
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited January 2018
    Ladies - if any of you are interested, there's an 8 part docuseries coming up starting Jan 17th called "Broken Brain". Topics are Alzheimers, Dementia, Brain Fog, Autism, etc.

    The link is found at www.brokenbrain.com and they want you to pre-register. Looks like it's free (for now) and likely a new episode each day.

    It's by Mark Hyman, MD - I think I've seen him on PBS in the past. I haven't researched it, but they'll probably cover nutrition, sleep, etc.

    I plan to watch it, or part of it. Looks like good presenters.

    Sunny SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited January 2018
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    I just watched episode one of Broken Brain. It was mostly an overview, but it does look good. It is a whole body approach to medicine.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Really sleepy today. Struggling to stay awake in class. Dead legs while walking too. Must have tired myself out on the weekend.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did Winsor Pilates Accelerated Body Sculpting DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of Tone Trouble Zones DVD, hold my plank then take the extremepump class.

    A gal who used to play mahjongg with us and then moved to Charlotte has tomorrow off from work so we're going to go to the gal who usually has it's home early and all meet up. She's going to make dinner and has asked me to bring some pineapple. I think I'll just stop at the store after the extremepump class and buy some already cut up. I know it would be cheaper to buy a whole pineapple, but it also would be more work than I care to go to. Plus, I don't have a pineapple corer so I'd have to cut it.

    It's this one gal at the place where I take the extremepump's birthday tomorrow so I'll take the chocolate chip banana muffins I made to her. Have some for Lynette. So all of them are gone.

    Of course, we have senior bowling tomorrow. It's cold here (for us) so I brought my bowling ball in from my trunk where I usually keep it.

    M - congrats on the run. Hopefully, someone on here will have an idea of what could be causing the numbness. That must be so frustrating. Tell me more about spinning to stretch out.

    Lanette - please share your "eating when not hungry" strategies. That's one problem I have.

    I'm TRYING to clean out some of my cookbooks. If there are only a few recipes that I'm interested in a cookbook, I type them onto the computer. Then they'll go to the Salvation Army

    Rita - I think we call people out of love.

    Rye - I couldn't tell anything, either, with your eye. I have a lazy eye, too.

    My father used to call his mother at the same time every day. One day he was late and she got so upset. when I started calling my father every day, I made sure to make it at a different time every day just so he wouldn't worry about something having happened to me.

    Evelyn - happy birthday to your hubby. How do you cook your ribeye in winter?

    Helped Vince get most of the Christmas decorations put away in the garage. Until next year....which will come too soon, I just know it.

    Rye - you are beautiful inside AND out.

    Michele in NC
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    well not been a brilliant week eating wise or exercise wise, still struggling with sciatica which is slowing me up, so hope I do better this week. Not sleeping well due to the pain waking me up and then cannot get comfortable, been to the physio, Dr's and taking medication which isn't working and I know if I go back to the Dr's he will just give more medication and tell me what I already know a trapped nerve. So important that I shift this 7kg as that doesn't help. Anyway whinging over, have a good day everyone ;-)
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Do you take your shoes off at the door? My husband taught me to... I didn't grow up that way. But, for those struggling with health issues, or living with others who do, this makes interesting reading. https://braincharm.com/2018/01/02/these-are-the-disgusting-reasons-why-you-should-never-wear-shoes-at-home/. The headline's written to pull clicks, but the research seems sound.

    Lisa in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Do you take your shoes off at the door? My husband taught me to... I didn't grow up that way. But, for those struggling with health issues, or living with others who do, this makes interesting reading. https://braincharm.com/2018/01/02/these-are-the-disgusting-reasons-why-you-should-never-wear-shoes-at-home/. The headline's written to pull clicks, but the research seems sound.

    Lisa in NC

    I almost always take my shoes off when I enter a house. I don't want to track whatever I've been walking in outside all over my floor.

    M in Oz
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Talking of decluttering, I got my new mattress delivered today, I'm downsizing from a double bed to a single as i originally got the double so I could let.my parents use it when they visited, and I liked the extra room. My parents no longer visit, I go to see them, and I've lost enough weight that I should be comfortable in a single. The delivery guys took both my old mattresses and hopefully St Vincents will take the double bed frame, so now I just have to clear out all the un needed bed sheets etc, then hopefully give away another cupboard
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Rye ... your second photo does not change my opinion ... just sayin'

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    edited January 2018
    Blew off the timer to get caught up, but did get up and do something every page or two.

