
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Heather, I normally do plan dinner ahead of time and have something quick to heat and eat, but the wheels did fall off the bus a bit this past week. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, it happened, I'm moving on. And every once in awhile, I really do enjoy pizza!

    We had pizza about once a month while I was losing weight. :) I was exercising enough it fit into my calorie limit.

    Oddly enough, in the last year we've kind of gone off pizza for some reason. But I doubt it will ever be completely off the menu. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    About to climb on Exercycle my DH snapped my pic this morning. o9iqt6f2rujj.png


    Looking good! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited January 2018
    Machka - You did so well. Especially as it was only the third time you've run that distance. Well done! :drinker: I looked up some info on times etc and yours would be considered a reasonable time. :D Considering all the rest of your life it is a real achievement. Sorry about the numb foot. Have you Googled it?
    By the way, the 10k world record for a woman is 29.17. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:laugh:

    Thanks!! :)

    It's actually the second time I've run 10 km ... I've done 8.6 km, 10.7 km and today's 10 km all in 3 weeks.

    I have googled numb feet, but didn't really come up with anything. I might talk to my chiropractor about it. I wonder if it might have something to do with my lower back.

    The fastest woman on this 10K has a record of about 31 minutes, but did this event in 33 minutes.

    Those times are just incredible!

    I will be backing off on the running now and focusing more on cycling for a bit. I've got several cycling events I need to get ready for. I may get back into running in May or June, although that said, I probably will keep running a little bit now and then. :)

    I also discovered last night that I've got to redo most of the routes for the cycling events we host. A small wooden bridge is being replaced and won't be ready in time. That doesn't thrill me at all. It's good they're replacing that bridge, but the timing isn't very good.

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Rye - thanks for bringing up the question of what are our comfort foods and emotional eating foods. I am also a roast beef/potatoes & gravy/carrots person for comfort foods. Chicken noodle soup with home-made noodles.

    Emotional foods - seems like all of us are drawn to salty/sweet/crunchy stuff. For me, it's chips, nuts, Reese cups, peanut butter. Not TOTALLY empty calories, lol, but the candy comes close. I crave my evening salads because they have a lot of shredded cabbage and carrots in them - you would think I'd get my fill of crunchiness right there. B)

    - you mentioned going on a mindful fast. I know several of you are also doing 5:2 intermittent fasting. I am looking at new ways to break my "eating when not hungry" habit which has kicked into high gear for some reason with my DH's lack of appetite.

    I am interested in hearing about your experiences with intermittent fasting-or any type of fasting for that matter.

    Today might be a good day to start. So far I've had 2 cups of coffee with maybe 1/2 cup hemp milk. Woke up at 3 with neck ache and sinus headache - coffee is the cure, lol.

    Have a splendid day, ladies!

    Warmish and foggy looking SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    morning ladies~ off to feed DFIL in a few. about clutter.. when I moved to my condo got rid of alot of stuff.
    as an adult child of a depression baby, please clean your place out before you pass and not leave it to the kids.. I dont know how many countless hours I have taken to make my dads house livable for my daughter and her boyfriend and dgd, then every paper magazine ,and chatcki known to man is in the house, I havent even gotten to the closets or cupboards..
    today I am going up to dads to burn papers.... and will try and work on stuff here too..
    I did read and article about the swiffer wet jet , and that someone used it on there floors and the solution it it killed there dog and a friend of there killed the cats, so I will not be using that , thats for sure...
    well ta ta for now will check in later
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    My comfort food as a teenager was white rice. Sometimes with a hard boiled egg. I used to put loads of black pepper on top. Later I added hot Indian pickle. I rarely, if ever, allow myself white rice these days, but occasionally I get a pang when I pass by my large glass jar of rice on the windowsill, but I haven't succumbed yet!
    If I'm feeling emotional it would be cheese, salami, or crunchy peanut butter (which I daren't keep in the house) But most likely it would be pastis. :o>:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rye: You look fantastic. I would give anything to have a waist. Yours is so tiny.

    Barbie: Happy anniversary.

    Decluttering: Wow! Kay and all of you who are participating. Boy, I need to do it so much. Dresser drawers, cook books, utensil drawers…what a mess! We have coats and other clothes from both sets of parents that just need to go to Good Will. They are all quality stuff and my DH won’t let go.

    Lenora: How many stuffed animals do you have in your home?

    Comfort Food: A nice bowl of creamy soup or cooked beans with ham over rice! Or, chicken and dumplings.

    Emotional Foods: Salty crunchy anything!

    Wendy: Good for you freeing the little bird.

    Carol in 18* Ga.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret: I mentioned stuffed animals in Lenora's home but I was talking about the animals they hang on their walls from hunting. LOL :)
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Good morning, gals
    Rye... Gorgeous photo of you. Totally a hottie. You have an hourglass figure.
    Carol.... I'm seconding what you say. I've never had a waist, even when I get to my target weight. I'm short and square. :-) Like my DH would say, square in more ways than one. Ha!

