JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member

    JFT, 10-8-18

    1. Up by 830 :)
    2. Log food :)
    3. Food shopping :)
    4. Fold clothes :#
    5. Do story research :)
    6. Text MG re Tues open :)She can't do it :(
    7. Dishes >:)
    8. Bed prep @ 945 >:)
    9. Lights off @ 1030 :)

    A couple of smiles in thee but not as many as I would have liked. I ended up going over to D's house last night. I had a blast but it put a damper on my evening plans to do some housework. Lol. Oh well. I'll do it tonight. I went to the gym yesterday! It was the first time in a few weeks that I actually went! I'm really proud of myself. I was there for over an hour. I spent a half an hour on the treadmill walking so I did well over my 1 mile/30 minute work out. It felt pretty good! I think I might bring some gym clothes with me to work and go today as well. Depends if I can actually make myself go. I did manage to get up at 6 like I wanted to this morning. I actually woke up at 5:15 and couldn't get back to sleep. Lol. I go back to work today after a long weekend. :'( I'm not really excited but I'm also kind of happy to get back into the routine and this week will be a shortened one. I just remembered that Saturday I am spending the day at my Mom's gallery as she will be at an artist's conference. I'll probably spend some time working on my story. It's kind of funny that @maryrobinson40 brought up the whole meeting everyone in person thing because that's kind of what my story is about! A group of women from all over the world, who have only talked via the internet, that spend a week together. You guys were my inspiration. Dont worry though, none of you will actually be characters! Lol.

    I am in for the weekly weigh in!

    Start weight Jan 2017- 193
    Ultimate goal weight-125
    Current weight-162.8
    End of year goal-155

    Okay! Onto goals!

    JFT, 10-9-2018

    1. Log all food
    2. Up @ 6
    3. Post goals
    4. Breakfast/pray/meditate
    5. Prep lunch
    6. Work 8:15-5:15
    7. Gym!
    8. Dinner/Dishes
    9. Fold clothes
    10. Work on story
    11. Bed prep @ 9:45
    12. Lights out @ 1030

    Have a GREAT day gals!

    Awww dang... I wanted to be a stars...lol…...leading lady to Keanu Reeves...lol!
    He's sexy! Or ok... I forgot it's about women... Uhmm...Who's playing Bette Middler, Meryl Streep(sp?), Katherine Hepburn, Glen Close, Julia Roberts...LMBO.
    Much Success on your book! Seriously, I mean it. Congratulations!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Thanks @snowflake1968 I did think I might have bronchitis as it’s definitely lingering. I felt better this morning and could work out with some coughing intervals, but tonight it’s bad again. I will def try to go to the docs tomorrow after my observation lesson if it’s still bad.

    Got everything done today and now trying to have a relaxed evening and early night as I’m nervous. Even though it’s just colleagues observing I feel under pressure to do well as my last one was graded outstanding and they always want to see progress! It’s a bit of a risky lesson that I have planned - should be fun and I would love teaching it under normal circumstances - but you always second-guess yourself when it’s an observation. Just hope the little munchkins play ball and stay on task!

    Tuesday goals recap
    - prep excerpts of story sections ✅
    - Morning workout? ✅ yay so happy!!
    - Pack kids snacks/swim kit/school bags ✅
    - On arrival at school create model story prism ✅
    - Ask TA to cut card and ribbon ✅
    - Home at lunchtime for protein shake? ❎
    - check for buddy list ✅
    - Check lesson plan and resources before leaving - whiteboards and pens ready ✅
    - Print lesson plans for observers/ have pre-meet ✅
    - Leave by 6 ✅
    - Wash girls’ hair post swimming ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout if well enough (this will help to calm me down!)
    - Leave early to check set-up on arrival
    - observation - stay positive and keep an eye on timings
    - Call docs at 1pm if needed
    - Leave by 5
    - Relax!

    Have a great rest of the day everyone! X
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Thanks @snowflake1968 I did think I might have bronchitis as it’s definitely lingering. I felt better this morning and could work out with some coughing intervals, but tonight it’s bad again. I will def try to go to the docs tomorrow after my observation lesson if it’s still bad.

    Got everything done today and now trying to have a relaxed evening and early night as I’m nervous. Even though it’s just colleagues observing I feel under pressure to do well as my last one was graded outstanding and they always want to see progress! It’s a bit of a risky lesson that I have planned - should be fun and I would love teaching it under normal circumstances - but you always second-guess yourself when it’s an observation. Just hope the little munchkins play ball and stay on task!

