

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Greetings on Electronic Greetings Day!

    Carol - Oh, what a pain! Hope you can hold AT&T's feet to the fire and get them to fix their mess quickly.

    Penny - Misfit Wearables is a brand of fitness tracker. Mine is a low-end one because I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on one until I knew it would be useful, but it does talk to MFP automatically. I liked this one because (in addition to the price) it kind of looks like a smallish watch. I didn't want to be wearing a big old chunk on my wrist.

    Heather - I don't speak any, but I enjoy singing in French (as well as German, Hungarian, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.). There's something nice about the way the French vowels feel in my mouth.

    Becca - What a picture, you in your oversized shirt, pumps & pearls, and nothing else! I'd have died from self consciousness.

    Machka - Hmm, a spoonful of meringue doesn't sound that good to me... I'd be more tempted by just the fresh fruit and a bit of whipped cream. Obviously I need to find someplace that makes them and experience a proper one so I'll understand all the fuss about pavlova!

    Goodness, I hit the ground running this morning and am just now finding time to catch up and post.

    Who was my Wii buddy - was it you, Carol? Philip got it hooked up to the TV last night! I'll get on it and do the step program as soon as I clock out of work.

    OK, back to work before the day gets away from me again. Take care, all!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Wendy, have fun on your camping trip.

    Terry, If I retire my tree as planned, I’ll buy a new one after Christmas and save it to decorate. It is just too much trouble to put this one up and un-scrunch all the many, many branches then decorate. I’ll just get a smaller one that doesn’t’ take as much work to set up. I enjoy the decorating although I’d love some help. The few years I haven’t done a tree for whatever reason, I’ve put lights and my favorite ornaments on the ficus tree in the corner.

    Heather, you definitely need to chill. Having family at any time of the year should be fun and enjoyable for all so I hope you can keep the stress level low.

    Joyce, so sorry about your fall. When I told the doctor about my wrist and the fall I had, he quizzed me at length about how often I fall. Please take care.

    Rye, I agree that it is so interesting to learn from our Phat Friends from around the world. I can’t begin to tell you all I have learned in my years with these ladies.

    Sue,. So sorry to hear about your dog. We’ve been in the same situation before with an elderly dog and made the same decision. It’s sad but you have to be realistic. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I finally got my nails done today, only about a week late. They had grown out so much that there was as much without polish as there was with. Lol When I have let them go so long it always feels great to get hem done, not to mention they look so much better. I finally finished decorating the tree today and got all the Totes back upstairs. I had all the other decoration finished. The only thing left is to put my garland and bows on the mailbox. It's uncomfortable typing with this wrist brace on so I didn't respond too much but I have read all the posts. I love the pictures! Thinking of you all.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2017
    Becca: I like the points you shared from Fit to Live by Pamela Peelle.

    Wendy: You look great running with the ocean and distant cliffs as a backdrop. :smiley:

    Felicia: We share ups and downs here. I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is not predictable. You need to do your best to accept how you feel and take the next step. Nobody can do better than that. (((HUGS)))

    We decorate our house for the Christmas season in stages. We have some little artificial trees that are spread around the house and add cheer. Those are put up Thanksgiving weekend and they are up now. Our Christmas Trees are living Dwarf Alberta Spruce trees. Since they are alive, we don't bring them in too early although Alberta Spruce trees do a fairly good job coming into a warm, humid home from the cold and going back out into the cold without damage. We've had the first one for more than 5 years & just bought the second one a year ago. They will come in early to mid December and go back outside at New Years. We had a rosemary tree before this, but it couldn't handle the environmental changes & it died after a few Christmases. We also have an aluminum tree with a revolving color wheel that my dad bought at Sears in about 1961. It all still works, but we've only set it up in this house one year. All of our kids had moved far away, and we were feeling sorry for ourselves. They still live far away, but we're trying not to slip into the home alone/self-pity party. They want us to come and visit, and we're not up to it right now.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Felicia <3<3<3

    Becca sounds like a great book, love the tips!

