

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies! My sister had her surgery today. This was supposed to be a revision of a previous knee replacement but they didn't have to do as near as much as what he had told her. So recovery and rehab will be much easier. One problem my sister has is that she abuses her pain medicine. If the bottle says 2 pills every 4 - 6 hours as needed, she will take 2 pills at the 4 and the 6 hours. She just doesn't understand the directions. Her husband has had to leave only the medicine she will need while he is at work and then taking the bottle with him. So I hope her pain level is good and she handles her meds OK. She realizes that she has this problem.

    Went to Freedom Medical today while Charlie went to the mall to walk. Didn't go as expected. My PCP had given me a script for the shoes due to nueropathy. Well that didn't mean anything to anybody. You need to have something wrong such as sores, callouses, bunions, etc. No on all of those. So I just went ahead and ordered a $118 pair of shoes. My feet and legs just don't do well with heels anyway so flats were OK. They are black and will go with anything. While I was at the mall I thought Charlie was going to walk but when I said I was going to walk down to the antique store he went with me. It was still a lot of walking for me.

    This mall used to be a nice mall, if was the first mall to be built in Indiana so you can tell it is pretty old.But then Evansville got a bigger and better mall and that was the end of the old one being retail. It tried for awhile. But it is now doctor's offices, rehab, small lab and xray, insurance, etc kind of mall. And very popular with the walkers. Our big mall has somewhere to sit and drink coffee after the early AM walkers and this one doesn't but it's still a good walking place.

    Sherry, glad to hear you are OK, I was worried when you didn't post yesterday. It's wonderful that you have such a wonderful friend that will and is capable in taking the time off like that to help a friend. That is one special friend. Glad the Morphine was able to let you rest.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    just checking in.... Wow every time I come around there is 200 posts! I feel a bit "out of the loop" but my eating has improved! Down about 8 lbs since the new year, so I am proud of myself about that. The downside is that my stomach is giving me grief. Just eating a lot of veggies I am thinking. Also I am drinking more water, and haven't been sleeping the best over that. It's a give and take thing I suppose and peeing more is the downside to drinking more. Water in water out, my life is water, I am made of water, and (of course), its raining out. Go Figure!! Going to maybe go to the KOA and partake in their hot tub!

    Yesterday we went to a food bank and had the best time. Got some great items! I rec'd a bag (as big as my pillow) of spinach, so I have that in our outdoor balcony storage closet, because my refrigerator laughed at me saying, "Heck that ain't food its a pillow!" The thought of eating it all up kind of makes me nauseous, but I will give it my BEST EFFORT. Rec'd a plastic container of yellow apples, so I gave my neighbor half of them, along with a large family size salad kit. So, what does she do? Well, she gives me most of the little chicken she had warming that she bought from Costco. I think the barter system is the best thing ever! I have taken off all the white meat, boiled the carcass, poured it into an ice tray (that is nicely warming my freezer probably) and have two other containers of the broth. I plan on making some great chicken soup, to give to her.

    Rec'd a call from my eldest sister today. She and her fiance' have moved to Heffner Oregon, living in a rental until they get a house. She is such a sweetie, and we both "vented" about our middle sister. It's such a comfort to converse with her, because there was a time when we didn't. We both support each other, a feeling of perseverance to know that she is there for me, that we are there for each other. We are both saddened by our middle sister's avoidance of us, not wishing to be a part of our lives. We just morn her, who she used to be before alcoholism took her from us. I still call her periodically, keep the mental door open for her, but its draining. I shall be thankful I have my big sister to confide in, and leave it at that. Oh and I have you all (((((hugs))))))!!


  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Good evening ladies. Anyone have a good recipe for pizza crust made from cauliflower? Have heard several people say it is good. Going to look at a different gym tonight. The cleanliness of mine seems to be going downhill lately. They are having a high turnover of employees lately too.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. I am heading to bed soon with a terrible headache. I don't know why these awful days just keep piling up at work. I run from one commitment to another and today spent almost 2 hours dealing with a "problem student". She rambles on and on and on and twists things and changes things so much by the end of it I'm not even sure what my name is. My co-teacher and I decided to always meet together with her because this happens to her too. So at the end of the day both of us went home totally confused. We are going to have to regroup and figure out how to handle her.

