
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did one segment of Tone Trouble Zones DVD, held my plank for 2 min 53 sec (it wasn't as hard this week as last week, but still hard), then the extremepump class.

    After exercise stopped at the Salvation Army. Got a blouse, don't know how it'll look under the sweater I have. Then bought Vince his rye bread (they finally had it!), then went to Aldi to pick up just a few things. Came home, got dinner ready, boiled water for tea to take to bowling, put a load of laundry in the wash (Vince couldn't get over how much static there was when he took the sheets off the bed). Next, bowling home for dinner then ceramics tonight. Vince will probably finish his part of the lighthouse welcome sign, then it'll come back to me.

    Cathy from Alberta - don't worry, I put my sheets back on the bed after washing them, too. If I do need to fold some (at one time I had an extra set for our bedroom), this is the way I fold them.

    Kate - welcome back!

    M - how I wish I could put my sheets out to dry! Our HOA won't allow it. I hung them out when we lived in our second house and absolutely loved it.

    barbie - how nice of you to do that for your friend. I do hope it isn't something serious

    Rye - I have a hard time saying "no", so I know where you're coming from. Sometimes, tho, we need to just say "I'm sorry but I can't"

    barbara - if you go to walk.jog.fm/popular-workout-songs, you can search by BPM

    Happy Birthday Yogi! Hope you get something real nice.

    Penny - I always look forward to your posts and will miss you terribly. Come back soon -- very soon

    Felicia - welcome back! I was just thinking of you the other day! Awesome pics

    drkatiebug - you are so organized it's almost sickening....lol

    judefit - I haven't gotten any video. I wonder....is that a good thing or not.....lol

    katla - dh won't have anything to do with an Apple phone. He hates Windows 10, too. He feels that Steve Jobs feels he knows what is good for you. there are things that dh wants to do and just can't

    Went to ceramics then mahjongg. Maj'd 3 times, but always on hands that I had done previously. Oh well....

    Joyce - so sorry you're feeling so poorly. Please get better fast

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Wow, Rori, that's exciting. I'm glad you'll be able to be there for your husband. I know they're sorry to lose you. I'll for sure have to meet up with you when I'm in Denver visiting my daufgter/family. Enjoy your trp, sounds fantastic.

    Janetr OKC
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Rori, I'm excited about your running cruise. Post pics and updates as much as you can! I will be there vicariously. <3 Wendy
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Rori, congrats on your pending retirement!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Rye - It seems you need to say No! for your health. Someone once told me that No! is a full sentence. No apology or explanation needed.
    In Alberta you get a 15 min break if you work 4 hrs, anything over 5 hrs you are entitled to an unpaid 1/2 hr break, 6-7 hrs you get a 15 and the 1/2, 8 hrs is 2x the 15 min breaks and a 1/2 hr. These are the minimum.

    Katla - I do hope you work up the courage to knock on your neighbour's door. Who knows what your support might mean to her.

    Barbie - It is always good to have friends and to be there for them.

    Felicia - Glad that you enjoyed your time in Cabo.

    Margaret - Sending love and prayers for whatever your family emergency may be.

    SueBDew - You sound like a very young 78. I am 63 but know that is just a number. My sister who is almost 4 yrs. younger than me does not let herself be in the world like we do. She's heard of exercise but doesn't do any. She is diabetic but just takes insulin instead of being aware of what diet could do for her. I think we need to keep learning and doing to stay young. I am always open to new things and it sounds like you are also.

    Rori - Your cruise sounds fantastic. Also, congratulations on your upcoming retirement.

    I woke with a raging migraine. Larry dosed me with CBD oil as everyone says how wonderful it is for migraines.
    I am wondering - Can I be allergic to the stuff. Today within 5 min. of taking the foul tasting stuff I had my head in the toilet. The first time I tried smoking the green medicine I had an asthma attack. Maybe it's just not for me? Today made me realize that I need to practice sprints. The nausea beat me and I had to change clothes 3x today. Larry had to shampoo the recliner because of my slowness. Whew! What a day! My boss was not pleased when I called in sick and reminded me that Inventory was on Wednesday. Yes, I know that. Did he think I wanted to be sick especially because unlike him I do not ever get paid for sick days.

    There was nothing much else in this day. I am feeling better and plan to be at work tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed for good news from disability.

    I keep writing down book suggestions from this group and maybe one day I will get to reading some of them.

    Take care
    Stay Warm
    -Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited January 2018
    kevrit wrote: »
    Wish I could line dry my clothes. It would save me loads cause I have to use the laundromat. Allergies and desert dust prevent that.
    exermom wrote: »
    M - how I wish I could put my sheets out to dry! Our HOA won't allow it. I hung them out when we lived in our second house and absolutely loved it.

