
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Chocolate covered cherries- I always buy them for my DH for Christmas! I love chocolate covered Strawberries but leave the cherries to him.

    I buy a box every year for Jack and put in his stocking. I DO NOT like them. I also get him miniature Reeses peanut butter cups and ask him to keep them out of sight because I LOVE them.

    Janetr OKC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    My grandmother lived next door to me, and early on was easily one of my best friends. I never understood my classmates at school when they would whine about having to go to their grandparents. I went on many car trips in my grandma's cute gold Dodge Dart. She would inch up the hills and zoom down them! She also would tell me stories with her teeth out. Such a character she was💖.

    Rebecca You jogged a memory for me! A wonderful childhood memory. We had a cabin on an irrigation lake 8 miles out of town. One route we sometimes took home was a very hilly road. Usually not another car in sight. My mother would traverse the hills so that your stomach was left up in the air at the crucial moment. Momentarily weightless. We laughed and laughed. It was so silly and fun. Thank You!

    Karen in Virginia

    Hugs! You're welcome!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I am home, and was very hungry, so ended up having a couple of cheese sticks and a hard boiled egg.. and drinking more water....going to the movie tonight... maybe

    I hope you were able to yo get out and enjoy your self. What movie were you hoping to see?
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Kylia... I had atriel flutter last Jan 2018 my heart rate was 180-190 .. the hospital till my heart dropped to under 100 had my first. ablation done. Was off work for 7 weeks. My fight or flight hormone button was on full throttle. I could not control my fear. My negative thoughts would jump start my anxiety. Then a week before thanks giving I went into a- fib. again I was in the hospital for 2 weeks as my heart did not convert. Just when they thought the meds would take my heart rate would go up. They put me in for an emergency ablation on my left side and did the right side again. A total of 3 ablations in one year.I have perfect peace now. I just learned to let go of everything I was holding onto. My life, My kids, My husband, my Work. My grandchildren. Put it all in Gods hands. And such sweet peace surrounds me. This will be something I will have for the rest of my life. But I feel confident. As I know who holds all my tomorrows. 😊🙇‍♀️ praying for your husband's healing. I'm sorry for what you are going through. I see how it affects my husband watching me. Every day is such a gift to me and my family. My friends are so much sweeter to love.

    Leg cramps. My friend says they use apple cider vinegar with water and honey and give to the elderly in the nursing home she works. I get all leg cramps in my left leg when I try ti flip in bed. It seems my new sleep apnea machine is helping me. I still drink the apple ciderin water every night. And am still very cautious putting my weight on that leg to flip.

    Goodnight everyone God bless and sleep well.😊
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member

    Hi Gals,

    I’m catching up!

    Carol (peach) – who would be the legal “next of kin” for your BIL? Is there a child or wife? From a legal stand point they would be able to step in if he is legally unable to make his own decisions. This information is helpful as often the “legal” person is not who you want to do the decision making so then you can have the discussion about who you would want, and how to put that in place. That allows the conversation to be had.

    ** Later I see you are staying out of the situation – not a bad option either!

    Machka – thinking of you and sending hugs! The pictures are great and you really take after your grandmother!

    Heather – I love hearing about Hove and the great times you are having finding new shops and restaurants.

    Happy New Year to all!

    I most days get over 10K steps, but at this point am keeping track with my phone, so if it gets left in my purse or on the counter, no counting! I had a fitbit for a while, and just really didn’t like it on my wrist all the time – I’m a minimalist when it comes to jewelry or extras… I decided I wanted to get a yearly daily average steps on my phone for 2019 up – 2018 was 9,526 and I’d like to see it at about 11K for 2019 a huge part of that is remembering my phone. It’s only the 4th and I left it at home when Levi and I took our walk this morning! GRR that’s 1.5 miles not listed on my phone. So I am walking around the house and walking in place. A friend is working on me to join a local gym, and while I am tempted, they will only give you a reasonable price if they set the monthly fee to be taken out of your bank account and that gives them access; I am super uncomfortable with this.. I’ll be checking in with my bank on what is in place to protect me.

    Kim from N. California
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Machka Your grandmother of blessed memory will live on in the acts of goodness she performed.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Hi. I am starting today...again. I live in the Saint Paul, Minnesota metro area. I guess my word for the year would be survivor. My husband passed away suddenly in September and I dropped out of school to grieve but am going back in two weeks to finish my degree. My 33 year-old son passed away the year previous. I was with both of them when they passed. That is why I chose the word survivor because I need to handle all those events and come out stronger. I see so many inspiring posts. I love reading them.

