

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    edited January 2017
    drkatie Thank you for the reminder about cinnamon too. I have heard that if you have acid reflux apple cider vinegar can help with that. I do not have that. Turmeric is best used in curry or in salad dressings. It is what is in mustard that gives it that bright yellow color and staining property.

    Going to work today. I plan to try and sit when I can and not over do the knee. It is doing so much better. Still having some pain at night, but much better than it was.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Re - Thanks for the tip regarding keeping your log in streak going. Sounds like mine was doomed, up in the mountains there is not a whole lot of internet access so I couldn't have logged in. Sigh.

    The Secret Life of Fat!!! - Rori I am going to go looking for that book.

    Woke up early this morning because it was too quiet. Always an omen that something outside has happened. Peeked and everything is coated in ice. This is really not good as our high temp today is not above freezing. This will make for a tricky day driving.

    Heather - I would so love to see a vibrant aurora display!! I have plunked down a deposit for a land-sea cruise to Alaska in September and if the leaves are turning it will be a leaf peeping trip. If the leaves are gone than I am really hoping to see a lights display. I will be in Denali for 3 days and 2 nights and am keeping my fingers crossed. The rest of the trip will be by sea and I will visit the many glaciers between Whittier AK and Vancouver BC as I head South.

    My hope is that I will continue to lose weight and 'be lighter' than I am today by September.

    Charleen in Colorado (Thought I had left ice storms behind when I moved to CO)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday! Another early morning with crunches and crockpots. Today's work out was a ten minute yoga. Not my favorite, as you have heard me say before. But it was Tony Horton Yoga (he's the guy who founded the P90X work outs). So it seemed more like stretched and squat holds. He had a donkey kick as a move to get us from the low squat to a upward dog position. THAT made me laugh. Last time I was able to do a donkey kick, I was probably 30. LOL! Oh well, laughing is an ab work out, too!
    Got my laundry started. Before heading out the door to work, my dh handed me some clothes he wanted me to put in the wash. Well, in they went and darned if that man didn't leave the belt on his pants and a lip balm in his pocket! The lip balm going through the wash is an ongoing battle between us. I can't believe I have trained my DYS to empty his pockets before putting things in the wash; but I am STILL training my husband! I am sure he feels I should check every pocket before starting the wash, but really? I clean the house, cook the meals, do the laundry AND work 60+ hours a week. Do I REALLY have to check his pockets too? LOL! Sorry rant over. One small thing can be so frustrating! >:)
    Lisa-Fingers crossed for you and this sale! Wowsa! I guess sleeping would be hard!
    Katie- I make a turmeric tea for myself, for just general aches and pains. I want my DH to try it and see if it will help relieve a little of the residual pain from the RA, so that he doesn't have to take an extra painkiller.
    Sarah- Yikes! Not sure what the scare was; but it seems as if you and your loved ones are okay. Sending love and hugs <3
    Mary-I didn't forget about the 40xMay challenge! I am still weighing and trying to push myself a little more. I will be weighing myself and remeasuring this Sunday. My colonoscopy is Monday morning, so I may weigh and remeasure again on Monday after procedure! On a side note: I went to sleep last night smiling and imagining myself with 40pounds less. I slept wonderfully.
    Sherry- Sorry about your fall and your pain; but glad you got everything checked out and that you have good friends to help you when you need it! Get rest! Feel better! <3
    Margaret- Glad your knee isn't bothering you quite as much!
    Joyce- It is great that you have a PT that will work with you on you exercises and recognizes the fact that you do have a life to lead! Yea for great doctors!
    Penny- your posts always make for an interesting read! Life on top of the world and all of the wonders and obstacles! Thank you also for sharing your message from Heather!
    Heather- Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you dear friend! Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Rori- I will have to check that out. I have always believed that there most likely is a point where fat on our body is good and needed. Most likely depends on where we live and what we do for a living. I keep in mind swimmers. If you look at their bodies (even at the top performing levels) they have more body fat than many other athletes; and I am sure that is due to the fact that they need that fat to protect them from the lower water temps that they are in for long periods at a time. Remember Lynne Cox who swam the Bering Strait back in 1987? A little over 2 hours to swim a little over 3 miles in water temps in the low 50sF. No wet suit. The wonders of that layer of fat on our bodies!
    Re- As I have never been to TX, I am hoping on one of my trips that I could just ride into Fort Worth with my daughter when she has to work and spend the day sight seeing. Do you work in Fort Worth? I would always be up for meeting you for lunch!
    Well lovelies! Time to get my kiddos outside to blow off some steam! Love and hugs to you all! xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Sherry in "ain't morphine wonderful??"

