Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today’s workout with RWH Circuit Upper Body then went right into Cathe Live Keep the Cardio Coming then back to RWH for Core 2. It was about 100 minutes long, but there were enough rests in both the cardio workouts to keep it from feeling overwhelming. I am not sore from Pyramid Upper Body on Monday but I could definitely feel a tiredness in my arms, so I am glad I went with the upper body circuit today instead of something heavier.

    Tami, sounds like an interesting class. I am not a huge fan of burpees so I am not sure how I would cope in her classes. :) Glad to hear your DH is going back to the doctor if for no other reason than to be reassured he is getting better and what he is experiencing is ‘normal’. Well, at least that is what I hope he hears for both of you! I know it can’t be easy on you seeing him so sick right now.

    Erika, great workouts! I am glad you are enjoying being back with Cathe. I just got my spin cycle for Christmas. I wanted an option for working out with the intensity I love but without all the pounding on the body. I definitely am feeling the impact more with each passing year! I have never enjoyed workout equipment so this was a real leap of faith for me....and my DH who painstakingly researched how to get a spin cycle shipped to Alaska. And I love it! I also highly recommend Cathe Live. The variety of workouts available is truly amazing.

    Thelma, I am glad you were able to work from home and it doesn’t look like you are going to be hit as hard with snow. That Jessica workout does not sound good at all. Thank you for the warning. Glad you were able to get a better workout in later. We have been wintery (snow the last two days) but unusually warm. As an example, the first year we lived up here, I got locked out of the house in mid-March and it was -30 outside. Kinda scary. We have been a solid 50-70 degrees warmer this year (temps in the 20 to 40 range). That is why you are getting all that moisture. But the good news is we have blue skies today and the temp is 7! Much better. So hope you see spring soon!

    Laurie, great workouts! One of the things I am loving about the spin cycle is the way it hits my legs differently than anything else I do. Tami mentioned that I should get some strong legs from it, and since my legs have never been my strength ;) that really inspired me to push through those early growing pains. And I am beginning to notice a difference, which is always a positive! I would imagine the elliptical is similar in that regard. Hope your DD feels better soon!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I decided on going to Insane-X last night after work and it was a good, very straight forward Insanity style class, then at the end we ran 4 sets of suicide drills using the entire gym. Good workout forsure. This a.m. was LIHI Legs and tonight I will head to Spinning for some extra cardio.

    Erika: So happy to hear you are loving the Cathe workouts! That is great, she really does do the job for us all! Thank you for the well wishes on my hubby and how scary that must have been for you guys. I can’t imagine if he would have ended up in ICU. He is having a long recovery back so YIKES if he would have waited even one more day. Even the doctor told him that. He goes in for more chest x-rays in a couple weeks “just to compare” where he was and where he will be then, so it is really good that the Dr. is so proactive for him. Did your hubby have trouble getting his full breathe back for quite a while?

    Thelma: That does sound like a very unusual workout …. Glad you speeded it up for yourself. I think I would have put in an entirely different workout forsure! LOL Great job getting in your KCM Split Sessions Upper Body, that is a good/quick workout. Nicely done. It was a very innocent name for her BLAST of a BootCamp workout wasn’t it. She even had a nice little 4-leaf clover drawn around each exercise. ;)

    Laurie: Excellent workouts you put in between last night and this a.m. Way to work! Now looking at the brackets it is so good he put those “Cinderella” ones together for us. He always tells me to pick underdogs but “which ones?” I say. He is much better at that.

    Laurel: What a fantastic combo you put together! I have RWH Circuit Upper scheduled for tomorrow; I decided on LIHI Legs this a.m. so that I didn’t wake up DH with the sound of me going up and down, on & off the step that is required in the Lower Body Circuit workout. . . . LOL Glad to hear you are enjoying the benefits of your Spin bike! One day I bet you will feel the itch for a road bike – maybe when DH retires you could both get one and go on rides. Yes, DH had a good appointment yesterday with his Dr. The Dr. reassured him that all the symptoms he is having our normal but he definitely wants to see another x-ray in a couple weeks of his lungs and for signs of improvement there. He said he could have developed a little bit of asthma from the pneumonia :/ and to keep his inhaler going. Fingers crossed that is a temporary problem vs. ongoing.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, the snow never came but it will tonight. Great! Now I will probably have to drive in that snow on my way to work tomorrow. I will probably go in a little late because the snow will be bad where I work.
    I had a super crazy, busy, stressful day even when I worked from home!
    This morning I did Jessica Smith's 1-Fast Mile and tonight KCM 30MTF Lower Body Split Sessions. KCM does a killer routine with the elastic band around the ankles. Of course, idiot me picked the medium band which is really hard to stretch. I thought I was going to cry! On the second set, I switched to a lite band because the first set hurt my back.

