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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    FYI... My husband's parents made wood trinkets etc. from branch rounds that they sold at sales his whole growing up in Big Valley. :)
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    JFT, 10-8-18

    1. Up by 830 :)
    2. Log food :)
    3. Food shopping :)
    4. Fold clothes :#
    5. Do story research :)
    6. Text MG re Tues open :)She can't do it :(
    7. Dishes >:)
    8. Bed prep @ 945 >:)
    9. Lights off @ 1030 :)

    A couple of smiles in thee but not as many as I would have liked. I ended up going over to D's house last night. I had a blast but it put a damper on my evening plans to do some housework. Lol. Oh well. I'll do it tonight. I went to the gym yesterday! It was the first time in a few weeks that I actually went! I'm really proud of myself. I was there for over an hour. I spent a half an hour on the treadmill walking so I did well over my 1 mile/30 minute work out. It felt pretty good! I think I might bring some gym clothes with me to work and go today as well. Depends if I can actually make myself go. I did manage to get up at 6 like I wanted to this morning. I actually woke up at 5:15 and couldn't get back to sleep. Lol. I go back to work today after a long weekend. :'( I'm not really excited but I'm also kind of happy to get back into the routine and this week will be a shortened one. I just remembered that Saturday I am spending the day at my Mom's gallery as she will be at an artist's conference. I'll probably spend some time working on my story. It's kind of funny that @maryrobinson40 brought up the whole meeting everyone in person thing because that's kind of what my story is about! A group of women from all over the world, who have only talked via the internet, that spend a week together. You guys were my inspiration. Dont worry though, none of you will actually be characters! Lol.

    I am in for the weekly weigh in!

    Start weight Jan 2017- 193
    Ultimate goal weight-125
    Current weight-162.8
    End of year goal-155

    Okay! Onto goals!

    JFT, 10-9-2018

    1. Log all food
    2. Up @ 6
    3. Post goals
    4. Breakfast/pray/meditate
    5. Prep lunch
    6. Work 8:15-5:15
    7. Gym!
    8. Dinner/Dishes
    9. Fold clothes
    10. Work on story
    11. Bed prep @ 9:45
    12. Lights out @ 1030

    Have a GREAT day gals!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY - Monday 10/8/18
    1) Log all my food for the day :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake :)
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having a Diet Coke :)
    4) Go to the gym :)
    5) Work on orders from my shop :)

    JFT - Tuesday 10/9/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having a Diet Coke
    4) Go to the gym
    5) Work on orders from my shop
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT - Tuesday, 10/9/18
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Focus on water intake
    3. Take Maddie for a walk; maybe check out the dog park if it doesn't rain later
    4. Calm Meditation of the day
    5. Half Size Me podcast
    6. Grocery list / meal plan
    7. Bake one batch of Christmas goodies for freezer
    8. Pin together layers of quilt today (procrastinating because I've never done this and I'm nervous)
    9. To-Do List: Complete a few items and update list
    10. Unplug by 9:00 / Gratitude Journal 5 things / Simple Abundance / Dodie Olsteen reading

    October Goals:
    • Out of the 180's by end of month
    • Walk 5/7 dpw
    • Increase distance of walk, to park by end of month
    • Swap out seasonal clothing
    • Make appts: Derm, Ophthalmology, FP, Day Spa (massage), dentist
    • Return/exchange 2 sweaters
    • Bake 2 Christmas things per weekend

    October Challenge - Walk 1 Mile:
    10/1: :smile:
    10/2: :smile:
    10/3: :smile:
    10/4: :smile:
    10/5: :smile:
    10/6: :smile:
    10/7: :smile:
    10/8: :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    2018 Stats...

    SW on 1/1/18: 175.4 lb
    1/8/2018: 174.6
    1/15/2018: 175.8
    1/22/2018: 177.2
    1/29/2018: 176.6
    2/5/2018: 178
    2/12/2018: 176.8
    2/19/2018: 176.2
    2/26/2018: 176.4
    3/5/2018: 174.0
    4/16/2018: 177.8
    4/30/2018: 179.4
    5/7/2018: 176.6
    5/14/2018: 174.6
    5/29/2018: 176.6 (Memorial Day 4-day weekend in Indiana at mom's. Ate out for every meal and got no exercise at all)
    6/4/2018: 176.6 (I am satisfied with this since it could have been much worse with grandson's graduation/18th birthday party, PLUS my husband's birthday and his DQ Ice Cream cake down in our freezer)
    =============2018 Half-way Mark=================
    7/4/2018 180 lb I have not been drinking water. I have been eating a lot of salt. I have been having issues and going to PT for lower back and hip pain. Not excuses, but this is what I think happened with this weight gain.
    7/16/2018 178.8 lb
    9/3/2018 179.3 lb
    10/1/2018 180.6 lb (disappointed I'm in 180's again, but happy I'm down from the 184 lbs I weighed about a week ago.) Boy, I really need to get better about keeping these stats current!
    10/8/2018 181 lb (weight not going down, but I started daily walks and starting to FEEL better so that is a step in right direction)

