying to slide across the floor to the toilet was itself quite painful, let alone trying to get up on the toilet seat. Didn't eat a single thing all day and drank only sips of water here and there so I only had to slither a couple of times. And of course no advocates on duty and everyone else here in the shelter was gone all day so no help there.

    This morning I did manage to sit up and managed to get out of bed, but still couldn't lift my arm and was hunched over like The Hunchback taking baby steps to the bathroom, shuffling my feet old lady style. I had one of the other women here go get the advocate who actually showed up today and asked her to please take me to the hospital. She refused and went back to her office behind closed doors. So called one of my old neighbours at work in Portland and she called her husband and he in turn went to his boss saying he had a family emergency and had to go. Luckily his boss is a super guy and almost shoved him out the door yelling "Go!". He drove 85 miles, bless his heart, to come pick me up and take me to the hospital! He got here about noon and since we are not supposed to have visitors here he had to pick me up down the street. Luckily 2 women were here this morning and helped me get dressed and helped me walk down the street to meet him. So have spent all afternoon at the hospital, with him sitting right there with me. They took x-rays and poked and prodded me to death, shot me up with morphine and told me nothing is broken, just a lot of soft tissue injury, thankfully. Once we got out of there he took me to Safeway to get my scripts for painkillers and muscle relaxers filled. I didn't even have to get out of the car, he took my insurance card and the scripts in himself and patiently waited for them to be filled. Once that was done he bought me dinner to go from Taco Bell and pulled up in the driveway here at the shelter since there was no staff left here and honked his horn repeatedly until the two girls who helped me up the street came out. They helped get me to my room and into bed, and here I lay. I think I ate my whole 1100 calories tonight in one sitting. But one good thing came out of it all, I got weighed at the hospital and have lost another 10 lbs in just over a month! Woooohooooo!! I am now down to a grand total of 260 lbs! I was shocked, with all the stress I've been going through I have had to really stop myself from emotional eating and it paid off!!! And I can now walk a little more normal thanks to the morphine.

    I am so grateful to those two girls for helping me, for my old neighbor for driving so far to take me to the hospital and sitting there with me and for morphine!! And now I'm feeling no pain at all, so am very grateful! The doc also hooked me up with another doc here for some more PT. I have to call her office in the morning and set an appointment for later this week. I hope she is a nice doc. The doc in the ER was super nice and said the doc he is hooking me up with is very good. Hopefully she is both nice and really good. We shall see.

    Well, since I can move around now again a little I think I will put a movie in and relax.

    Penny - thanks for the update on Heather. I too was really starting to worry. I hope she gets better real soon. If you hear from her again soon please tell her we are all thinking of her and love her and are missing her.

    OK, gotta go, movie is starting. I'll babble at you all later. Love ya!!

    Sherry in "ain't morphine wonderful??"
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    It's almost the end of another Monday! I had a counseling appt with one of the boys this morning and when I signed him into school afterward there was a whole page of kids that had been late today!

    I'm going to start over with the post I lost yesterday. I read some really great health articles last week. The first one has to do with Type 2 hypothyroidism and is in the magazine First for Women, Feb 2017. The article titled, "Tired and Blue no more!" states that if your doctor just does a normal blood test to see if your thyroid is producing the hormone (TSH) and it comes back OK but you are fatigued all the time and have other symptoms you need to have a comprehensive blood thyroid panel done. It may show that while you are producing enough of the thyroid hormone (T3) your body can't use it because you are producing too much reverse T3.

    The other articles I read were in the current AARP newspaper. The entire thing is devoted to health issues. Very informative.

    Sherry - WA's Medicaid, food stamps, and other benefits I believe are close to what you are getting now. I am appalled that SSD would turn you down 4 times with your physical limitations. I have heard that almost no one is granted benefits the first time. My son went through the same thing you are but was approved the second time. He has mental and physical problems. I personally think it's a shame the amount of money that SSD attorneys get out of your settlement with as little as they do during the entire process.

    Marni thanks for the website for the ticker. I wish they had a swimmer Avatar!

    Better get off so I can get my food diary updated and meditate before bed. See you here tomorrow!

    Love to you all =
    Gloria in WA where there were zilcho, nada, NO zucchini at Fred Meyer! 2542307qhiobudg6w.jpg
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    drkatiebug - My Mom drank that concoction hot every day. Mom always said it helped with her arthritis.

    Sherry - Isn't it nice to know that there are still good people in this old word.

    Day 3 of my challenge and going pretty good. Found my weird ingredients. Turns out they are not as weird as I thought. He sells a lot to the Hutterite colonies for bread making.
    DB was in for his remicaid infusion. He does look better after having one. I'm not sure his choice of a Caesar is a good choice as a chaser. He has given up Rye as it affects him so badly. It's funny he is not much of a drinker these days but on infusion days he wants his Caesar. He and DSIL treated me to lunch which could have been a mine field. I chose carefully and got rid of parts of my meal. We had a good visit.

    Renos at work are almost complete. Maybe they will fix the hole in the wall where they took out the pay phone.
    I like the changes.