    Laurie, great workouts! I didn't realize Jessica had a series of those talking workouts! I'm not going anywhere near them!
    People rave about the Trader Joe's everything bagel seasoning. If you like onion flavor and have some mix it with the dry ingredients. Seems that egg wash is key for those bagels. Plain should be good though.

    Laurel, sounds like a killer workout! Great job!
    I wish I'd gone to work today so I could stay home tomorrow. I'll probably leave home at around 8ish.
    Sounds like you guys have been having a heatwave Laurel! OMG, I can't believe you locked yourself out of the house in -30 degrees!!

    Tami, awesome workouts!
    That talking Jessica workout was definitely unusual. She actually has a series of those talking/motivational workouts. I'm staying away from that series!
    LOL! I can't believe Katy drawing a little 4-leaf clover around each exercise. Is she Irish?
    OMG, I can't believe that your DH may have developed asthma! I hope it's just temporary!

    Hi Erika!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited March 2018
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't workout last night, just didn't feel like it and I got in a good workout combo yesterday. This morning was GHUTV LIFT Low Impact Cardio & Core and KCM RAW Just Step. The GHUTV workout was a new one for me, and I really got a good sweat going with that one. Will be in my rotation going forward, because I can really feel my core right now. Cathe posted on fb yesterday that she wants imput on an ICE 2 series. <3

    Laurel, Great workouts, and nice that it wasn't overtaxing on the upper body after the pyramid workout earlier this week. I will be interested in how you feel with doing three upper/lower body workouts during the week. I find that even with taking one day during the week for core, most of the workouts do lots of planks, so the upper body is getting a workout also. ;) Just makes that core stronger, so I'm okay with that. I love that you are noticing a difference in your legs already with your spinning, that is awesome. Will have to make sure that I get in some elliptical work at least once a week. ;)

    Tami, Glad that you enjoyed your X class even with the running in it. :D Great job on the lower body workout also. Interesting that you mentioned the asthma. When my DH has a bad cold he usually ends up getting an inhaler, because he gets this cough that sounds like he has whooping cough. I then tell him to get to the doctor, because I know that he needs those meds. I don't think that he can tell that he has that annoying cough, because I'm the one that notices it.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts! LOL on the band work, that really is a good torture session. I will have to check out the Trader Joe seasoning, might venture there this weekend at some point. I really don't anywhere near one or in other words it's not on my "normal" route. I think that my sister and I will steer clear of those talking workouts also. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout today with S&S Total Body Giant Sets Lower Body Onlyx2 premix. Love the lower body work in this workout. And it really gets the heart rate up too! So I took a break, and then went into cardio. I did a Cathe Live combo of Move It and Mixed Impact HiiT. Good stuff!

    Tami, great workouts! I am glad to hear your DHs doctor said he is progressing ‘normally’. Hopefully the asthma is temporary. Do you remember the horrible cold I had when we moved here? Well, to be honest, I was very stupid with it because my cough was SO bad. I just didn’t feel like I could stop, though, since we were in the moving process. Anyhow, there is NO doubt what I had wasn’t as severe as what your DH is experiencing. But, as a point of reference, it took me about seven weeks (that is how long I was on medication) from when I first got the symptoms to feel ‘normal’ again, including the issue with breathing. And, again, I wasn’t nearly as sick as your DH. So it could take him quite awhile to fully recover. Not good news, I know. I am glad the doctor is going to keep monitoring him.

    Thelma, great workouts! That is disappointing that you now have to drive to work in the storm! Hopefully it isn’t as bad as they were predicting. It was -8 this morning, so I think our heatwave is temporarily over! But the blue skies, the sunshine, the snow on the beautiful!

