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I don't support the fat acceptance/plus size movement.



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    The fact is that all this nonsense about how "it could affect my taxes" and "their future disability and healthcare could be my problem!" is only being mentioned because they want to mistreat obese people and feel justified in doing so.

    You don't hear anyone talking about fake breasts and how they are 100% choice and could "totally cause health problems" and make them a "taxpayer problem". Because big breasts are popular and accepted, but "fat" isn't.

    I wish these people would just admit they're shallow and biased because society told them it's ok, rather than watch them do Olympic Level, armchair-lawyering to try to justify their prejudice.

    How do you logically get from "I don't want to pay for this" to "want to mistreat"?

    Much irony in this post.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    "Meet other local men and women who are overweight and proud. Gather for socialization, support, and to show off your pride by strutting your stuff!"

    This reminds me of the little old lady peering out her window, writing bitter letters to the editor complaining about how kids these days are dressed.

    LOL! Exactly. :D
  • mlsh1969
    mlsh1969 Posts: 138 Member
    EarthyEm wrote: »
    I believe people don't deserve to be treated poorly because they are heavy. That is what the fat acceptance mevement is all about. F.A. also combats myths that you are unattractive, unemployable and have no self control simply because you are bigger. Folks who are bigger are aware of potential health risks, but that's a different story from the social implications of being heavy. Throwing in my 2 ¢

    From what I've seen, FA tries to demonize anyone who isn't attracted to fat people. There are some out there who are, but that hasn't been good enough for FA leaders like Tess Holliday.

    Tess Holliday, Whitney Thore, and the other FA pushers make their money mostly from being fat. Why wouldn't they? Heck, if l was making money just for being fat and kinda pretty(like they are) I would be eating Big Macs and taking names
  • halfninja2
    halfninja2 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't think it is ever okay to ridicule/shame a person for being fat, skinny, plus-size, thin, obese, etc. But there will always be jerks that don't care, or justify it by saying they are "motivating" someone (which it can, but it can also harm). All these "movements" or whatever are silly to me. I've been 65 pounds heavier. Can you carry extra weight and still be in "healthy" ranges for blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, etc.? Yes, of course you can. But you are probably either pretty young, or exercise regularly, or both. As you age, it is unlikely you'll be able to stay in those healthy ranges (or you'll be unable to exercise as much or as intensely). It also affects people at different ages - some are good into their 50's while others start feeling their age in their 30's. I have been as heavy as 210 lbs, and as light as 145 lbs. My best health and best feeling are around 150-155 lbs. Every time my weight creeps over 155 lbs, I can definitely feel the difference.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Amerane wrote: »
    I support the fat-acceptance movement for this reason: I think that everyone, no matter age, race, size, ability, health concerns etc has a right to feel happy and confident about themselves. Period. A lot of criticism of the FAM is masked as concern for overweight peoples' physical health, but if we really cared we'd also be harping just as hard on everyone else to get their 30 minutes a day/eat more fruits and veg/quit smoking/lower cholesterol/lower blood pressure/wear sunscreen. But that rarely happens. Not to mention the complete disregard for their mental health as constant bullying/discrimination rarely puts someone in a healthy or productive state of mind.

    I agree that there are valid concerns about obesity being correlated with poor health outcomes, but ultimately that's between the person and their doctor, not some rando on the street or a "well-meaning" coworker. Overweight people generally are aware of their size. They get it. Don't bully them because of it, or complain about your taxes paying for their healthcare. My taxes help subsidize all kinds of people with preventable health problems, but since I'm a firm believer in a human's right to healthcare, I don't mind. Instead of giving mean-spirited, unsolicited opinions on their weight, how about you help them with their weight loss goals/health goals IF THEY DIRECTLY APPROACH YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE. Otherwise, back off and let them live their lives. Not your life, not your choice.

    This makes a good point. Society really doesn't shame other people with unhealthy habits leading to preventable health problems in the same way as we shame fat people. We don't lecture thin people who subsist on a diet of Red Bulls and potato chips and say that their diet choices are a drain on society, even though they can have bad health markers, as well. We have sympathy for the person who spent their teens and twenties baking in the sun only to get aggressive melanoma in their 50s.

    I have to disagree on the thin shaming thing. It is exactly like fat shaming only it's the opposite side of the same coin. The only reason that fat shaming is more prevalent is because 68% of the population is fat (overweight or obese) and only 8% of the population is thin ( underweight) so of course fat shaming is going to happen more overall.

    But the frequency it happens to the individuals is just as much if not more for thin people today. The whole men want meat not bones...thin shaming. Real women have curves...thin shaming. No man is attracted to a girl with the body of a twelve year old boy...thin shaming. Shut up and eat a cheeseburger. Do you even eat? You eat like a bird/rabbit. Ewww your arms are like sticks/I can see ribs/knobby knees that's GROSS. If you stood sideways and stuck your tongue out, you'd look like a zipper. Ha ha Olive Oil....you'd fall in the toliet if you're not careful. You have a disgusting body, your boobs are like two beans on an ironing board. Are you ok? Don't faint on me you're too thin, what do you do? Live on crisps and diet soda? You know if you get too thin, your teeth and hair falls out. And on and on.

