
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allie, when he makes statements like that I would just walk out of the house. I also took my dead laptop to Beat Buy. They retrieved all the pictures and documents and then put them into a new laptop I bought. I can't remember how much it cost, to man years ago. One thing with Best Buy, I did have to keep hem on their toes. But they do have a lot of clients. Good luck.i notice on your face book page a lot of people are finding some of your old pictures and offering them to you.

    Our cruise was one of the big cruise ship lines that are so popular. We had no complaints whatsoever about he whole experience. I wish we could afford a big Disney cruise for the whole family before Trinity gets to big.mshe will be 16 in a few weeks. It you can never get t old for Disney. Heather, it sounds like you are having a fantastic time but when are you getting to your destinations so,you can tell us about them??????

    Becca, I was going to ask you wan kind of flowering tree that was but some one else answered my question. I didn't know they grew big enough to be trees.

    It has been wonderful weather again today and the cats have enjoyed it. I am sure my new plants ah e enjoyed it also.mwe hit a record low 54 this morning.

    Quiet time so I can go to sleep and get to church tomorrow.

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla – When Cracker (our rescue dog) was only 4 months old, she ran after Will’s truck beside Luna, my other son’s dog; and we figured that she ran into the tire and her nails on her right paw grow all funky, the 2 middle ones grow sideways, the inside one grows up and the outside one grows ‘out’. The vet did x-rays of both legs; but, could not find anything, but, said that she could have a hairline crack that would not necessarily show up on a young dog. Really could not ‘set’ it; and, we tried keeping her ‘in her crate’; but, that isn’t how we wanted to treat her as a ‘baby’. Her getting crated ought to be something that made her ‘feel safe’. We were also trying to ‘housetrain’ her … so she walked on her feet and that probably is why they grow the way they do. We keep them trimmed as short as we can. Either Louis or the vet does it, and occasionally the groomer, when her broken coat gets too long - maybe 3x a year. Just the ‘thought of it makes my stomach flip-flop’. I even hate ‘holding’ her for Louis to do it. She is so spoiled rotten and she loves Louis … he really did not want a ‘house dog’; but, I wanted the companionship. As soon as he drives up, she becomes his ‘shadow’. If she could talk, we’d never get a word in edge-wise. She can walk on it fine; but, sometimes running – she will pick it up and favor it. The vet says that has just become a bad habit and we will have to work at breaking it. When she gets ‘out of her bed’, she does tend to favor it; but, if she continues and I tell her ‘put that foot down on the floor – you can put your weight on it’, she normally will. But, let someone ‘new’ come to the house, she’s got a captive audience and plays it to the hilt.

    I think that Mary has been doing those ‘challenges’ that last several weeks or months. I think she is out here lurking, just not posting. But I, too, miss her.

    Joyce – We have a ‘family’ issue that has gone on for over 10 years; since Louis’ Mother died. Nothing says, ‘I never want anything to do with you' better than a sticky note on a death certificate from his daughter when she got upset for not getting 1/3rd of a $3000 insurance policy. I’ve tried to contact her and nothing. As hard as it has been, I know it has hurt Louis to the core … I have, in my mind and with God’ help ‘forgiven’ her and I try not to dwell on it. I don’t know what demons she deals with and Karma visited the entire family when her daughter (Louis only grandchild at the time) was struck and killed. My sons saw it ‘on the TV news out of Atlanta’. I was ‘out-of-town’. Louis and I always had the agreement that whoever was the one to spend the night out-of-town, would be the one who called home. I had gone out with the other ladies that were in training and when I got back to the room and saw the red flashing light on the phone, my stomach was in my throat. I called and when he answered I could tell he had been crying … something that was extremely rare for him to do. All I could do is ‘scream and tell him to PLEASE tell me that nothing had happened to one of OUR babies (teenagers) and one about to become a daddy himself. When he told me what had happened, I lost it!

