Over 200 new Year New Me Part 50



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: You're doing awesome!

    Lauren: You guys are adorable!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 126 oz.
    Exercise: 3 mile walk with Nate
    Proud: I told Nate to pick an exercise he would hate least for us to do together before dinner and he went along with it!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks Heather! We got some major love on Facebook for that pic too. It's always nice when there's a good pic taken and you BOTH look good!

    Checking in from yesterday
    Cals - Over by 330. I got hit by a major snack attack yesterday afternoon. So I can pretty much say that was 330 cals of carrots, hummus, and pita chips. At least it was a relatively healthy snack attack!
    Water - 112 oz
    Exercise - The usual mile walk
    Proud - Last night I went through my clothes and I have 3 big garbage bags to give away to Goodwill. It feels great to have a cleaner closet and drawers and to just get rid of extra stuff!

    Going to my first Bikram yoga class tonight - 90 minutes in a crazy hot room. I'm drinking lots of water to prepare!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I drank 32 ounces of water before I allowed myself breakfast and coffee. Whooooo I am full. I splurged a bit on my cream but really my cals were low. I am setting a goal to drink 32 ounces before each meal.


    Julie, tell us how motherhood is going.. I am nosey!! How is the sleep, breastfeeding,bottle feeding, naps????????? Share it sister!! If you ever have any questions you can ask this old mom who has done all of the above....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Not that I am an expert but I have breast fed and bottle fed the first 2 but I exclusively breast fed the last 2. Sara for 22 months and Ryan for 18 months. I know some people find that over the top but I was still making them milk. I think it is a personal matter. With Sara honestly I did it so long I think partially because I really thought she was my last child. For Ryan I decided I wanted to go exclusive with him and I was DONE at 18 months.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning!
    elmox: You look great in your picture, thanks for sharing that! I do love all the pictures lately - nice to connect with all of you.
    blue: FIVE hours in the pool! You must have been a prune! Good for you!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: 3 cals left .... woo hoo!
    exercise: an hour of step class
    water: really good - over 100oz (but I was up about 5 times during the night using the bathroom)
    proud: the scale this morning says I'm within .2 of my pre-vacation weight. I'm really hoping to possibly see another loss tomorrow for our 'official' weigh-in.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    QUIET around here today. Where is everyone....?
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Hopefully everyone's thinking of their goals for the next few weeks! I think whoever posts first in the morning should create a new thread, too.

    Lauren and Jess - love the pics you've posted here or on your profiles. Yall are looking good!
    lstpaul - thank you for sending that email through to me. I just realized I never did thank you, but I really appreciate it. And, like you, I only had 2 or 3 cals left over yesterday!

    Work's exploded today...I overslept by 1.5 hours, things are busy here, and I've started to get a throbbing headache behind my left eye. Hoping to at the very least get home and workout before I take migraine meds, because those leave me both incapacitated and incredibly dehydrated.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I went to the store last Saturday and there was these very comfortable cute nikes I wanted and they did not have my size. The girl at the store said I can order your size online and have them shipped to your house for free. So I did they came in today. Yay walking in comfort again. They are running shoes and I am a walker but I needed that like weight cushy feel. I am too heavy for my poor feet and these are so nice to walk in. If you want to look at them...

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I went to the store last Saturday and there was these very comfortable cute nikes I wanted and they did not have my size. The girl at the store said I can order your size online and have them shipped to your house for free. So I did they came in today. Yay walking in comfort again. They are running shoes and I am a walker but I needed that like weight cushy feel. I am too heavy for my poor feet and these are so nice to walk in. If you want to look at them...


    cute shoes ... I need some new ones too ... I may go looking for those!
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