    I see so many lovely pictures here and I love seeing them. I read everyone's posts and am sending healing hugs to those who need them . May keep one for myself; I'm still coughing after all this time. Ok, well maybe a good night's sleep will help. Take care Meg from gloomy Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Re: I am a person who doesn't like to be cold and wet at the same time, but I can't help wondering whether swimming would be okay for your knee. If you enjoy swimming, ask your doctor. If not, don't worry about it. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: I love the term "furmily." I hope you won't mind sharing it. :bigsmile:

    calmrose: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou:

    Gloria: Thanks for sharing the info on hypothyroidism. I like to learrn & this was new for me. :smiley:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I have hopes a kidney will be found for your brother. I just double-checked and my driver's license shows the world that I'm an organ donor. If I am killed in some sort of accident I want as many of my parts to be donated as are needed. Now that we're getting older we may not be as desirable for donations as a younger person but most of my parts are working just fine. I hope that others are making the willingness to donate known & the driver's license seems to be a good way. (((HUGS, PRAYERS & HOPE)))

    Lisa: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope things go forward smoothly. :smile:

    ljdw99: Sending good thoughts for your DH. My FIL had prostate cancer for decades and was well past 90 when he passed away. Most of those years he was symptom free and had a good life. :heart:

    Margaret: I started using Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered Vinegar to treat my own acid reflux after Mary recommended it. I tried to drink it as she suggested it, but couldn't make myself drink it regularly so I use it as the basis for salad dressing. It really does help. :flowerforyou:

    Charleen2: I do all of my logging on my cell phone and it gets recorded on MFP even when I've been away from home & outside my phone company territory for awhile. I'm not sure how and why, but it works. I haven't actually travelled to a foreign country during the time I've been using MFP. Maybe Heather can provide some advice. :huh:

    Barbie: Thanks for he link to resetting the counter! :bigsmile:

    I need to get off of this post and do some reserarch on auto maintenance. Have a great day & I'll talk to you soon

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    allie how horrifying, you were very brave to help this poor woman. I'm sure she will remember your kindness! You are a hero <3

    Becca you are doing so great, 8 pounds, way to go B)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi all,
    Out of the jungle and into a lovely city called Campeche. Not that I've seen it yet, I'm still in bed. The diarrhoea is in abeyance, but I still have awful dizziness when I try to do anything. I lost over four days. DH soldiered on and met some nice people.

    Katla - I went through a whole packet of Imodium and it didn't even touch the sides. Luckily I had brought rehydration sachets with me. Got through a whole box of those. I think if you have never had Montezuma's Revenge you can't even imagine it. Days of liters of water just pouring out of your backside so you can't stand up. No means of controlling it or getting to the loo in time. I've been stuffing towels into my pants for the 4 hour journeys. I am now at least able to pee and the frequency has slowed a lot. I had it before in India, which was temporarily worse, (both ends) but didn't last as long.

    Lenora - Believe me, no one drinks the water in Mexico, not even Mexicans! :laugh:

    I am only eating the occasional banana now and one dry piece of toast. My lower bowel feels very sore. I have started to think about food, which must be a good sign, but I'm scared to eat. Ladies, over four days with almost no food! I haven't had a shower, or changed my clothes, or washed my hair. Can't stand for long enough. I'm sleeping in the same clothes as well! My DH assures me I don't smell!
    I feel it is hardest on him as I just went into dog-like acceptance and only wanted to sleep.I've slept practically non stop. When I haven't been in the loo. I slept on the car journeys.

    The jungle looked very nice from my comfortable bed in my hut, but in the early morning the trucks on the highway set up a loud reverberation which was quite uncanny. I had earplugs, but it woke DH up. He loved his trip to Calakmul. He's been climbing a LOT of pyramids. Not bad for 71!

    I really do hope I can do some of my booked tour of Campeche tomorrow. Right now it feels impossible. This hotel is lovely, in a very old colonial house. Huge room, excellent staff. WiFi!!!!!!