    He told me to stay the night, then to go pick up his mother and bring her home and we’d leave that afternoon to go to Atlanta. I’m just the step-mother and I was told that I could not ‘sit with the family by her own mother’. So I sat at a funeral of a child with the wailing of every child in her class attending the funeral of a child who had just celebrated her 12th birthday less than a week before. She has since had another child (yet another husband); but, things had gotten a bit ‘testy’ over some of the things she did … that it was not a pleasant meal after the wake at their house. When we got there, there were workers with heavy equipment digging a pool. We knew that she had gone into his Dad’s lockbox 4x between the day he died and the his funeral less than 2 years before. There had been a gray lockbox and cash that Louis's brother had gone with him right before he died, to count and for DBnL to ‘know’ what was in it. It was gone when they went to get it. She had gotten their Mom to sign an ‘illegal’ POA and taken them off her checking/savings account and bought mutual funds with the balance and only showing herself as the beneficiary of it. So between the money their Dad had and the money she had inherited from him, when she died, about 95% of it went to her. I made the comment, quite loudly with her husband standing on the next step that having workers at the house during that time was the 'epitome of disrespect'. He walked over to them and told them to ‘pack up and leave’. When they did, she came out of their house ‘screaming and cursing at him’ about now they’d never get it put in before summer. WHOOPS! Too bad, so sad! One day she’ll have to answer all those questions. I guess she feels that she has the right to ‘invite us out of their lives’. That’s ok, I tried, it didn’t work, and Louis has told me ‘specifically’ do NOT try it contact her again … as far as he was concerned they all died the same day that his mother did … so the way I personally handle it is to ‘say to myself when I find myself getting upset … that the week after my DMnL died, they got transferred overseas and the plane went down in a black plume of smoke … like on that plane from Malaysia.

    My Mother probably would not have approved … but; my Dad did have his say about 'no daughter of his would ever marry a divorce man with children' before I met Louis. Well, you can’t help who you fall ‘in love with’ and I guess I broke 4 of the 5 things he had said ‘no daughter of his would EVER do’. Guess that is the “Never say Never” rule. I was ‘his baby’ so he accepted it; and, Louis was probably his favorite son-in-law because he never had to 'ask' him to do things around their house. If he saw it needed to be done, he did it and he never called attention to himself. My Mother was only 16 or maybe 17 when she went to college and she saw him at a drugstore and he took her breathe away. Her BF asked her if she wanted to be introduced to him. The rest was history. They dated 5 years and married until he died in 1985.

    I think most of us try to make the best of what we grew up being taught and sometimes those lessons are ‘those things that you do not want to do because in your mind, there are wrong. I think that both Louis and I were basically brought up with the same moral compass and that has been the way we brought up our sons. We did our best and they have turned out well. We were ‘doting’ parents but NOT ‘hovering’. They knew the rules of the house and the consequences, good and bad, for breaking them and getting caught.

    So now I have ‘spilled my guts’ for the day. Good night everybody! Check with you later, gators.

    Me (again)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    YEAH! Caught up; page #13 ... so I will just say, 'Good Night', 'Good Morning' and all in between.

    Welcome to the "newbies" you are already a member when you posted here. Bookmark the page by clicking on the outline of the star, it turns yellow; then the next time you go to the community click on the gray star between the bell and gear and you will probably be taken to the top of the last page. MFP 'used' to take you back to the last time you posted; but, I've seen some subtle changes and that was one that sort of slapped me in the face.

    Personally, I open up a word processing program and put the MFP and WWP side-by-side and then cut and paste it to the yellow box at the end of the page. You cannot go 'back' a page if you are typing without 'posting' what you had already typed or else you will lose it EVERY TIME.

    Name you prefer to be called, a location (general or specific) and married or not, children, grandchildren, hobbies, goals, vents-rants-or-getting it all off your chest. We're here for you ... support and encouragement. About the only other 'agreed upon rule' is that "this isn't the time or place to get into 'politics' or 'religion' ... but occasionally it will come up ... just don't take sides ... gotta do that ... do a "private message" to that person and do NOT under any circumstances post it on the thread unless you have that person's expressed permission to do so.

