September 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @garygse ok You get a pass on the glasses. Which yes @shanaber are prescription. I still may get a pair of women's Oakley's. Or least check mine against them, see if sizing is my issue.

    Might be. My wife is 5'1" and she has to wear kid glasses. No adult ones work for her. Dunno your sizes, but if you are littler than the average male, you should at least check the female sizes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @garygse ok You get a pass on the glasses. Which yes @shanaber are prescription. I still may get a pair of women's Oakley's. Or least check mine against them, see if sizing is my issue.

    Might be. My wife is 5'1" and she has to wear kid glasses. No adult ones work for her. Dunno your sizes, but if you are littler than the average male, you should at least check the female sizes.

    Well i feel better. Yes i wear kid sized hats and xs gloves, so makes sense i need smaller glasses. I thought i was just odd sized.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    @pudgy1977 I know you want to run a mile without stopping to walk. Just wanted to let you know that I have decided to train the Jeff Galloway way, which incorporates planned walks into every running session. It's supposed to help cut down on injuries and fatigue without slowing you down very much, if at all. Something you might want to consider.

    I will definitely read up on that!! Hard to break old mind sets.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Work was crazy today, and I didn’t eat all day. I then worked late and figured running on empty in 92F weather probably wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do, so I plan run tomorrow instead (on what was my strength day before the taper started).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Ok - I said I wasn't going to try to catch up and now I have spent at least a few hours just reading... lol I have to know what you all have been doing/discussing here!

    @RunnerGrl1982 - do you run along the beach? If I were In Santa Monica that is where I would want to run every day!
    I have a couple different routes I take to change things up, but for the most part, I do run along the beach. I can't ever complain about the view, especially since I'm always out before the sun comes up and I generally finish my runs as the sun breaks through. It's also kind of neat to run by the SaMo Pier before sunrise and see the colors change on the ferris wheel while I'm running. :smile:
    I love that pier! When my husband was in grad school we lived on Pacific St and would walk there in the afternoons and my mom used to go to ride the carousel when she was a little girl! I don't know if they have them anymore but a couple of years ago they also had some great concerts (Way Over Yonder festival) on the pier in the summer.

    I have been thinking that I just need to drive down to the beach and run once a week or a couple of times a month, just to enjoy the view and fresh sea air!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Well I had been looking forward to this morning's 5 kilometres as it was my first run back home (was too tired yesterday) on the flat and sporting my supersonic new shoes. However, it was one of those days when everything just felt wrong. I hadn't tried the shoes with my usual compression socks and before I had even walked to where I start to run I'd had to stop and relace them because there was a weird pressure point over one foot. Although it was early and cloudy the temperature was still decidedly muggy so I was drenched in sweat about 1 minute after I started to jog, and post-holiday excesses plus (sorry guys) a no-show shark week had me feeling heavy and sluggish and just not in the zone at all.
    It took until the last kilometre to even enjoy it at all, but hey ho the last few minutes were good and I got it done.
    Question for the ladies (gentlemen please avert your eyes from this paragraph :-P ): how normal is it when following training plans (ie increasing distance, running time, etc) to skip periods? This is the second time in the last 6 months I've had a no-show :-/

    2/9: 3.88km
    4/9: 9km
    6/9: 5km
    7/9: 5km
    9/9: 4.16km
    11/9: 5km
    14/9: 5km
    September goal: 75km. Completed so far: 37km.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Slightly off topic, I picked up my packet for Saturday's 5k yesterday, at a local running store, and while I was waiting in line I eavesdropped on the sales associates.

    So, why do non-runners buy running shoes? There were two customers in particular who were confusing to me. One was a male nurse who had somehow gotten the idea that expensive running shoes would be more supportive, I guess? He was asking how many shifts the shoes would stand up to before the padding started to break down, and the sales guy was saying, "Um... about three to six months..." and he was saying that wasn't as good as his regular nurse shoes. Um... duh? They make work shoes of various types for a reason. Not to mention that shoes shaped like a rocker are meant for running, and are not comfortable for just standing about. The other customer was an older lady whose friend had told her that Brooks were "good shoes" so she bought some, and now she was complaining they made her feet hurt. She had track shoes with cleats. She was using them mainly to go shopping. The bewildered sales associate was saying, "So, these are really intended for speedwork..."

    I understand the cache of wearing gear for a sport you don't do as a fashion statement, but that's not what was happening here. Both these people were just determined to buy unsuitable shoes, and then complaining that the shoes weren't suited to something outside their intended specialty. And if you read online reviews of running shoes, you will find that the majority of running shoe purchasers are like this. My Altra Timps for example have reviews like "these sneakers didn't hold up too well and after a day at work they made my feet hurt." Sneakers? Where? Timps are not even slightly similar to sneakers. They are bizarrely ugly zero drop trail shoes, so unless you work at a national park they probably aren't suited to your work environment. If you want sneakers, you can get excellent supportive ones without spending the money for specialty running shoes. So what gives?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    The first time I did the course this year I was at 10:45/km, tonight 9:04/km.
    That's what I call Training Success when you can knock 1:44/km off of your time on the same route.
    My best pace is still from last fall where I had 8:53/km. But that's only 7sec/km off my present pace and it was in the Race with the Race Effect of added pace - so feeling good.

    Well done!!