    I wasn't referring to thin-shaming in the way you described. I agree that it does happen and I think it's bullkitten and no one should be shamed for how they look one way or the other. I'm talking about the false "concern for your health" argument that society throws at fat people. We don't DIET shame normal weight people who subsist on very unhealthy foods - so do we (as a society) really care about some stranger's health as much as we pretend to? Do we (as a society) sun shame people getting burned or deeply tanned at the beach every summer? Do we (as a society) shame people who live on nicotine and caffeine? It's a double standard and the idea that we AS A SOCIETY are only fat shaming people be cause we "care about them being unhealthy" is completely dishonest.

    Nope. Sorry disagree. We AS A SOCIETY thin shame people out of supposed concern for their health all the time...what do you think the don't faint/ you'll lose your hair and teeth was referring to? Just today I read a news article in the Sun that was all about them"alarming" weight loss of a celebrity and the comments were about how she'd lost "too much weight" and looked "unhealthily frail." And how it was "not a good look". If a similar article had appeared about a Tess Holliday with similar fat Shane comments...there would have been a huge boycotting uproar. But I bet you didn't even hear about this thin shaming article because society accepts thin shaming MORE than fat shaming now. Too thin people get called "anorexic" all the time or accused of having another eating disorder or an exercise addiction...that's basically calling someone mentally unwell or insane for being thin.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    The fact is that all this nonsense about how "it could affect my taxes" and "their future disability and healthcare could be my problem!" is only being mentioned because they want to mistreat obese people and feel justified in doing so.

    You don't hear anyone talking about fake breasts and how they are 100% choice and could "totally cause health problems" and make them a "taxpayer problem". Because big breasts are popular and accepted, but "fat" isn't.

    I wish these people would just admit they're shallow and biased because society told them it's ok, rather than watch them do Olympic Level, armchair-lawyering to try to justify their prejudice.

    How do you logically get from "I don't want to pay for this" to "want to mistreat"?

    Much irony in this post.

    Irony doesn't mean what you think it means, evidently.

    It's obvious to anyone with a brain that this was a random example. Thousands of others are available. I don't want to pay for ther healthcare and Welfare of people who refuse to use birth control because of Jesus (or whatever) and have 10 babies, but I'm not out trying to shame them and tell them they don't have a right to live how they see fit. And they have "movements as well.

    Countless examples of people doing potentially harmful, unhealthy stuff and no one cares...but being "fat" is *apparently* different? No.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited June 2017
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    I support every human's right to feel comfortable in their own skin regardless of weight, height, race, faith, gender, sexual orientation, health, disability, eye colour, hair colour, teeth straightness, favourite sports team etc.

    I don't support the fat acceptance movement - and the same rhetoric espoused by the fat acceptance movement has also crept into the body positivity movement - because it has turned into a cause filled with hypocrisy, entitlement and promotes an unhealthy lifestyle, often resorting to naming SCIENTIFIC FACT as 'fatphobia.' (see post above regarding Ragen Chastain telling a girl to ignore her doctor in the face of blindness)

    The hypocrisy of the FA movement is what gets me.

    Fat Acceptance/Body Positivity advocates will claim "My food intake has no bearing on my weight" while telling women under 200lbs to "eat a cheeseburger."

    FA/BP advocates will claim that "You're not a doctor, you can't make assumptions on my health based on my weight" while instantly diagnosing any woman under 200lbs with anorexia nervosa. Not only can they make a 100% accurate assumption on their health based on a photo, they can also judge their mental state, too. A FA/BP advocate posts a stream of selfies describing themselves as a "perfect, fierce, beautiful warrior Goddess" - perfectly fine. A slimmer woman posts a pic and she's "vain/shallow/stuck-up/conceited/attention seeking."

    FA/BP claim that fatphobia is lurking in every corner, but it's perfectly OK to call somebody a "skinny b*tch/twig/anorexic/body of a 12 year-old boy." Tearing others down to make yourself feel better? Really? If it's health at every size, then shouldn't that include people.....you know, of EVERY size?

    Posting all kinds of memes about "Real men" who will love every inch. All of said memes contain an overweight woman with a slimmer man. Dare to ask why they wouldn't date a man equally as overweight as they are and without a hint of irony, the reply will be "We shouldn't have to lower our standards." Do you know what? They are right. Everybody IS entitled to their preferences, but when those preferences include a REQUIREMENT for people to bring qualities to the table that you yourself have no intention of displaying then it becomes unrealistic and reeks of entitlement. Again, the notion of "We deserve fit partners, but people as fat as me? They can go jump off a cliff onto a bed of spikes" highlights the hypocrisy of the fat acceptance/body positivity movement.

    I can't be bothered repeating myself regarding the recent posts tackling the skinny shaming and double standards surrounding it, so I'll just quote one of my posts from earlier in the thread.

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