    We are all one big happy "Ya Ya Club" ... there are occasionally a 'few' men who will 'drop in just to see what it is about'; but, they usually just drop away in a few days or weeks. We are all WINOS here ... "Women In Need Of Support" ... nothing like being able to throw it out there and know that someone is going through the same journey. And, this IS a journey in a 'new lifestyle' ... don't look at it as a 'diet'. That isn't a word we use here, if we can help it.

    Love y'all!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Karen in Virginia - Olivia is just so cute.

    Allie - Stay away from that man! He will try anything to get you back under control. Take strength from us, imagine us an Army of Amazons standing shoulder to shoulder supporting you.

    Janetr - It's been a while since we have seen Mia. Is it possible that she has become more adorable?

    Katla - Are you going to have lessons with the hoof picks and and the hoof trimmers?

    Got quite a bit accomplished today although not as much as I liked. The kids helped with a lot of chores. Now we have to decide on payment. There will be negotiation that is what makes it fun for the 14 yr. old. The 7 yr. old just loves to help. So proud of herself.

    DH broke the screen on his phone so we had to go to the mall to replace his phone, sign a new contract etc.
    Keira and I then went DM3. She loved it but Wow! I can not get used to the prices. DH and I usually go to the discount movie theatre where our $20.00 gets us both into the movie with shared popcorn and a pop each. We popped into a couple shops while waiting for Grandpa to pick us up. We giggled together over some silly head bands and I tried on some hats for her. "No, No, Grandma . You really don't want to be seen in public with that on your head. People will think you're old or crazy."

    We went out for Vietnamese food. Greysyn held his own talking about current events, movies and the latest book he had read. Good thing because Gramps was engrossed in his new phone.

    We got home and took the dogs for a walk to the park. Keira showed off her climbing prowess and monkey bar skills. We read together with Boss for company. (that dog loves story time). He is now sleeping soundly beside her. Maybe I won't have to cuddle with him in the recliner.

    DD worked 8 hrs at the Big Valley Jamboree. She was done in time to watch Keith Urban from a roof top. Apparently he was awesome.

    More highways closed and more fires in B.C.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge ( I think my heart just expanded 2x larger watching our princess sleep)
  • withanee67
    withanee67 Posts: 3 Member
    Annie, UK
    Lots to lose! EVERYTHING aches and creaks. Partner frustrated and crotchety because I can't keep up with him walking or cycling any longer - that's not good - love him to pieces and don't want what we've got to fade away.

    Reconciled to the need to keep a good diary/count calories... oh but it seems to drain the fun out of life and sap my soul!

    Love outdoors, walking our woof with sunshine on our faces.

    Turning 50 in October and so so so want to be in a better place by the end of the year.

    Somebody told me HRT helps with aches and pains. Any experience / advice here?

    New exercise routine starts tomorrow.

    Park 2 miles from work and cycle the last bit.
    Early swim 3x a week
    Couple of cross trainer and couple of Pilates sessions at home
    Plus dog walking all week, and a bit of leisurely cycling at the weekends.

    Looking forward to the journey with all you ladies out there.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    A pic of us last year. I will wear the same dress at least once and he will wear the same suit. :bigsmile: It is the tie he got married in. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    You two look great!! :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Joyce - We are currently travelling through the Kiel Canal, which goes through Germany at the bottom of Denmark. It joins the North Sea with the Baltic Sea. We've gone through locks and now there are sailing boats and trees, cyclists, walkers and people's gardens and houses. I can't post photos on the boat as the wifi is too weak.
    Tomorrow we dock in Copenhagen, which I have not been to before. We are not going on an organised tour, but doing our own thing. There is a free shuttle bus into the centre, or it is walkable. The advantage of a small ship is we can dock in the city centres. In St Petersburg we will be going right into the old docks, so should get some amazing views!

    THANK YOU for the lovely Olivia and Mia photos. <3

    I'm sitting here in the library watching the countryside roll by. A man has just driven past us on a motorbike. Apparently people have picnics. It's very green, lots of trees.