    Tuesday goals recap
    - prep excerpts of story sections ✅
    - Morning workout? ✅ yay so happy!!
    - Pack kids snacks/swim kit/school bags ✅
    - On arrival at school create model story prism ✅
    - Ask TA to cut card and ribbon ✅
    - Home at lunchtime for protein shake? ❎
    - check for buddy list ✅
    - Check lesson plan and resources before leaving - whiteboards and pens ready ✅
    - Print lesson plans for observers/ have pre-meet ✅
    - Leave by 6 ✅
    - Wash girls’ hair post swimming ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout if well enough (this will help to calm me down!)
    - Leave early to check set-up on arrival
    - observation - stay positive and keep an eye on timings
    - Call docs at 1pm if needed
    - Leave by 5
    - Relax!

    Have a great rest of the day everyone! X

    Good luck with your observation! I bet you'll do outstanding!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    Sooo, I'm reading this book called "YEAR OF NO SUGAR"... It says,"the combination of caffeine and salt in soda is purposefully designed by soda companies to make you drink more.
    Simply drinking one soda per day is worth fifteen and a half pounds of fat gain per year.
    Americans are currently consuming at least sixty-three pounds per person of
    high-fructose corn syrup per year." Dr. Robert Lustig. Book by EVE O. SCHAUB

    Before even reading this book today, a while back I watched doctors on TV say that the chemicals in sodas eat away at your bones. Needless to say, I felt this was important because soda is the first thing she brings up in the first chapter of this book. It made me pay attention and I began to think, what if letting go of this vice and letting go of putting sugar in my coffee would be the very thing to get me over that proverbial hurdle that's kept me from that number I've been trying to reach?!😱😨 What if paying even closer attention to the hidden sugars that keep me addicted are eliminated from my eating habits..what type
    results would I achieve along with all this other healthy, active stuff?...hmmm.
    I'm going to ween myself off and see what happens. I always go on a diet, But I've never been in a lifestyle, way of living setting like this. I feel when I log in here, I'm "HOME", type setting and I'm with family. I come here more now than I do Facebook. I got a lot of names on my friend's list, but only constantly communicate with a hand full... You all have embraced my heart since the beginning. I truly love it here. And I get to tell my corny jokes and I think some of you actually laugh, or at least chuckle.
    Now I'm rambling, done went and got myself all off subject. Teacher would have all kinds of correction marks across this post.
    Lmbo!! Mary, stop using the run-on sentences.. Then I'd say, but Teacher, you said the last part of this post stopped going anywhere... So, I told it to run on until it got somewhere.😁😂😂😂

    LOL Oh I love reading your posts! I have the same problem with run on sentences so your style of writing makes perfect sense to me! Love your response "I told it to run on until it got somewhere"

    Sugar - I tried to limit sugar the first time I lost weight and I truly believed it helped me lose 10-15 pounds in the first couple of months.

    I used to drink 4 Large Double Double coffees a day. 30 grams of sugar, 30 grams of carbs, 14 grams of fat! That was all usually before lunchtime, although sometimes I would have a 5th one in the afternoon. Then in the afternoon and evening I drank very close to 2L of Coke almost daily! Water never passed my lips!

    I now have 1 medium coffee double cream a day. - Still 12 grams of fat, only 4 carbs and 0 Sugars though. I refuse to buy coke and have it in the house 95% of the time. If it's there I will drink it. I still drink a couple a week though usually. I get Happy Meals for my lunch a lot with apple slices and a child's coke.

    How did I do it? It was tough I'm not gonna lie! I cut down to 3 coffees a day, for a while I did it with 2 creams one sugar. Then I cut it down to 2. Eventually I got it down to 1 large double cream coffee a day. I kept up with that for about two years. This time when I started losing weight I was trying to save calories so started with the medium coffee. I very rarely have a double double now, this is usually a treat for myself when I can afford the calories and let me tell you I like it more than a piece of chocolate! But it's a treat only. I had one yesterday, but the one before that was back in June!
    As for the cokes, I just don't buy it! I have found something about myself though, that probably goes along with what you read in the book. If I go three or four days without having one, I don't want it. I don't think about it, it's just done! If I have one though, I want more of it! Everyday 2-3 times a day! I find it so much easier just not to succumb to that first one.

