
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Lanette Thank you for the link to the pdf. I downloaded one for my self and my mother in law. I wish she’d take it to heart, but it will at least get good use in my household.

    It is 41 degrees outside this am and I love it. I too like a cool house. Except the first five minutes of the day. When I transition from bed covers to house, I freeze for about five minutes. So I have a trick. I keep my robe under my covers at the foot of the bed. When my alarm goes off I hit snooze and drag the robe to me like a body pillow. Then when the alarm goes off again my robe is nice and body temp toasty! (This is the only time of day I actually welcome a hot flash). I love sweaters, capes, wraps etc, and would keep my rooms between 65-68 degrees except that very much does not agree with my husband’s comfort.

    This holiday season is agreeing with me. I love walking in this weather too.

    A tiny bit of holiday cheer (my wooden bead Christmas tree garlands:


    Cin Cin a tutti

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD on the rebounder.

    Cleaned the stove this morning and iced the cake for the man whose house we're going to tomorrow. Yea! I got that icing container out of the freezer. OK, it's not much, but every little bit helps....lol I was so tempted to sample some of the icing left in the container, but I found that it really doesn't appeal to me once I put a bit of water in the container. So that's what I did.

    Wendy - awesome pics

    KJ - sounds to me like you have "white coat" syndrome. That's where your bp is higher at the doc's office than at home. Happens to lots of people. I see lots of people have told you about "white coat syndrome". Another thing that should be done is when they take your bp, your arm should be at the same height as your heart. Sometimes the nurses raise your arm and put it under their arm. If I'm not mistaken, your arm should also be resting on a hard surface.

    Finished my wreath of shells last night at ceramics. It'll probably be ready Monday. Started on my dragonfly. I'd glazed it Monday. Got some of the glaze on me, I'm thinking that it'll come out in the wash (sure hope so). Last night I got my arm in the paint. Thank goodness it's the glazes and will wash out!

    Rye - love your wooden tree garland. Do you buy those beads at a craft store and make the garland yourself? An idea to make. If you make it, what size beads do you use?

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: Sending good thoughts your way. I hope one or both of you get good job offers. :star:

    Pip: Wherever did you find the Airstream Christmas Ornament? Awesome! :bigsmile:

    Wendy: Riding at the beach is such a lovely treat. The photos are beautiful! :star:

    Sharon: I'm glad you're beginning to recover from your fall. Falls are awful. I tripped and fell over a curb in the bright winter glare day before yesterday, skinned my knee and bruised my big toe. I'm wearing Teva sandals and wool socks because everything else puts pressure on the toe and hurts. The socks are doing a fair job of keeping my feet warm enough. I've had falls in December before while going from bright light into deep shadows & broke a wrist that way on two different occasions a couple of years apart. That is what prompted the bone density medicine and it is working. At least nothing is broken this time. Yay for bone density improvements! DH's present to himself was an Instant Pot. He used it day after day with different things. I washed it and put it away. I'm sure it will be out and back at work soon. I really liked the beef stew that he made. Our neighbor got one and loves it. That inspired us to get one, along with the rave reviews from people in this group. It turns out that the husband in that family is the one who loves the thing, too. :smiley:

    Lanette: They've predicted frost, but so far we are still frost-free at our house. Yesterday there was a little frost on the windows of our cars in the parking lot, but the ground wasn't slick. I tripped over the curb, bruised my toe and skinned my knee due to glaring bright sunlight. This is a dangerous time of year for me. :grumble:

    Machka: Good luck with your new project at work. It sounds intriguing. :star:

    I'll have another round of tree decorating today. The living room tree has its lights on, but no ornaments on it yet. That will be a fun task & I look forward to it. I have a photo to share of the little tree upstairs, but I can't figure out how to get my photos from the phone to the computer. They changed the upload system and I am soooo frustrated. :mad:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited December 2017
    exermom wrote: »

    Rye - love your wooden tree garland. Do you buy those beads at a craft store and make the garland yourself? An idea to make. If you make it, what size beads do you use?

    Michele in NC
    Oooh, i’d love it if you crafty types would make these garlands, it is beyond my capabilities but I bet it would be easy (for those without dexterity disabilities) to do. I can measure the beads on my garlands if you want, the measurement you would want would be the diameter?

    I bought the first few garland strands in 1992. At Marshall Fields in Chicago. Since that time I have been scouring every shop I find for more. I’ve picked up a couple at antique stores, Church craft sales, and a couple other places but only last year would I say I finally have collected enough for my main Christmas tree. If one of you crafty type made some I would buy some to have as insurance! They are a hallmark and tradition on my Christmas trees! (Even when I only had three strands I used them!)

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. I am loving all the photos. Nothing much went on yesterday other than teaching my last class of the semester! That's always great. It has gotten cold here, but winter is my favorite season, so that's fine with me. I'm having a quiet office day today. Lunch yesterday was bad, but today I planned and brought my own. So I'm off to the races with grading and trying my best to get ahead! Take care all. meg from Omaha
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited December 2017
    Wendy - about 15 years ago I flew from Chicago to Seattle, and it took my left ear weeks to unplug - it was super painful the whole time. Since then, I've had repeated earaches and hearing loss in that ear. Not sure what I could have done different to prevent it - I have a hunch I was coming down with a bug and it lodged in there. That's another reason I really hate to fly anymore. I guess if I must, I'll "snort" several squirts of the nasal steroid spray. So glad you'll be able to join the tramping club--sounds like a great group that you have a lot in common with! LOVE the photos of your horses on the beach. How neat to live so close like that. As a child, did you ever dream you'd have a life like this?

    Carol - you guys have really been through it with the new dishwasher/flooring and now new roof. Hope it all goes smoothly and you'll be able to enjoy your house for a long time, trouble free!

    <3>:)<3 Becca - being naughty is the new nice! LOVE IT!!!! I think you should start a blog and write down all of your interesting stories about the clothing free resort, your childhood, etc. I think a lot of people would be interested!! I know I'd like to reread them without having to scroll around in the MFP posts.

    Heather - that Sound of Music singalong sounds like fun. I would have never thought to dress up for it but I'm sure that adds to it! Glad you and your DH have found your Christmas gifts! My DH and I said we'll just designate a new dishwasher our Christmas present to each other. I'm not ready to buy it yet because I don't mind hand washing dishes with the weather being cold. I think our 6 year old Keurig is getting ready to die. It's making a lot of noise now and that little pump is really straining. I figure it's made at least 10,000 cups of coffee for us. Hate to think of all the more plastic in the landfill tho, but a couple cups of coffee are DH's treat. Mine too. I still use my little one cup Melitta drip coffee maker with the paper cones. I wish Keurig and the coffee pod sellers would find a way to recycle them - I'd sure take the time to empty out the grounds and rinse them out like I do the soup cans if they did.

    - I take my BP at home several times a week at different times of the day and normally take 3 readings within a 5 minute period. The first one is generally high, the second 2 are in a good range. I keep it logged in a little notebook and take it with me when I go to the doc's office so when the nurse starts freaking that I'm 160/95, I tell her to calm down and show her my little notebook. I sometimes stop by the doc's office to just have them check my BP - I sit and read a book for ten minutes and it's within normal range, which for me is the high 120's/low 130's over 70's and my doc is fine with that. Taking BP meds got it into the 110's/70's but I was dizzy at that range. I thought that SAILguide brochure was neat - I downloaded it but would like to have a hard copy. I'll see if I can get one. I'll bet other states have similar. I talked about it with DH yesterday; he went right out and nailed additional gripper strips on our deck steps which get quite icy.

    Allie - good luck at the interview! If the dog thing doesn't work out now, it might eventually if you get into this new job (or a different one) - they might let you bring it along. After I retired last year from Public Works, they hired a casual helper who got the OK to bring his little dachshund to work- the county also hired a new director who was evidently more dog friendly than the last one. Pearlie sleeps under his desk...and has a little bed in the coffee room. She doesn't wander around, rarely barks but greets everyone and has become the mascot and overall stress reliever.

    Mary - wow, good luck to you and DH on the jobs (if you want them, lol). Keep us posted!

    It's now down to 23.3 f. I'll be waiting until this afternoon to do strength training - I like my little room to be at least above 40 - it doesn't have heat and the electrical socket doesn't withstand much more current than a light bulb draws. So I tuff it out!

    Have a good day, ladies!

    SW WA State

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited December 2017
    Katla How odd! My husband picked up an Insta pot a couple of months ago. At about the same time lots of folks were talking about it on this thread. It has become ‘his thing’ but unfortunately that means I have to clean it and put it away all the time. Argh.

    I wish I could say I’m happy with his instapot cooking, but thus far I’ll pass. A lot of things I would not eat Instapot or not, this far. I’m allergic to eggs, and he doesn’t do soups. I don’t eat rice. I’m just not thrilled to have another kitchen appliance that I expect husband will tire of and I’ll have to find storage room for. Because, I love him to bits, but he never ever wants to get rid of ANYTHING!