    You are such a trooper! What a wonderful friend! Hope you continue to be on the mend. I'm not even going to go near telling you how I feel about the place you are staying...grrr! Stay tough!

    sitting with a headache and hip pain this morning
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    Got to get serious. Weight going up.
    STATS for yesterday:
    Water 7.5 cups
    Squats 27
    Yoga 10 min
    Elliptical 30 min
    Steps 7426
    Weight start: 188.7

    Goals for rest of January:
    Water 10 cups
    Squats 30
    Yoga 10 min
    Cardio 30 min
    Steps 8,000

    Rita in icy/rainy CT
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    New book title "crunches and crockpots" :p
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,967 Member
    :)Charleen, Here is the link to use to reset your log in count:


    I had mine reset several times, each after going somewhere with no way to log onto the internet. Thus my day count shows all my days on MFP because even when I couldn't get to the site, I was keeping track of food and thinking about my plan.

    <3 Barbie
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello Luscious Ladies!

    – Yeah – Calorie burn is a mystery – no two sources ever quite agree... but, you are correct. Up and moving – keeping the heart rate up – you rock! And I bet you are right about the water weight. I am sure it will disappear, quickly.

    And it has...

    186.6 lbs Day I left for Disney
    188.6 lbs Day after I returned from Disney
    184.6 lbs Today

    Onward and downward (hopefully). Been on this journey for quite awhile (600+ days) and despite not being the leanest I would like to be at this point I have learned a ton about my body and weight loss in general. It's a struggle ladies! I've learned to become active on a daily basis, to be cognizant of what I put in my mouth/body and I've made such good friends and gotten such great support from all of you lovely ladies!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    NYKaren I love that you "overcompensated" for your friend in need. I came from a small town where people would cook something and come over and put it into your refrigerator/freezer or leave it on your counter. Or they would call and say they had made "too much" lasagna and could they bring some over for dinner that night. You are a good friend. Prayers and strength for your friend and her family.

    Chris Yep! You look smashing in your profile pic!

    KJ LOL! A new breed of bird. Blue Flag Water Bird!

    Barbie I particularly like the idea of acting the way you want to feel. I am going to adopt this and see if I can fake it 'til I make. I am not saying you are faking it, you understand. I am saying I am going to have to fake it until I'm in the groove.

    Lisa Nifty tapestry.

    Margaret who loves history I forgot where you live. I live in Virginia. Lots of history here. Recently visited Cold Harbor Battlefield which was very interesting.

    Meg I hope no one here would be offended by a simple statement that you attended a protest! That's what you did that day. What people don't want is for people to make statements on political convictions and get into debates. You also mentioned you went to church. There might be an atheist here. Saying you went to church this morning is different than getting into a religious argument with that person. <3.

    DJ That was a good take on that "garage" sale! Excellent!

    Katie Nice dress!

    Still 4 pages behind, going off to Jazzercise now, catch up with the rest of the posts when I get home. I'm off today so will be decluttering and catching up with you ladies. By the way, concerning counting calories, I roughly guesstimate 100 calories per mile or per 15 minutes of vigorous exercise. For Jazzercise, I count 300 calories for the hour since I am not going full tilt the whole hour.

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    OHP- One X5X 45/50/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- One X5X 95/105/115/125/130

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X30
    Russian kettle bell swing-20 3X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Set up-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kelly - you will be so happy by the end of May! I am sure you are already excited about the changes that you see happening! Hard work, yes hard work because this is really hard will pay off especially if it becomes part of your every day life! That's why it is very important to find what works for you. For me, I love to eat whatever I want and that takes a lot of exercise calories and I think I found what works for me. Next time I injure myself I know I will need to really restrict my calorie intake!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    Love reading everyone's posts here. Inspiring, insightful, and "food for thought" for this old lady. High winds, cold rain = not going back outside today. Froze just going to get the mail and a coffee. Since I'm in for the rest of the day, thinking I'll tackle something I've been successfully putting off for months now. Vacuuming the basement. Creepy, dusty, musty, and a ton of spider webs. Well....done putting it off. Especially want the cobwebs/spider webs gone. Creep me out every time I do laundry. Peace to all. ; )
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2017
    Barbie - I am throwing roses at your feet and singing your praises. Thank you for the reset info! I am been using it as one of my motivators to keep on track with logging. Seeing it reset back to 1 was a real downer. After all, I had pre-logged my food, kept to my plan and then added exercise done each day when I got back to the land of the internet.
    BTW - uphill/downhill hikes at 7,600ft while dodging ice chunks definitely ups the heart rate.