    Laurie, great workout this morning. I saw the same thing from Cathe! I was surprised to see her already thinking about another series. But that is good news! So far, I am feeling my lower body far more than my upper body this week. I think that is because LIHI Legs, while shorter and not solid weights, is a heavier workout than RWH Upper Body Circuit. And then, of course, the spinning hits the legs hard. So I am going to adjust a little next week while still doing three upper and three lower and see how it goes. If I still feel this sore in my lower body by the end of next week, I may drop one of the lower body workouts for the last two weeks.....but stay focused on the spinning. We’ll see. I will keep you posted!

    Erika, hope you are having a good day.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a really great Spin class again last night……. It started out a little different because I was in the FRONT ROW, which I rarely ever do; right in front of Katy. Usually a guy that gets there early who is one of the regulars saves bikes for all of us. Well someone came in earlier than him so all of us who normally sit in the back sat in the front. Katy said she felt like she was going to get heckled. LOL At any rate it was really good. This a.m. was RWH Upper Body Circuit. No workout tonight, the Gonzaga Bulldogs are playing so DH and I will relax and watch some B-Ball.

    Thelma: Dang it on more snow coming your way tonight. You poor thing. Be safe driving tomorrow a.m. Great job with your workouts; I have done that Lower Body Split sessions workout of KCM, it is a good one. Thanks for the reminder on that! Yes, Katy is Irish forsure. That makes even more sense as to why she loved the “4-leaf clover” action on her workout.

    Laurie: Way to go with your workout this a.m. Nice combo it sounds like. What?!!??! I didn’t see that yet on input for an ICE 2 series!! Yes please. Like Laurel, that is surprising to me that she is already thinking about another series. The cough that DH has had was awful. It is more of a normal sounding cough now but when he was in the middle of it all. WHOA Nellie, it was harsh!

    Laurel: Fantastic job with your workouts this week! Love that lower body workout as well, so good and probably one of my favorites. Thank you so much for that feedback on what happened to you when you were so sick, I appreciate that. The Dr. did explain it is going to take quite a while to get back to “normal” which is of course what DH would like to feel again. But like you, I am really glad they are keeping a close eye on him.

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I came home too late from work and was simply exhausted.

    The nor'easter never made it here. We just got a coating. By the end of the day, everything had melted. This morning I heard that there may be another nor'easter on Sunday! What the heck is going on!

    Laurie, nice job with the GHUTV and KCM workouts! No way on the ICE 2 series! Sometimes I wish Cathe didn't come up with new series so frequently. Has she always introduced new workouts yearly?

    OMG that KCM band work was brutal! I have a Trader Joe's about 20 minutes from here but I was too lazy to go there so I ordered the bagel topping from

    Laurel, awesome combo today! I probably would do really well in Alaska cause I like the cold weather. I don't know about all that snow though. We totally lucked out with the storm. I got on the road at about 7:45 and it was already turning to rain. A lot of towns canceled school for nothing! Parents are upset that the kids have to make up school days in June and some have to go to school on Saturdays.
    I would think that schools don't close in Alaska when it snows?
    I bet those mountain views are amazing!!!

    Tami, great workouts! Did Katy make the class tougher because you guys were in the front row?
    If you do the Lower Body Split Sessions use a high resistance band. So painful and effective! LOL

    Good night and have a great weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout again last night, just wanted to enjoy my time alone. Again I think that my morning workout was good for the day. This morning I did KCM RAW Athletic Cardio and Barbell and Body Design Upper Body. I love that upper body workout, it is short but effective if you use heavy weights. I think that I will be doing a Jessica walking workout when I get home. ;)

    Laurel, Giant Set x 2 great job! Nice job with the Live workout also. I have found that I can't do a lot of lower body work after doing the BBC workout. I noticed that the muscles in my legs would ache so much, that I was having a difficult time sleeping. I'm sticking with mostly lower body workouts that incorporate some type of cardio move. So far that has been what my lower body seems to like. Funny how the body changes over time, and I'm more aware of what it is telling me. Took me a while though.

    Tami, You all intimidated Katy, now that is funny. :D Great job on your Cathe workout also. Sorry about Gonzaga's loss. If your cinderalla team is Loyola, then I think you might win. They seem to be on a roll. I can't imagine what she would put in a ICE 2. I know that she can nix the To the Mat workout. :D I can only take a short amount of that type of exercise, not a whole workout. :D Glad to hear that your DH is feeling better.