    Comfort food for sickness is potatoes and pasta..... and emotional comfort is chips, nuts and chocolate.

    Have a great day everyone,
    Betsy in NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rye: I'll add my voice to that of others--YOU LOOK GREAT!!! :bigsmile: As to comfort food, I like homemade soup. We haven't had soup out of a can in years. :noway:

    Lanette: I made it to yoga three times last week and I feel better because of it! I am still feeling a bit under the weather, though. I'm hoping to muster enough energy to spend time with Arrow today. Not sure I'll make it. The poor old guy is stuck in his paddock if I don't go and get him out for some exercise. He has a nice paddock with room to move around but he does better with attention. Don't we all! :ohwell:

    Barbie: Happy Anniversary! :bigsmile:

    Heather: We are often on a similar "page" with things, but I am cloud phobic. I want control of my own data. :ohwell:

    Machka: I've been thinking about your numb foot, too. Is it possible that you've developed a bone spur? I wonder whether different shoes would help. Good luck. :smiley:

    We have fog hanging in the trees across the river, but it isn't getting all the way down to the water. It is actually very appealing to see, but I am feeling pleased to be warm and comfortable inside the house.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." CS Lewis

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    <3Rita, one of my happiness commandments is "Don't take things personally". When my mother started telling me that I never called and wasn't there for her, I made a commitment to call her once a week (same day, same time) and wear my emotional kevlar vest so that whatever she said bounced off. I did that for many years My husband did the same thing with his mother (she lived to past 90).

    <3 Barbie

    Good plan Barbie. I was considering doing that. You just convinced me!

    Question, why do we do that, torture our emotional selves to make other happy and put on our ‘kevlar’ to call and keep in touch?

    Must be love. Or duty?

    RV Rita
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Lenora will pass your comments, especially what Lou says about his dentures, to Joe and pray he gets off that kick. Many thanks! I too have trouble opening plastic drink bottles, so got a "husband"...
    The man who had this house before installed a similar device under one of the kitchen cabinets nearest the fridge. Brilliant!
    Wendy gutted indeed, just as I felt when my pc's hard drive crashed. Good reminder to back up the external HD to cloud and to the new laptop.
    DJ Chicken bog?
    MIchele + Barbie Joe also is quick to say "You shouldn't go" so I keep my little aches and pains to myself. He's such a homebody ;) We sure can get a lot done when they're out of the house, but it sure seems too empty and quiet... ;{
    Joyce "do not depend on mental list, write it down" reminded me to add a note that's been rattling in and out of my head to my pre-appt email to Dr. Thanks!
    Sharon How long have your Drs and PTs been recommending retiring to disability? Missed postings about the accident, could you remind me? Love the look of trees after snow and ice storms, but do NOT miss that air-hurts-your-face feeling. She must be nutz to keep Harmony out in the park. Is She using Harmony to make you feel bad?
    Machka electrolytes for swollen ankles? Would you share brand name or important elements/contents? Thanks for the recipes, I don't normally like spinach cooked, but will give the saag paneer a try this week ;} Do you think I could substitute arugula for the spinach?
    Okie I, too, hate stairs, especially going down, also use arms to get up from sitting and really struggle to get up from the floor. YOU are RIGHT, regular movement helps. Getting down on the floor every day for the past 2 weeks has made it a little easier to get back up. :)
    Lanette (and Okie) one of the gals at T'ai Chi has EXTREMELY naturally thick and curly salt and pepper hair. She gathers it up in a head band and lets it cloud around her head like an aura. Not a "natural", not dreads, some corkscrew curls as it springs out. It's wild and gorgeous and I'm envious.

    Over time, still 7 pgs to go and off to breakfast and prep for church.
    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    To me, comfort foods are things like gumbo, spicy 15-bean soup, chili and rice, stuff you would eat during the winter. Makes me warm on the inside while sitting in front of the fireplace with a roaring fire burning.
    Foods that I eat 'emotionally' eating are things like chips, popcorn, cheese, crunching and spicy, I guess, more than anything.

    Pip - I would have never guessed you had a cat along with the crew of doggies. What is his/her name? Our cat, Mr. Tux, will come to the door and look inside and act very 'put out' when Cracker gets to come in and he doesn't. He will 'occasionally' sneak inside if we leave the door open; but, always runs to hide under Will's bed. To get him outside, all I have to do is close the door. I can see him under the bed, even though he flattens his ears back when I look for him. Then he will come out and make a walk around the entire perimeter of each room and then goes outside on his own.

    Burning the last of the wood that Louis had set aside for me. He'll be home tomorrow and then I won't have to worry about getting the wood to the house.

    Hope all y'all are having a good weekend. Continue doing so ...


    her name is bootz, she's got to be about 16 or so. we got her when I worked at amazon and I started there in nov of 1999