

  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    Katla -- I understand about grumpy DH's, though I'm often the grumpy DW! I think you just have to realize that it's not you, it's him, and honestly, communication is the best thing. Whenever I'm feeling particularly painful and grumpy, I'll warn Doug that I'm feeling off and might snap at him, and to not take anything I say to heart. Then after I do snap at him, I'll apologize because it's not his fault I'm in pain, but he's the only one here to bear the brunt of my irritability. It's not fair, but it's life. And we know that. I don't mean to snap at him, but pain is exhausting, and I sometimes cannot keep it in. Still, forewarned is forearmed?
    Willow - my son is an introvert and doesn't venture out much unless it is someone he knows .close friends etc..even though he is in retail working at a supermarket..he is good with all the customers that come in...

    Yeah, I used to work in retail too, and I was pretty good at it. :smiley: If I ever go back to work ahahahahaha! I'd probably go back to retail. I've even thought of opening my own store... some day.


    Willow from WA USA

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Shelly from OH, welcome! Positive, yes, sharing, yes, you have come to the right place! :smiley:

    Kim - oh yes, I have lots of things in mind, including designing and making quilts, designing and creating one-of-a-kind quilted bags, painting and painting and painting in between, finish writing the second book of my mystery series, a number of websites where I can get paid for marketing writing. All of it's intermittent, and hard to depend on, but I honestly dream of doing that--and trying hard not to think about it. A few more years of me working for a steady paycheck would put us in a REALLY good place, and it feels awfully selfish to think of not working.

    But lordie, it's tempting. :wink:

    #18 - Art - I'm grateful that I have even the smallest molecule of an artistic bent, and have missed having the time to express it of late. Great art that moves me includes some of almost genre, but for some reason, I am most attracted to sculpture, something I've never attempted to create. This is one of my favorites, but warning: graphic depiction of the human body, please don't click the spoiler if naked humans bother you:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Lisa -
    Did you take that picture? Its amazing
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Kim, no, I wish I did... That sculpture speaks to me in so many ways, and I'd love to see it in real life, touch it, live inside it for a day or two.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    I too love sculpture, but often the "people sculpture" don't speak to me, but that one is stunning.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Happy and peaceful Sunday to you all.

    Michele: ((hugs)) You have received sound advice from KarenNY and Lisa. The mantra I would chose to avoid tearing up would be, "I radiate light, joy and happiness today. Life is GOOD, and I am BLESSED."

    Katla: I rarely get colds or infections, but when I feel one coming on echinacea tea is my go-to. However, you've got to take it at first sign of symptoms. Hope DH gets back to being more agreeable and compatible.

    Lisa: No words to express how proud I am of you and what you've accomplished for the organization. Better things ahead for you, I'm sure. As you were baking bread, I was making cranberry-orange muffins and no bake chocolate oatmeal bars.

    Kathy in WA: My DH and I are usually on our own for all holidays. A trip to Plymouth a few years ago awakened me to the true story of Thanksgiving, which unfortunately has been bastardized by modern marketing and media. So, since then I've always fasted for that day. It feels wonderful and truly puts me in a mindset of gratitude because I'm hungry by choice, not circumstances like many others.

    Gratitude calendar:
    1 - Smell. Fresh, cool mountain air.
    2 - Technology. Digital photography
    3 - Color. The turquoise of swimming pools
    4 - Food. Chewing gum. Keeps me from noshing after dinner.
    5 - Sound. My cat's rumbling purr on my pillow every morning
    6 - Nature. Wildflowers
    7 - Memory. Saying my wedding vows outside in a meadow on O'ahu 30 years ago.. The sky opened up with a gentle drizzle, which is considered a "Hawaiian blessing", and I felt a clear spirital message affirming I was doing the right thing.
    8 - Book. Auntie Mame! I still want to be her.
    9 - Place. The condo gym where I have time alone to consider my health and work on my wellness.
    10 - Taste. Tart, but sweet. Think rhubarb or cranberry dishes.
    11 - Holiday. New Years Day
    12 - Texture. My alpaca socks
    13 - Abilities. Balance, physical and emotional
    14 - Sight. Blue skies after a snowy day
    15 - Season. Autumn. Love colors, chrysanthemums and all things pumpkin spice

    16. About my body. My brain health. After living with dementia, I can never take this for granted.
    17. Knowledge. The power of prayer, energy and positive thinking.
    18. Piece of art. A painting of one of a cat I had 30 years ago done by a good friend.

    DH has just finished his workout, and we have a football game to watch. I'm going to make a quesadilla for him and chicken salad for myself. Stay well, friends.

