
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Allie, great ordering at the restaurant. The more often you do it, the better you'll get at the process.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    @Irish Terry- Great choice in walking before computering! Since I walk either around my house hallway or up and down driveway, I actually do pretty well reading and walking. In fact, I was walking when I read your comment! LOL!

    @ Allie- Great job on the food choices. I am sure your neighbor appreciates your help as well.

    @ Lisa- I sure hope you are feeling better! My SIL had surgery for that years ago. Hers was severe, but she said the surgery was AWFUL! The belly issues that you are experiencing I understand from my time pre-gall bladder surgery. I actually kept extra clothes at work for emergencies.

    @ Cari and Machka- Thank you for the tip! I never thought to do that. The last few nights I look back pages on my phone while typing on my computer. Your tip will make it easier.

    @ Rebecca- Please keep sharing your meals. You give me great ideas!

    @ Michele in NC- You just stick to your guns about your eating. It works for you! While I haven't given up sugar in any form, I am finding that if I eat real food, I don't crave the sweets. Also, if I have them available, I tend to not want them....strange, I know!

    @ Kelly- My husband wishes I drank more often. I am definitely a social drinker. I want to sit and enjoy a beverage. I am no good trying to get anything done if drinking. I too tend to drink more while on vacation. Nothing to do but watch the sunset, sit in the hot tub, and maybe play some pool at the cabin. ;)

    @ Cathy- sounds yummy! It was pretty here too! In the 50's with sunshine. I am really afraid that when winter does show up it is going to be nasty!

    Well ladies, It has been a productive day! I hit my steps and calorie goal! Worked until 2. Got grocery shopping done, cleaned the gutters out and roof off, cleaned the windows on my truck, vacuumed the interior of truck, have dishwasher going, and garage towels in the laundry. I am beat! I am pleased with my eating today though.

    I found my Fitbit One! I knew I put it somewhere but couldn't remember where. I almost bought a new one today, but decided to wait until Monday if I didn't find it this weekend. It was in my headboard drawer tangled up in my dream catcher feathers. I had already looked in that drawer three times-smh! I have the Alta HR which I love for its heart rate monitoring, but it just doesn't do well counting my steps since I am usually pushing or carrying something. I just slide the little guy in my pants pocket. My Alta has a really pretty silver and leather band. It is like wearing a bracelet. I will keep you posted on how the two compare.

    I am going to get off here and do some reading. Have a great evening!

    Welcome to the new ladies! Just jump right in! This is a chatty group, so don't feel you have to comment on everything. Check in often though.

    Thank you all for your support and love!

    Kylia tired but proud in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Laura from Bedford Welcome! You will find lots of ladies on here who have successfully lost lots of weight and kept it off. Age makes no difference. We are all willing to support. There are several different styles, strategies, and plans. You have to figure out what works for you. The one thing we all agree on is that you have to log what passes your lips. It is eye opening. Small changes work best for me, but some jump in with both feet. For me giving up soda was the first step. I don't deny myself anything, I quit soda for health reasons and haven't ever wanted another. I try to keep what I eat within my calories recommended. That doesn't always work, but that is the goal. My scale has been stuck literally on the same number for 2 weeks. I have increased my water intake and done okay with calories. I quit logging when S*** hit the fan for me in Sept. I was within 4 pounds of my goal. I am now 12 pounds away. So since my scale stopped moving, I had to look at what else I needed to change. I have added my steps back in. Hoping to see some movement soon!

    Your fur baby is cute. I am almost 56, mother of two, grandmother of 4 and furry baby mommy to a German Shepherd and a Pyrenees mix. They are both 12 years old.

    Hope to see you often!

