Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thank you, ladies. I like books on paper, too. Just never make it to library and can't afford to purchase.... not a big deal...I may not even have time, when I do courses :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good evening,

    New dishwasher for me, kitchen light is next (tomorrow??), guy left some part so hopefully he will see it and take it when he fixes light. Just glad I can wash dishes again - I like washing dishes, but dont have a drying rack and I dont have a lot of counter space. Sounds too much like whining to me.....

    Rained and heavy at times today. Need to take dog out again while it is "light out" I think I waited too long.....

    Dawn, I know people who use Amazon for their audio books, but that cant be the only, one - my library system has a connection to audio books, maybe yours does too (check online??).

    Its Monday tomorrow. Dog will be happy.....

    Wishing all a good night.
  • tracey_lee_68
    tracey_lee_68 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there

    My name is Tracey, and 10 years ago I lost 18kg using My Fitness Pal. Today I have officially regained 15kg and I feel awful. I have tried and failed over the last 3 years to stop the steady weight gain, using the app but fail within days.

    I know a habit takes two weeks to form. I am hoping to find a buddy who will support me in making this habit form and restick.

    Any takers?
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning all!!

    Weigh in day and I have gained back the ten pounds that I lost three months ago. I need help. I get so excited to start and by day two I’m over it. I am seriously lazy. I’m 38 and not getting any younger dang it! I don’t know what else to do. I am on my own with this journey. My SO works two jobs, my daughter works and my son is split custody with his dad. So three days a week I have no one to lean on or to motivate me.

    Any way I can squeeze into this group?

    Have a great day every one!!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Gained back 1 pound, just is. Considering the food fest, I am probably lucky.

    Tracey and Kristina - welcome and stop by and post when you can.

    Still raining and back to work. I tripped yesterday with my box of groceries and how I didnt find the ground I do not know, but I tweeked my toes/foot, so I was icing them yesterday, no real pain so maybe I did okay.

    "New" dishwasher for me, but still leaking gunk so custard cup back on floor to catch said gunk. Maintenance guy left a supply tube, but I also still need a new kitchen light, so we shall see if he remembers to take it with him. I have no clue how to use it for Christmas decoration. hahaha

    Paper here and time to scoot. Wishing all a great Monday.
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    I work in a middle school cafeteria. On lunch in break room, only seven of us and four are yapping like chihuahuas. I can say that because I have two.

    I have never been in a work environment where team work is frowned upon.

    I would prefer an ice pick to the ear than listen to them.

    Luckily I cut everything for the salad bar, that was my lunch, and I know it’s fresh and not sweated on.

    This too shall pass.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Welcome newcomers - Tracey, Kristina, etc!
    *smiles & waves*

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! :)

    Dawn - check with local library, some have electronic book rentals. I use Audible which I get for free through Amazon Prime because I listen while working, cooking, doing housework, etc. Seems I never have time to sit down and read. Amazon also does free Kindle releases weekly. There are a few free books which change every so often in the App Store on iPad and in Google Play Store. Check out also and A friend suggested and said to check out article on lifewire - You could probably just Google free e-books and find lots of sites.
    I will have to see which e-book apps I have on my iPad.

    Annie - so very sorry to hear of your loss. its very heartbreaking and can make the holidays very sad. praying for peace for your family as you heal. How is the new house deal coming along?

    Sara - good luck with repairs! hope yours go much more quickly and smoothly than our internet & phone repair did!! our dishwasher is about to go, I keep trying to nurse it along but am afraid it will conk out on me any day now.

    Lana - hope you got some quiet time to walk and ease your spirits over your visit.

    Spent T-giving with DH family & our kids. I tried to eat smart but, darn it, family brought family favorites that we only get once a year. I took very small servings, but kept going back for more a little bit at a time too many times!

    Called other side of family and spent very emotional times on the phone. The loss of my cousin, grandmother, and brother still have us feeling rather raw.