    I am wearing the white crinkled cotton pants and tassled blouse that my DH bought me for our anniversary. At the time I said I would not wear them together, but somehow they seem appropriate for a ship. ;) Once upon a time I would never have worn white! I had to buy flesh coloured knickers to wear under the pants. I'm loving the tassels - very Boho.

    Sending loving and strengthening thoughts to Allie. <3
    And Toni and Meg and anyone else with husband woes. <3<3<3<3

    Off for a cup of tea, a read of the free newspaper and the lecture on Stockholm. My only problem is constipation. :o:o:/

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Delightful Dames!

    I am up far past my bedtime - but, I had a nap this afternoon - so I am not suffering. Although I suspect I will be when I rise, early-ish tomorrow to go out and do some yard-work. Oh well.

    I have to say, again, how much I appreciate Intermittent Fasting and my One Meal a Day weekends... I went with DH to dinner, tonight, at a local Italian place... Italian food is... calorie dense. But, I was able to sample a bit of everything and still come in under budget... Had I eaten, anything, prior to dinner, I would not have been able to do that... but, my 1500+ calorie Italian meal was still within my goals. Whoot!

    DH will be eating the leftovers, for breakfast - so, win-win. One less meal to cook.

    Did my strength training, today, plus 40 minutes on the elliptical - followed by the aforementioned Italian meal - so I managed to meat all but the Strength Training goals for this first, short week of the month.

    August Goals for the week 8/1 – 8/5
    400 calories under budget 4X: XXXX
    Weights/Abdominals 2X: OX
    Planks 2X: XX

    So... one down, 4 more to go!


    Becca, Love... I didn't do the bypass - just the band. Like a tiny, very unfashionable belt around your stomach. *smiles* It left an opening about the size of your pinkie for the food to pass through - which requires a great deal of slowing down, and chewing your food. But, I didn't have any bits removed. I wasn't willing to go that drastic... Sorry about the zits... I get them too. You would THINK we might outgrow them, some day, right?

    Dana - Thanks... the band really did help me in the beginning... and I was so happy when I didn't have too much trouble keeping the weight off. I did coast at 275 for a decade - but now I am back on it.

    Barbie - Thanks! When you start at a size 5x - getting into a size L seems pretty amazing. DH keeps looking at me and saying stuff like "Man, you are getting so skinny!" You just have to love that man.

    Joyce - my DH has been my strength throughout our marriage. He never, ever, made me feel less than desirable or beautiful - at any weight.... with make up or without... in silk or in rags. He deserves all the loving care I can give him.

    Allie - take the dead laptop to best buy and see if they can recover your data... perhaps all is not lost. Himself might be wrong about the drive... A lot of times, the ram has failed or the process or has overheated one time too many. The hard drive might be just hunky dory. *sigh* Poor, Poor Tom... what is this "You have responsibilities" crap he is spouting? The man is insane. You definitely need your own place - somewhere that you NEVER have to let him into. Like he has no money? What? Does he have another family tucked away, somewhere? Sheesh!

    Leigh - Thanks! You guys have a great time in Oregon!

    Karen/VA - Thank you! I kinda said the same thing when I saw that picture, again. It has been a while since it was taken - and it isn't one I keep on my desk... shocking, right? OMG - OLIVIA! She is SO beautiful... you must be so proud.

    Kate - Do you think she would respond badly to an "intervention" type of thing? I mean, you and DH and her other loved ones could just show up with trash bags and mops and stuff and sit her down... Unless you think that would cause her even more trauma. I am sorry. I feel for her... and for you. Hugs!

    - Thanks! And here is a huge hug for you! Identifying the problem is half the battle... You can do this....

    Lanette - Sweetie - the number on the scale is bunk! My weight can fluctuate by 3 or 4 pounds from day to day... Ye Gads! If I let that send me off the rails, I never would have made it this far. I go based on trends... if it bounces up by three pounds - I know it's water - cause I darned sure didn't eat 10 THOUSAND calories over the day before... I only worry if it doesn't drop down for a week or more. And even then I don't panic - unless I have been exceptionally erratic in my eating, I know it's still water... just stubborn water. :D

    - keep spreading the love on that cruise, Sugar! Glad you are having a grand time... Hope your honey feels better, soon.