    The weather was so warm and the sky so blue today, I took a lovely long walk instead of going to the gym, it did my heart and soul some good, so peaceful o:) I also had the energy after y walk to plant some small evergreens into nice pots to sit on the porch, i just might add some red bows and lights if I'm feeling ambitious.

    Cheers everyone, NYKAREN

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,405 Member
    Wendy - thank you for sharing your half marathon photo's! I agree, you look beautiful, strong and happy! That hike sounds challenging but I know you'll finish it no problem. I must say, your volcano is more beautiful than ours since she blew her top 20-plus years ago (Mt. St. Helens). I take it for granted that I see her every day when I go for my walk and the weather is clear. And while there's hiking around it for the diehards, I don't think many every day hikers are up to it.

    - thank you for the tour of your yard - you are giving me spring fever!!! Do you get really cold winters there or is it more of a maritime climate like we have in the Pacific NW? You are also giving me mango fever, lol. And Pavlova fever!! They both look scrumptious. I knew your weight would come off once you were able to eat normally.

    - hope it's nothing serious with your knee! So nice that your DH is helping out. I think they realize how much we do for them when they aren't feeling well and appreciate the opportunity to return the favor. As long as we don't make it a habit, lol. I don't mind playing nurse for a couple days then I'm at my limit and turn into Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

    Sue - sorry to hear about your dog. I think you are doing the right thing by her.

    Barbie - you are a gem for recommending the Strong Women Strong Bones book. I finished it a week ago and highly recommend it.

    Carol - did they fix that leak yet? Hopefully they won't have to shut the water off for long if at all. I'd be curious to know if the contractor AT&T used to lay the cable ordered a locate. Before I retired, I used to help with that as I was admin for the little water system our county managed. I would think if you reported the leak and there is damage, you could file a claim if you have to outlay for any repairs. If they still haven't shown up, call their risk manager and let them know the problem and the potential $$, maybe they can put pressure on as well.

    Tere - I am thrilled that you'll be working out with a trainer! Sounds like he'll mean business, lol.

    Katla - did your cleaner show up? Our poor gal started coming later and later or would cancel and that frustration is the main reason we let her go. She had a lot of family problems...when she was here she did a great job tho.

    - when my dad died, I think I just went through the motions... my mom died about 4 months prior. Seems it all hit me about a year later tho. I didn't live close by so only saw them a few times a year and for my mom, it was a blessing but dad was broken hearted. Wishing you strength and patience with yourself.

    Becca - I am intrigued by Pamela Peeke's book and have ordered it from the library. So glad you happened on to it and are sharing it with us!! How are the woozie's? Better today? Your outfit with the pearls sounded very stylish, lol.

    DJ - hope the wrist brace does the trick and gets everything healed up and feeling good again!

    Went to the dentist this morning for the cleaning and check-up. I'd been having some pain with one of my back molars when I'd eat sweets and was convinced I had a cavity under a crown or some infection. Well, the dentist didn't see anything on the X-rays and is pretty certain it's just some sensitivity from exposed roots. He said if I eat anything acid, rinse my mouth immediately and same thing with sweet stuff. He said don't brush for an hour, just rinse. I did the happy dance out of that place...I was envisioning hours of pain and torture in the endodontist's chair. Now I have a reprieve!

    That's the news. Better get supper started.

    Have a great evening!!

    SW WA State
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    Wendy -- I love your running pics. You look amazing. And the scenery you ran through is beautiful. Congrats on doing such a good job.

    I'm just not feeling it . . . anything. I'm feeling bad that I'm not with my mom. :cry: I mean, when someone dies, everyone's supposed to rally, right? And we just all went on with our lives. So I'm not getting much work done today, and I've been overly emotional about everything. I suppose it's all amplified by the jet lag/sleep deprivation. At any point in the day, I'm not sure what time it is!

    Anyway, I am taking tomorrow afternoon off to drive down to Eugene to meet with the pastor who is going to do the memorial service. Fortunately, one of my oldest friends works in the same building, so I've already arranged to meet with her after the pastor meeting. I really just want this part to be over.