    Potato Chips are the same for me, I can't have them in the house if I do I eat them. Hence over 1100 calories in the red yesterday! If I really really have a craving for them, I make myself have to leave the house to get them. Because I had them yesterday I am craving them bad again today, but am fighting it!

    Good luck to you, you can do it! Get your stubborn on!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Sooo, I'm reading this book called "YEAR OF NO SUGAR"... It says,"the combination of caffeine and salt in soda is purposefully designed by soda companies to make you drink more.
    Simply drinking one soda per day is worth fifteen and a half pounds of fat gain per year.
    Americans are currently consuming at least sixty-three pounds per person of
    high-fructose corn syrup per year." Dr. Robert Lustig. Book by EVE O. SCHAUB

    Before even reading this book today, a while back I watched doctors on TV say that the chemicals in sodas eat away at your bones. Needless to say, I felt this was important because soda is the first thing she brings up in the first chapter of this book. It made me pay attention and I began to think, what if letting go of this vice and letting go of putting sugar in my coffee would be the very thing to get me over that proverbial hurdle that's kept me from that number I've been trying to reach?!😱😨 What if paying even closer attention to the hidden sugars that keep me addicted are eliminated from my eating habits..what type
    results would I achieve along with all this other healthy, active stuff?...hmmm.
    I'm going to ween myself off and see what happens. I always go on a diet, But I've never been in a lifestyle, way of living setting like this. I feel when I log in here, I'm "HOME", type setting and I'm with family. I come here more now than I do Facebook. I got a lot of names on my friend's list, but only constantly communicate with a hand full... You all have embraced my heart since the beginning. I truly love it here. And I get to tell my corny jokes and I think some of you actually laugh, or at least chuckle.
    Now I'm rambling, done went and got myself all off subject. Teacher would have all kinds of correction marks across this post.
    Lmbo!! Mary, stop using the run-on sentences.. Then I'd say, but Teacher, you said the last part of this post stopped going anywhere... So, I told it to run on until it got somewhere.😁😂😂😂

    In the past, I found that if I quit drinking coke or Dr. Pepper, I would have a headache the first two or three days. I think it was my body having to cope without the caffeine, sugar, etc. But then after that, I was fine. I rarely drink pop nowadays (since I started this life change journey in January). What I do drink is LaCroix. I like the fizziness and the sound of the pop top as I open it, lol! Anyway, if you do decide to cut back just know you might have a headache or other issues for a couple days :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    I found @toaljasa 's challenge - it was on September 19th. My weight that day was 185.4 (it was a 7 day average day for me which showed 183.6)

    I have marked that date and today's date on my excel sheet to see how well I do. November 22nd is your Thanksgiving! I need to step it up!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,145 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Sooo, I'm reading this book called "YEAR OF NO SUGAR"... It says,"the combination of caffeine and salt in soda is purposefully designed by soda companies to make you drink more.
    Simply drinking one soda per day is worth fifteen and a half pounds of fat gain per year.
    Americans are currently consuming at least sixty-three pounds per person of
    high-fructose corn syrup per year." Dr. Robert Lustig. Book by EVE O. SCHAUB

    Before even reading this book today, a while back I watched doctors on TV say that the chemicals in sodas eat away at your bones. Needless to say, I felt this was important because soda is the first thing she brings up in the first chapter of this book. It made me pay attention and I began to think, what if letting go of this vice and letting go of putting sugar in my coffee would be the very thing to get me over that proverbial hurdle that's kept me from that number I've been trying to reach?!😱😨 What if paying even closer attention to the hidden sugars that keep me addicted are eliminated from my eating habits..what type
    results would I achieve along with all this other healthy, active stuff?...hmmm.
    I'm going to ween myself off and see what happens. I always go on a diet, But I've never been in a lifestyle, way of living setting like this. I feel when I log in here, I'm "HOME", type setting and I'm with family. I come here more now than I do Facebook. I got a lot of names on my friend's list, but only constantly communicate with a hand full... You all have embraced my heart since the beginning. I truly love it here. And I get to tell my corny jokes and I think some of you actually laugh, or at least chuckle.
    Now I'm rambling, done went and got myself all off subject. Teacher would have all kinds of correction marks across this post.
    Lmbo!! Mary, stop using the run-on sentences.. Then I'd say, but Teacher, you said the last part of this post stopped going anywhere... So, I told it to run on until it got somewhere.😁😂😂😂

