October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    10/1 - lifted
    10/2 - 2.4 miles - W7D1 of C25k. Ran for 25 minutes straight :-o
    10/4 - lifted
    10/5- 2.5 miles - W7D2.
    10/6- lifted/went on "hike" (with 2 year old, we didn't get far), rode bikes - good day
    10/9-torrential downpour, didn't get to run :( plus my basement flooded, woopee
    10/11- 2.2 miles W7D3
    10/12- lifted
    10/13- 2.4 miles W8D1 ran for 28 minutes straight :-o again
    10/15- lifted
    10/16- 2.4 miles W8D2 another 28 minutes straight, woo hooo
    10/17-well I was supposed to lift
    10/18- 2.6 miles W8D3

    I finished the program! Yay! 30 minutes of running but as you can see I did NOT run 5K. I'm a half mile short! According to Strava my avg pace is like 11:30 min/mile. So I suppose that's my new goal. I'll add minutes on until I get there.

    Sometimes I stop and think about it, like I just ran 2.6 miles straight. I'm not sure if I've ever done that before in my life. Wow. Go me.

    Woot! Congrats @hesn92 ! You will be crushing that 5k distance in no time. Are you signing up for a 5k race? That’s the fun part. :)
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    edited October 2018
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    @polskagirl01 I followed Miles for Dennis on Strava but I can't add him to my run since he is not following me.

    Got your run, thanks! I'm not sure if the times are automatically going to transfer in correctly, but that should be an easy fix if I go by the list.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited October 2018
    Let's try this on Strava:

    Miles for Dennis
    https://strava.com/athletes/milesfor_dennis If the link doesn't work, just search for him. "Miles for" is the first name, "Dennis" is the last name ;)

    Once you're connected as followers, tag him on the run you dedicated to him (under "edit activity". That's the "add a friend who didn't log" option.) Once we get the notification, one of the administrators can save it as a Dennis run. When we have everyone's runs logged, someone who is good at the fun mapping tools can come up with some visualizations for us :) This will work for the marathons people are doing in the future as well.

    Administrators: How about @Orphia , @Elise4270 , @_nikkiwolf_ , others??? Basically we're accepting friend requests, then when we get notification that someone sent us a run, add it as Dennis' own with the name of the person in the title. I had to save the picture and manually add it to my own run.

    Someone needs to tell strava they are charging a him for summit, unless he paid for a year... ETA oops. I mean his actual account, not this. I noticed when looking at my friends list he has the summit logo still.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @RunRachelleRun that is such good news! So happy for you. I know you canceled hawaii, see if you can book anywhere else and have a holiday. It may end up. Costing you more in the long run, but you deserve the break.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary I've just heard from the uni, and they have changed my schedule all around. I'm not meeting them at 11am and having the photoshoot at 12-1. I'm scheduled to do 12k on Wed, still keen to join in? Timing might be a bit tight though lol
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited October 2018
    Yesterday I got to run 4.74 miles, probably my last run before the half marathon on Sunday. It was a beautiful fall day (mid 60s) so I was back in shorts, which only emphasized how none of my capris are nearly as comfortable. Thankfully it’s looking to be only a little cooler on Sunday so shorts it is! The first half of the run was amazing, almost effortless, but about halfway around the lake, I started feeling not-insignificant mittleschmertz, as the Germans so neatly call it (i.e. “cramps”), which made the second half of the run something of an endurance effort. I’m due to get my period today or tomorrow and do sometimes get cramps just before or early on, but I’ve never had it happen during a run before and then have the pain go away by the time I stopped running, so it was very odd. Not a big fan.

