
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Home sick today. Think I have what DH just got over. Probably could have gone in but with one car I wouldn’t be able to go home if I needed to. I have plenty of sick time left so no worries.

    Terry laying low in VT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited January 2018
    Karen UK - If you use any of the emoticons on your phone your post will be cut off at that point. Sometimes it's easy to do that without realising.

    Just made Spinach and Feta Pie for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.

    DH had another bad night. He went to bed perfectly happy, but woke up in the night with anxiety. I couldn't sleep either and spent two hours reading in the spare room. :s I'm going to get on my recumbent bike in a minute for my bonus pm exercise session. We had to pop out earlier to collect my BP meds. I will watch a tv programme while I cycle. :D

    Still, in my exercise outfit. I love this stuff! Wish I could live in it. :laugh:

    For those who asked, I don't go in the sun because I don't want wrinkles, or cancer. :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited January 2018
    KJ - yes, I knew that Kmart was owned by Sears and I thought perhaps they'd leave at least one of the stores. I also liked Sears because if I bought something from Land's End and it didn't fit, I could just take the item there for a refund & not mess with return shipping. Boo hoo! :/

    - regarding turmeric, I buy Curamin and Curamed when it is on sale. These are supplements made by Terry Naturally and derived from curcumin which is highly refined and a very bioavailable form from the turmeric. When my neck hurts, I take a Curamin capsule before bed and sleep like a baby. It doesn't hurt my tummy like NSAIDs normally do. The bottle says to take three for pain, one does it just fine for me. Curamed (both of the products, actually) is supposedly a superior anti-inflammatory and many folks take a capsule once a day whether they are hurting or not, just for that reason - protection against Alzheimers and other diseases caused by or exacerbated by inflammation. It is a bit pricey - one of the best sources I have found is Vitacost.com - no sales tax and they often have sales. Free shipping over a certain amount. And sometimes our local health food store runs a big special, so I load up.

    I wish I could get my DH to try it for his RA. I know I could never get turmeric powder down him, lol. Tho he does eat a lot of mustard so he's getting a bit of that fabulous yellow stuff. ;) I love yellow curries (he hates them) so I'm grateful for his mustard fondness.

    - I also am not a sun worshipper. I am a very light skinned freckled redhead (or was!) plus was on tetracycline for years for rosacea so needed to avoid the sun. Plus, too much sun makes facial wrinkles, at least in my in my family and we are very prone to skin cancer. I never go out without a hat-I love the feel of sun on my arms and legs tho as long as the temperatures aren't much above 80f.

    Margaret - glad to hear things are on track with your loved one. Glad you were able to get some sleep despite that frustration.

    Terry - good day to lay low!

    - your dentist visit doesn't sound pleasant but good for you keeping up with the cleanings!

    I'm taking the puppy in for a grooming today. We think there's a schnauzer underneath that fluff somewhere, lol. My girlfriend lives close by and I was going to run over to her house for a quick hour of chat then pick up pup on the way home.

    Now I'm having second thoughts. I just remembered she has 2 beautiful golden retrievers that I am allergic to, plus I have a runny nose and sneezing today. Hoping it's just allergies but if I'm coming down with something, I don't want to share it (except with DH :s ) I just took a zyrtec and will see how it does.

    Have a good day, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie :# I feel your pain!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! :)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    Many people don't like telling weight numbers, but it probably won't surprise anybody that I've been over two hundred pounds for the last three or four years. Here it is:
    Yesterday was the first day and today it happened again that My Fitness Pal when I closed my food diary today said if every day were like today in five weeks you'd weigh 179 something. Those predictions in the next "tens" down make me as excited as when it actually happens. I remember being with my daughter and her mother in law and telling them how excited I was that it was predicting in the 180s... Now I am firmly in the middle of the 180s and still going strong. When I get to 180 I will be back to my lowest weight since I had babies. I felt really good then. I know I am going to need to go lower now because I am simply not as fit, but I really feel positive that I can do it and get my health back. I want to be one of those stories about a person who does amazing things past middle age!