    Mini NSV Goals are to:
    []Be able to wear my wedding ring
    []Be able to tuck shirts in comfortably
    []Be able to wear more fitted blouses
    []Have waist of pants be loose enough to be comfortable
    []Be able to walk with friends and not be out of breath
    []Have cardio be a habit at least 4 times per week
    []Lose chicken wing flab on my arms and look decent in sleeveless shirts

    Scale Mini Goals:
    Mini goal <180
    Mini goal <175
    Mini goal: <170
    Mini goal: <165
    Mini goal: <160
    Mini goal: <155
    Mini goal: <150
    Mini goal: <145
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs

    Height: 5'4 1/2"
    Age: 58
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @mytime6630 I'm in for the accountability challenge. I had been keeping pretty close track and when I look back, I was doing better when I WAS posting my weight each week.

    Have much to do today so have to get moving. Will try to pop on later and comment, but just know I read everyone's posts up to this point and I'm hugging/smiling/cheering for everyone!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Who's having the baby?! I'm so glad that you had a good time. I can't wait for our Thanksgiving here in November. I would definitely take today as a rest day! Have fun crafting!

    One of my young cousins. I have a very large family on my Dad's side, her Grandfather and I were first cousins. I babysat her and her brothers when they were little. She is the same age as my youngest daughter.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    I have received what I've prayed for and so much more. Before hearing about MFP I was pretty much a loner. I had gone through so much in every area of my life. I prayed for an accountability partner, genuine friendships, motivation and reasons not to procrastinate. I wanted a lifestyle of health and not another fad diet, someone like minded and non judgemental. I wanted a place to belong.
    This site/this thread has given me all of these things and so much more.
    I'm free to be MARY and the parts of me that I'm losing are making me stronger and better. This is therapy at its best. We spill our guts, we laugh, cry, scratch, burp, and even rant and it's absolutely great. We get it out and we get back to what's important...LIFE, LOVE, AND BETTER HEALTH.
    JFNow... THANK EACH OF YOU TREMENDOUSLY!! For love, acceptance, and support.
    I'll get on task with posting in the morning God willing.
    I'm just enjoying thoughts of my sisters JFN.
    Prayers for all of us and being good to myself by going to bed before 11:00p.m. my time.😇😀🙏

    So beautifully said Mary.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Haha damn. Saddens me ill probably never meet any of you, being in the UK.

    Hey, why don't you all come to my Vegas wedding!! ... Whenever that may be haha

    I can fly to Vegas cheaper than I can fly home to see my Mom within Canada!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    Recap M 10/8 ~ Another (!) rainy period for next three days & may get 2-4" ~ rained overnight & this morning & already have 1" in gauge ~ rest day today & sad me
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 7,610 steps :neutral: , 250+ steps 12/14 (hair appt.) & 31 floors :smiley:
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / 12c water = Planned supper was chili from Chili John's since cool, rainy weather just made me want chili... unfortunately, hubby picked up chocolate oreos during his errands, and I ate 3!!! Net calories -173 not awful for rest day, but cookies were 160 ~ ack! :( , sodium green (yay), sugar -8, fiber & protein low :/ & 12c water :smile:
    3) Remember J is picking up projector & name tag box for tomorrow's seminar = :smiley: even rec'd email this morning with update so I can close event in EMT :smiley:
    4) Hair appt. 6:00 (sad me b/c hubby has federal holiday off, which I totally forgot about, and I can't reschedule appt. again) :smiley: not much cut off, but thatch has been thinned out, thank goodness & gray covered again :D
    5) Pick up supper on way home = Yay! Chili John's :D
    6) Unplug 9:30 :smiley: / FLOSS :s why is this so hard? :o / RETAINERS :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:20 :smiley: actually 9:30 I was so tired (walk dog before work T if rain breaks as predicted)