    Black Friday is a family tradition and, although most of the shopping was already done T-giving via online, we managed to be out from 5am to 11pm. I got in 6 miles of walking plus lots of lifting and carrying, so I considered it a "free day" eating. Didn't eat much but it was calorie infested stuff, all at restaurants. Saturday was a day of sleep, recovery, and wrapping. Sunday was a horrid day as far as eating went. Leftovers yelled at me from the fridge and DH got me a jar of my all time favorite, rhubarb preserves. I went through a can of biscuits and half the jar by the end of Sunday. :(

    No happy with myself. Nothing got logged because of lack of internet and phone was not with me all the time. I am afraid to step on scales. I know I feel bloated and an awful. This morning clothes were fitting pretty tight. :'(

    Now that internet is back up - no excuse not to log everything. Have to get back into that habit and get a handle on my intake. Trying to keep up habit of "walk" breaks at work to keep myself moving.

    I have to do better if I ever plan to get to a better place. Not sure what is wrong with me. I had been doing so well so for so long. I guess this year has been worse on me than I am willing to admit. Going to see doctor about antidepressants. Anyone have suggestions as to one that does not include weight gain as a side effect??

    Well, back to work.... will be lurking from there....

    *snapping fingers for foot massage and hot tea from the CBoys*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Hello Everybody, New Folks and Regulars~~

    Today is wash clothes and pack for trip from Quincy, Illinois to house in NC tomorrow.
    Be back this evening to get caught up on all of your posts.

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair on beach*

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Today is Day 1 of no pop (again.) Goal is to make it to Christmas without any! Also cutting back on sweets/carbs and upping the protein. It's time to get back in control.

    Anxiety is high today. Thoughts are back to my cat, which is weird because I've been pretty much fine the last couple of days. Such is grief. DS (7 years old) cried at bedtime for a couple of nights because he misses her and wanted to be able to take more pictures of her.) But he has not cried the last couple of nights so hoping that has passed. The house stuff is stressing me out. We've been packing and throwing and donating. Wishing we had been saving more $$$ all along - and committing to doing so at the new house in spite of the larger house payment. We just simply need more cushion than we have! So, that is stressing me out, too. Trying to keep Christmas small but not doing a very good job of it. We like to be sure the kids get some of their wishes (within reason). I know it will all work out and we will settle into our new digs before we know it - but the next few weeks are going to feel crazy.

    We did take some time yesterday to drive a couple of hours north to go to a huge Christmas light display. It was in the mid-40's with the tiniest breeze and even though I'm not an outside person in the winter, I couldn't resist taking the time as a family to enjoy. Got home kind of late for the kids - it was hard to get them out of bed for school! But sometimes you have to take a minute to look around you and enjoy!

    DS (19 - college) is struggling with the cat, his new job, and feeling too busy/stressed out for his girlfriend. He just doesn't cope with anything well and I hope he learns how because he is NOT that busy! I wish I could lead my life at his pace! He told me he is thinking about breaking up with this girlfriend because he is too stressed and busy. I told him that is his decision! (I have never even met this girl.) Definitely not my conversation to have at this point.

    Better get back to work. Sitting on a 4 hour conference call/web meeting. :)

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - thank you, I will check those out. Brought iPad to work, but having internet probs here, so no Wi Fi for me :/ we have had too much death close to us, as well... while visiting family just for 2 nights, there were 4 that we actually know. Thankfully, Gpa is still hanging in... don'tknow that I can say he's doing better... he's walking, but now other issues... it's all part of it... but, we are able to enjoy another holiday with him and that's what counts...

    Annie - stay strong... this is a very rough and stressful time for you... don't beat yourself up for snacking... you'll get back on track before you know it...

    Sara - hmmm... Christmas decoration... put some lights in or on, tape ends together and call it a wreath..hehe... hope you get all fixed and maintenance remembers all their parts...

    Lana - glad you had a good visit... be safe traveling...

    Welcome Kristina and Tracey! We are all serial starters and some on our own... so, you found a great place to come for support... check in when you can...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member


    That is the beginning of my cubicle attire for christmas, I am crocheting Christmas trees in red/green no ornaments like the one Lana has.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    just crocheted my first of 6 or 8 trees and it is a video tutorial, so I will be watching it again.

    Food has been okay - someone at work had italian cream cake - looked wonderful, but it was layer cake and there is no way to make a small slice, so I said thank you maybe later and then forgot.

    Dishwasher works, dirty drip still dripping and no new kitchen light so .... the beat goes on.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi all!

    Some of you may remember me as a regular around here last summer. I absolutely, totally fell of the wagon - who knows why. Lots have happened in the last year and a half including two new dogs, selling a house, buying a house, a major job change/relocation, and also I got engaged!