    Thelma, Oh my on the storm missing you again, that is good though. I hope the next one misses you also. Cathe usually didn't do a series every year. She would do things like To the Max and Cross Fire. Only in the last few years she has been creating sets. I'm horrible about going to the grocery store, I would rather they deliver it to me also. I will have to go on Amazon, that way I don't have to deal with people at the store. :D

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I tried to get a good workout in today.....and it started out good with Ramped Up Upper Body and S&S Core. Absolutely love that workout! My plan for cardio was to do Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp into Cathe Live Jabs and Kicks for a fun 70 minute workout. Three phone calls and a visitor later :# had me near the end and with just one minute left....DH called. I guess some days are just like that but.....really? So I don’t really feel like I got any cardio at all to be honest. But, like I said, I tried!

    Tami, I bet being up front felt totally different in your spin class! Glad it was a good one. Hope you get a chance to do something nice for your anniversary, even if your DH is not up to going out. Congratulations on 22 years!

    Thelma, I guess it is good news the storm never came. Hope the next one doesn’t either. As far as the schools up here, we did have one late reporting day this winter and that was in November when we got hit over night by a surprise foot of snow in some places. So school was delayed until 10:00am for that. Other than that, the only time I remembering them canceling anything was when the temps got below -40 (which we didn’t get close to this year) but I don’t think school ever closed for that......just extracurricular activities and such. It definitely is more like things were when I was young and they never closed school for snow, that’s for sure. Anyhow, like Laurie said, Cathe has put out workouts every year....not always a series, though. And she has done sequels to some of her workouts (like Body Max and Interval Max) but this is her first mention of a series Part II, so this is pretty different for her. But I like it!

    Laurie, I love that you are listening to your body and not forcing a second workout during the day. With this upper/lower month.....especially incorporating cardio into your strength.....there probably is no need for it. I didn’t have any DOMS or tightness today in my upper body, so my plan for upper body worked this week. Hopefully I can find a better solution for lower body next week.....not that this week was bad, but I was feeling the fatigue yesterday for sure.

    Erika, hope the rest of your week went well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Super busy day today at work so I just wanted to pop in and say Have a great weekend!!!

    Thank you Laurel for the Happy Anniversary wish! Cannot believe it's been 22 years. Where in the world does the time go. ?!? Hopefully we will go do something this weekend.

    Will catch up with you all on Monday :):)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend! On Friday I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. On Saturday Jessica Smith 1-Fast Mile & Dance Stretch and on Sunday S&S Ramped Up Upper Body, awesome workout!
    No storm today either. We got a few snowflakes that's all. It was cold though.

    We tried 2 new recipes this weekend. Skinnytaste Chicken parm in the air fryer. It was delicious. We had it with sauteed zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots. I also tried the bagels and they came out great. They are really good. The Trader Joe's Everything bagel topping is amazing! The bagels are small. DH went running some errands on Saturday and I asked him to stop at a supermarket where they sell this Greek yogurt based cream cheese. It's delicious! It has all the flavor of whipped cream cheese and only 45 calories, 2.5g of fat for 2 tablespoons. It is Green Mountain Farms - Greek Cream Cheese. I found on their website that Target and Walmart sell it.

    Laurie, great workouts! Looks like Cathe is going to be doing a new series yearly! I hope she does a little more with the Fit Tower. Not an entire series but at least use it with other workouts.
    I go once a week to the supermarket and that is on my way home from work. The bagel topping is awesome. There are supermarket delivery services here but I'm too picky about my fruit and veggies and wouldn't trust them to choose for me.

    I hear you on leg workouts needing cardio. That is why after a leg workout I jump on the treadmill and follow with a leg massage and stretch.

    Laurel, great job with Ramped Up Upper Body. That's what I did today and I loved it too! Awesome workouts despite the interruptions!

    We lucked out with the storms missing us. You would think that if Alaskan children go to school during a snowstorm, the entire country should be able to do the same!
    I definitely like the idea of ICE part II! Since I joined this group there has been a series every year!

    Tami, I hope you were able to have your anniversary celebration! Congratulations! Wow, 22 years!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My Saturday was yoga, so I did Rudy's The Gathering, and that felt great. No workout yesterday, we where celebrating Easter with DH's family. ;) This morning I did a new RAW workout called Strong & Lean. This one was light on the upper body, but more focused on the lower. It incorporated cardio / kettlebell / barbell or weights. She also incorporated a good stretch at the end, so a very good workout.