    I did think about salmonella, but I will see if this improvement sticks before I go down that route. Don't want to have to spend ages in hospital over here. A friend of mine was in hospital for ages.
    Hope it's just the usual, ghastly, horrible Delhi Belly. You wouldn't believe how much water a human body contains!

    Love to all. Thank you for thinking of me. I knew one or two of you would be worrying and then I had the bright idea of texting Penny. I have her number because of meeting up last year in Longyearbyen. Modern communication, eh! She got back to me immediately.

    Heather in Campeche, a World Heritage City, on the Gulf of Mexico xxxxxxxxxx

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather, thank goodness, and poor baby! Sounds utterly horrible...

    For those following the saga, Chicken 1's children told him they wouldn't release his money (just didn't even ask why they HAVE his money--I had a weird vibe from him from the jump). Chicken 2 came to the roost and clucked along for a half hour tour of the place today. He's already verbally offered, but seemed pleased with the overall place. Supposed to find out tomorrow if he's going to follow up with a legit offer, lay down a little earnest money, cluck, cluck cluck. He is also a local doctor (Doctor Chicken? I may have stretched my metaphor to the snapping point). And looking at it as an investment...

    We shall see...

    Love y'all,
    Press day tomorrow, off to an early beddy bye in the House McNugget.
    I sense a theme.
    Lisa in slightly hilarious West Texas
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Michele - beautiful daughter and dress!! I'm guessing that is the one she picked out? It is gorgeous on her and she will make a very beautiful bride! I love the dolphin! You are so talented!

    Joyce - yes, they are very special people and have been very supportive in any way they can. I am very blessed to know them. It was the first time I had to call them for help and they stepped right up with flying colors. I am so grateful for them.

    Sue in WA - yes, my life has a lot of ups and downs right now, utterly chaotic. Hopefully in the near future, maybe a month or so, I will have stable housing and things will settle down.

    Allie - glad that you were there for that lady, I'm sure she appreciates you and the blanket. I'm guessing she wasn't hurt, just shaken up?

    KJ(Kelly) - those videos made me laugh so hard!! Thanks for sharing those!

    Gloria - thanks for the info on Washington's system. Glad to know it may be comparable to Oregon.

    Had a nice nap this afternoon and woke up refreshed. Must have really needed the sleep cuz I slept like a log. Think I will go wander into the kitchen and cook myself some dinner. Yak at you all later.

    Sherry in "I'm starvin'!"
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Heather in Campeche, a World Heritage City, on the Gulf of Mexico xxxxxxxxxx

    Oh my goodness! So glad to hear you "may" be on the mend. Not a very nice way to spend your vacay! Sounds like an involuntary colonoscopy prep situation. Heal quickly. Bless your husband too!

    feeling dizzy myself in College Station, TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather it's a positive sign that you are eating a little dry toast. Go slow, take little bites and more electrolytes. Brave and strong woman!! Glad DH is soldiering on as well. Take care. NYKAREN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allie, you are my hero!. I agree, I am sure that lady thought your coming to her aid and giving her a blanket made her day.

    Heather, thanks so much for checking in. So, so sorry for your tummy issues. You were looking forward so much to this trip, took your Spanish lessons, booked your excursions. But this might make your husband feel a bit better about traveling when he remembers how strong he was in doing these things by himself. He has been strong when I would imagine he at one time didn't think he could do it.

    Watching NCIS. This acting by Palmer, the mild mannered assistant is award winning.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 13min, 13.5amph, 139mhr, 2.9mi= 48c
    applie iwatch- 102
    TREADMILL walk/jog/skip/scissors- 44min, rolling hill program, 1-8incl 4.0-4.3sp 14.38ap 131ahr, 159mhr, 3.08mi = 400c
    apple iwatch- 358c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.52min, 143mhr, 12.4amph, 1.4mi = 112c
    apple iwatch- 59c
    jog/walk station 2 wk- 5.05min, 9.57ap, 140mhr, .5mi = 53c
    apple iwatch- 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.20min, 10.16ap, 152mhr, .5mi = 77c
    apple iwatch- 60c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.52min, 141mhr, 8amph, 2.6mi = 194c
    apple iwatch- 150c

    total cal 938
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Splendid Senoras!