    Also, it was my first time running in toe socks! I picked up a pair of Injinji’s at the TCM expo out of curiosity (and because they were on sale) and generally I’d say I liked them. I didn’t love the feel between my big toe and second toe, but the rest of my toes felt much more comfortable than usual. I don’t usually have toe issues running but the small toes on my right foot in particular are a little cramped so I can feel them during my runs at times, but not in these goofy babies! I might have to look into getting some more once my cash flow loosens up again (i.e. next June at the way things are going). ETA: My main toe issue is my lackadaisical approach to nail hygiene, which the socks also helped with but I should probably address on its own. I am not especially fond of pedicures - I could take or leave them and generally don't consider them worth the money - but there's a place across the street from my hopefully-soon-to-be new house that offers a "men's sport pedicure" for half the price of a normal one, so I'm hoping they'll let me give that a try. And yes, I did trim my toenails myself this morning - I got a bloody toe on a long run a few weeks ago and learned that lesson at least!

    I guess I should start planning for Sunday. I was a bag of nerves before my last half, but honestly I have been so busy with house-buying stuff that I've barely had time to think about it. Of course, it helps that I've run the distance already plus a few 10-13 milers. I'm a little tempted to try starting with the 2:20 pace group instead of the 2:30 group, but that would put me sub-11 minute miles if they go for even splits which is probably too ambitious for the first ten miles or so. So far my best pace over 10 miles is the 11'08" I managed at the last half, but the pacers there did a faster first half and those last few miles were tougher than I'd like. Even so, I did enjoy running with the group, so I think that I'll stick to the same goal as last time - first 9-10 miles with the 2:30 group, then pick up the pace for the last 5K if I feel up for it. The route is going to be a lot straighter and largely downhill, plus I'm going to try and be less of an idiot about tangents, so fingers crossed for a PR! And that I remember to turn off my HRM and my watch doesn't die. Yeesh. Time for a list!

    Ten+ mile pace:
    9/9 - 13.5-ish @ 11’08”
    9/23 - 10.63 @ 11’23”
    9/30 - 12.66 @ 11’49”
    10/14 - 10.04 miles @ 11’33”

    @MobyCarp: I guess I am an outlier here because I genuinely do not care if my runs end on random numbers. I've looped around a little if I'm short of a particular goal, but not to hit a round number.

    @Orphia: I do not have either garmin or strava (I keep meaning to set up the latter, but that’s a #novemberproblem. I do have gps data from Apple workouts if thst’s at all compatible.

    @biketheworld: I was catching up on the Another Mother Runner blog a couple of nights ago and came across a link to a New York Times article talking about how winners are people who know when to quit when things aren't working out. It fit pretty perfectly into my “don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good” mindset that’s been keeping this self-improvement project going far longer than I might have expected. I know I’ve posted about this general subject before, but I think that the key to meeting your goals is to constantly be evaluating your goals, and being ready to change your goals as needed - basically, when to quit.

    Unrelated to running but because I know there are plenty of nerds here, I just finished Mary Robinette Kowal’s The Calculating Stars (at 4 am yesterday morning after staying up to work on my budget - I think I’m almost there!) and would highly recommend it to fans of alternative history, and/or space exploration/the space race. If you liked the movie (or related book) Hidden Figures, you will almost certainly like this book.

    10/1 Mo - rest
    10/2 Tu - 1:11:20 - 6.54 meandering and cold
    10/3 We - 0:20:06 - 1.94 zippy after lifting
    10/4 Th - 0:45:37 - 4.33 medium effort
    10/5 Fr - rest
    10/6 Sa - Twin Cities Marathon Weekend 10K - Chip time: 1:05:14
    10/7 Su - “rest” volunteering at TCM gear check
    10/8 Mo - rest
    10/9 Tu - 1:09:53 - 6.54 improving my cold weather game
    10/10 We - 0:40:00 - 3.60 numbers approximate (workout accidentally turned off)
    10/11 Th - rest
    10/12 Fr - 0:56:36 - 5.20 medium effort sort of painful
    10/13 Sa - rest
    10/14 Su - 1:56:06 - 10.04
    10/15 Mo - rest
    10/16 Tu - 1:06:06 - 6.32
    10/17 We - prehab, finally (if I’m going to neglect lifting I need to not neglect this!)
    10/18 Th - 0:52:09 - 4.74
    10/19 Fr - rest

