The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • ChicLilly39
    ChicLilly39 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi im Tracy from West Yorkshire England I'm 47 feel free to add me . Iv been on here for 30 days . Iv lost a stone :D . Always ready to motivate folk . <3:D
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Hi DW here, I was born at a very young age and now that I'm getting to be an old one I find it hard to get in shape and stay on track.
    I'm fighting getting old all the way. I wont go quietly into the night!
    Always happy to help others out by sharing my story which is partially posted on my page.
  • change_gonna_come_1_day
    I am 35 from Arkansas. I've only been logging only about a week now. I was here before several times. I am back for good now. Feel free to add me!!
  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    Happy Monday Middle-agers! It's been a week since I've been on this thread, and there was so much to catch up on! Welcome to all the new faces!
  • ddmm2013
    ddmm2013 Posts: 38 Member
    I am having middle age crisis. We don’t talk more than two sentences other than who is picking up kids from school. I met a guy in gym. Nothing happened yet. What should I do?
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    I am having middle age crisis. We don’t talk more than two sentences other than who is picking up kids from school. I met a guy in gym. Nothing happened yet. What should I do?

    It takes two people to have a conversation. Since you're the one who's noticed the problem, you have to find the solution.

    What happens if you actually try to say something interesting? Do you get a response?
  • ddmm2013
    ddmm2013 Posts: 38 Member
    I used to be the one talking at home. After years and years not getting response or the response what I was looking for, I stopped. He is a quite person by nature. I don’t want to talk anymore. It is not a problem for him. I feel lonely. He has been sleeping in the other room for 8 years. I wish I could sleep in his arm again. I am also stressful as I am in charge of kids stuff, school works and all activities.
  • ddmm2013
    ddmm2013 Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 2018
    In short, I don’t say anything interesting myself. Yes I didn’t do my part. I don’t know where to start.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    edited February 2018
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    In short, I don’t say anything interesting myself. Yes I didn’t do my part. I don’t know where to start.

    Maybe start with writing him a letter. Tell him how lonely you feel and what you want from him. More than likely he doesn't know. Also tell him how you see the relationship turning out if it continues this way. Either it will open up the channel for a serious discussion, or he will ignore it and you will have your answer.

    Different people express love in different ways. Perhaps his feelings are getting lost in translation?
  • Fisah17
    Fisah17 Posts: 202 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello, I'm in my upper 30s and recently joined MFP. All of the accountability is helping me stay more focused than working on my goals without it.
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    I used to be the one talking at home. After years and years not getting response or the response what I was looking for, I stopped. He is a quite person by nature. I don’t want to talk anymore. It is not a problem for him. I feel lonely. He has been sleeping in the other room for 8 years. I wish I could sleep in his arm again. I am also stressful as I am in charge of kids stuff, school works and all activities.

    I was in your position little more than three years ago. Take a good conversation, or a letter, whatever works best, and really talk about your thaughts and expectations. I did that with my wife, and then six months later when I decided I needed to get out, I could refer to that conversation, that I had laid the problems out there and really givven her a chance to change some things (it was everything from me doing all cooking, cleaning, driving the kids etc (we both had full time jobs) to affection and interest).

    Finally it actually turned out great, I met my new wife soon after, she realized she had to change when I wasn't around anymore. Now we are both in good relationships, and the two children are really happy (they live with me every second week).
  • tonyv325
    tonyv325 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm 51. Spent all last year with a couple of injuries and ended the year with back surgery. Had plenty of time laying around feeling sorry for myself making 100 excuses and eating. 2018 is time to wake up to myself. 33lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago and keen to get back there.
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    I'm middle aged, don't feel it but judging by my birth certificate it must be true. Feel free to add me, always looking for quality friends rather than quantity!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    In short, I don’t say anything interesting myself. Yes I didn’t do my part. I don’t know where to start.

    Maybe start with writing him a letter. Tell him how lonely you feel and what you want from him. More than likely he doesn't know. Also tell him how you see the relationship turning out if it continues this way. Either it will open up the channel for a serious discussion, or he will ignore it and you will have your answer.

    Different people express love in different ways. Perhaps his feelings are getting lost in translation?

    Good advice.
  • skg25041979
    skg25041979 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi pls add me. Been doing MFP for 2 months and decided to reach out to the community. I've lost 6 kgs (thats about 12 pounds) over the 2 months through calorie counting with MFP and exercise.
  • ddmm2013
    ddmm2013 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you Versicolour, thank you karsei01. I will take action and talk to him soon. I am scared if it doesn’t turn good. My kids are only 5 and 7.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    Thank you Versicolour, thank you karsei01. I will take action and talk to him soon. I am scared if it doesn’t turn good. My kids are only 5 and 7.

    It is better to know. My kids are 6 and 10 and they are coping as well as can be expected with my divorce. Actually, the 6 year old is coping much better
  • Omnimous69
    Omnimous69 Posts: 21 Member
    ddmm2013 wrote: »
    I am having middle age crisis. We don’t talk more than two sentences other than who is picking up kids from school. I met a guy in gym. Nothing happened yet. What should I do?

    Just sit down and be honest with him about how it feels. He might feel the same way or not even notice. Either are good things as they can then be addressed and you can move on together, or whatever. You might be surprised at how good it can make you feel. If you feel like he doesn't want to listen, that's when you have a choice to make. Stay strong, understanding and faithful to the work you have already put into your relationship, but don't be a doormat. Good luck!
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    Good Afternoon Middle Agers :)