    Not much happening today – and as always, no news is good news. I had to run down to the cafeteria to get lettuce – since I have whipped up a batch of “Salad Topper” and now need the salad part.

    The Salad Topper is beans (black, red and kidney), cheese & salad veggies, with my cottage cheese ranch as the “dressing.” Some fiber content – lots of protein – and tasty enough. And buying just lettuce at the cafeteria makes it almost affordable! LOL. I did toss some peas, olives and banana peppers on, cause I could. I really love salad – but, without making my own topping, it’s a minefield. Caesar Dressing... like 100 calories a tablespoon... I remember when I used to eat half a jar on three leaves of lettuce.... *sighs* Ah the joy of ignorance. But, a CUP of my salad topper is only 335 calories. MUCH improved over the old way. And a batch made 11 servings...Which I immediately put into those 1 cup plastic containers – so I am ready to grab and go.

    Whoot! – I am fully prepared for salad all week – with no fear of the calories. I can alternate the meat I put on it for variety – as well as doing the occasional banana pepper or olive. OR I could even eat it with a Wasa Cracker, if I am craving the crunch.

    Food Prep RULES!


    Lois – Thinking healing thoughts for your Honey. So sorry about his cancer.

    NYKaren – I decided there are PLENTY of different arm machines at my gym... I can do different arms every day – while DH rides the stationary bike and does his sit-ups. And I LOVE being able to go to the gym before work. I am so not motivated, after.

    Pip – That is such a great picture of you and your Mom!

    Meg – Sorry they couldn’t find the person... Glad to hear Benny is a little better. ((Hugs!!)) Hope you two figure out a strategy for dealing with the “problem child.”

    – Can you get the local city governments to chip in on the senior centers? My little town funds its own – although it is an admittedly affluent area. Perhaps they could share funding? Just a thought. So, the county is saying no more funds, at all? Sounds like a Senior Fund Raiser is in order... just to keep the places running for the year.

    Rori – Fat is definitely wired for survival – it fights to live – even in overcrowded conditions... *sigh* Can’t wait to hear the conclusions by the authors...

    SueBDew – For me, not having candy in the house smacks of deprivation... and I don’t do deprivation. However, I DO fix it so I never have to face a full bag of M&M’s... I bag up several servings (1.5 oz) when I get the bag – then I can take one single serving bag and eat it... it’s just making it easy so you never have to think about it, again. I rarely eat more than the one serving – so, for me, it’s working. Exercise Rocks! Go! Go! Go!

    – Welcome! Yes... focus is important. And doing it in stages is good, too. The total number can seem overwhelming. When I logged into MFP for the first time, I was 260 – and if we want to be realistic about goal weight for a 5.4 gal, it should be something like 150 at the most... so that would be a whopping 110 pounds... but, I didn’t go there... and still won’t. My first goal is to weigh half of my lifetime high... 183. But my immediate goal is to break into Onderland... 13 pounds to go!

    Joyce – My Honey got diabetic shoes through his podiatrist – and they have made a world of difference for him. It is definitely worth the cash. Sorry Medicare doesn’t cover them!

    Kay – Tumeric would make that drink taste REALLY nasty... Cinnamon, ginger and Honey must at least give it a sweet spicy overtone to help mitigate the vinegar. I can’t even imagine trying it if it was turmeric. I prefer to just make curry and throw the Turmeric in that. You and Mom look wonderful!

    Lenora – We just got some wind in TX – Not a lot of damage in my area. And I am thinking I might have to get a battery back-up for my CPAP, if I wore one... I would NOT like to wake up gasping.

    DJ – Navy and white? A classic combination. You will have to post a picture when you get yourself all gussied up. :]

    Barbie – Awesome to have that link... I may need it someday.

    Sherry – Oh Sugar... I am so glad there were people there to help you. And your old neighbor sounds like an angel. And HURRAY – your low intake is working. Ah, I bet the shower made you feel almost as good as the Morphine!