    JFT T 10/9 ~ over 2" rain in gauge since Sunday :'(
    1) Yay! Rain took a break so happy me! :smiley: Very warm for time of year, wore shorts/light shirt, walked dog 3.65 mi 1:03:18 before work & happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly (except webinar at 11) / stairs breaks at work
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / 12c water
    4) Evening to-do's !!!!
    5) Unplug 9:30 / FLOSS dangit / retainers / bed & TV off 10:20 (rain predicted overnight & W a.m. so x-train?)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Goals tomorrow will be simple, as I have a doctors appt
    Monday, Oct 8
    1. go to OB/ doctor yearly checkup :) So the doctor once again wants me to do genetic testing ... to see if I carry the cancer genes. What would you guys do???? I had both parents with cancer, 2 siblings that lost their battle with cancer, 2 nephews with curable cancer, many aunts, and now my 1st cousin has stage 3 cancer. My OB doctor has been wanting me to do this test for the past 3 years -- but a part of me ... I don't want to know. He tells me though that by knowing, I can get more frequent tests. But I am so unsure of how much I want to know! Then ... he prescribes me some medication that he tells me will decrease my chances of getting breast cancer by 50%. So tonite .... I find out insurance will not pay for it until I meet my $450 deductible ... meaning these pills will cost me $80.00 a month!! So ... I am going to wait until the new year ... and check to see if I can find a Part D provider that will cover the pills. I hate insurance companies .... it should not be this way when you get older!

    I don't think I would want to know. I feel that if I knew I would just be thinking about when I was going to get it and not enjoying my life to the fullest. I don't think I would make long term plans and would worry about it constantly.

    I also understand the need to know for some people and being able to make some decisions to attempt to avoid getting it. Truthfully, to me Alzheimer's is more scary to me than cancer. It's a tough decision, I don't know what I would actually decide if I was faced with it. It's such a personal decision, I hope you make a decision that you find peace with.

    I told my husband the other day that I was so thankful I was born in Canada, I read too often on these message boards about how insurance denies so many things that people need in the States. I am truly blessed to be in Canada.
  • Dini421
    Dini421 Posts: 6 Member
    Healthy evening snacks.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge for the rest of the year --- any one in with me!!

    We already have a October Challenge (thank you @Bex), but this morning I was weighed at the doctor ... my weight is slowly creeping UP instead of down. This was the problem I had last year at this time of year. The last 3 months of the year get me all the time ... starts with halloween candy, and then I tend to get seasonal depression.. as most of the ones I have lost all passed away between November to Feb (one on thanksgiving, one xmas eve, one 2 days after New Years, etc). And I think with the days getting dark early, I tend to eat too much in the evenings.

    @toaljasa already started a great challenge to see how much we could lose by the end of the year. But for me, I need accountability ... I need someone to see what the scale says, so I can't cheat (You know, like weight watchers, and like @cschmitz110515 does.

    So once a week, from now until the end of the year, I am going to post my weight. Whether it be up or down, at least it will be there for all to see. Would anyone like to join me? (Please do ... I don't want to be the only one!).

    Starting weight Jan, 2017: 217.0
    Ultimate goal weight: 170
    Goal by January, 2019: 189

    Todays weight, Monday, Oct 8: 196.5 (Goal is to be at 189 by the end of the year .... gee... how long has that been my goal!!)

    I'll join you! I need to go back and find what date @toaljasa posted the challenge so I know how much I weighed that day. Does anyone remember this?

    I track my weight daily and use the Just Give me 10 Days Challenge, but I find that discouraging so I also keep an excel sheet that gives me averages every 7 days, 10 days and monthly.

    My Starting Weight February 2018 - 202 lbs
    Goal by February 2019 - 160 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight (hopefully by July 2019) - 140

    Today's weight is 183.0, but this is up due to high carbs and sodium over the weekend. My 7 day average is complete tomorrow and I will post that as my weekly weigh in if that works for you! So mine will be posted on Wednesday's.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Morning all. Still can’t shake this cough and cold and getting extremely fed up! My eating yesterday really wasn’t the best. Felt too sick all day at work to eat but then super hungry all evening and some not great choices. I’m thinking about having some protein shake today at lunchtime just to force something down. I’m up early and have already done the work prep I needed to do and have some time to try a workout. Will give it a go and see how my body feels.

    Are you sure it's just a cold and not bronchitis or walking pneumonia or something that requires medication? You are pushing yourself pretty hard. :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @mytime6630 yes I'll join in with the weekly weigh in! Every Monday?

    Well I weighed myself this morning and it's back up to 180?

    Getting pretty miffed because I just can't seem to get it to stay lower, I think a couple of weeks ago it was 176? But it's back up again now.

    To be fair I know I could do more to achieve my goals.