    Laurel, Great job on getting the workout that you where able to do. Sorry to hear that your other workouts where interrupted. That had to be very frustrating. Hope that your change up this week is good for those legs, I'm sure that you will be very creative.

    Tami, I'm so sorry I missed mentioning the celebration of your 22nd Anniversary! Hope that you and your DH had a nice time this weekend.

    Thelma, Great job with your workouts! Nice to hear that the storm missed you. Thanks for the information on the Skinnytaste recipe. Sounds really good. Now I really have to try out those bagels, and will look for that cream cheese when I go there today. I usually stop at the store one a week also, didn't get a chance this weekend though.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a very quiet weekend. We were up at 3:00am yesterday to take DH to the airport. He is spending the week in Korea (!). Of course, this has us in completely different time zones, so he texted me or called me in the middle of the night last night three different times. I wanted to know he was well and safe, so I asked him to do that at the various stages of his trip getting to his destination. But it meant little sleep for me. Despite that, I feel really energetic today. Go figure since I have been dragging myself around for the past week! :o

    Anyhow, Saturday’s yoga was Eoin Finn Magically Hips. So good! Yesterday was Pyramid Lower Body, and I took up the weights pretty significantly. But I am still not feeling DOMS today. For cardio yesterday, I did Cathe’s Greatest Hits DVD. Today was Pyramid Upper Body (and more shaky arms holding planks!) followed by another kickboxing combo—4DS Kickboxing into Cathe Live Roadtrip 2015 Kickboxing Class. This is the first time I have done that Live class, and it was really fun and energetic. Don’t know why I have avoided it until now. I think I am going to move away from the Pyramid workouts next week. I had planned on doing them all four weeks, but I really want to try some different Live lower/upper workouts, so I think I am going to add a little more variety for the last two weeks of this month.

    Thelma, glad to hear you didn’t get any snow. Hopefully your weather will turn more towards spring now. Great workouts! The recipes sound great.

    Laurie, great workouts. I think my muscles will adapt a little better this week than last week. I am planning on doing ICE Lower Body Blast tomorrow, and that should be a little kinder on them than LIHI Legs was last week. Or at least I hope!

    Tami and Erika, hope you both enjoyed the weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend with DH! He took me out to lunch on Saturday after I had worked out and ready for the day. Then we went by the mall and he surprised me with an Anniversary Ring purchase! WOW. I was so blown away, it is being sized so I won’t have it back for a week or so but SO thoughtful. I love it and loved having the time together. He was dragging by the evening and still fought back some zzzz’s to make us dinner too. We also watched some basketball yesterday. So Duke lost and I am officially done with my bracket(s). DH has Kansas in his final “Cinderella” bracket so fingers crossed, but he will place 3rd if they win just due to points. But 3rd is something I think!

    Workouts were good, I decided on KCM Strength & Stamina for a good combo of upper/lower and cardio factored in. Didn’t get a stretch in …. Sorry ladies :( Yesterday I did Pyramid Lower Body followed by KCM Lower Body Tabata. BootCamp will be tonight and Upper Body tomorrow.

    Thelma: Great job with ICE Met. Total Body on Friday along with your Dance Stretch and S&S Ramped Up Upper yesterday. Great news on no storm. We had the strangest weather yesterday, it would snow, then sunshine, then hail/snow, then sunshine pretty much off and on all day. Typical weather for us right now. Yum on the recipes you tried out. I think I have seen that Greek Cream Cheese at WalMart. I bet it is good. Thank you for the Anniversary wishes … 22 years "WOW" is right.

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice weekend with your family. Great workout this a.m. getting in Strong & Lean, sounds like a similar concept to her Strength & Stamina … but lighter. Thank you as well for the Anniversary wishes! Super fun we had a “date” out of the house and were able to spend time together.

    Laurel: I know how that goes when you are woke up a few times in the middle of the night, feels like you hardly slept at all. Glad to hear you were energetic despite that! Awesome workouts over the weekend and today was quite a combo as well!! YOWSA. Sounds like you have a fun plan in trying some newer lower body workouts moving forward!

    Hi Erika :)

    Have a great rest of your day ladies – talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Cardio Leg Blast, Treadmill, Stretching. I hadn't done this XT workout in years I think. I loved it! Too bad I only had time for 70% of the workout tonight. I can't wait to do it again!

    Laurie, great job with the yoga and RAW workouts! Are those RAW workouts are still free?

    I can't wait to hear what you think about the bagels! I hope you find the cream cheese too.

    Laurel, I read Korea (!) out of the corner of my eye and I thought, they're moving to Korea! Glad it was just your DH going on a business trip. Glad he got there safely.
    Great job with those workouts and upping your weights. Are we going to restart this rotation in 3 weeks?
    I think we will definitely be in spring weather. Probably 68 on Thursday!

    Tami, glad you had a nice anniversary celebration weekend. Wow, what a nice surprise with the ring!!!

    Great workouts!! Wow, that was strange weather! It is typical for this time of the year? Really?

    Have a great week ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I've been busy over here with work, work HH's/dinners, friend gatherings and just normal running with the boys. This week is their spring break and I'm trying to work M-T-W, which s already proving to be a challenge. I'm used to it being uber quiet around here while I work, so having loud crazy kids is quite the change. The door was revolving all day yesterday, with one kid leaving, one coming home, another coming back home with a friend and then the friend going home. Worked a little later than normal to catch up from all the downtime with kids coming in and out (and needing someone to make them lunch).

    Still on my Cathe rotation..2 more weeks of this one, but it's by far my favorite. Some RWH, ICE, amongst others. I'm feeling nice and sore all week!

    Tami, what a fun weekend and nice surprise with the anniversary ring! Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like your hubby is on the mend, but that tiredness will hang in there for awhile. My hubby actually developed asthma following his pneumonia bout (but he used to have it as a kid, so I think it just came back). He has since gotten pneumonia twice more, but just not as bad. Great job on all the fun workouts, and classes. Whoohoo for being in the front row for spin!

    Laurel, your attempt at the workouts sounds much like mine go several times a week. I either have an unexpected visitor at the door, a kid that "needs" something right now, or some commotion going on with the dogs. I've been switching up my workout time to try it over my lunch hour, but work has been so crazy busy lately I'm lucky if I get a chance to get a bite to eat. But, so far the last 2 weeks I've gotten my workouts in without interruptions, so that's a good thing! Love your kickboxing's my fave cardio! I keep saying I need to look into the live you subscribe to just the live ones, or also live plus all her DVD's too? I noticed many of the live workouts are just the DVD workouts, but in live format. Are there quite a few that aren't taking after a DVD already produced? I checked out some clips, but must have only seen the ones that were live versions of the DVD's.

    Laurie, you've got me curious with the GHUTV...what are those? Also, do you have to subscribe to KCM's RAW workouts? I feel like I saw them posted somewhere, but now I'm thinking it's just snippets and not the whole thing. Please share! I hope you had a nice early Easter celebrating with your hubby's family...we were going to stay home and celebrate with just us, but my sis in law decided to pull together a family gathering so we'll be with my hubby's family Saturday for niece/nephew bday parties and then Sunday for Easter. I'll be ready for some downtime after's more "gathering" than I've had to do in awhile!

    Thelma, it sounds like you've escaped a couple storms out that way! We keep getting threats of huge storms, and then they fizzle or go south, so I'm betting they are doing the same by the time they get to you! I'm ok with much as I like the snow, I am ready for it to warm up already! I just did that same ICE Metabolic workout first time. I really liked the pace of it and it was tough, but not exhausting. I'm got a little chuckle out of your Jessica workout...I think I may have done that one once and thought the same as you. Sometimes she gets more chatty in the workouts than I'd like, but that one took the cake!

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home late yesterday so no after work workout. The traffic was really crazy. This morning was KCM's RAW Hips & Glutes, next time I do this one I will use the weighted vest and ankle weights.

    Laurel, Sorry to hear that you had a rough night sleeping, but nice that you had so much energy. I bet you had a better night of sleeping last night. Sounds like some great workouts, and enjoying those live workouts. I don't blame you for wanting to try other upper/lower workouts. I have been doing the same thing. There might be to many that I want to try out. :D I love the ICE Lower body workout just because of that factor. I feel like I get in a great leg workout, but the legs don't feel like they just went through torture. So far so good on my selections, no leg cramping in the middle of the night at all last week. So that makes me think that staying with the cardio/weight is the best option for me going forward. That has to be difficult for your DH to get adjusted to a different time zone, and then in another week be in a different one.