    Sorry for being a downer.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    One thing I learned when a hospice volunteer is that there is no “right “ way to grieve. Do it your way and know that you can always come here and be heard. ((Hugs))
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Had the appt with the orthopedic dr today. Guess this picture says it all.

    In cast for 3 weeks.

    Terry crying in VT :'(
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,405 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    vlq0jecwlqu9.jpegHad the appt with the orthopedic dr today. Guess this picture says it all.

    In cast for 3 weeks.

    Terry crying in VT :'(

    Terry - you look good in purple if that makes you feel any better. B) Hope the time goes by quickly for you and it all heals up better than new!


  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just reading. Thinking of all of you.
    Suebdew in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,125 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    You had me drooling with that meringue desert. When k eat a meringue pie, I carefully eat all the filling and crust and then have just that beautiful meringue left t savor!
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Machka - We had meringues in England when we were there. They were really delicious. I tried making one at home but it did not come out the same. Not sure what I goofed up.
    ydailey wrote: »
    Machka - Hmm, a spoonful of meringue doesn't sound that good to me... I'd be more tempted by just the fresh fruit and a bit of whipped cream. Obviously I need to find someplace that makes them and experience a proper one so I'll understand all the fuss about pavlova!

    Regarding meringue ... it might not be what you're thinking of.

    This is not at all like meringue on a lemon meringue pie. It is, however, like a meringue ... the "cookie" which @skuehn48 would have had.

    Similar to the image and recipe below ... and when it comes to the "cookie", you can add different colours and flavours. The meringue base of a pavlova is usually white.

    It is hard and crunchy and very sweet and a bit sticky ... a bit hard to describe if you've never had it. Sort of like marshmallow, but not nearly that soft. And definitely not soft like the meringue on a lemon meringue pie. But despite the fact that it is hard to the touch, it melts in your mouth!

    @skuehn48, when you make a meringue (says she who has only ever used the mixes), you've got to make sure that all your equipment is squeaky clean. Not a bit of oil (not even finger prints) or dusting of flour or anything. And everything should be slightly cool. Apparently if you don't get that step right, things will go badly ... even with the mixes!


    M in Oz

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Terry, so sorry you have to have a cast. Have a handy Sharpie pen with you, and if you're sitting at a coffee shop, and a very handsome gentleman comes in, you could say very coyly, "wanna doodle"? OK maybe abit forward....

    When we would attend Renaissance Faires I loved happening upon the Jugglers Guild tent! I would ask them bawdily,"excuse me Sir, may I play with your balls"? When he stopped blushing, I would ask again, "You know, your juggling balls"?? Oh yeah, sure um gulp....haha! I would juggle and catch them in me cleavage. You think I was born in the wrong century?? Haha!

    I need to find my Renaissance goddess pics.

    I have been writing down notes about the book I'm reading. It helps me mentally digest the book.
    About grief, when my Mom passed I remember feeling numb. Then a feeling would come over me, at any time or place. Its pure emotions, like a wave that would just smack me in the face. It took me out of the numbness, and it was all I could do to hold on. I called my sisters, and my Mother in-law, which helped a lot. Being that I was a retired military wife, trying to adjust in the civilian world, just had my third son, I wasn't in direct contact with my Mom. She was in Oregon, and I was in California. So after, I remember looking and looking at my phone directory. The one person I wanted to call, I couldn't. But now, its like I have ( these last 18 years since she passed), a closer relationship with her. She is but a thought away.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did Prevention's 400 Calories Fix DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jari Love's Revved to the Max DVD.

    We have a Newcomer Board meeting this morning. Then this afternoon we have ceramics. Right now I'm working on a "welcome" sign for Denise and Pete. Actually, Vince and I both are. I'm doing one part, he's doing another. Hopefully, it'll be finished by Christmas. I've put two coats of paint (you need to put three) on almost everything -- I just have one small part to do then it's Vince's turn. I like to save putting the third coat of paint on because most times there are chips, etc and this will cover all that.

    barbie - I wouldn't worry about using as much or more weight that is recommended for your age. Everyone is different and you've been exercising for a long time. Your muscles most likely need a challenge. The MD is probably basing her recommendation on average people, and you're not average. Hope everything works out for Jake

    evie - one of our neighbors was from Australia and that's how I knew that pavolva was made with a meringue. I remember his wife (she wasn't from australia) telling me that a lot of dishes were made with lamb.

