

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    edited September 2018
    Lisa~ your a gem thats why I love ya girlfriend....
    and the reason I forgive people who did me wrong is so that I can go on with MY life... if you internalize and stay angry what good does it do you.. whats done is done, we have remained friends and will continue to do so... I love my dogs and he loves mine..so i take care of our dogs and he will take care of mine when I go away... if Elena doesn't like it oh well..
    I do need to lose alot of weight,but until I figure out what is wonky with my blood work, then I will do what I need to do.. I have to get into the mindset, I remember when I lost the weight and how good it felt. I have to remind myself of that.. and work at getting back to that... my life is on a semi even keel even though there has been alot going on this year .. here is to hoping 2019 is a heck of alot better
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Went out with DH for my run. He took me on a new route which goes on some farm tracks and fields. Lovely. The blackberries that lined the lanes were enormous! I ended up running for an hour, so a bit more than my usual. :D
    Now to relax with some daytime TV.

    Barbara - There has recently been a court case about cannabis oil over here, but I am not sure if it is available to buy or not. Previously it was illegal and the court case was for an epileptic child. I think the law is changing to get it on prescription. I will mention it to her. She is prescribed morphine to aid her sleep and suppress a cough.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: I am so sorry to hear that your DBIL has cancer. Such a frightening disease. One of our neighbors was diagnosed with colon cancer a few years ago. He had surgery and now wears an ostomy bag under his shirts. He is doing well and enjoying life. I hope your DBIL is as fortunate. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope your doctor appointment on Monday goes well. :heart:

    Karen in VA: I’m sorry to hear about tornadoes in your area that caused the loss of a life. :sad: I’ll need to check on our DS and DDIL. I hope there was no damage in their neighborhood.

    Lisa: I absolutely agree with your advice to Alison. Tom is the bad guy in the ending of her marriage. She was not at fault. If he marries the girlfriend he’ll probably cheat on her within a short amount of time.. :grumble:

    Dentist today. DH & I will have our teeth cleaned and a check-up to see whether we are doing okay. It will be a busy week. DH has an appointment to get his hearing aides adjusted, and another to get his leg brace replaced. He wore out the one he is using. He has drop-foot caused by MS.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Katla ~ Good luck to you and your hubs on the doctor visits.

    Alison ~ Lisa gave you good advice. When we left a church that we had been going to for around 6 yrs, I think I subconsciously remembered a remark that the pastor had made about people who left the church got fat. I know that is ridiculous but I was very thin up until that time. After we left I have gained 40 lbs. I have reconciled myself to the fact that that was hogwash.

    Sue ~ Good thoughts and prayers for your BnL. I know this must be terribly trying time for y'all.

    Heather ~ I am amazed at your running.

    We are keeping our son's two dogs once again while they go to Florida for a few days. DnL is on a weeks break from school and this is the last time son can take vacation before the busy holidays start. The only problem is that our Pom does not get along with his or anyone's dogs. He is miserable that he has to stay inside while the other two stay on the screened in porch. Can't let son's dogs in because they would tear up everything.

    Carol in GA
  • ecs1516
    ecs1516 Posts: 51 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2018
    Was sent home from jury duty yesterday and got that haircut. Found out that if I have it cut dry it costs $5 less so it was 25 including tip. Since I can’t drive and have to go to a place within walking distance I consider myself lucky to have such an inexpensive place. Still,I generally only get the hair cut about once a year because I begrudge the expense. After the haircut I got together with my MIL to do her techie stuff ( fill her Kindle unlimited with new books,upload her pictures to Shutterfly, create a vacation photo book for her to buy, etc.). I love her but really wanted the afternoon for myself, oh well. I’m her tech support person.

    Unlike some mentioned here, I have lots of trouble making time for cardio,but if we are being honest probably because I hate it. Swimming is good, but that takes three hours time for a one hour swim. I just don’t have any time. The weights and strength training I am very faithfully doing tho. And it is noticeable- lol mostly not on the places I WANT, but as I understand it that is par for the course.

