October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,739 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    OK, I'm honing the details of the 24 Hour Run for Dennis.

    I want to write a blog post, a post for Success Stories and/or send something to MFP HQ, because I think this is a significant MFP thing we did. I'd like to have a good summary to send to Dennis' family (I sent his son a link to this thread when it was starting but something more succinct and shareable would be nice).

    Here's what I've got so far (pardon my inability to convert some runs below to the time you ran in the list):

    Hour - Runner
    0 (2001-2100 GMT) - @Orphia
    1 - Orphia
    1.5 - Orphia
    2 - Orphia
    2.5 - Orphia
    3 - Orphia
    3.5 - Orphia
    4 - Orphia
    4.5 - Orphia
    5 – Orphia, @garygse
    5.5 - garygse
    6 - @bubblegum2fitness 2.5 miles
    6.5 - @HonuNui
    7 - HonuNui
    7.5 - HonuNui
    8 - HonuNui
    8.5 - HonuNui?
    9 - @juliet3455
    9.5 - juliet3455
    10 - juliet3455
    10.5 - juliet3455
    11 - juliet3455
    11.5 - juliet3455
    12 - @_nikkiwolf_
    12.5 - _nikkiwolf_
    13 - _nikkiwolf_
    13.5 - _nikkiwolf
    14 - @workaholic_nurse, @Teresa502
    14.5 – workaholic_nurse, Teresa502
    15 - @girlinahat
    15.5 - girlinahat
    16 - girlinahat, @Scott6255
    16.5 - girlinahat, Scott6255
    17 – Scott6255
    17.5 – @Elise4270 , @kgirlhart , Scott6255
    18 – Elise4270, kgirlhart, @shanaber
    18.5 – Elise4270, shanaber
    19 – @OSUbuckeye906
    19.5 – OSUbuckeye906
    20 - @kevaasen
    20.5 - @Marissaxzxzxz 5.05 miles (4-5 pm GMT), kevaasen
    21 - Marissaxzxzxz
    21.5 - @Avidkeo 3KM
    22 - Avidkeo, @rusgolden
    22.5 - rusgolden
    23 - @bubblegum2fitness 3 miles, @Butterchop
    23.5 - bubblegum2fitness, Butterchop
    24 - @biketheworld
    24.5 - biketheworld
    25 - @MegaMooseEsq 10.4 miles
    25.5 - MegaMooseEsq
    26 - MegaMooseEsq
    26.5 - MegaMooseEsq

    ? @Tramboman 10.5 km
    ? @marisap2010 2.14 miles 11am
    ? Juliet3455 21.1 km
    ? @MobyCarp 8 miles 18:46 to 19:51 GMT
    ? @katharmonic 2.8 miles

    Let me know if your slot is right, and/or where it should be.

    Orphia - I ended up running from 7:17 am - 8:23 am ET (I think that is 11:17 am - 12:23 pm GMT) for 5.55 miles. Anyway it was an hour later than what I signed up for but thankfully @workaholic_nurse ran at that time. Not a good excuse but it was dark, I didn't have anyone to run with and I was afraid to run alone!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    Let's try this on Strava:

    Miles for Dennis
    https://strava.com/athletes/milesfor_dennis If the link doesn't work, just search for him. "Miles for" is the first name, "Dennis" is the last name ;)

    Once you're connected as followers, tag him on the run you dedicated to him (under "edit activity". That's the "add a friend who didn't log" option.) Once we get the notification, one of the administrators can save it as a Dennis run. When we have everyone's runs logged, someone who is good at the fun mapping tools can come up with some visualizations for us :) This will work for the marathons people are doing in the future as well.

    Administrators: How about @Orphia , @Elise4270 , @_nikkiwolf_ , others??? Basically we're accepting friend requests, then when we get notification that someone sent us a run, add it as Dennis' own with the name of the person in the title. I had to save the picture and manually add it to my own run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @garygse I've tried keeping in mind the hip, nip, head alignment/headlamp throughout the day and on yesterday's run. I can already tell my glutes work harder than they have been. Thanks for sharing that.

    I see people hunched over running and hanging their heads. Its easy to slip into that lazy posture and cater to a weak core.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    @polskagirl01 I followed Miles for Dennis on Strava but I can't add him to my run since he is not following me.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    @Elise4270 I guess it should be brought up again seeing as there are new runners here who may not have heard the original advice, so here goes:

    Basically, this came from @Stoshew71 but he's not been available lately so I'll try my best to repeat it. In order to help your running form imagine the following:
    • A piece of string attached to the very top of your head that is pulled taut by some invisible hand. This helps keep your head up and your back straight to prevent the slouching that Elise mentioned.
    • Headlamps on your hips and nipples. Basically they should all be pointing in the same direction at all times, meaning you shouldn't be twisting your body or letting one side lift up more than the other. Keeping these headlights in alignment is an excellent way of ensuring this
    He also mentioned about imagining a small coin wedged between your butt-cheeks...the idea being to keep your glutes activated, but it just felt like I was running while trying to hold in farts and it didn't really work well for me. YMMV.

    One piece of advice that I heard from a different forum was to scrunch your shoulders up to your ears every now and again and then let them drop. This stops you from hunching your shoulders when you start to get tired, and I would do the scrunch-and-release whenever my watch alerted me at each mile of my runs.

    I still think of these pieces of advice, especially when tired late in a run, and when I first started running I kept them in mind constantly until the running form became second nature.

    Hopefully other new runners can adopt this advice and stave off injury caused by bad form. :smile:

    Superb advice, many thanks!
    Probably a bit too TMI but having suffered from a few of those 'ohemgee I need a bathroom and I need one NOW' moments in the early days before I worked out what I can/can't eat/drink before a run, I reckon I will have no trouble at all mastering that coin trick lol