    BUT I gained 40 pounds since last summer when I was tracking with MFP (EEK), so now I need to get back to work and be as healthy as I can before my spring wedding.

    I think that talking to all of you previously helped me to stay on track before, even when the talking wasn't always diet/health related. Plus, I missed the conversations! Hopefully I can rejoin the fun and you can forgive me for falling off of the face of the earth. :)

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Welcome back Ammey - the photo helped my memory- thank you for using the same one! Lots of changes and all of them for the good. How you handle your food is a question to ask yourself. Do you eat 'fast and easy' food - do you plan ahead in your meals and their preparation? Do you run to food for solace and comfort? We are guilty of all of this - Fast and easy food can be raw nuts/hard boiled eggs/ string cheese or yogurt. Start slowly again and let us know how things are going.

    Crocheted 2 trees last night, one yarn is twice as big as the others but I will make 2 of each - green/red/off white and arranged by height or rearrange at work to keep me awake!! People at work have moved things on my wall for me :\ in the past. Critics!!

    Okay need to scoot,lurking from work. Make it your best Tuesday.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Hey All !!

    I'm sitting at the airport......reading posts in reverse order.....

    Annmarie from Minnesota! So nice to see you again. Congrats on engagement. I understand about those *cough* few extra pounds because I seem to have done the same this past year.
    The Cabana Boys are falling all over themselves to make you comfortable! LOL! Welcome back!

    As usual, Miss Sara has been knitting up a storm, mostly for charities and people in need. She did 100+ hats? this year.

    Sara - I LOVE your knitted Xmas lights in your office! Adorable!

    Annie in Minnesota just sold her house and moved into another one.

    Dawn is around +Tess + Kathryn. Missy from the Northeast is doing well and stops by.

    Oh oh, I'd better go find my gate. I'm standing by on an earlier flight. I hope they can give me a seat with extra legroom......

    See you all later~~


  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    Day 2 of closing all of my rings #applewatch

    I shaved 50 seconds off of my mile despite the pain I sometimes get. long history of back problems. (im only walking too, cant really run or i would pee my pants)

    being able to post in here is making me feel better about this journey.

    quick question, has anyone experienced their fingers swelling while walking?
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Sigh. I wrote a big long post and my phone deleted it before it posted. Here I go again...
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Yay! I'm so glad to be back. I love all of the updates!

    Sara - Congrats on the hats! I can't believe you've knitted so many, and for charity - that is amazing! I used to love doing crafts, but alas. No free time anymore. That's the biggest reason for my weight gain... I made a career move and I'm now working in global capital markets/corporate trust finance. I work on massive (multi-billion dollar) loans with hundreds of lenders. I guess I asked for the stress... But the fast food just came along with it. I have 11 hour days minimum, and that's if I skip a lunch break. Then I have to go home and cook, clean, parent, and rest (if time allows).

    I love your food thoughts! I must think of other healthy/fast snacks like that. And I need to start prepping ahead of time so that I avoid resorting to cheeseburgers. I'll keep you posted! Today is day 2. If you have any more ideas, send them my way.

    Lana - thanks for the warm welcome! I knew I missed you guys. I'm sure you said in a previous post, but where are you going?

    Annie - congrats on the big house updates! So exciting! We just sold and bought ourselves and it is so exciting but stressful.

    Kristina - I'm impressed by your mile time! Shaving almost a minute off is huge. I don't get swollen fingers from walking, but my feet do swell a lot. Does that count?

    Hi to Dawn, Tessa, Kathryn, and anyone else out there!
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member

    Kristina - I'm impressed by your mile time! Shaving almost a minute off is huge. I don't get swollen fingers from walking, but my feet do swell a lot. Does that count?

    Lol maybe it does! I’m having carpal tunnel surgery in December so I’m curious if that might be part of it. Or maybe not enough water!

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Annmarie - welcome back! I joined this group in the summer, after starting MFP on 1/1. This community has been a godsend! I’m impressed by your job and everything you’re juggling. Dang - when do you have time to breathe?!!

    Kristina, my fingers would swell all the time when I walked - like little sausages. Since losing some pounds, it’s not as bad. I never thought it might be related to the fact I’m drinking a lot more water than I used to - that’s a good point!

    Sara, your knitting prowess and output is amazing! I love how you brighten up your cubicle.

    Lana, safe journey to NC. The Cboys will be thrilled to see you.

    Waves to all,