    October Total: 55.59/85 miles

    Races! (italics under consideration)
    July 4: Red, White and Boom! 5K Chip time: 0:32:20
    August 25: Glo Run Night Race 5K Chip time: 0:30:40
    September 8: Helen Gold 10K DNS - trip postponed
    September 9: City of Lakes Half Marathon Net time: 2:28:25
    October 6: Twin Cities Marathon Weekend 10K Chip time: 1:05:14
    October 21: Mankato Half Marathon
    November 24: Mustache Run 10K
    December 8: Reindeer Run 10K or 15K (leaning 15K)
    January 5: Polar Dash 10K
    January 26: Securian 10K
    May - August: Endless Summer Trail Running Series
    July 17: Torchlight 5K
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq Good luck on the half on Sunday! You totally got this! FYI - I love following a pacer. Not only do I get to hear someone’s “running life” story, but it gives me modivation to keep going when I loose all “umph”.

    About the toe socks, I just “can’t even” get comfortable with stuff between my toes. I look at those Vibram shoes that separate the toes and shake my head. How is that comfortable?
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @Avidkeo Thanks! Yes, we are starting to look now.

    @7lenny7 True! Thanks!

    @hesn92 Totally awesome! Congratulations!

    @MegaMooseEsq Good luck on Sunday!

    @garygse That must have been so hard to do the tests right after each other. Did you have to recover quite a while (let your lactate come down) after the VO2 max? I did them in 2014 and 2016, but the VO2max and LT were tested at the same time. I was spent after, so I can’t imagine doing two in a row!

    My VO2max went from 24.4 to 37. My Garmin gives me 32 to 37 now, and that seems right since I am less fit now. My aerobic threshold went from 154 to 165 and my LT went from 173 to 181 and I got my lactate up to 13.2 mMol in the second test compared to only 10.5 mMol in the first.

    The heart rate zones from the first one were so helpful for me as I had just recovered from viral myocarditis, and I was scared to let my heart rate get too high - during the medical stress test,(using the age formula) they warned me about ever going over 180. But this test told me my max was really 204, so knowing my max and aerobic threshold was well above the charts helped me stop being afraid and push harder. Though, I had a hard time with the second test’s zones because they always felt too hard. And it made me wonder if the tests can go wrong. Maybe my heart rate was a little more reactive that day? I had a day like that this week. Sometimes it just goes higher with less effort. Anyway, I am crazy for all the data. The place closed this year, so I can’t repeat it. I paid $150 including tax for the combined test. It was cheaper to just do the LT but there was no option for VO2max only.

    Let me know how your new zones feel once you have used them for a bit! I use the Fitzgerald 80/20 calculator to try to guess mine now. Also let me know how your new ones match up to that calculator if you ever get a chance to check.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    edited October 2018
    garygse wrote: »
    @Elise4270 I guess it should be brought up again seeing as there are new runners here who may not have heard the original advice, so here goes:

    Basically, this came from @Stoshew71 but he's not been available lately so I'll try my best to repeat it. In order to help your running form imagine the following:
    • A piece of string attached to the very top of your head that is pulled taut by some invisible hand. This helps keep your head up and your back straight to prevent the slouching that Elise mentioned.
    • Headlamps on your hips and nipples. Basically they should all be pointing in the same direction at all times, meaning you shouldn't be twisting your body or letting one side lift up more than the other. Keeping these headlights in alignment is an excellent way of ensuring this
    He also mentioned about imagining a small coin wedged between your butt-cheeks...the idea being to keep your glutes activated, but it just felt like I was running while trying to hold in farts and it didn't really work well for me. YMMV.

    One piece of advice that I heard from a different forum was to scrunch your shoulders up to your ears every now and again and then let them drop. This stops you from hunching your shoulders when you start to get tired, and I would do the scrunch-and-release whenever my watch alerted me at each mile of my runs.

    I still think of these pieces of advice, especially when tired late in a run, and when I first started running I kept them in mind constantly until the running form became second nature.