    Gloria – NO Zucchini at Freddys? What kind of world are we living in? Hope the veggie shipment arrives, soon!

    Sharon – Cool about the Super Girl comic... Hope your Brother finds a kidney that works. ((Hugs!!))

    Leigh – the “gain” is probably just water weight from sodium – unless you went WAY over on the calories. Hope it vanishes quickly!

    Allie – Hope the headache was short-lived. And wow – exciting night! So good of you to try and keep the gal calm.

    Kate – How is the new Do? I went to the gym this morning – did different arm machines than I did yesterday... hopefully, I will continue to gain upper body strength while my lower body is getting fixed!

    Lisa – WHOOT! Get that sucker sold... Happy for you!

    Sarah – Thanks! Glad I can give you a smile. I hope you are doing OK... Scares are no fun!

    Margaret – A good curry is a thing of beauty... and so good for you. My knee is responding well to NO work... lol. Shocking, I know. I only walk to and from the car and as little as possible the rest of the day. So far, it’s holding up. Can’t wait to see what the Ortho says on Thursday.

    Nancy – Patience is hard... but, you can do it! And I try to use full fat everything... Fat really is flavor! Even if it does add a few extra calories...

    Beth – Hey – you were late, anyway, right? What’s five more minutes? :]

    Carol – *sigh* Don’t get me started on Dust... LOL.

    Cheri – ((Hugs!!) Sorry about the hip and the head. WHOOT!! Hurray for miles of walking at Disney! Love the new profile pic!

    Charleen – Hurray for your streak back! And – hey – even in Texas, we haven’t left the ice behind. Every so often – wham! ICE. Your Alaska trip sounds like fun... Can’t wait for the arm-chair version. :]

    KJ – Laughing is the BEST ab workout. “Crunches and Crockpots” sounds like my morning, too! And I totally get it. I have the same sort of thing with my DH. He can’t really cook – so for lunch, he eats box dinners. How many times have I found the box on the counter – RIGHT NEXT to the trashcan? Waaaaay too many. I am on the East Side – the Dallas side of the Metroplex. I work in Addison – which is closer to the middle – but still a long way from Ft. Worth. :/

    Rita – You got this! Besides – if you can do squats, you are miles ahead of me... they are supposed to be a miracle exercise. Just don’t be too hard on yourself...

    Karen/VA – Jazzercise trumps reading our posts! Dance on, Sister! And how can you be so heartless to those poor pups? They want to dance, too! Man, that flank steak looks YUM!

    Mary – Yes – a damaged body really isn’t fun. This whole “dieting” thing really irritates me... LOL.

    Annem6806 – Did you get those cobwebs? Me? I would have found a way to put it off, again... I hate vacuuming... lol

    Ginahill1961 – Just focus on one thing at a time... to try to do it all at once will be overwhelming... Mary is right – movement is probably the easiest thing to start with. Just start with any one thing. You will feel so much better once you do! You will be motivated to add something else.

    Yvonne – Love the 70’s music. I am an 80’s girl, myself – but, I do love the 70’s stuff.

    Betty – (Hugs!)

    Michele – Welcome back! And it wasn’t my Birthday you missed... Mine is on Thursday when I go to see the Orthopedic Surgeon. And I am with you... in my head I am still 24... my body just laughs. Oh that is a pretty gown! And a lovely dolphin.

    Sue – At least the horses can drink your water leak! The plateaus always pass, eventually. ((Hugs!!))

    Becca – ((Hugs!!))

    Anne/WI – Hope you find a good gym.

    Katla – I am pretty sure Swimming will be a totally approved activity – so long as I don’t have an open wound. I am just waiting for my suit to arrive and my visit with the Orthopedic Surgeon to start.

    Heather – Been there, done that... so awful. I went on a Spanish Club trip to Mexico when I was in school – same deal... got the serious revenge. So glad you are starting to feel better! ((HUGS!))

    Mollyizzy – Welcome!

    Marcelyn - *waves*


    Beef stew in the crockpot – and I have to run to the store on my way home... my veggie drawer is STARVING!! There are only a couple of lonely carrots left after I put dinner in the crockpot. I need lettuce to go with my salad topper!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX