JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    edited August 2018
    @Snowflake1968 I do A LOT of one skillet/pot meals and a lot of batch cooked chicken from my C/P. Lol. I tend to rotate the same like 8-10 meals just because they are easy...Lol.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Good evening my friends! I hope you are all doing well!

    With the exception of an inconsistent stomach, I've had a great day! Work was simple and went by surprisingly fast. There were torrential downpours on my way in. I usually take the high way for about 2 minutes in the morning and it was raining so hard everyone was doing 40 and all you could see were brake lights. But of course, I pull off the highway at my exit and it magically stops raining! Lol. We made it into the building with nothing but wet sloshy feet from all the rivers we had to walk through! Lol.

    For some reason, I almost threw up the salad I was eating for lunch. I got about 3 forkfuls in and just couldn't finish it. I then proceeded to have a really sour stomach for the rest of the day. I ate a few pieces of fruit just to have something it.

    I'm home now and I have a bunch of things that I want to do tonight but I'm not sure that I will actually get any of it accomplished. Lol. All I want to do is lay down on the couch and not move! Oh well, can't do that!

    I wasn't going to make dinner but if I dont I know I'll spend all evening snacking and I can't do that to myself! Lol.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    I do A LOT of one skillet/pot meals and a lot of batch cooked chicken from my C/P. Lol. I tend to rotate the same like 8-10 meals just because they are easy...Lol.

    My daughter does that, she hates cooking and they used to eat out at least 5 nights a week. They couldn't afford it either waist wise or financially. She started a bullet journal, she now has a rotation of meals that she makes and they only eat out on grocery/pay day. It has helped her lose 20 pounds and they are better off financially.
    She came up with a really cool method for it, she uses sticky notes with the actual meals written on them and the ingredients she needs. A couple days before grocery day, she arranges her sticky notes for the next couple weeks and "writes" what she needs to buy into her phone note app. She said it has made it manageable for her.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    Hello my friends! It's so hard to get onto this website during the day at work now! I'm the only teller so I have to take care of all of the customers and now that LK is gone and LM is back we spend the day catching. It's been great! But it's been cutting into my MFP time! Plus the DH and I have been spending a lot of time together cuddling on the couch or just talking and having fun in the evenings after work so I never seem to get online for more than a minute or two. My logging has been slipping as well. I have been having issues with motivation like a lot of us. Today has been a good day though. I treated myself to 12oz cup of coke and a yummy apple yogurt parfait today. I did a lot of work around the house today though so the calories should bounce back.

    The DH has wanted pork chops for the last few days. I picked some up yesterday when I went to Aldi's so now I need to find a good low-calorie recipe to make tonight. My main problem is that I dont have an oven so I can't do anything baked.

    As for exercise today, our bulk garbage pick up is tomorrow so Dad brought down his trailer(full of his own stuff mind you) for us to throw some junk onto. We had two busted up, super cheap clapboard dressers that we broke apart and loaded on. So that took a while and we threw out a few other things as well. I then picked up around the house and folded a load of laundry. I have two more left to do once I finish them up at the house.

    Okay, enough rambling. It's currently 3pm here. The goals will be for the rest of the day...

    JFT, 8/12/18

    1. Finish/fold laundry
    2. Research and make a pork chop recipe
    3. Only one evening snack
    4. Kitchen closed at 9
    5. Shower/Face/Teeth
    6. Tech off by 10:15
    7. Bed by 11

    How do you survive without an oven? That must be so hard!

    I make do with a microwave, induction hot plate and a few nice crockpots. Lol

    That is really impressive! I don't think I could do it. I would need at least a toaster oven I think.

    When I bought my first house (single then), the ancient appliances were not included. Since I couldn't afford one I lived without a stove/oven for a few months. I survived with microwave, crockpot, sandwich press, fast food and eating out. I also was a road warrior for work and gone a lot. :D
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    There were baby birdy sounds by the outside of the AC so Panda went to investigate and ended up in my crockpot...that's what I get for leaving the lid off. Lol. He actually ended up sitting in there for like an hour. Lol

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Monday
    1. AM run: 18 laps. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Take lunch.
    2. Breakfast: Sonic! Submit Week 3 lessons. Review semester plan.
    3. Begin grading summer essays. Call D to confirm appt. Contact office and set up absences.
    4. Call parents. Update class website. Grade and input homework and reflections.
    5. Meeting after school.
    6. 5:30 Zumba. Chop more celery. Meds. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    JFT Tuesday
    1. AM tempo run: 12 laps; aim for 20 minutes. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Take lunch.
    2. Breakfast: SONIC! Revise Week 3 lessons. Review semester plan. Compare assessment list to standards.
    3. Print summer essays and have students revise Works Cited. Contact office and set up absences.
    4. Email parents. Email - no AWiT. Update class websites. Grade and input homework and reflections.
    5. 5:30 Zumba. Write blog post. Write L8 post.
    6. Prep Wed lunch. Chop more celery. Meds. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    Today: 183.6

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Check blogroll and follow bloggers on Twitter.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week.
    3. Review semester plan. Monday - call D about 9/24 appt; rescheduled for 10/22 @9:20? Appt w McC 10/22 @10:15. Make sure sub is settled. Fill out paper and let office know it needs to be in system. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int.
    4. Grade summer essays.
    5. Email - no AWit.
    6. Write L8 post.
    7. Call parents. Update class websites.
    8. Check on conference; create seminar proposal.

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Good Evening friends, Ladies, Gentlemen... "LEND ME YOUR EARS"... It's ok... Mine are working fine... Lol….
    Wanted to give each of you a bit of a tickle with my corny jokes.
    So the baked potato said to the half baked potato.."DO YOU EVER GET DONE?" THE Twice baked potato chimed in with laughter, I'm so Over both of you." LMBO
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    edited August 2018
    I finally figured out what I could do for a place to exercise at home. I went and bought foam puzzle mats today for some cushion and have cleared a space on the craft room floor. I really need to get in there and do a major clean, this is our spare/craft/storage/catchall room and its hard to keep up with. I’m going to ask for a small tv for my birthday, for now it will just be my iPad.
    Going for a walk tonight it’s finally nice and I need to burn some calories!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I finally figured out what I could do for a place to exercise at home. I went and bought foam puzzle mats today for some cushion and have cleared a space on the craft room floor. I really need to get in there and do a major clean, this is our spare/craft/storage/catchall room and its hard to keep up with. I’m going to ask for a small tv for my birthday, for now it will just be my iPad.
    Going for a walk tonight it’s finally nice and I need to burn some calories!

    That's great! Hi Fives... Proud of you👏👏 You Go Girrrrl!!!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Hello all! I am back! I ended up with a whammy of a summer cold that knocked me out last week, and I ended up laying pretty low over the weekend as well. Just starting to feel like myself again. Feeling crummy brought me back to some comfort eating, although I feel I did a lot better than times past. I tried to bulk up on fruit and better choices at least some of the time. Haven't been able to exercise at all because I've had no strength or energy. Regardless, I am ready to push myself back into healthy habits. Leaving my goals here for tomorrow, and it feels really good to be back. I missed you all!

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise (depending on where my energy/strength levels are at)
    Track food and exercise
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability + sleep hrs.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    @jeschepp …..glad you are back!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    *sigh* it's 5am. Can't sleeeeep.
    I've had a cough which I caught off my daughter and I've been keeping my OH awake, anyway he asked if I would mind sleeping on the sofa so he could catch up on some sleep which is fine I don't mind. But the two youngest girls were being pains. Casey decided she was still hungry where she normally sleeps through the night. And Marley, I dunno I think she just wanted to be up lol!

    But it's now 5am and I can't sleep!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    *sigh* it's 5am. Can't sleeeeep.
    I've had a cough which I caught off my daughter and I've been keeping my OH awake, anyway he asked if I would mind sleeping on the sofa so he could catch up on some sleep which is fine I don't mind. But the two youngest girls were being pains. Casey decided she was still hungry where she normally sleeps through the night. And Marley, I dunno I think she just wanted to be up lol!

    But it's now 5am and I can't sleep!

    5 AM!!! YIKES!!! Its probably not that much longer until Casey will wake up??? I hope tomorrow you can at least take a lot of naps with the little ones! Its almost 11 pm here ... I'm ready to go watch some tv before bed.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    JFT, MONDAY, 8/13
    1. drink water :) Put some flavorings in my water, but at least it helped me to drink water today
    2. log all food :)
    3. go out side and work in the yard :) OMG -- I am so tired! Worked in the yard from 11am until 6:30! But I got a lot done .... 2 flower beds done ....... 4 more to go!
    4. work on quilt :/ Too tired .... going to just flop in bed and do some HGTV watching! I think Love It or List it is on!
    5. only 1 snack tonite ... close the kitchen :) Had one more Fiber One brownie ... and drinking water

    JFT, Tues
    1. log all food
    2. work some more in the yard
    3. shipping, so have to help hubby
    4. go to the gym
    5. write emails to 3 friends
    6. call my son

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
    2: Planned on a HB egg, but had 1/4c. raisin bran and some milk. It is now 9:15 pm - so a little later, but only because I wanted to color my hair first! :)
    3: Was out late, and had a glass of wine at 10:00 -- hubby wanted popcorn, so I had a very small amount, but still ,that was at 10:30!!! >:):/ But ....... I still did not eat too much, just that the klondike bar was way more calories than I thought. Lesson ... look up calories FIRST!
    4 .. no evening snack, and did great all day :)
    5... Worrying about my daughter; emotional eating:) >:):/
    6 ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    7. ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    8. Just got home tonite ... so kitchen is closed :)
    9. got into chocolate covered almonds >:)
    10. Fiber one bar, and kitchen closed at 9 pm :)
    11. Had a fiber one bar, and REALLY want another one ... or popcorn ... or something! but, drinking my water, and no going into the kitchen :)
    12. I ate FOUR brownies ! . >:)
    13.. One fiber one brownie... kitchen closed :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    *sigh* it's 5am. Can't sleeeeep.
    I've had a cough which I caught off my daughter and I've been keeping my OH awake, anyway he asked if I would mind sleeping on the sofa so he could catch up on some sleep which is fine I don't mind. But the two youngest girls were being pains. Casey decided she was still hungry where she normally sleeps through the night. And Marley, I dunno I think she just wanted to be up lol!

    But it's now 5am and I can't sleep!

    5 AM!!! YIKES!!! Its probably not that much longer until Casey will wake up??? I hope tomorrow you can at least take a lot of naps with the little ones! Its almost 11 pm here ... I'm ready to go watch some tv before bed.

    Well she got up at 4? So she'll sleep through now, I must have missed a feed yesterday for her to do that.
    But yeah the eldest will be up around 7.

    Im just not tired at all. But I know I will be if I don't sleep soon!

    I don't have any herbal sleep stuff in either. So am just sat here LOL.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Good Night Friends... Hugs💕💕💕
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    Wake up in time
    Have breakfast at home
    Ease into the day
    Have quiet time
    Stick to the meal plan
    No dessert at Alpha tonight.
    Complete Day 4 of exercise plan
    Be in bed by 10.

    I woke up on my first alarm today and didn't snooze :) super proud.

    Made oats and coffee then snuggled under blankets eating my oats. That was the best bowl of oats I've ever had. It was sweet and tasty like dessert. <3 And I didn't even add sugar. It was good. I set my alarm for an hour before I needed to be up and I spent that time just laying in bed. I listened to a motivational video and journaled, before jotting down everything I needed to do for the morning.

    Made my bed and got my hair all pretty and make up done. I never have time for that because I get up at the last moment.

    Small changes.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning everyone, took a bit of an extended break as I think I just got a bit overwhelmed at the end of last week. I worked so hard on keeping with the programme in the run up to my holiday and while away I think it has just been too much. And I feel a bit rudderless without my kids here.

    So yesterday was the first Monday in about 6 months that I didn’t workout at all. And today I’m thinking seriously about how I’m going to balance health and fitness goals (the constant fear of losing all progress and regaining) with a more realistic lifestyle.

    So Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - April to August challenges
    - shopping (printer ink and jeans)
    - post/paperwork/house tidy
    - maybe hot yoga
    - Spend evening working out a term time fitness routine
    - Early night

    Have a great day all x
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: We were celebrating my birthday, so decided to swap G&T for wine which was a little more calorific
    - Be in the green :neutral: Therefore went over by 150, hopefully can make up for this over the next couple of days
    - 3 bottles water :smiley:
    - 30 minute lunch break :smile:
    - Duolingo & French book :smile:
    - Finish work at 6pm :smile:
    - Book hotel for boyfriend bday weekend :/ Did not have time - will prioritise this today
    - Open presents!! (I like having this on my list) :smile:
    - Watch final episode of Handmaid's Tale :smile:
    - Lights out by 10.45 :smiley: 10.35!! I was exhausted and just flopped

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water

    - 45 minute lunch break
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Finish work at 7.30pm
    - Go for run
    - Do washing
    - Book hotel for boyfriend bday weekend
    - Lights out by 10.45
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Morning everyone, took a bit of an extended break as I think I just got a bit overwhelmed at the end of last week. I worked so hard on keeping with the programme in the run up to my holiday and while away I think it has just been too much. And I feel a bit rudderless without my kids here.

    So yesterday was the first Monday in about 6 months that I didn’t workout at all. And today I’m thinking seriously about how I’m going to balance health and fitness goals (the constant fear of losing all progress and regaining) with a more realistic lifestyle.

    So Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - April to August challenges
    - shopping (printer ink and jeans)
    - post/paperwork/house tidy
    - maybe hot yoga
    - Spend evening working out a term time fitness routine
    - Early night

    Have a great day all x

    @Faebert.... Good Morning🌹✋
    I'm happy for what you did accomplish. And my hopes for you, are for a better today. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Take the proverbial "horse by the reigns" and show those goals who's boss. I'm rooting for you. You Got This!!!