    I do try to fit in two twenty minutes somethings, hula hoop, Exercycle, wii stepping etc, every day- but I must admit these are not the most energetic of cardio exercises. I hate to sweat, and getting motivated to push myself to the point of sweating (or to work too hard through the inevitable hot flash sweats) is admittedly a big huge fail on my part.

    Down in the dumps today, due to, I think, a thing at work. But my 20minutes Exercycle is done, so I’ll wish everybody a good day.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    Had my salad and rice cakes for lunch now after lunch 2 root canals back to back..ughhh not for me.im assisting today ...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Carol - nobody could be more amazed than me. :o If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be running (jogging) for an hour I would have laughed them out of the room. I started with the C25K app from the BBC in January. You only have to run for a minute to start with. I thought that was a lot!
    Exercise has changed my life. That is not an exaggeration. I was someone who hated exercise, hated getting sweaty. I did enjoy swimming and dancing. I thought my left knee was shot, so I could never dance again, let alone run. I was wrong.
    Sometimes I do not want to go out of the door, but I am always glad once I get out there. I am ecstatic when I've finished. :D Today I had the company of my DH, fast walking beside me. Normally I have my podcasts and my playlist. I look forward to hearing them.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol in GA: Thanks for your good wishes on the medical visits. Dentist today for both of us, and hearing aids for DH tomorrow. I am so sorry your son’s dogs are a problem. We took ours to an obedience class when he was still a pup. It worked wonders. His personality is a huge factor. Our dog is a pleaser. Not every dog is motivated to please. Our previous dog wanted to BE pleased and wasn’t motivated to please us. She had many good qualities, though. :flowerforyou:

    Rye: Sorry that a thing at work has you feeling down. Sending virtual flowers. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kelly in Vancouver WA: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :star:

    Allie: DH & I just got back from the dentist. Our dental assistants are wonderful and we both appreciate them. They do the teeth cleaning, and the dentist checks the x-rays and gives a look-see. DH has more time with the dentist because he tends to get infections and needs special care. :heart: I admire people who do the work you do and am willing to bet you help the patients have a better experience than they'd have if you weren't there. :flowerforyou:

    We are home from the dentist and I just started a fresh pot of coffee. The day is gorgeous, but there is a chill in the air.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    I love how it looks like he is proof-reading the sign! lol :p
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,288 Member
    Kelly - Joaquin is SOOOO cute!

    Scale was inexplicably down 2.5 lbs today from yesterday. I am so glad I am at the place where I find the big swings amusing instead of frustrating. I had gained 3 lbs week before last when I ate canned soup two days in a row for dinner so this is just the rest of it going away. It hung around longer than normal.

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    JOAQUIN ~ Such a cutie!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Meg: So, so sorry. Heart-breaking news and I'm sure you wish you could be with Leonard at this difficult time.

    Suebdew: Prayers for your BIL. And your family.

    Allie: Great job with the meal prep and choices. Can we now persuade you to hit your condo gym a couple times a week? You go girl. And remember Lisa's wise advise about losing the weight for YOU.

    Barbara: I need to find that AF beer. I have been AF for most of the past 2 years. The 7 day cruise we took last January celebrating my birthday, 30th wedding anniversary and my retirement announcement blew all sobriety out of the water. But since then, I rarely miss it, and have stopped buying DH his weekly 6 pack. We both enjoy AF ginger beer instead.

    KareninVA: Yikes!!! That's so scary. Glad you are okay.

    Katla: Must be dental week. DH and I have our routine cleaning and check up tomorrow.

    KJ: Joaquin is growing so fast. What a looker <3<3<3

    I'm intentionally shaking up my gym routine to add more cardio and at least 2 DVD workouts per week (thanks, Michele!) The variety is good and forces me to do the exercises I need, but loathe (squats, lunges :frowning: )

    Okay, I'm off to run errands. Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills