Serial Starters



  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    *** Waving *** Hello from Maryland :)

    I made it through my first intermittent fasting day. Tomorrow I will do it again.

    I remembered my lunch today, so I at least have that going for me today.

    The teenager has tutoring today. So I have to come with something quick, healthy and easy. I usually have something in the crockpot on Tuesdays or we have Mondays leftovers. We ate out last night and nothing in the crockpot :-(

    Sara - I usually need a face visor for meetings with my supervisor ( remember V Stiviano's face visor ) hahahahahahah

    Lana - Im super jealous, I desperately need a HH in my life

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    dani_1977 wrote: »
    *** Waving *** Hello from Maryland :)

    Lana - Im super jealous, I desperately need a HH in my life

    Dani - You are welcome to come to Happy Hour: it is a virtual happy hour at our Serial Starters Pool, Spa, and Beach Resort! We have Zero Point/Calorie cocktails and snacks~~ There are also massages available for those who have had a tiresome day.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara/ Lana - thank you! Miss Domino will take all the attention she can get... she milks her injuries as long as she can .. she's too smart and knows there's extra pampering and treats to be had...hehe

    Sara - good luck with supervisor..I always dread those.. extra cocktails for you at happy hour...

    Waves to Dani and everyone else...
    Have a great day!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Good news - got an annual bonus today and was told I got the mid-level award at work for my preemie/chemo hat knitting and 2 other ladies in my department got the same award. Not sure what it will involve ( no $$ upfront sadly) but I will at least find out who nominated me.

    Food choices a little rich so oatmeal for dinner.

    Dawn!! Love to hear good dog news. We will be at the Happy Hour (dog brushing requested)

    If I dont stop by before lights out, wishing all a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Sara - Such good news! Congratulations! A bonus plus an award! You rock! I am really glad for you~~

  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Hello again everyone!

    Today has really been a heck of a day. Forgot my meds before going to school, so that Forgot my lunch, too; ended up eating at a restaurant near my first class (good news is, that was great). Went to the gym and broke a couple of personal records (longest distance run in one stretch AND shortest time for one mile)...but not without having another Episode(TM) over past experiences with what people (mostly my mother) have said about my weight and fitness level. Flashbacks are...really not fun, and the temptation to relapse into over-restricting is huge. Hell, I couldn't sit down to dinner with my boyfriend - I had to eat alone in the kitchen - because I was too anxious about being seen eating, after remembering something my mother said about it.

    I guess I have a lot of emotional baggage to unpack. I keep wanting to make a blog post about it but I can't actually get the words out.

    But, hey. New records! And I ate good stuff! I'm going to try to focus on that for now.

    Dawn - glad to hear Domino is doing better! From what you say about her milking injuries, I keep remembering the time my boyfriend bumped into my hand (while I was holding it completely still) and proceeded to teasingly play offended for the next week that I'd "punched him" - I imagine she'd be doing something similar if she could talk.

    Sara - glad to hear your good news too! Congratulations!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Good morning all~~

    Mango - I want to say something useful, so forgive me if it is not a good fit for you. I don't know you well yet.

    Sometimes I find myself over-ruminating about the problem of the moment, and unhelpful thoughts or thoughts of unhelpful people will intrude on whatever I am doing--eating a meal or trying to relax or work on something.

    I now say to myself - Who is having this meal? I am having this meal. I'm alone here.
    No one else is having this meal - not my mother, not my old boss, not my estranged DH.
    It's just me who gets to be here now and enjoy this meal.

    I think I got this idea from amongst the words of wisdom from Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Mango - yes! That is exactly Domino! She is so funny. Her personality and intelligence just amaze me. Yes, she is a dog... but, she is smarter than the average dog...haha...I can say this, cuz my male (Max) can only think about toy, toy,

    Way to go on beating your personal records! That is awesome! I agree with Lana... your mother is not in control, you are eating your meals...I know, that's easier said than done... my mind beats me up on a daily basis... but, you have a great outlook and plan... you are doing amazing... don't let your mind (mom) win out.. stay strong.. you got this!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Ugh... what a morning...I made an appointment to get my windshield replaced and an inspection (cuz I like to wait till last minute to do things..I enjoy the stress..haha) I was told to be at shop at 8:30...I get here, and am told the guy won't be here for 30 minutes! WHAT?! It's my day off! I coulda slept a little longer... so, here I sit... nothing like waiting at an auto shop, all alone...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning, site down earlier.