    Tami, Oh how nice to get that bling! Sounds like you had a very nice celebration. My DH gave me an additional band for my wedding ring, and I love it. Don't know if he will be doing anything like that for our 30th this year though. I'm in second place in our bracket, but the one in first has Kansas for the win. Should be an interesting final four. It is a bit like Strength & Stamina, but she uses the barbell the most for the weight work. I had to order myself a 20lb kettlebell, because my 15lb is getting to light. ;) She only used the kettlebell for swings and the figure 8 move, so I really need to go up for the weight.

    Thelma, Nice that you had such a great time the the XTrain workout. I can't remember when I have done one of those workouts. I think I have done the Burn Sets the most out of that set. Kelly still has the initial workouts still on youtube. I think that she had 5 of them, so those are still free. I'm on the subscription, so I'm getting to see all the newer ones that she has been creating. There are a few that I have not tried yet, and one is by her niece Tatum. The one I did this morning is still on youtube.

    Erika, That really has to be different with the comings and goings of your boys and friends. Glad to hear that you are still having a good time with your Cathe rotation. I look at those rotations once in a while, and think about trying one out. Never seems to pan out for me. The GHUTV workouts are another subscription that Chris Freytag has, I got the year for a steal of a price. She has four other instructors, and they create a new workout every Tuesday. I have not tried out a workout in a while, but I do have some of them scheduled for the next two weeks. She does have some free ones on her site, so you can check out the instructors. Anything that says Premium you have to have the subscription for, but the others are all free. One thing I really enjoy with these workouts are the low impact options. I recently hurt my knee, and these helped me get back into the groove. ;) Kelly's Vimeo channel. It cost me $9.95/mo, but I really love these workouts so it is worth the price to me. I have to decide if I will be renewing the GHUTV subscription though, I sure do like those workouts too.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with the Blizzard Blast.....followed by Pedal Max Live. I expect my legs to be in full revolt tomorrow :o .....but hopefully in a good way. :p

    Tami, I am so happy to hear about your nice weekend with your DH! My DH bought me an anniversary band for our 25th, and I love it. That is so special you both were able to do that. Amazing your DH still has a chance to succeed with his bracket. Everybody I know was out long ago. Fingers crossed for Kansas!

    Thelma, I love that workout. I find it sneaky tough on the legs, which I enjoy. After this month, I am going to do a Push/Pull month, similar to what Laurie suggested several weeks back. It will look something like:
    Yoga (Saturday)
    F/S Push
    F/S Pull
    To-be-determined Push workout
    To-be-determined Pull workout

    I remember Laurie saying she had some Push/Pull workouts from Jillian that she is going to use for the latter two workouts. I don’t have any other ‘true’ Push/Pull workouts, so I have kind of developed some blend of workouts that I think will work for the latter half of the week. For instance, I am thinking of using the LIHI Chest, Shoulder and Tricep workout (or a shorter premix of it) and the first part of Pyramid Lower Body for Push and then doing LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps (a shorter premix) with the second half of Pyramid Lower Body for Pull. Or, as another example, I am going to do the Push Only or Pull Only premix from Cathe’s Old Push/Pull workout (from about 15 years ago) doubled or tripled. I am curious how it will go, to be honest. I have never done anything like it. After that, will be one body part per day for a month, and I have come up with something of a plan for that as well. Let me know if you want me to post what I have in mind and I will be happy to do that!

    Erika, sounds like a busy spring break right now. Hope you get to enjoy some time with your boys while they are home. Glad you are still enjoying the rotation. I have both Cathe On Demand and Cathe Live. I use Live much more than On Demand, but I love having the options On Demand provides for when I travel and such. Honestly, even when she titles something to show it is based on a DVD (like Drill Max Live), there is always a variation. I can honestly say I have never done a Live workout and thought ‘this is just like the DVD!’ I normally shy way from saying things like this since I don’t work, but I think if I worked, I would use Live more than I do right now.....and I use it a lot! There are so many workouts that hit the entire body and almost all under an hour. Since I have more time, I prefer workouts where I can split my strength from my cardio....and am able to do longer sessions with both. But if I wanted to get a good cardio and upper body done in 50 minutes (as an example), I would be on Live. As far as intensity, many of her lower body only workouts are more intense than her more recent lower body workouts. The cardio, in many cases, isn’t quite as intense as her DVDs, but only because she takes more breaks. The upper body work is generally lighter than her DVDs. Her metabolic work (like Metabolic Total Body) is a little more intense with Live. And if you enjoy kickboxing.....say no more! Her best kickboxing work is in Live, hands down. She just seems to have more energy for her kickboxing classes Live. Anyhow, if you get a chance sometime to try the seven day trial she sometimes offers, I would recommend it. I can point you to some of my favorites as well if that would help because looking at that list of 190 videos could be daunting!