    In the past, I found that if I quit drinking coke or Dr. Pepper, I would have a headache the first two or three days. I think it was my body having to cope without the caffeine, sugar, etc. But then after that, I was fine. I rarely drink pop nowadays (since I started this life change journey in January). What I do drink is LaCroix. I like the fizziness and the sound of the pop top as I open it, lol! Anyway, if you do decide to cut back just know you might have a headache or other issues for a couple days :)

    :open_mouth: you did not just mention Dr. P!
    LOL do you remember what happen last time! A Dr Pepper infectious craving spread over the thread and it ended with me buying one lol!!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday
    1. AM easy run: 2 miles, aim for <30 min. Feed cats. Shower. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
    2. Discussion post. Prep saag and cheese.
    3. Garden walk.
    4. Shopping! Used bookstore. Paris tea. Tights. Check on clearance items at the GNC near the mall.
    5. Meet with B 4:00. Zumba 5:30. Quiz. Draft essay. Put Jacky repairs 10:00 Sat on future JFTs.
    6. Grade Villain Narrative and Character Analysis. Input grades. Update iTunes playlists; check for missing songs.
    7. Prep Wed lunch - saag. Chop celery. Prep oatmeal for breakfast. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. AM easy run: 2 miles, aim for <30 min. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. PACK SHOES. Put Jacky repairs 10:00 Sat on future JFTs.
    2. Draft Week 12. WRITE BLOG POST. Print rubric for research. Grade presentations.
    3. Class 2-3: Grade Character Analysis. Input grades. Revise villain narrative to do two versions of one scene.
    4. Class 4 - Grade Reflections. Input grades. Revise research checklists.
    5. Review semester plan. What is my purpose for each unit? Review semester block.
    6. Update class websites. Write blog comments. Write discussion comments. Plan for absence on 10/22.
    7. Strength 4:30. Walk to 10k. Add 'THEATER' to Thursday JFT. Draft essay.
    8. Prep Thu lunch: Chicken salad. Drain cheese. Chop celery. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    Today: 184

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check on #engchat on Mondays at 7?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Appt w D 10/22 9:20; McC 10/22 10:15. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up.
    4. Organize and grade narratives. Update parent group lists with NAMES. Note reply emails.
    5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    6. Go to used bookstore; take bags-of-bags and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
    10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another.
    11. Convert lesson plans to unit format. Create rubric for one-pager. Revise research checklists!
    12. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 Lol! I remember that after YOU went and bought a Dr. Pepper, I ended up getting one too! Ha!!

    @cschmitz110515 Chili Johns!! YUM! I was thinking about ordering it to-go last night but wasn’t sure if you could get it takeout!

    Now I’m craving chili johns chili and a Dr. Pepper! Lol!

    @Snowflake1968 We have about 30 people at our house on Christmas Eve. So much of the baked goods get eaten then. The rest stay in freezer and I either bring to work or divvy up and send with kids or Tim’s brothers. Often we have baked goods in freezer until April but this year I don’t want it around. We also have a Christmas cookie exchange at work so I do that too. 😊

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Sooo, I'm reading this book called "YEAR OF NO SUGAR"... It says,"the combination of caffeine and salt in soda is purposefully designed by soda companies to make you drink more.
    Simply drinking one soda per day is worth fifteen and a half pounds of fat gain per year.
    Americans are currently consuming at least sixty-three pounds per person of
    high-fructose corn syrup per year." Dr. Robert Lustig. Book by EVE O. SCHAUB

    Before even reading this book today, a while back I watched doctors on TV say that the chemicals in sodas eat away at your bones. Needless to say, I felt this was important because soda is the first thing she brings up in the first chapter of this book. It made me pay attention and I began to think, what if letting go of this vice and letting go of putting sugar in my coffee would be the very thing to get me over that proverbial hurdle that's kept me from that number I've been trying to reach?!😱😨 What if paying even closer attention to the hidden sugars that keep me addicted are eliminated from my eating habits..what type
    results would I achieve along with all this other healthy, active stuff?...hmmm.
    I'm going to ween myself off and see what happens. I always go on a diet, But I've never been in a lifestyle, way of living setting like this. I feel when I log in here, I'm "HOME", type setting and I'm with family. I come here more now than I do Facebook. I got a lot of names on my friend's list, but only constantly communicate with a hand full... You all have embraced my heart since the beginning. I truly love it here. And I get to tell my corny jokes and I think some of you actually laugh, or at least chuckle.
    Now I'm rambling, done went and got myself all off subject. Teacher would have all kinds of correction marks across this post.
    Lmbo!! Mary, stop using the run-on sentences.. Then I'd say, but Teacher, you said the last part of this post stopped going anywhere... So, I told it to run on until it got somewhere.😁😂😂😂

    LOL Oh I love reading your posts! I have the same problem with run on sentences so your style of writing makes perfect sense to me! Love your response "I told it to run on until it got somewhere"

    Sugar - I tried to limit sugar the first time I lost weight and I truly believed it helped me lose 10-15 pounds in the first couple of months.