    Awhile back someone mentioned a CD to help the voice, would you remind?

    Joe saved a Colombo for me to watch with him, so I did. BUT instead of simply watching and being with him... I drank and ate and drank and ate some more. Blearg. Really must have some mending handy for sitting-with-Joe-time. It's all logged and tomorrow is already planned to be better, despite the 7 hr round trip drive.

    Turmeric, have a jar of it somewhere. Found the empty capsules but can't find the Tumeric to fill them. Pantry is sooo crowded, need to step up the "use what we have for dinner" action.

    Beef. Was an ovo lacto veg for 7 years but went back to eating meat when I broke my wrist the first time. Not a great dinner cook, better baker. Thanks to the internet finally found a recipe for prime rib roast that works for us. Joe said it was as good as O'Hollerans, our local fine dining establishment. Such praise! We ate off it for 3 days and it was as good on the last day as the first. Good thing it's only on sale during the holidays, and I only bought one!

    Machka, I looked at the saag paneer and just.... couldn't. Something about the color and texture of slow cooked chopped spinach turned my stomach.
    the chickpea red curry didn't have an image so as I read the ingredients I was happy to have most already in the cupboard... until I got to the 4 C of spinach. Will just leave that out and serve with a side salad instead. Thanks!
    Tere I've never been without Vicks, for chest congestion, colds, etc. Didn't know there were other uses... what else besides promoting hair growth? really?
    Rita that is one heckuva wind sock! and scary looking succulent. Hope finding it lifted your spirits!
    Karen in VA Olivia's face is so expressive, you may have an oscar winner on your hands!
    Barbie Yay for Jake home a day early, a great anniversary present ;) Thanks for "emotional kevlar vest". What a helpful image!
    Margaret snow clearing at 2 am? What company would do that??? Dr. has me upping calcium and Vit D as well as adding the Fosamax. I'm good with the supplements, will try to talk him out of the Fosamax Tuesday ;) Brava for choosing problem solving instead of victim mode. Brava!
    Allie ditto what Terry, Michele, Heather, Katla, Evie, Barbie, Sharon and especially Lenora said about Tom and the alimony. Couragia!
    Michele, No Dr. has ever suggested injectables, just as well as I really really fear/hate needles. Is your osteoporosis severe? Healthy girl chocolate donuts? Let us know how they turn out, would really like to get Joe off his Donette kick ;)
    Heather your son looks so relaxed and happy! Girlfriend too ;) What lovely gifts.
    Kate "if it ain't broke..." you are so right!
    KJ Love your mindful fast. Brava!
    Katla "robin's egg sized gallstone"? Horrible pain indeed! Thanks for the fosamax rules reminder, pretty sure that's the way I did it back in the day. Dr rxds the once weekly variety too, but will still try to weasel out...
    pip love the alternative energy shirt ;)
    DrKatiebug, Dave sounds like a real dickens! 900 square feet? with children??? Cannot imagine!
    Rye Hubba hubba! Comfort foods, good question. When I'm sick, want tea, tomato soup, peanutbutter toast and ginger ale. Emotionally I go for the crunch when agry, sweets when sad. Ditto what Beth said so well.
    Machka does your left ankle swell more than the right?
    Terry "all I can do is let her figure it out and be there..." wise words. 60 down to 6" (shivershudder)
    Wendy Spider in the bed? Eeeeeeeeeek! You were God's hands to that little bird.
    Carol, I shuddered and blushed when you asked Lenora about the stuffed animals. DH found a thrift store selling them for 50 cents each so for a year he'd bring home 4 or 5 every week for Tumble. Even though she's "killed" some (and I've been able to throw away the remains) we still have two GIANT boxes of them, not counting the dozen on the living room floor... and the 5 extra favorites in the mending pile ;} THEN I saw you meant taxidermy not toys. LOL!
    Lenora Brava for showing decorators the door. Hate it when they paint paneling. Also when they paint exterior brick.
    Lisa I didn't dare follow the link, we have dogs ;)

    Time to meditate and sleep. Must get up early tomorrow to drive 2.5 hrs to Grants Pass for car recall work. Nearest dealer. They want to keep it all day so they'll give me a loaner. I'll take it to Medford for the periodic pilgrimage to Trader Joe's.

    There, that's it, all caught up. Probably won't post tomorrow, then will be behind again Tuesday ;)

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.