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Over 200 new Year New Me Part 50



  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    1. 8.9 pounds (2.25 per week) ♥ONEDERLAND♥
    2. No evening eating,
    3. up intensity of runs,
    4. Yoga on Tuesday

    I started 4 weeks ago at 208.9. Today I'm at 205.2. I've lost 3.7 pounds over 4 weeks, so didn't even come CLOSE to that goal (which I knew was a little out of the realm of possibility). I have really stopped the evening eating, I'm definitely running harder and longer, and I've hit yoga every Tuesday except this one (was in my "funk" and went for a long walk instead). So, all in all, a "win" for the month, even though I didn't hit the weight goal.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    1. Lose 6.8 lbs. (1.7 per week) - Progress unknown
    2. Run at least once per week. - Ran a 2k last Saturday with my sister
    3. Do strength training, even if body weight exercises only, twice weekly. - Attempted pushups on Monday night, 40 minutes of nonstop bicep curl while riding with one of the riding program participants.
    4. Limit the ice cream to three times weekly maximum. - FAIL...I'm bailing out on this because it's ice cream and it's necessary for my sanity.
    5. Cut soda down to 2 cans per day or less - this is replacing the ice cream goal.

    I forgot to weigh in again this morning. I wasn't rushing around like a mad woman, but maybe my subconscious was keeping me from the scale for some reason?

    Jess: I don't know if you'll be checking in to MFP today while you're traveling, but if you are, I'm excited! Hope you have a safe trip!

    Allison: Thanks SO much for keeping track of everyone's goals. You're an awesome leader.

    Lauren: Thank you for keeping us accountable of daily check-ins! You're also an awesome leader!

    Julie: Are you and Maisie home yet?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: On target
    Water: 11 glasses
    Exercise: 40 minutes back riding at volunteering
    Proud: I really listened to my hunger cues yesterday and ate accordingly.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Happy Friday !!!
    For those of you up for my baby weight challenge - I gained 1 lb this week so hopefully some of you lost a lb.

    If you missed it last week my challenge was for you guys to lose as much as I'm gaining :laugh: I've got about 13 weeks to go and expect to put on another 8-10 lbs or so. Good luck !!!!!!

    Nancy - I was wondering what had happened to you - glad to see that little Maisie has inspired you to make a comeback
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls..........I failed my goal:indifferent:

    1. Lose 8 lbs (2 per week)
    2. Exercise 150 mins per week
    3. Drink at least 90 ounces of water daily
    4. Do strength exercise at least 2x per week

    I lost 3 pounds did not make the 150 mins .per week. Did drink water but not quite enough! I have to quit making excuses and get on the ball....
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I need to start wanting this bad enough!!! I say I want it but obviously not bad enough or I would quit finding excuses to eat. I am starting over and I am moving my ticker to 0 as if Monday is day one. Don't worry I am not pigging out all weekend I am just saying I need some refreshment I am in a rut!!!! I am making Monday my start day ! (I am going to do maintenance all weekend) Prepare myself mentally and try to get excited about losing weight. I was very thin as a younger woman and I took a lot of pride in my appearance and body. I remember I use to get up before my husband and put makeup on before he woke up, then jump back in bed so that I woke up looking beautiful. Now he is lucky if I have makeup on. I would always do my hair now I just comb it. I use to be a very "pretty" person (not saying that to be stuck up) Now I can't believe how "not pretty" I am. I think part of this Monday's new start is going to be putting on makeup and fixing my hair. I just need to reevaluate and figure out what I really want
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,

    Congratulations Julie & Maisie (and proud daddy)

    I don't know what my goals were, but I know that I have only lost 1.2 lbs and my water and exercise have gone to hell.

    I hurt my knee 2 weeks ago and I am stumped! It is still swollen, I limp by the end of the day, I ice, taking ibuprofen, etc.
    Really not helping me be motivated either. I am at 1/2 way and I soooo want to get moving!

    Enough whining. Should we start another challenge from now to Labor Day?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    meokk - yes, I'm back....er, again. But at least I am back!

    I missed this whole 4 week weight challenge thingie, but if you do it again, count me in.

    I was logging my food today for the first time in forever, and you know how it shows you your most frequent foods on top? Well, damn I was eating a lot of healthy foods! LOL I was amazed at how healthy I was eating. Yet I stopped losing. Grrr! OK enough of that; onward, weight loss soldiers!!!

    Do we check in anymore?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We got home yesterday and thanks to grandmother babysitters in my livingroom, I finally have a chance to post pictures (and shower!!).

    5 hours old with her dad

    Today - 3 days old (with chapped lips because she's been permanently attached to boob). :heart:

    I kind of love her. :heart:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kind of is probably the understatement of the year! So happy for you...she's beautiful.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh my word Julie she is stunning! I am so happy for you and yer hubby!!! What a joy! Look at that full head of hair!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I managed to go to a birthday party and not binge!!! I am very proud of myself!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi ladies! Who needs sleep?

    Maisie Charlotte was born at 6.13pm 7/20 weighing 7lbs 11.6oz and measuring 18 and 3/4 inches. We are both doing well and expect to be discharged tomorrow. :smile:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy, enjoy ... even without the sleep it is a wonderful time in your life with your baby and goes by too fast. I was way too nervous with my firstborn and didn't enjoy the baby time nearly as much as I should have and when it was over really regretted not relaxing and enjoying it more (she is now 17 and a very prickly teenager).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lilspy: Thanks so much for posting pictures - she is beautiful.
    Bluenote: you can do it - those pounds will come right back off and more, you are motivating me to get back on track since it has been a challenging month for me with 2 weeks of vacations. I still try to check in most days. I'm so glad to see you back.
    Purpleprose: when I am back at work tomorrow I will try to send you an email with more information on my nutrition plans ... I typed it up awhile ago for other people on MFP so I have a copy on my work computer ... remind me if I forget.