    Laurie, great workout! Sorry to hear about the bad traffic, though. That is no fun. My legs really enjoyed that ICE workout this morning. They weren’t quite as happy, though, with the spinning, :D But I think this week will be much better than last week on my lower body. I hear you on having too many workouts I want to try!! I am having a hard time deciding because there are too many options! But that’s a good problem to have. :)

    Se you tomorrow!

  • linzbarker
    linzbarker Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm looking to start a new workout program and saw your posts here. I had never heard of Cathe before but looking at the OnDemand it sounds amazing. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago on Chalean Extreme and got really toned arms but I've been looking for something new and some variety. I really weight lifting mixed with cardio and it looks like Cathe is right up my alley.

    I was hoping for some input from you ladies on what to expect, what are your favorites, etc.

    Thanks in advance!!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a good BootCamp class last night. She did another combo of upper and lower mixed in with abwork and of course some burpees at the end. Most of the workout was done in a HiiT fashion and the time increased as we went. This a.m. was Pyramid Upper Body.

    Thelma: Great job getting in Cardio Leg Blast! That’s fun you enjoyed it so much …. Had it been years because of your foot pain you were fighting before? At any rate, YAY on loving it and can’t wait to do it again. I do enjoy that one as well. She has so many great lower body workouts. Yes on our weather being completely BANANAS this time of year. It is always inconsistent and can change moment-to-moment. We always say “wait 15 minutes, it will be doing something else soon” We have had snow in April, doesn’t necessarily stick but comes down and then melts OR gray and cloudy day after day. The rest of this week is rainy or windy.

    Erika: So good to hear from you! Sounds like you have been busy as always and with the boys being home for Spring Break I am sure it is creating a challenge to get things done as normal. Thank you for the well wishes and anniversary as well. I keep telling him it will be quite a while before he gets his energy back but don’t want him to be too discouraged. He is not enjoying how tired he is but at the same time glad he isn’t feeling what he felt when he was in the midst of it. Sleeping is challenging too because he is still coughing a bit when he lays down. Last night was better. Just a process I know. Feel SO bad for him.

    Laurie: Excellent job with this a.m. lower body workout! I’m with you and Laurel, there are SO many to try out and I don’t have the LIVE workouts. Hard enough to pick with my DVD’s. Hence why I haven’t tried my cable, etc. for my Ipad. LOL That’s awesome you are still in 2nd place. It will be interesting to see who wins forsure. I know what you mean on the KB’s in her workouts; Strength & Stamina she uses a pretty light one it looks like. I use a heavy dumbbell instead. Katy’s classes my minimum KB is a 25-30 LB so at home I have just decided on a dumbbell being my “go to” instead of investing in more equipment.

    Laurel: Excellent combo today! I am sure your legs will be in full revolt tomorrow. Good thing it is UPPER day tomorrow. LOL Thank you again for the encouragement and congrats on our anniversary. It was nice. Today when I saw him briefly at work he said he did sleep better last night because the last couple nights he hasn’t. Yes, for his sake . . . go Kansas!!! Thanks for posting your plan moving forward. So we are almost done with our rotation?!?!? :# It can't be!!!!

    LinzBarker: Thanks for dropping in and huge Congrats on your weight loss! I would HIGHLY recommend Cathe. She truly works your body and offers so many variations/options. So many great programs. Between several of us here we truly have ALL of her workouts so ask away. The ICE series and XTtrain series both offer a huge variety of lifting with cardio mix. Ripped with Hiit is another series that obviously in the title is also a great one. One thing she does in every series she puts out is some wonderful pre-mixes that you can design workouts to what you would like; longer, shorter. Cardio only, weights only or of course the two combined. I know I haven’t said go with “X” but definitely the few I mentioned here are fantastic! Again, please feel free to ask away – we can probably steer you in the right direction!

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow, Tami