    M - since pavlova is really merangue, is it high in calories? I wouldn't think so. If so, what makes it high? Oh, those pavlovas look so so good. Over Christmas I'm just going to be happy if I maintain my weight. I'm also going to try to limit the number of parties I'll go to. The Newcomer holiday party, the mahjongg Christmas party, we'll probably have a little something for Rummikub, our bowling party (which I'll bring my own food to) but that's IT. Not sure if we're going to have an open house this year like we did last year since we'll have to start putting up the decorations so late. Vince doesn't want to put out the controllers for the computer or extension cords and other things until we get back from VA and seeing TSO. Lovely pics. I love sweet, juicy mango.

    Sharon - How is Larry? So glad to hear that Chris did CPR. I bet that person is OK. I'm setting up some CPR classes for some members of Newcomers. As usual, I make original arrangements for the classes, give people options, then many drop out. Why, I really don't know. Well, one gal moved, so that's understandable. Another gal's husband died suddenly so she's still trying to get things squared away. I have a feeling the Newcomer Christmas party this Sat. is going to be hard on her. I guess this is the first event she's gone to without her husband. Monday while we were at bowling I had to pass by her going to the bathroom. Now I don't know who she said this to or who she was talking about, but I overheard her say "she asked to sit with us", then she said "with me". I talked to her later and you could tell she was upset. That might very well have been the first time she realized that she would be going alone.

    myraknits - wonderful!!! You're on the way. Baby steps, starting with 1/2 hr and building yourself up is fantastic

    KJ - so sorry about your knee. I wouldn't think that swimming would hurt it since that's zero impact. Certainly not walking. Glad your hubby is pampering you! You deserve it

    Felicia - strength being sent your way.

    katla - wow! I don't think I know anyone until now who actually HAS one of those aluminum trees. How well I remember them!

    Becca - you are a hoot and a half. Thanks for all the smiles.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 10.19min, 142mhr, 9.5amph. 1.6mi= 74c
    apple watch- 63c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 20min, 1581stepts, 99floors, lvl8-10, 117ahr, 127mhr = 151c
    apple watch- 160c
    floor exerc- 16.10min, 2 sets of 10ea, squats w/jump, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest, planks elbows to hands, 131mhr= 97c
    apple watch- 105c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.54min, 130mhr, 14.4amph, 1.4mi= 57c
    apple watch- 44c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 15.05min, 149mhr, 12amph, 3mi= 170c
    apple watch- 119c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.07min, 143mhr, 146ahr, 9.48min mi. .5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wk 2 sta-4.33min, 9.42min mi, 151mhr, .4mi = 61c
    apple watch- 50c
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.56min, 9amph, 160mhr, 2.5mi= 203c
    apple watch- 147c
    jog from car toys 2 hm- 8.51min, 9.51min mi, 146ahr, 157mhr, .8mi = 102c
    apple watch- 94c

    total cal 983
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Our wedding favors, it says Izzy and kirby, June 22, 2002
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :'(Felicia, the two things I know about grief are that different people experience it in different ways and it takes time.

    :'(Sue, sorry to hear about your dog. We made the same decision with our Brandy who was 11 years old and had the same injury. The good thing was that Jake and I agreed.

    :)Wendy, you look amazing and healthy running your half marathon.

    :)Michele, I will eventually add weight to my lifts but first I'll slow them down and add a few reps to each set.

    :) Jake's diagnostic procedure went well and he'll be driving home tomorrow morning. The next step is to wait to see what the neurosurgeon says after he gets the results.

    *16,000 steps
    *150 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    *156 minutes riding the exercise bike
    *two hour line dance class

    :) One quick dog walk and then off to bed.

    <3 Barbie