    Sharon - I am both old and crazy... but, hats give me a headache, so I suppose it will remain my secret... lol.

    Annie - Welcome! I hope that you can reconcile yourself to not letting the food diary sap your soul... I get kind of a boost ever time I come in under calories - and it's heartening to know, when I am over, that it isn't by much. I get a sense of control by using the food log... perhaps you just need to think of it as not a chore, but, a tool... Good Luck!


    Well, sleepy or not, I had best go lie down and try to sleep. If I don't get up fairly early and do the yard, it will get too, too hot. I am good up to about 90 degrees - after that, I am in the shade with a cool drink.

    Good night, Dear Ones...

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Welcome Annie, nice to have another Brit on the forum. Know what you mean about the diary but if you do as Re said and think of it as a tool for you to use not for it to use you. I have been using MFP for over a year now and am more or less at goal ( still bounce around couple pounds on then off. But in the past always let extra pounds derail me, now I log in every day read the posts of these great ladies, must admit. iss logging food some days but get back on the wagon. I now go to the gym and exercise at home. I'm retired so I do have lots of time but wish I had made the time for me when I was working.

    RE- my friend only has her son and a grandaughter away at UNI, she doesn't see her nieces much. I guess I'll sort something out cos DH and I know she has had a s####y life what with one thing and another

    HEATHER - looking forward to pics and more stories

    Babies are so cute Mia, Olivia and Joachim want to hug them all

    Kate UK <3
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    The lady holding Joaquin in the photo is Miss April, who he has taken a shine to. She works in the infant room. I have to say, I am very jealous of her cheeks feeling those little hands! I miss him terribly!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited August 2017
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- Wow! The views on your rides are just stunning! And the animals you see?! How fun is that?! What exactly is a Permanent. What does that mean in biking terminology?

    Scenery and wildlife are some of the side benefits of all the cycling I do! It's amazing what you see when you're out there. :)

    A Permanent is a timed long distance cycling "event" which can be ridden at any time.

    The timed long distance events that appear on the regular calendar are called Brevets or Randonnees, and can only be done on the date selected by the organising committee. For example, my husband and I requested the dates of Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday to run a 300 km Brevet and a 200 km Brevet this year. However, there is a collection of rides which riders can do whenever they want ... and those are called "Permanents".

    We have to sign up for these events a few days in advance, choose our date and start time, and are emailed a "brevet card" complete with control closure times. We are also provided a cue sheet and map. Then we start the ride at the time we selected, and get our "brevet card" signed at each control. When finished, we email our "brevet card" to an official who approves it, and it goes onto the national records.

    We are in the midst of attempting to complete something which Audax Australia has called a "Petite Year Round Randonneur" which involves riding a 100 km event in each month of the year. We can occasionally ride a 50 km instead as long as we ride a 150 km to make up for it. We started this in November and have completed one each month since. Some of our events are Brevets and some have been Permanents. This was our first attempt for August, but .... we didn't finish in time so it doesn't count. Unfortunately it was just a bit more difficult than we'd anticipated. :grin: Fortunately there is time left in August, so we'll try another one later, a different one. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    There is a mourning dove that calls outside my kitchen window every day. He sits in the same area, either on top of the telephone pole or on the line near it, every single day and makes his lovely mellow sounds. I think that call is one of my earliest memories of bird song. As long as I can remember, they have been the first sound I hear in the morning when the sky is just beginning to lighten. I think I will always feel at home, where ever my life leads me, if I can wake up and hear that sound. What sounds do you wake up to?

    I wear earplugs ... so I don't wake up to bird song, or the neighbours leaving for work, or the traffic out front. I do, however, have my clock radio set to ABC so I wake up to financial reports or traffic reports, or news ... at full blast so I can hear it. The neighbours can probably hear it too. :grin:

    I used to wake up to music, but for some reason ABC is the only station I can pick up consistently with my little radio. I don't trust any of the other stations to actually be there in the morning.