    Colorado Foothills
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Evening Ladies
    I am in bed and relaxing.. lovely day .and enjoyed good company..just finished a cup of lavender chamomile tea ,and will be nodding off soon..
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lisa, that sculpture is stunning!
    Katla, my hubby sometimes gets cranky with me and I used to just take it. Same as with you, it was because he was unhappy/uncomfortable etc. Now I have started letting him know that while I understand he is in pain/frustrated/whatever that it's not my fault and that being cranky with me won't solve anything. It does tend to settle him down. My two cents worth, good luck.... I too reach for echinacea as soon as I feel a cold coming on, I use capsules. If the feeling has progressed to the start of the cold I will add oil of oregano gel caps. A couple of echinacea, one oregano a couple of times a day and within a few days I'm feeling much better.
    Busy day at work today and yesterday! My co-worker and I have been cleaning like crazy in preparation for a photo shoot! (of the facility, not of us!! lol) I work at a storage facility and we need some new photos for our website and it's my understanding that we are also getting new promotional brochures. It's nice to be busy, but now I'm pooped! Sure glad I cleaned up the kitchen this morning before coming to work, because I sure won't feel like doing much when I get home tonight!
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    edited November 2018
    Out celebrating DEDs birthday today, so only just getting a few minutes on here to touch base. I had a great NSV! Normally my willpower deserts me on these occasions, but today I had a really healthy main course, and chose a mini pudding option. Both choices were delicious. Also managed to forego the wine in favour of water. Then I had a very light evening meal. I even had over 200 calories left because I walked while watching TV tonight.

    Short bio
    I'm 72, and live in Northern Ireland. Married 52 years, and have 2 daughters and 3 grand'kids'.

    I'm retired, but work as a volunteer Group leader for a lifelong learning charity. I lead 5 groups, and belong to another 10, so am kept pretty busy. I love the Challenges on MFP as the keep me accountable. I'm assistant coach in charge of an optional strength Challenge for a small walking group.

    Pre 2015, when I joined MFP, I had hip problems whichnimpacted my mobility, and gained a lot of weight, which I had to shed to qualify for hip surgery. Lost 40lbs, got a new hip and have lost another 20. Trying to get down to a maintenance weight that gives me wriggle room for high days and holidays. 10 more lbs to go.

    I love all things arts and crafts, and am studying Shakespeare, Latin and art history, to name a few.

    November Daily Goals Doing fine on the goals, Minor drop on the scale this morning.
    ~ Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    ~ 9,500+ Steps daily
    ~ 30+ minutes interval walking
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily or ~ 15+ minutes arms/core/abs
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 10+ mins yoga or tai chi
    Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    15 mins Daily Declutter session

    30 days of Gratitude in November
    1) Smell: I Love the smell of my Cocoa Butter Therapy treatment Oil. It reminds me of summer days.
    2) Technology: My Seniors Travel Pass, which allows me to travel free of charge anywhere in Ireland. Including state owned ferries and flights to various offshore islands, such as Rathlin and Aran.
    3) Colour: The clear deep blue of the autumn sky peeping through the rain clouds.
    4) Food: 🍫 What else needs to be said!
    5) Sound - the sound of hubby snoring in the middle of the night. Very reassuring
    6) In Nature - walking along the coastline which is just a mile from my home.
    7) Memory - nursing my 11 day old granddaughter at 6 am on her first Christmas morning.
    8) Book: The book which means the most to me is my Journal. I have been writing Journals for over 20 years. I started in hard-backed notebooks, and they have gone through many reincarnations. There are so many volumes they have their own shelves in my study. At present I am using a bullet Journal format. I also love all things sci-fi and art books.
    9) Favourite place: My favourite place is my garden. It's quiet and peaceful. It's taken us almost 40 years to create, and we have many mature trees which block out the houses around us. When we started, it was a flat field, with the countryside beyond, and a field of cows directly behind us. Now the town has washed past us, and we are in a leafy suburb.
    10) Taste: Today, I am grateful for the taste of the cup of tea Hubster just brought me. It reminds me of how fortunate I am to have him in my life.
    11) Holiday: The annual family holiday we have with our elder daughter and her 'children'. I am amazed that they still want to have holidays with their grandparents.
    12) Texture: I like the crunchy texture of a fresh crisp apple.
    13) Abilities: I have a knack of zoning things out, which comes in very handy at times. I was always a dreamy child, and I have never given up the habit.
    Loving the variety of Gratitude entries from everyone. Noticed a few people with similar answers to mine, so I'm obviously not as odd as I thought! 😂😂😂
    14) Sight: The sight of the dawnlight when I opened my eyes. It means that I had a good night's sleep, and wasn't up before daylight.
    15) Season: It has to be Autumn. The colours are spectacular, and I love kicking through the piles of leaves in the woods.
    16) Body: I am grateful that my body has responded so well to the changes in my lifestyle, and that it seems to heal itself quickly.
    17) Knowledge: I am eternally grateful for all knowledge, but especially grateful that experience has taught me that if we believe we can do something, we will find a way to get there. This knowledge keeps me trying, and looking for ways to benefit from ALL the that Fate sends my way.
    18) Piece of Art: Art is one of my chief interests, so choosing one piece is impossible. I love the huge piece of work by David Hockney depicting his native Yorkshire. It was composed of lots of 6'x4' canvases painted in situ. Really like his recent works using iPad technology. Also love Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore sculptures. I could go on, but there are too many to mention.