    I am so sorry about your husband and son. I live in St. Paul area too!
    :heart: Margaret
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Machka, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. I too see a huge resemblance between you and her, and you've certainly got her feisty, never quit spirit!
    Allie, when do you meet with the new owner? Sounds like your eating plan is working well for you, congrats!
    Day 4 for me, going fairly well, having a few bumps along the way, but that's to be expected. And I didn't gain all this in one week, can't expect to take it off that fast! Sure would be nice tho......😋
    Thinking of so many of you whom are experiencing grief, hoping that fond memories will help you through these tough times.
    Congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island where the sun was shining today!
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    At El Rey. Mayan ruins in Cancun. Weather is delightful. More ruin running tomorrow.

    Presently in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Big whine:
    What do y'all do for the muscle soreness from new activities? Yesterday did SWSY, then line dancing. Today could barely stand up from chair. Did stretches, had massage. Still Oww. Was determined to meet steps goal, found a 120 bpm playlist on YouTube with songs I like and did 3 songs at a time between catching up here a page at a time. Tried to re-frame the feeling as good, evidence the muscles are getting stronger, burning fat, whatever but OWWWW! Is soreness a necessary and permanent part of fitness? If so, I'll take chocolate. :devil:

    Karen in VA, the "positive procrastination" seems to be helping me... when I don't want to work on A, I can choose to work on B, or C. Still gets needed things done and leaves me feeling better about myself than 10 mins of Spider solitaire :devil:
    KJ SEVEN little ones under the age of 5? SMH in wonder at you. Nap time couldn't be long enough for me ;)
    CJ Welcome back. "the person who hit me" would you share your story again, I missed it.
    Katla add me to the ice=broken wrist club... twice. Also once on gravel and once trying to learn how to Xcountry ski. Ice is why we moved to the coast ;)
    Irish Terri, what kind of dancing?
    Yvonne we gave Chocolate Covered Cherries to Papa on his birthday, Feb 22 same as Cherry Tree Washington. ;) Look forward to envying the pic of your citrus in greenhouse.
    Was it Katla? "If you ever see me running" made me snort my TJ's mandarin bubble water.
    Cathy in Arlington "...never having to set an alarm" Amen, sister... except for those to remind me to go to T'ai Chi or Line Dancing ;)
    Margaret Would Epsom salts relieve muscle soreness too?
    Janetr Brr! Beautiful pics, but chilling reminder of why we left Idaho. Dang that good lookin' GD apple didn't fall far from your tree!
    Felicia safe travels and enjoy!
    Machka "...life full of love..."beautifully said. ((hugs)).
    Viv ((((hugs)))
    pip neither did I ever know my grandparents, but as my parents were older it was like being raised by grands.
    Linda when I'm feeling all alone, I come here :}
    Karen in BC "caught myself" Brava!
    Tracey in Edmonton what a great gift you gave your daughter.
    Meg what's a "back facial" ?
    Barbie hope the antibiotics work swiftly and with no side effects.
    panderson in St. Paul, welcome. (((Hugs))) for your devastating losses.
    Kim "walking around the house and walking in place" that would be me, especially before the midnight deadline ;)

    Welcome PartyPerson, would you tell us your name and location to help us keep you straight?

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 3/31, 60 g protein 3/31, rx/vits 2/31, meditate 3/31, knee exercises 3/31, SWSY UP 1/9, SWSY LOW 1/9, core 1/9, play with Tumble 2/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 2/31.
    01/04=LT: Tumble STAY-N MT: DDS paperwork-Y ST: call Mike M-Y

    Word for 2019: "GOOD"
  • PartyPerson
    PartyPerson Posts: 116 Member
    So I've made it a whole 3 days on the diet and don't feel too bad - have allowed myself to go over the low cal when I was really hungry with a healthy snack to stop the need to break into the biscuit tin. The real test is the weekend when there isn't work to distract me and my skinny family are eating everything in sight. So strategies for today...

    1. Eat breakfast as late as possible so that I see it as a treat (not too sure how this will work but need to find a way to avoid the mid-morning biscuits with the family)
    2. Every time they go for the sweets I go for a walk...
    3. Try to keep busy...I'm thinking that if it is dry it might be time to do some clearance work in the garden.
    4. Go to the bike shop and see if there is some way to change the gears so I can actually use my bike (recovering from wrist surgery and just don't have enough grip in that hand)

    Any other suggestions to avoid temptation at the weekends?