    I’m another one who was very motivated by those predictions- kinda like telling me, hey good job so far, now here is another realistic goal: they made me want to make them a reality.

    And good on you for seeing the 17x in there! That was me just a few short months back. I started a tad lower (195) but I’m short so I was looking very bad and experiencing a lot of health negatives. I had a scale shock this morning as I dipped below 150 on the scale for the first time. That lower ‘decade’ really makes a psychological difference :)

    I certainly feel my age has made this harder, but like you I’m trying to make that work for me and just be more impressed with myself!

    Wishing for everyone’s health and happiness today. Have crazy making schedule of errands and to-dos before I go to work, so running off now. (Shamefacedly admitting my Christmas tree is still up).

    Lisa: Fantastic, keeping my fingers crossed.

    Terry: Hope you are on the mend quickly.

    Sun-worship: if I can do so and not sweat or get sun-burn I’m with you-lol. My extremely pale skin usually limits my sun exposure severely tho. I do try to get my vitamin D exposure in the summer tho. Have to be careful b/c I burn to a crisp quickly.

    Lanette: as a child I was always so disappointed to come home and find our Schnauzer had been groomed that day. I loved the way he looked all curly and scruffy.

    Turmeric: I drink a good deal of turmeric tea. And we use turmeric in a lot of cooking but I never really considered curcurmin supplement or using it as an anti-inflammatory. As someone who can’t take NSAIDs I’m going to have to check into that!

    Cin Cin a tutti


    (Oh, and btw - I started the Fast Mimicking Diet 5 day plan on Sunday and it couldn’t be going better! The book recommendations for someone with my stats do this 3 or 4 times a year and I’m thinking I’m on board.)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2018
    Rye, I think I will start the Fast Mimicking Diet today. I read an interview with the Doctor the other day as well as the book excerpt and it sounds very beneficial to me. I also read an article about a 70 year old Australian woman who quit sugar 28 years ago and looks great. Her name is Carolyn Hartz. I really reallyreally want to kick sugar. I hate the way it controls my appetite and makes my weight constantly yo yo. Here is her daily diet from an article on Carolyn: CAROLYN HARTZ'S DAY ON A PLATE

    I like to start my day with a banana or kiwifruit and my favourite cup of English breakfast tea. I then have either two eggs or scrambled eggs with spinach and tomato or salmon on a piece of gluten-free toast. If I don't want a big breakfast I have natural yogurt with fresh fruit and sometimes I add whey protein or ricotta.

    Morning Snack

    Cup of tea, a piece of fruit and 10 to 12 almonds or a piece of cheese and a couple of rice biscuits


    Chicken, avocado, feta cheese and tomato on either rice cracker biscuits or gluten-free toast, or a salad with a serve of protein. Which can either be salmon or haloumi.

    Afternoon Snack

    Similar to my morning snack but sometimes I have a sugar free cookie or slice that I have made with Perfect Sweet.


    Mostly lean chicken or fish, and occasionally red meat with a salad or green vegetables and sweet potato. I love my casseroles in the winter.


    - I cut out sugar 28 years ago, which was difficult because I was a sugar addict. I now bake my own sweets and desserts with sugar free Perfect Sweet and nutritious ingredients like almond meal and coconut instead of flour.

    - I think it is important to include fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy and protein daily in my diet. I always include protein in every meal as it helps me feel satisfied and helps stabilise my blood sugar levels.

    - I love my sweet treats and I don't deprive myself. I eat 2 pieces of dark c

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4777172/Carolyn-Hartz-people-s-opinions-aren-t-business.html#ixzz53nqTD6t7

    Here is her photo at 70 years of age: li0sscj2vgqx.jpg

    <3 Wendy

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Rye, I think I will start the Fast Mimicking Diet today. I read an interview with the Doctor the other day as well as the book excerpt and it sounds very beneficial to me. I also read an article about a 70 year old Australian woman who quit sugar 28 years ago and looks great. Her name is Carolyn Hartz. I really reallyreally want to kick sugar. I hate the way it controls my appetite and makes my weight constantly yo yo. Here is her daily diet from an article on Carolyn: CAROLYN HARTZ'S DAY ON A PLATE

    I like to start my day with a banana or kiwifruit and my favourite cup of English breakfast tea. I then have either two eggs or scrambled eggs with spinach and tomato or salmon on a piece of gluten-free toast. If I don't want a big breakfast I have natural yogurt with fresh fruit and sometimes I add whey protein or ricotta.