    Irish Terri


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Michelle—You are NOT a bad mom!!! One of the jobs we have as parents, is to raise our kids, and give them the wings they need to fly from our nest, and make their way in the world. You did this job well. You'd get more time with them if they flew back home, couldn't make it on their own, or couldn't cut those ties. But that's now what you want. Maybe your daughter won't have time after the baby's born. Or maybe, she'll see things from a different perspective, and want to be closer. Being an adult, and becoming a parent, makes them realize how little they know. My mom got a lot smarter after my kids were born.

    Without knowing what happened with your son, I'd recommend working to keep the communication open. Maybe send him cards and letters, to reach out in a way that doesn't make demands on him? My son's still in NC, and sometimes it hurts to know that after all we did for him, he can't be bothered to call or write. But WE haven't changed all that much. He knows he'll hear the same old, same old, and what he has to share might not be what he thinks we want to hear. He's living his life, and I'm sure if he needed us, he'd reach out. Hugs to you.

    I just read NY Karen's advice, and she's right on. Be in the moment, and 'fake it til you make it.' Give them a delightful time with you, and they'll be more likely to want more.

    SueBDew—Every time I see your name, I imagine it pronounced all together. There's an Italian musical term, Subito (suh-bee'-doh,) meaning quickly, suddenly, and it makes me smile to imagine your name as a musical term. Either that, or it rhymes with Scooby-doo.

    Kathy—your heartbreak over your youngest daughter is so unfair. I am so sorry you're having to go through this. I want to blame it on youth. At 20 she has no idea what makes a parent. Sending hugs to you, too.

    Karen in Virginia—Your brother is very talented. You must be very proud of your granddaughter.

    Lisa in AR—Good advice for Michelle. One thing I noticed in all your posts about your job, you always talk about the girls. That's huge. You keep them as the focus, and it's clear this is more to you than any old job. An employer should recognize that, and want you; your priority is already where it needs to be. Good luck.

    Carol—Sending hugs your way, and prayers for a peaceful holiday.

    Willow from WA—I had several years where it was just me and my husband, and I still had to do the turkey and all the fixings. It's tradition, and I wanted that. As an introvert, I can understand not wanting to invite in all that drama. But I crave connections. I want to be included, and invited, and loved—even with food. I may find a corner to observe the chaos, but I love that energy. I can respect that some people don't go in for all the hype. Have a fun day of video games.

    Today after church my DMIL went shopping—again. This time I bought two coats to donate to a teen moms group at church. I also bought a long sweater—the kind without buttons or zipper. I've been hot for years, and with menopause and fat layers, it had to be downright frosty for me to feel cold. Now I feel cold! My DH likes to keep the heat turned down, and I sit here and shiver. I've got maybe one or two sweaters to my name, so I got this cover-up to help me deal with it. What a great problem to have!

    The holidays bring out all the let-downs, expectations, losses, and missing. Hugs to everyone trying to find their way through it without crying.

    Gratitude, Art—I'm weird. I like displaying puzzles in frames. A good coating of mod podge, and they're good enough to display. I buy frames at yard sales, and have several hanging. I also like useful things displayed in an artistic way. I almost filled a basket with those decorative but useless balls to display. Instead I found a metal basket, and filled it with colorful balls of yarn.

    I'm stopping here, with another page to read.

    Cari in chilly North Texas
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Lisa, that sculpture is stunning!
    Katla, my hubby sometimes gets cranky with me and I used to just take it. Same as with you, it was because he was unhappy/uncomfortable etc. Now I have started letting him know that while I understand he is in pain/frustrated/whatever that it's not my fault and that being cranky with me won't solve anything. It does tend to settle him down. My two cents worth, good luck.... Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    Katla - I was just ready to post what Evie just posted! B) I think those of us married to guys with chronic and painful health conditions get used to tuning them out and not taking it personally, but sometimes, we just can't take it anymore. And it starts to erode our self esteem and self confidence.

    I try to wait to "counsel" mine when he's in a better mood and start joshing him, "have you been feeling worse lately? Do you think your meds are doing the job? The past few days I feel like you've been auditioning for Grumpy Old Men. Not that you haven't been for the past 40 years! I'm going to go call Hollywood right now."

    I can get usually get a smile or laugh from him then we can talk it out and it usually helps without anyone taking offense. It's taken me decades to get this wise, lol. I'm not that patient and want it better NOW!

    Otherwise, I've been known to resort to retail therapy or go for a walk, seems now I escape with something on Netflix or Hulu. Good luck!!! <3


    SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Kim ... interesting you chose Monet ... I've always enjoyed his paintings as well. Although that sculpture with the light is amazing, Lisa, I find that the art I'm most drawn too today is usually glass art. I used to love seeing Mia's blown glass and I love glass pieces that have movement. Too pricey for my budget though. Even stained glass draws me in. I can't imagine, Heather, getting a black roller shade for stained glass! I am grateful for all types of art that allow us to see the world in new and beautiful ways ...