    I used to drink 4 Large Double Double coffees a day. 30 grams of sugar, 30 grams of carbs, 14 grams of fat! That was all usually before lunchtime, although sometimes I would have a 5th one in the afternoon. Then in the afternoon and evening I drank very close to 2L of Coke almost daily! Water never passed my lips!

    I now have 1 medium coffee double cream a day. - Still 12 grams of fat, only 4 carbs and 0 Sugars though. I refuse to buy coke and have it in the house 95% of the time. If it's there I will drink it. I still drink a couple a week though usually. I get Happy Meals for my lunch a lot with apple slices and a child's coke.

    How did I do it? It was tough I'm not gonna lie! I cut down to 3 coffees a day, for a while I did it with 2 creams one sugar. Then I cut it down to 2. Eventually I got it down to 1 large double cream coffee a day. I kept up with that for about two years. This time when I started losing weight I was trying to save calories so started with the medium coffee. I very rarely have a double double now, this is usually a treat for myself when I can afford the calories and let me tell you I like it more than a piece of chocolate! But it's a treat only. I had one yesterday, but the one before that was back in June!
    As for the cokes, I just don't buy it! I have found something about myself though, that probably goes along with what you read in the book. If I go three or four days without having one, I don't want it. I don't think about it, it's just done! If I have one though, I want more of it! Everyday 2-3 times a day! I find it so much easier just not to succumb to that first one.

    Potato Chips are the same for me, I can't have them in the house if I do I eat them. Hence over 1100 calories in the red yesterday! If I really really have a craving for them, I make myself have to leave the house to get them. Because I had them yesterday I am craving them bad again today, but am fighting it!

    Good luck to you, you can do it! Get your stubborn on!

    😂😂😂😂🙌👌 YIPPIEEEEE... LMBO
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Sooo, I'm reading this book called "YEAR OF NO SUGAR"... It says,"the combination of caffeine and salt in soda is purposefully designed by soda companies to make you drink more.
    Simply drinking one soda per day is worth fifteen and a half pounds of fat gain per year.
    Americans are currently consuming at least sixty-three pounds per person of
    high-fructose corn syrup per year." Dr. Robert Lustig. Book by EVE O. SCHAUB

    Before even reading this book today, a while back I watched doctors on TV say that the chemicals in sodas eat away at your bones. Needless to say, I felt this was important because soda is the first thing she brings up in the first chapter of this book. It made me pay attention and I began to think, what if letting go of this vice and letting go of putting sugar in my coffee would be the very thing to get me over that proverbial hurdle that's kept me from that number I've been trying to reach?!😱😨 What if paying even closer attention to the hidden sugars that keep me addicted are eliminated from my eating habits..what type
    results would I achieve along with all this other healthy, active stuff?...hmmm.
    I'm going to ween myself off and see what happens. I always go on a diet, But I've never been in a lifestyle, way of living setting like this. I feel when I log in here, I'm "HOME", type setting and I'm with family. I come here more now than I do Facebook. I got a lot of names on my friend's list, but only constantly communicate with a hand full... You all have embraced my heart since the beginning. I truly love it here. And I get to tell my corny jokes and I think some of you actually laugh, or at least chuckle.
    Now I'm rambling, done went and got myself all off subject. Teacher would have all kinds of correction marks across this post.
    Lmbo!! Mary, stop using the run-on sentences.. Then I'd say, but Teacher, you said the last part of this post stopped going anywhere... So, I told it to run on until it got somewhere.😁😂😂😂

    In the past, I found that if I quit drinking coke or Dr. Pepper, I would have a headache the first two or three days. I think it was my body having to cope without the caffeine, sugar, etc. But then after that, I was fine. I rarely drink pop nowadays (since I started this life change journey in January). What I do drink is LaCroix. I like the fizziness and the sound of the pop top as I open it, lol! Anyway, if you do decide to cut back just know you might have a headache or other issues for a couple days :)

    :open_mouth: you did not just mention Dr. P!
    LOL do you remember what happen last time! A Dr Pepper infectious craving spread over the thread and it ended with me buying one lol!!