    Dog walk done and off to work. Mango - read/reread what Dawn/Lana are telling you- we have age on our side and wish we had done these "stop" things sooner. The fact that you go to a gym and try and post personal records and beat them proves you are not someone in the past but someone who is moving forwards.

    Need to scoot, will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Due to decline in income..I have taken the plunge and become a Scentsy Consultant...I'm still incredibly unsure of this decision...I am NOT a people person, nor a salesperson... I know I will not become rich...just trying to make a lil extra money....I started a FB Group last night and invited several friends... most of them "liked" my posts.... only 2 have said they will actually buy something... more, more, more discouragement...I will give it a short time and at least try to make my money back (joining in September was half price, so I jumped) guess I should listen to my own advice and not beat myself up...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Mango - Dawn and Sara had some really good words, especially about all the good things that you are doing and how you are moving forwards!!!

    Big hugs for you~~

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Sorry I’ve been absent...been cheering & supporting from the sidelines.

    Dawn, good for you for trying something new, especially since it is something you’re not sure you’re good at (yet). I’m proud of you.

    Mango, you’ve received great advice from Dawn, Sara and Lana. I just read something at work that I think applies to what both you and Dawn wrote about your struggles and disappointments. What follows resonated for me and I hope it helps you too:

    From “Retelling the Stories of Our Lives,” by Dr. David Denborough - “who we are and what we do” is influenced by stories we tell about ourselves (even stories we tell ourselves). Self-image is deeply influenced by how we frame events in our past. “...we can tell our stories in ways that makes us stronger, in ways that soothes the losses, in ways that ease the sorrow.”

    Running back to work...waves to all.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Morning !!

    1st - Woohoooo to new PRs!!!

    Mango, I know all to well ( Im sure we all do) those horrible comments can stick with you. Im lucky my husband who has seen me at all weights, from 160 @ 19 years old to 250 after having our daughter at 27. And many places in the middle. Has never not once made a comment about my weight.

    Its the comments other folks have made, that hinders my self confidence at any weight. There are days I don't even look in the mirror for fear of hearing those negative voices, creeping back in. But what usually helps me through those days are doing pretty much what Lana and Dawn. Take and moment and take control back. Yes it is much easier said than done. But it helps me shake the negative thoughts and memories .

    Sara congrats on the bonus!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited September 2017
    At work. Dawn- love scentsy - lost my distributor- start small and give yourself a chance.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    I should have kept my mouth shut instead of complaining what a rough summer its been. It seems to have turned into a bad year all around.

    My SIL informed me my brother has decided to stop treatments and they will be bringing in hospice this week. Doctors give him 3 months max.

    Mass and memorial for grandparents is Saturday. My dad said to brace for lots of drama from my aunts.

    My eldest sister, out of the blue, TELLS me (not ask, not plan) she is staying at my house for 2 weeks and I need to pick her up at airport next week. Never mind the fact since my DD moved back home, we have no extra room or bed for her.

    Calorie counts in the red for almost a week from stress eating and/or TOM showing up soon. Have not seen a change in the scale yet however.

    Lana - instead of a Happy Hour can I request a Happy Week???!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    This day could not have possibly gone much worse than it actually did... if not for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all....
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- my kit was delivered, today.. it was only good part of my day... yet, I am not excited...I'm so overwhelmed and feel like I'm sinking, not staying afloat even a little...I do love the warmer I received.. it's beautiful and the scent is yummy (Raspberry Vanilla)
    Hoping to snap outta this funk, soon... tomorrow is going to be tricky... just gotta get passed it and breathe...

    Tess- good to see you! Thank you for the confidence and words of inspiration...thankfully, I have a very good Sponsor, very helpful and encouraging...I just have to get passed my own inner struggles...

    Kathryn - wow! What a summer/year you are having... you can have all the happy time you need! Good thoughts and warm hugs coming your way...
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hugs to Kathryn, Dawn, Mango and anyone else having a crappy time right now.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited September 2017
    Kathryn let your sister know that DD is living at home and you would love to have her stay, but she will have to chip in and purchase an inflatable mattress..... make sure to give her enough time to budget that in to her finances....

    Hospice is such an incredible resource. Glad your brother is making an active choice in the quality of his life. Hard to be on the sidelines watching..... *snapping to the dozing Cboys :s - set Kathryn up for a double of the "usual" every night......

    Dawn - seriously you only need 1 or 2 people to purchase to start - it is a product that sells itself.

    Dinner is a ??? as I have driven full speed into the red calories so I could stay awake at probably oatmeal.