    Mon 8th Oct: 180

    I am frustrated too @Bex953172 - I have been hovering between 179-183 since August! I know I just need to get back to being diligent, but I'm finding it hard right now. Mine is just evening snacking getting to me and I don't like salads and such as much with the cooler weather. We have not had any nice weather really since July!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member

    JFT, 10-8-18

    1. Up by 830 :)
    2. Log food :)
    3. Food shopping :)
    4. Fold clothes :#
    5. Do story research :)
    6. Text MG re Tues open :)She can't do it :(
    7. Dishes >:)
    8. Bed prep @ 945 >:)
    9. Lights off @ 1030 :)

    A couple of smiles in thee but not as many as I would have liked. I ended up going over to D's house last night. I had a blast but it put a damper on my evening plans to do some housework. Lol. Oh well. I'll do it tonight. I went to the gym yesterday! It was the first time in a few weeks that I actually went! I'm really proud of myself. I was there for over an hour. I spent a half an hour on the treadmill walking so I did well over my 1 mile/30 minute work out. It felt pretty good! I think I might bring some gym clothes with me to work and go today as well. Depends if I can actually make myself go. I did manage to get up at 6 like I wanted to this morning. I actually woke up at 5:15 and couldn't get back to sleep. Lol. I go back to work today after a long weekend. :'( I'm not really excited but I'm also kind of happy to get back into the routine and this week will be a shortened one. I just remembered that Saturday I am spending the day at my Mom's gallery as she will be at an artist's conference. I'll probably spend some time working on my story. It's kind of funny that @maryrobinson40 brought up the whole meeting everyone in person thing because that's kind of what my story is about! A group of women from all over the world, who have only talked via the internet, that spend a week together. You guys were my inspiration. Dont worry though, none of you will actually be characters! Lol.

    I am in for the weekly weigh in!

    Start weight Jan 2017- 193
    Ultimate goal weight-125
    Current weight-162.8
    End of year goal-155

    Okay! Onto goals!

    JFT, 10-9-2018

    1. Log all food
    2. Up @ 6
    3. Post goals
    4. Breakfast/pray/meditate
    5. Prep lunch
    6. Work 8:15-5:15
    7. Gym!
    8. Dinner/Dishes
    9. Fold clothes
    10. Work on story
    11. Bed prep @ 9:45
    12. Lights out @ 1030

    Have a GREAT day gals!

    I can't wait to read your story!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Tuesday, 10/9/18
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Focus on water intake
    3. Take Maddie for a walk; maybe check out the dog park if it doesn't rain later
    4. Calm Meditation of the day
    5. Half Size Me podcast
    6. Grocery list / meal plan
    7. Bake one batch of Christmas goodies for freezer
    8. Pin together layers of quilt today (procrastinating because I've never done this and I'm nervous)
    9. To-Do List: Complete a few items and update list
    10. Unplug by 9:00 / Gratitude Journal 5 things / Simple Abundance / Dodie Olsteen reading

    October Goals:
    • Out of the 180's by end of month
    • Walk 5/7 dpw
    • Increase distance of walk, to park by end of month
    • Swap out seasonal clothing
    • Make appts: Derm, Ophthalmology, FP, Day Spa (massage), dentist
    • Return/exchange 2 sweaters
    • Bake 2 Christmas things per weekend

    October Challenge - Walk 1 Mile:
    10/1: :smile:
    10/2: :smile:
    10/3: :smile:
    10/4: :smile:
    10/5: :smile:
    10/6: :smile:
    10/7: :smile:
    10/8: :smile:

    I'm curious, how much Christmas baking do you do? What do you do with it all? I enjoy the baking aspect of it, my girls and I usually get together and do a bunch, but then no one eats it all and I end up throwing some out, then I'm feeling wasteful!
    When I still lived in NB I would bake, but there was always someone stopping in for tea or coffee, so the sweets all got eaten.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT- Monday October 8
    2L of water - >:) 750ml, didn't even make it to half.
    Calories in Green - >:)>:)>:) - Oh My! For accountability I'm putting it out there for the world to see, but I am not proud of myself. Over 1100 in the red! I need to stop imbibing with hubby!
    Walk 1 mile - >:) Not even when I went out to do some shopping.
    5 fruits & veggies - 2/5
    Exercise 30 minutes - >:)
    Get crafty!!!!! - :) I have the white painted for 20 snowmen faces and the boards painted for 3 more jewelry holders. I brought them to work with me to draw on the sayings and faces.
    Stay focused! - >:)>:)>:) - I can't say I was focused at all yesterday unless you count focused on eating!

    JFT - Tuesday October 9
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Walk 1 Mile
    Move hourly at work
    Glue Snowmen together
    Stay Focused!!! I mean it! Do it today!

    Had a great long weekend, but man I fail at keeping things in check on the weekends. I really need to take this seriously on the weekends as well!

    Since everyone is posting Stats, I will post this. It is an average of my monthly weight since May when I started weighing daily.