    Lol I tried sending him a couple Insta pot recipes I found on the web for dishes I thought I would enjoy. He wasn’t interested. Argh. Now Maybe I need to send a request into Chef John from food wishes.com - i’m pretty sure my husband would try any recipe from there.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    good morning again ladies~
    did my running this morning , went and fed DFIL and walked the boys, went up and visited my DB and DSIL for a bit and played with Buddy...
    Lanette~Jack already has a big goon of a yellow lab chow mix named Nash there.. but will see how it goes for the next few weeks.. dont think even if I took the job that I would start full time until the first of the year...have to give my place 2 weeks notice anyway... again putting it in the Good Lords hands as he will keep me in the best interest..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    stats for yesterday:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.02min, 140mhr, 11.1amph. 1.4mi= 89c
    apple watch- 65c
    JOG TREADMILL- 51.59min, 10.23min mi, 5.2-7sp, 132ahr, 152mhr, monterey coast trail program, 5mi= 472c
    apple watch- 497c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.29min, 132mhr, 15.7amph, 1.4mi= 77c
    apple watch- 46c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 16.32min, 141mhr, 11amph, 3mi= 168c
    apple watch- 110c
    walk sta 2 wk- 9.40min, 117mhr, 3.2ap., .5mi= 79c
    apple watch- 61c
    walk wk 2 sta- 6.27min, 4.3ap, 131mhr, .4mi= 57c
    apple watch - 47c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.02min, 7.8amph, 144mhr, 2.6mi = 188c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 1131
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    katla - sorry, don't remember. :0(
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kellly I was always at the Rocky Horror midnight showing in my college days--what fun! As for BP, I tell you the "white coat syndrome" is for real! Start monitoring at home, best way to be sure all is well. I was quite religious about taking a reading in order to get off bp medicine and I am bp med free going on year 3, and it does help with insurance rates!

    Rye I don't know if you can tolerate some HRT, I've been off and on different synthetic hormones to help with other menopausal symptoms. I am on estring and it is making a big difference in my life, I won't get into details, but my mood is lifted and I am sleeping better!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited December 2017
    Just to tell you ladies - we cult members get very upset when you call it an Instapot. It's an Instant Pot, or an IP.
    I use mine every single day for something, even if it's just yogurt or boiled eggs. Tonight it's curried, sprouted beans to go with sea bass and broccoli. I sprout them in the pot and bag portions for the freezer. Then I curry them with coconut. Yum!
    My husband hasn't touched ours - he wouldn't dare! But he is the washer upper in the house and the kitchen cleaner. Plus the dessert stewed fruit maker and the fruit and vegetable buyer and the breakfast muesli and fruit maker. He is also the rubbish man. :laugh: I am the cook and the laundry maid, but he does his own ironing. I iron maybe once a year! We both tidy, but I am OCD about straightening things. :o We have a cleaner for cleaning and DH and I strip and make beds together. I think I'm pretty lucky! <3<3<3
    We wrapped presents this afternoon after he had been food shopping. :D I've only got his bits to do now.
    Tomorrow I will put the marzipan on his Christmas cake.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to water aerobics today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD.

    Does anyone have any idea how to whiten white yarn? I made a tree skirt a while ago, and we just took it out of the box. When I went to put it under the tree, it was all yellowed with age. I tried soaking it in vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, even baking soda. Nothing seemed to whiten it. Does anyone have any suggestions? There are red and green stripes so I'm VERY hesitant to use any bleach, even diluted bleach. I also tried soaking it in the Clorox for colored items. No go.

    M - how wonderful that you got your bicycle back! Beautiful decorations

    Barbara - Friday will be the first time I'm going to try making that cheese "tree" for the mahjongg party. Hope it comes out OK. If so, that'll be my "go to" this holiday season. Thank you, drkatiebug, for suggesting the Sociables for the "star".

    Exercised, then helped at the fundraiser, stopped at the Salvation Army, then home and made a cake for the guy whose house we're going to Fri. His birthday is next Thurs. Unfortunately, it stuck to the pan so I'm now making another one only this time not in a bundt cake pan but a 6" pan so I can use parchment paper on the bottom. I have some icing in the freezer so I can ice it (and maybe get that container out of the freezer). Went to ceramics tonight now making the second cake.

    I was thinking this may be the last year at the fundraiser, but my neighbor kept saying how she appreciated being able to depend on me. Most of the others that they have bussing the tables are people who are in Connections (for people with mental disabilities). Got some ornaments at the Salvation Army. They seem to package them and I usually only want them individually. However, I bought the package and just took what I wanted and will redonate the rest. Also got these bows and am using one for the top of one of our Christmas trees (the real small one)

    suebdew - I couldn't find actual star (5-pointed) crackers. I was thinking that maybe I would take a biscuit that needs to be baked (one of the ones in a canister), roll it out thin, use a star cookie cutter and bake it. Then drkatiebug suggested Sociables. They have a cracker that sort-of looks like a star. I'm going to use that.

    Heather - have fun at the sing-a-long. Post a pic of you in your dress. Sounds like so much fun

    Allie and Mary - good luck to you both

    Michele in NC

    You could always try a small section in tea. My mom sometimes would use tea to make a quilt look aged.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Rye - yes, the diameter is the measurement. then I'll have to figure out what kind of string to use. Probably has to be somewhat heavy duty. I always find that for biceps, I can go higher on the weights. But for shoulders (lateral flys), I need to go lighter (5#, maybe 8#, but no higher for me)

    Becca - I would be interested in reading a blog from you, too

    Heather - I know Keurig makes a reusable pod where you can put coffee grinds in it. You might want to check that out

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,997 Member