    I'm home after another week of vacation - this week was up north at a cabin and it was a really fun, gorgeous weather week. The fishing wasn't very good but the kids got along great (my two and my 2 nieces and nephew) and we all had a good time. I started out the week doing well - walking/running every day and eating mostly healthy ... but as the week went on I really went downhill with my eating. Yesterday was probably my worst as I knew I had to get back on track and was eating everything in sight... and really felt awful last night because of it.
    On the positive side I was proud of myself for getting in my bathing suit almost every day and I went tubing once (which I have never done before), and I swam with the kids out to the trampoline in the lake, as well as swimming in the pool several times. I think the last 3-5 years I have packed my swimsuits and never put them on.
    On the negative side - there was a casino a few miles from the resort, and in the past I have always stopped in there on my way to shop in town - so I did that again this year even though I have been trying to stop gambling as much ... and I shouldn't have stopped - I spent too much money and didn't feel very good about myself. So I need to get back on track in more ways than one.
    I was brave and got on the scale this morning - I'm up 3.2 pounds, which could be worse. I'm not going to officially check-in with that weight, and give myself until Friday for our 'official' weigh-in. So I pretty much failed on our 4-week goals. I can't remember exactly where my weight was when we started but I probably stayed about the same ... which maybe should have been a more realistic goal in the first place when I knew I had 2 vacations this month.
    But I want to try again ...
    Here were my goals from last month and I want to do the same thing again for the next 4 weeks:
    1. Lose 4 lbs (1 per week)
    2. at least 240 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights per week
    3. at least 90 ounces of water everyday
    4. eat more protein and vegetables!
    Who is with me? :drinker:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lstpaul, glad you are back !

    Blue, so good to see you
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie she's absolutely beautiful!!!! Congrats!!! Can't wait to see
    more pics....so excited for you!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - she is soo beautiful you did such a good job.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK I've been gone a long time but I'm seeing this whole four goal thingie with ya'll so here goes:

    My Four Goals

    1. Get back on track with food
    2. Get back on track with exercise
    3. Come here daily
    4. Stop beating myself up for gaining

    So far so good! :)
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Julie, she's absolutely darling!!!

    Okay, so it seems that people want to do another 4 week challenge. Let's start again on Friday, so we'll go the month of August. Sound good?

    I had a good weekend; was in NC to visit with my 96 year old grandmother and my parents. Did some shopping with my mom (it's getting freaking EXPENSIVE to keep losing weight) and loved spending time in the dressing room, trying on all sorts of cute stuff. I just still don't think of myself as smaller and kept bringing 16s and XLs in the dressing room, even though I'm generally a 14 and an L. It still hasn't made it to my brain, though, that I'm as small as I am.

    We ate out constantly so I did get on the scale this AM for a quick check and I was pretty much even with where I was on Friday, so am happy about that. Now I just need to stay focused this week.

    I'm still thinking about August goals, but I think that they're going to include something about only weighing in on Fridays and Mondays or Tuesdays (i.e. only twice/week), some sort of 30DS goal, and continuing the no evening snacking goal.

    Happy Monday!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good morning ladies..... My goals

    I know that I said 8 pounds last month and failed. Well, I am going to do it this month so here it goes

    8 pounds gone
    drink all my water EVERYDAY
    Burn 300 calories minimum through exercise 6 days a week
    Keep my carbs 50-60 per meal...(to help my hubby with the diabetes and I am sure it can't hurt me) total 150-180 per day
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning all!
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: not great. my overall total was ok with counting my exercise calories - but I ate the majority of my calories in the middle of the day because I waited too long to eat and then I stuffed myself ... and had waaaay too many carbs
    exercise: great - back to the Y for step and body pump for 2 hours
    water: probably could have been better
    proud: that I went back to the Y for 2 hours

    Sounds good to me to try our 4 week goals again starting on Friday for whoever is interested.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Jess and I met on Friday for dinner at a fantastic restaurant. It was a good time and the food was amazing. We took a pic in front of the restaurant together and will have to get it posted here. It was great finally meeting one of my "weight loss" sisters. Jess is as adorable and friendly in person as she is here! Now I can't wait to meet more of you!!

    The Warrior Dash was awesome! I dominated the military wall that I was so scared of going into the day. Going UP the ski hill at the very start of the race was the toughest part for me. I didn't realized it would be ALL hills. The obstacles were fun and crawling through the mud pit was surprisingly enjoyable. The boyfriend, who didn't want to do it at all, LOVED it and can't wait to do another one.

    There were several people 70+ years old who finished the race and most of them beat my time. Instead of being embarrassed, though, I'm supremely impressed by them. My new life goal is to stay active and fit enough to be able to complete an adventure race, like Warrior Dash, when I'm 80 years old. Seriously, those people are amazing and should have all gotten an award.

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Calories: Probably over, but would be difficult to count.
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I got to meet Jess!

    Calories: Most likely close to target
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: Warrior Dash! Official time was 56:50.
    Proud: That I finished the Warrior Dash and completed all of the obstacles.

    Calories: Over
    Water: None that I can remember...naughty Heather
    Exercise: None, it was recovery day!
    Proud: Wasn't too sore from Warrior Dash! That's amazing in itself. Also, I've decided to find a 5k for next weekend. I just can't seem to get enough!

    August Goals:
    Lose 7 lbs...this is aggressive, but I'm going to give it a try anyway. This is 1.75 lbs/week.
    Run at least once per week (3 miles or more)
    Ride my horse at least once per week. I've been terrible about this and need to spend more time with her.
    Cut back on soda to 2 cans maximum per day.
    Drink at least 8 servings of water daily, preferably 10 per day.