    My son has to store it in his room when I visit him in TX, lol! I can't have DP around...I can't trust it. About the time I'm thinking, "I don't even want a DP" I begin hearing a whispered, "Drink me!" lolol Especially with pizza. or those peanutbutter cheese cracker thingys! MMMMM....
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    I am in for the weekly weigh-in! I weigh in on Sundays, but I think starting to post again will help. Here are my stats:
    Highest weight, January: 200
    July (started MFP & Mayo Clinic Diet): 190
    Today: 172
    End of year goal: 164 (in the "normal" range for me)
    Ultimate goal: 150

    @Bex953172 Thinking of you and your crawling baby! Also, I would so come to Vegas!
    @HEGoddard0928 I always feel better after I work out. Nicely done! We've had non-stop rain here the past two weeks so I've only been able to get out 1 day. Ugh. I love your story idea! How fun!
    @sarah74_vt Look at all those smileys! Awesome!
    @PackerFanInGB I love your NSV goals! I need to come up with some for the end of the year. I might just steal some of yours...
    @maryrobinson40 Those are some scary stats from your book! I read "Salt Sugar Fat" by Michael Moss and it is also very eye opening! How much toxic junk we put in our bodies-yikes!
    Off to go dream about Dr. Peppers...

    For today:
    Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
    Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories ✅-made my yummy Lemon Chicken sheet pan recipe again!
    All 5 food groups ✅ huzzah!
    Exercise 30 minutes or do 1 mile :( late work
    1 hour TV max, not while eating ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Bed at 9:00, up at 6:00 ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Drink 80 oz. of water
    Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories
    All 5 food groups
    Exercise 30 minutes or do 1 mile, rain rain go away!
    1 hour TV max, not while eating
    Track food and exercise
    Bed at 9:00, up at 6:00
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited October 2018
    Thanks to all that will join me in the weekly weigh-ins!! I plan to weigh on Mondays (only because I seem to forget to weigh myself on the weekends, and my thinking was if I have to weigh on monday, maybe I'll be more careful of what I eat over the weekends! But I am so happy to have you guys join me. This time of year, I think the accountability will help us all!

    @Bex953172 --- Casey is crawling already!! How did that happen!! Oh yea, I guess she is what 7 months old???? Your weight is going to start dropping like crazy .... you will get SO much exercise LOL!!!! No more sitting down for you!

    @HEGoddard0928 - great job at the gym!!

    @PackerFanInGB - wow, you are doing great on the October Challenge!! All those happy faces!! You are so lucky to have so many people at your house at Christmas!! I absolutely LOVE to bake around the holidays, but our family is so small, I am the one usually eating the stuff. Hubby gets upset if I even make one batch of decorated sugar cookies! When my siblings were all alive, I used to spend weeks making candy and cookies, and would have the dining room table full of about 15 boxes that I would divide the goodies in. That way I could have a variety for us, but only a few pieces of each kind. I don't have anyone to send stuff to now, so I usually only bake the sugar cookies for our son and grandsons (and some for us -- which I usually am the only one that eats them!).. But, that is my favorite thing to do ... is to bake goodies! I guess I need to find people to give them to!

    @Snowflake1968 - you have made great progress this year!

    @maryrobinson40 - great article about the sugar! I have never been one to drink regular soda, but, I know I drink way too much diet soda! My biggest downfall is ice cream ... also loaded with sugar! I remember last year when I stopped eating sugar, how much better I felt, how I was able to lose weight, and how the cravings went away. Something I need to really work on.
    And .... I love all your posts!! You are always so upbeat --- I am so happy you found this thread, and continue to encourage us all, make us laugh, and just be you!
    @Faebert - hope you are feeling better!
    @sdudley08 - welcome!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,145 Member
    @mytime6630 well not quite crawling but trying too.
    She's doing that thing where when they lie on their front, knees tucked in and they just kinda bounce back and forth.
    So she's strengthening her legs to get that forward push!

    Forgot to say the other day though when I posted that, that she fell asleep 5 minutes after lol! Tired herself out. I was sat there thinking "Ha!"