

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,056 Member
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all Cold here today but it's winter. I choose to live here in the great white northern Ontario.
    The foot is feeling better getting more steps in. Walking needlessly again getting in around 1000 steps not much but better than the two hundred I was getting just to go to bathroom and back to either here or my living room chair or bed. It's getting better.
    Thanks Barbie and Michele for stopping by page.
    Mary where are you in Ontario.
    I'm in a little town called Cochrane way up north.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in the great white Northern Ontario.
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Grandmallie: what about a stacked unit. My laundry space could only accommodate that since I wanted cabinets in it for craft and cleaning supplies and a linen closet for the half bath. Love it! Especially that warm, fresh from the dryer feeling and smell!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member

    Carol, of course it's not too much information. I think we all expose our worries about our kids here, as well as ourselves. I hope your fears about your DDiL's feelings about your son don't come true, dear.
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Lisa it will take me a little over three hours to get to your house, will the bread be out of the oven then? :). Unfortunately we are getting freezing drizzle this morning and its moving east, I have no desire to navigate icy roads. Maybe next time. 🍞
    Janetr OKC

    Janet, you're more than welcome! The bread still has an hour and a half on the second rise before it goes in the oven. :smiley: We're supposed to get just the edges of the weather you're sending our way, but it will blow back up again into rain once it gets past us... Not s'posed to freeze on our side of the mountain, but high will be only 45 degrees. A good day for baking bread... and possibly roasting a turkey! Corey will only have one day off for Thanksgiving, and I found turkey for 59 cents a pound, so bought two. Shoved one in the freezer for later in the year, and will roast one today. Unless I decide to wait until tomorrow, and we'll just do hamburgers today on the fresh bread. It's so nice having time off to indulge my domestic urges... :)

    At Corey's request, I tend to do a half-recipe of my mother's bread, which makes 15 hamburger/sandwich rolls. He loves them for his weekday lunches, as they're a bit larger than the storebought ones, and stick to his ribs. :)

    Okay, the boys are up and around, and getting ready to get a door hung on our bedroom and the half bath, and I should help out.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR, getting my domestic goddess thing on... :blush:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,708 Member
    awww thank's Lisa and Carol... i took a shower and feel more myself ... and have pandora on my T.V. listening to Bing Crosby radio, all sorts of great old songs.. I swear I was born a generation off lol
    having a cup of tea... and Alfie snoozing away on the bed..working full time the next 3 days.. I leave Pandora on for Alfie during the day...when I am at work.. think he enjoys it...
    have to be upstairs in about 1/2 hr to start the with the 50/ 50 raffle
  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    It's kind of strange, jumping into a board and reading y'all talking about family get-togethers with Thanksgiving and all. I'm not sad about it... I'm simply musing...

    See, my husband and I are introverts, and neither of us are big holiday people. Thanksgiving will come and go and the only reason we'll know is because he'll have a day off of work. Same for Christmas and New Year's. We'll probably put up a tree or something for Yule, but that's about it. By the way, we're both Agnostic. I have four grown kids, and four siblings, and they live their own lives a few cities and some states over, and some live on the East Coast, but none of us are rich enough to travel. I'll probably hear about their Thanksgiving shenanigans on Facespace. My parents and I are... not close in any way, shape, or form. But that's a different story.

    I guess if we lived closer to Doug's family, we'd get pulled into Thanksgiving dinners, and other holiday celebrations. But right now Doug and I live so far from everyone, it's just not a thing. Anyway, I hope y'all -- those who celebrate Thanksgiving -- have a good holiday with you and yours. We will be here at home playing video games all day, and enjoying the time with the furbabies, because that's what we do.

    One good thing about not celebrating the holidays, I don't have to worry about the tempting food from feasts. :wink:

    Edited to add: Willow from WA USA (I keep forgetting)
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning all Cold here today but it's winter. I choose to live here in the great white northern Ontario.
    The foot is feeling better getting more steps in. Walking needlessly again getting in around 1000 steps not much but better than the two hundred I was getting just to go to bathroom and back to either here or my living room chair or bed. It's getting better.
    Thanks Barbie and Michele for stopping by page.
    Mary where are you in Ontario.
    I'm in a little town called Cochrane way up north.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in the great white Northern Ontario.