    Morning Snack

    Cup of tea, a piece of fruit and 10 to 12 almonds or a piece of cheese and a couple of rice biscuits

    <3 Wendy

    Sounds good, but I just bolded the morning the foods, and this diet is not "sugar free." Especially the gluten free bread. It probably includes straight up sugar, at least the ones I buy do. Fruits, cheeses, etc, all include "sugars." Rice has a really high glucose index. I try to limit it for that reason.

    But she looks fantastic!

    Not trying to rain on anyone's sugar-free parade here

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri: I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. We nearly lost ours in December, but he is doing better every day. I think we're very lucky. I know how devastated we would be without him and have great sympathy for your situation. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Heather: We have yet another thing (or two) in common. I also take daily Turmeric capsules, and Vitamin D3. I can't say that I notice the impact of the turmeric, but the D3 is a lifeline for my mood and mental acuity. :star: I am so sorry that your DH has been suffering from nighttime anxiety. Winnie the Pooh recommends chamomile tea. So do I. (((HUGS)))

    Vicki: After our raccoon invasion last year I began stapling packets of mothballs under my deck. The vents under my house are secured with heavy-duty screen material & I know the raccoons can't get under the house again, but I don't want them anywhere near our house. :noway:

    Rita: I looked up huevos de toro. I'm coming up with bull t*sticles. Is that correct? :huh: DH has always called them Rocky Mountain Oysters & he likes them. Not me. :noway:

    Lisa: I'm sorry for your friend's loss. Congratulations on the pending sale of your warehouse. :flowerforyou:

    EPmomdoc: I can't understand why a nurse would be reluctant to give anyone information about their blood pressure, let alone a physician. :noway: People are so strange. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I get the same kind of information from my doctor as you do. Not only that, I have access to all the testing data online & can ask questions via the website. The system is called MyHealth & I'm very pleased with it. :star:

    Loumoon5: I love the quotation, "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - CS Lewis Thank you for sharing. :star:

    KarenUK: I had trouble with losing posts so I began typing them into a word document. When I get to the end, I copy and paste my word document into the thread. It works for me, and I don't lose my comments anymore. :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I've been watching Olympic trials, too. I loved figure skating but am not all that interested in downhill skiing. Although the skiing doesn't interest me, the site of the competition is absolutely gorgeous! I watch just for the view! :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I am so sorry that you have a loved one in the hospital. I don't envy you the difficult phone call, but I applaud you for following up on the situation. I hope it doesn't happen to you or anyone else again. :noway: :heart:

    Lisa: We regularly buy turmeric in capsule form and take it daily. It has been very positive for both of us. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Your comment on bone density testing reminded me of my neighbor. She has broken two bones in the past few months. Her significant other is an advice nurse & I talked to him about the benefits of bone density medications for bone health. I take a time-release alondrate once a week & have actually managed to increase my bone density over the past couple of years so I am very supportive of it. They're in crisis mode and not very open to the non-expert medical opinions of a neighbor. I don't blame them. I hope they get it sorted out soon. She's going through H*ll. :sad:

    hopiemama33: You can do this! You have found a good place for practical advice and moral support. Come back often. :smiley:

    I have been in a low energy mode for a week or more & have not been feeling up to horseback riding. I called my friend, the stable owner, and let her know why I haven't been out there with Arrow. I'm glad I let her know what has been going on with me. "No call/no show" is not a good way to be a responsible person or a good friend. I hope I get my energy recharged soon. This energy slump isn't much fun. :noway:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." CS Lewis