    Hopefully other new runners can adopt this advice and stave off injury caused by bad form. :smile:
    This! as well as keeping your shoulders back, almost as if you were pushing your chest out... No slumping shoulders! Also if your arms are swinging across in front of you chances are you are not keeping your headlights straight.
    ETA - I also think it helps with not getting so fatigued once you figure it out and it becomes a more automatic natural posture for running.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    10/01/18 :::: 5.0 :::: 5.0
    10/02/18 :::: 4.2 :::: 9.2
    10/03/18 :::: 7.1 :::: 16.3
    10/04/18 :::: 3.7 :::: 20.0
    10/05/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 20.0
    10/06/18 :::: 20.0 :::: 40.0
    10/07/18 :::: 5.0 :::: 45.0
    10/08/18 :::: 4.5 :::: 49.6
    10/09/18 :::: 5.1 :::: 54.7
    10/10/18 :::: 5.9 :::: 60.6
    10/11/18 :::: 4.0 :::: 64.6
    10/12/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 64.6
    10/13/18 :::: 15.0 :::: 79.6
    10/14/18 :::: 2.8 :::: 82.4
    10/15/18 :::: 3.0 :::: 85.4
    10/16/18 :::: 3.0 :::: 88.4
    10/17/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 91.5
    10/18/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 91.5
    10/19/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 94.7

    Yesterday was chilly and kind of miserable so I was happy to use that as a rest day. Today was much more pleasant and I met a friend after work for a quick run - had to squeeze it in between her various kid events but we got it done.

    @RunRachelleRun so happy to hear the good news. It must be such a relief for you. Hope all the rechecks remain clear and you are well past the whole thing.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    @garygse: I thought about those tips on my last run, too. I’ve got the hips and string parts fairly solid, but I definitely noticed a fair amount of side-to-side motion in my upper body. Something to work on! I find focusing on brushing my hips with my wrists helps but it's hard to keep that going.

    @amirahdaboss: I’m finding it harder to run when it’s cold, too (although 34 degrees doesn’t count as extreme where I’m from!). I think it’s because my muscles tense when I’m cold and so I’m working against myself. The unevenness is frustrating, too. My butt and my face are always the coldest!

    @amymoreorless: I was really surprised with the socks that I only noticed the stuff between my toes by my big toe - I was expecting them to be much less comfortable. I generally can’t stand the feeling, either - I haven’t worn flip-flops since college and then only in the showers.

    @shanaber: I don’t remember if I read this or fell into it myself, but I try to lead with my boobs when I’m running - it feels silly but keeps my back and shoulders straight. Also, I remember you mentioning trying Strava to save batteries, but I keep forgetting to do it! Based on my last half, turning off the HRM should get me over that hump this time, but more wiggle room would be nice in the future.

    Question about cold weather gear: understanding that shoes are super individual and all, are there any tips to keep in mind for picking out trail shoes? REI is having a garage sale tomorrow and I’m planning on trying to get some insulated leggings and maybe a pair of trail shoes for running on uneven snow/ice this winter. I’ve only got about $150 to play with but expect the prices to be pretty good as it’s a members only sale on returned merchandise.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I finally got the biopsy results from my surgeon yesterday. What a wait! The melanoma was caught in an early stage (invasive malignant melanoma: pt1a), although it was deeper and more invasive than the initial punch biopsy showed. Luckily, the surgeon had taken wide enough margins to almost achieve the 1 cm clear margins all around that are desired. She said they decided another excision for deeper margins was not necessary at this time, and the cancer is considered excised. No further treatment is necessary. I need to have full-body mole and lymph node checks every three months for the next year and then at longer intervals after that. Basically, yay! Thanks for all the support when I first found out; it meant the world to me.

    I did end up cancelling our December Hawaii trip, which I now regret (of course). My surgeon had warned me that I may require further treatment, and we decided to play it safe to recoup some of our money.

    I caught a nasty cold last week (a good lesson to stay out of medical offices), and between my liver and my nose/throat/chest, running has continued to be difficult. I can feel it is finally drying up, so I hope I will soon catch up to where I was before this sick business began.

    11.56 miles / 25 miles

    It is unlikely I will meet my goal this month—again (sheesh). November will be my month!

    @RunRachelleRun I'm only halfway thru today's posts but I had to stop & say that is awesome news!