    Came across a Super Girl comic from 1985 in one of the boxes. I also found a scrapbook that I wrote down the highlights for the month for the years of 1981- 1983 for my stepson, Ryan. Still no marriage certificate or divorce papers. We just haven't needed them for the last 35 years.

    We are still looking for a kidney for my brother. I think my DBIL is considering it. There is a lot to think about before you donate a kidney. He is healthy and has the right blood type. First he has to get back from Texas. Second he has to be tested. It would probably be a year from when he decided to the transplant date if all went well. We will see.

    Larry decided to wash my car last evening. It got cold and this morning my doors were frozen shut as was the lock. I warmed it up and everything worked out. Roads were icy, people are crazy.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Lenora - they showed photos of the tornado destruction here today. It is heartbreaking.

    DrKatiebug - Your recipe for "good girls' moonshine" sounds intriguing.

    Joyce - I hope your sister's operation went well.

    Lanette - congratulations on your appointment to the Aging Advisory Board. Especially important work as many places are cutting back on funding to aging programs.

    Rori - your book suggestion was interesting. I have downloaded a copy to read.

    One interesting piece of information I gleaned from the television coverage of the marches was from a speech Ashley Judd who pointed out that women's sanitary products are taxed, while Viagra and some products for hair loss are not. She is not quite correct, because a few states do exempt sanitary products from taxes and others don't have any sales tax. Still, definitely gives food for thought.

    I had my first weight gain this morning. Understandable after three social meals in a row, and unfortunately I have a fourth tonight. Normally we don't go out for weeks at time, just unfortunate this is happening at the start of my MFP regime. Will definitely try for a better outcome next week.
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Sorry, meant to close Leigh in France
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    well we got Ice and Rain last night and my DGD has a 2 hr delay... she will be going to my Ex's and she wants me to pick her up and drop her at school. will check when I get into work. but I have a patient at 10. told her I go in at 9 and will see if our first patient cancels..
    Penny~ thanks for the update on Heather so horrible that she got sick on vacation....
    all of a sudden I am getting a raging headache will take some tylenol and chill for a bit
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
    I'm typing a post but need to go get my hair done will continue later
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    LIsa all your planning is in place and you are ready for what comes- fingers crossed for you

    Heather sending you strength and healing thoughts.

    2 hour delayed school opening (woot) so I can enjoy a decluttering run in the kitchen first and get to the gym before work which I love!

    Stay safe everyone NYKAREN
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Lost power a few hours ago here in windy, rainy coastal Ma. Our whole house generator comes on automatically so we are good, I can use my curling iron! Early appointment with Wayne's urologist this AM. That's another thing we're dealing with, prostate cancer! Diagnosis was very slow growing & a low Gleason score so he's opted for "active surveillance" which means monitoring on a regular basis. With the nerve pain he's dealing with it will be interesting to see how he does. He's using a walker right now because we can't be sure the nerve will send the right signal to the muscles in his affected leg; if it doesn't down on the ground he spcoild go! Tomorrow we go into Boston for his Joslin diabetes twice a year check.

    No time to read or comment but I will later. Comcast comes this afternoon to change out a box & upgrade the modem...give me strength!!!

    Lois on the stormy North Shore of Ma. Thinking of so many who've been dealing with tornado devastation <3
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning everyone <3
    RE you are a trooper and really funny. Good luck with your knee
    Betty the snow hasn't hit yet but there is still a weather warning of snow and ice pellets. Did it hit you yet?
    Lanette very interesting about your appointment
    Pipcd great stats as usual
    Rori sounds like an interesting book
    Calmrose welcome to the group and congrats on your accomplishments so far
    Joyce hope your shoes get cov'd
    DJ great shopping success
    Barbiecat good stats
    Sherry oh my you are having a tough time. Sending you positive thoughts <3
    Gloria very informative about the thyroid test
    Sharon I pray for your brother. DH has a transplant so I get it!
    Leigh bonjour, going out and having fun should not result in weight gain, it is just not fair lol!
    Kate LOL
    Lisa good luck with your "chickens"

    So I am anticipating the big storm that is coming. Have to work and I take a highway so I think it will be ok going but coming home might be a challenge. I had a big scare last night and paramedics were called to my home. I am very grateful to be alive and I so appreciate all I have and I want nothing more. Thank you all for taking your time to read the posts here. The support is amazing!!

    Sarah in snowy, ice rainy Ontario, Canada.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    SARAH- spiralizer is Cuisique I haven't used it yet maybe later in the week I have been using average figure for exercise but decided not to stress too much as lost most of the weight logging food and using MFP exercise database and trying not to eat back the calories I really just want to stay fit and strong and I'm hoping DR will take me off BP meds.

    RE - Go girl so agree about the gym need to keep up the good habit

    SHERRY - Sorry for your pain but glad you have some good people to help and grats o. weight loss

    LENORA - awful stuff about weather we in UK have no idea how bad Mother Nature can be

    LISA - fingers crossed for you

    SARAH - hope everything is ok with you

    Welcome to all newbies, you are joining an inspiring, funny and supportive group

    Kate UK