    Meanwhile, I wish I had a clothes dryer!! :grin:

    They do sell them here, but I'm not sure where I'd put it.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited January 2018
    I woke with a raging migraine. Larry dosed me with CBD oil as everyone says how wonderful it is for migraines.
    I am wondering - Can I be allergic to the stuff. Today within 5 min. of taking the foul tasting stuff I had my head in the toilet. The first time I tried smoking the green medicine I had an asthma attack. Maybe it's just not for me? Today made me realize that I need to practice sprints. The nausea beat me and I had to change clothes 3x today. Larry had to shampoo the recliner because of my slowness. Whew! What a day! My boss was not pleased when I called in sick and reminded me that Inventory was on Wednesday. Yes, I know that. Did he think I wanted to be sick especially because unlike him I do not ever get paid for sick days.

    Have you talked to a doctor about using that stuff? You really should only use it under medical supervision, with a prescription of your own.

    Also, does Larry use it regularly?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Day 2 of this course begins! I took the later bus ... that works. And now the lecture is about to begin.

    I don't mind the 3-hour lectures ... actually, they are reasonably interesting. It's basically what I've done for work for much of the last 8 years or so, only I haven't put it in those words. Evidently there are terms and definitions for what I do!

    I did get a walk in after the lecture but then decided to go back and try to make some headway on the tutorial material. The tutorial is 2 hours long, and I was in there 1.5 hours in advance of it for a total of 3.5 hours of working on it all.

    While I don't mind the lectures ... I'm trying to figure out how the tutorials tie in. Maybe at some point I'll stumble across the "why". Meanwhile I'm doing the stuff, a type of programming, and I'm getting the expected results ... I'm just not sure why anyone would bother doing all this!

    And then I hiked up the hill to catch the bus. In total I walked 6.3 km, it was a bit of a rest day for my legs. :)

    Shortly, I'm going to get back to work on this course ... and see if I can't locate that "why" somewhere.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Rori - Congratulations on taking that retirement decision. <3 Retirement is beyond wonderful! Just make sure that you don't get overwhelmed with care giving and still have a life of your own. There may come a time when you have to hand over that care, for your own sake. <3
    I will be thinking of you on your cruise! Enjoy! Not sure about kissing camels though. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx who is back to yoga this morning in her new top. :D
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    @kevrit ... were you the one who taught Data Analysis some time ago?

    If so, what software did you use?

    Machka in Oz
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning, afternoon and evening ladies, woke up to about 3 inches of snow. I wasn’t expecting that. Still fairly warm at 31 degrees (-1c). Busy day ahead at work but hoping to check in once and a while.

    Felicia, he pic of you snorkeling looks like so much fun. I’d love to do that.

    Joyce, I hope you get your medication squared away soon. Be careful in the shower.

    Margaret, orry to hear of you have a family emergency. I’m sending good thoughts your way.

    Cathy and Michele, I have a king size bed so the sheets are expensive. I am down to one set so I too put my sheets back on the bed after washing.

    Rori, congratulations on retiring! I am green with envy. Happy Birthday! What day is it? Enjoy your trip.

    Barbie, glad your friend’s procedure went well. Good for you starting a walking spreadsheet.

    Lisa, hope the deal with the warehouse goes through. That will take some pressure off you.

    Sharon, sounds like you had a rough day. Glad you took care of yourself and took a sick day.

    Machka, you always make me feel like I do nothing! Lol

    Lisa, glad you have been sleeping. It makes all the difference in the world. I’m so lucky I don’t have problem sleeping. My DH on the other hand does. It least he is quiet when he can’t sleep. I never hear him. He usually just turns on the little reading light and reads.

    Terry in VT
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    Could DH have made a New Year's resolution? For the first time in 33 yrs together he is regularly complimenting the meals I serve. It's only lunch (more like a big mid-day meal), he cooks his own breakfast and doesn't eat in the evening. All the decades I worked, he cooked for himself on weekdays as our hours were offset. I usually managed a meal or two on weekends. He's saying things like "That was tasty" or even "Thank You". Won't ask why will just be grateful for as long as it lasts ;)

    Ginger Hooray for momentum! Look at all those checkmarks, veggies, fiber, carbs, wow!
    NYKaren hope there's a pic of your DD at platform 9-3/4 ;)
    Felicia snorkeling in life vests? What's wrong with that picture?
    Joyce ((hugs)) Wednesday must seem very far away. ;{
    Margaret holding good thoughts for you and your family
    Michele, I am with Vince about the iphone and Windows 10. Touchscreens are not my friends. Windows 7, 97, 95 and 3x were fine but truly, just give me a keyboard and a DOS prompt. ;)
    Rori Have to laugh at myself. Already have Insight Timer, used it for centering prayer then promptly forgot about it. Thanks I'm sure that will be just the ticket! Congrats on retirement plans, sounds like your timing is just right. Safe travels.
    Re "happy to be leaving a few calories on the table" great attitude!
    Sharon no paid sick days? You and Rye and Karen in VA have my sympathy. Working without benefits sucks.

    Snoozed timer again ;}

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.