    Hi Linda....nice to hear from another Ontarian...I live in Stoney Creek...it's attached to Hamilton. yes we had our first taste of winter last Thursday but I don't mind I love winter. We were once in Cochrane on a camping trip in the 80's...love the north so much space and gives you an idea how huge Canada is and that's just our province! Glad your on the mend as I am finally getting over the flu myself and am looking forward to exercising in our pool at the Rec. centre. Take care Mary from Ontario
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 852 Member
    Michelle You are a strong woman with a giant heart <3 I don't have the same circumstances that you have but I do know that we raise our kids to be launched into this world, they make their own mistakes and have their own victories apart from us. No matter how brief your time together is, spend it in the moment, not measuring it against anyone elses time. I say this sincerely, not as a judgment cause I really can feel how painful this is to you. When I'm deep in a cycle of anxiety I will talk myself out of it, fake it till you make it, is often my mantra. If you feel some tears coming on, pretend you are having the time of your life and look for what is going on that is funny or delightful or happy--focus on finding that happy while they are right in front of you. You will enjoy yourself more and they will too! I think your DH is right, don't go borrowing trouble before there is any (about the timing of the construction) What NYKaren said, from me too. {{{HUGS}}}}
    I'm walking into this interview on Tuesday believing it's the right thing for me to do. My expectation is that I will be my relaxed, professional and quietly charming self. I know I will be able to show to them that I'm coming off a very successful year for my previous council, and would be pleased to use my abilities for the benefit of girls in my new home state. That is both my perception and backed up with hard data. You are going to rock this, Lisa!

    Allie, it does my heart good "hearing" you talk about your parents house and the good memories, and about the things you are doing (and have done!) to get yourself past the HUGE upheaval that your life has taken in the last year or so. You got this! Was also happy to hear that your employer thinks you do a great job, I'm sure that's a huge weight off your shoulders!

    Have to post in stages today, one page at a time! lol Had a good night last night, actually got my teeth brushed not too long after dinner, well before the post dinner munchies hit and was rewarded on the scale this morning. I know a lot of it was water weight, probably because I didn't have my salted nut fix late last night, but I can live with that! At least the scale is going the right way for a change, despite dinner being somewhat salty. I did drink a lot of water in the evening and was rewarded by more sleepy trips to the bathroom than normal, but oh well. I even got to bed at a more reasonable hour than I have been, hopefully this is the start of some new habits!

    Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island where it's nice and sunny, but chilly!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well tomorrow the 19th, is my youngest Navy sons birthday! He will be 20. I will write a general note on my Facebook page and link it to him. Unfortunately he has his settings set so nothing shows until he oks it. But he hasn't been on for awhile so he most likely won't see it for a bit. I sent him a box, but I haven't a clue when he is going to get that. Well I doing my bit. Trying to jam as much love into boxes and envelopes as possible.👍

    I am getting a sinus cold, dang it. Sinus pressure is a bummer, but I'm taking meficine, so life goes on.

    Bought two small turkey breasts because the commissary only had the large turkeys the size of toddlers! Lord knows where I would store a turkey that size until Thanksgiving! This rental came with a split door refrigerator/freezer. So neither ho!d's as much as a regular frig/freezer top and bottom. Especially if its a large turkey.

    Its going to be strange cooking, because for the last 4 years we have gone to the community center in Warrenton on the coast and eat at the free dinner put on there. It was nice because helping out at the senior luncheon that was held in the same building, I got to know a lot of people. So it was like sitting with relatives.💗

    My son works the day check duty section now at his squadron, so I'm cooking more food portions these days! I told my husband I need a jar and after meals son can put money in, if he liked it or not. Unfortunately, son lives in a debit card world, so its rare when he has actual money. Maybe broach the subject of reducing what we give him for rent by 20-50$.

    Well I see all the gratitude calendar listings, but I don't have the energy to complete them. I'm sorry. Its nice to read though, and it is fun to see what y'all post💖!
    Whidbey island
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,753 Member
    Kathy from KY ...Your situation with your daughter is heartbreaking. My brother (he and I were both adopted as well, btw, and neither of us has had a desire to find our birth families), adopted a daughter from Russia 19 years ago. My niece is constantly seeking/threatening to find her birth mother in Russia. It causes so much heartache when she tells my brother and sister-in-law that they are not her "real parents." Young people can be so stupid. Perhaps this time with her blood relatives will open her eyes to how blessed she has been. Hugs.

    Lisa ... your advice to Michele and your attitude heading into your interview are spot on!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,708 Member
    Well the Thanksgiving dinner was lovely..sold 164.00 dollars worth of 50/50 tickets ...
    Willow - my son is an introvert and doesn't venture out much unless it is someone he knows .close friends etc..even though he is in retail working at a supermarket..he is good with all the customers that come in...
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    #18 Art: I am grateful that my DH was able to sell a Pro Hart painting to a couple in Australia and it paid for our son's and DnL's honeymoon to a Mexico resort. I also treasure some beautiful paint by number framed paintings that my MnL did of some of the old building in New Orleans which is where she and my FnL met around WWII.

    Carol in GA