    Kylia in Ohio

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good day today. Even though I went to a funeral two states away (friend's father), I stayed on plan, ate under calories, got my recumbent bike exercise in, and didn't have a snack when we stopped. While the others went into the store, I walked to get some steps in. Hope you all have a wonderful evening!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Laura – you join this group by posting!!!!! Welcome. Cute doggie

    Denise just called to ask us if we were going to buy the bedroom furniture! We hadn’t even thought about it! Someone in Pete’s family wants to get it but “doesn’t want to step on any toes”. Sounds like it’s someone who has a head. Well, I understand it’s Pete’s bio family, that’s probably why his bio dad left his wife. Talk about materialistic. Denise told me that the rocking chair she wants is $600, a baby monitor - $300, she wants a forehead thermometer and a temporal scanner thermometer. Am I just that much out of touch? She wants a bathtub that that has a thermometer and a scale in it.

    Michele in NC
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Katla, I've sometimes opened MFP twice, then have it set up so both are visible side by side on the computer. I then read one site and type in the other. When I'm done reading and commenting, I simply post the reply. Works like a charm and no MS Word is needed. Good luck!
    Chocolate has been calling my name the last few days and I've been answering. Not good, but...... the scale is still cooperating, just have to remember that I can't get away with it indefinitely. I have been watching everything else, fortunately no cookies here or at work that interest me, so that's good!
    Kim, I know this is well past now, but I'm so sorry that your brother was such a nasty pill over Christmas and about new years eve with your nephew. I do love your idea about the celebration of life, perhaps your nephew would care to join!
    That's it for me for now. Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Katla, I've sometimes opened MFP twice, then have it set up so both are visible side by side on the computer. I then read one site and type in the other. When I'm done reading and commenting, I simply post the reply. Works like a charm and no MS Word is needed. Good luck!

    I've done that as well! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Laura – you join this group by posting!!!!! Welcome. Cute doggie

    Denise just called to ask us if we were going to buy the bedroom furniture! We hadn’t even thought about it! Someone in Pete’s family wants to get it but “doesn’t want to step on any toes”. Sounds like it’s someone who has a head. Well, I understand it’s Pete’s bio family, that’s probably why his bio dad left his wife. Talk about materialistic. Denise told me that the rocking chair she wants is $600, a baby monitor - $300, she wants a forehead thermometer and a temporal scanner thermometer. Am I just that much out of touch? She wants a bathtub that that has a thermometer and a scale in it.

    Michele in NC

    What were you thinking of getting for your first grandchild?

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Gotta love those Capricorn Moon rainy days. Joe was on a clean and organize jag, de-cluttered his (guest) bathroom by bringing me all the stuff he didn't want. [sigh] Then he said "It feels GOOD to throw stuff away!"
    "Not to me!" I replied. "It makes me feel sick to my stomach and want to cry." But was glad for his inspiration, started thinning the herd of Christmas decorations, making up a box to mark "Donate in October 2019." ;)

    Thighs much less sore today. Thanks Margaret for the Epsom salts and Arnica oil tips. Pulled up my big girl panties and did SWSY again. Yay me!

    Power was out the evening, so Joe fired up the generator and hooked it up to the fridge, a light and a drop cord. He asked if there was anything I wanted to plug in and I said "the computer" ;) Power came back on in time for me to use YouTube playlist to get my steps in. Will ask Joe if his hand crank cell phone charger is handy. ;)

    Viv "...bouncy walking Leah did not pull so much if she thought I was going a bit faster" Hmm, I'll try that.
    KJ Why is it that the very rare times that Joe wants to chat I'm in the middle of doing something that needs to be done in a hurry with concentration?
    Lanette aren't PTs the cheerfullest sadists? Love the Tshirt, the blue air and will look for the Flexall 420. Compared to your shoulder, I'm ashamed to have complained about my little achy breaky thighs. :}
    Rebecca Mind? I love your food pics, healthy, attractive, inspiring... just like you!
    Katla the angry :rage: Not sure but sounds like the MSoft Office license somehow expired? Are you using Windows or Apple? If Windows, could you have a virus? Or, is it possible a recent security update might have messed Office up? =Later see your DH helped you get back. I'd be angry too! I really hate the shift from purchase to licensing/leasing that seems to be the big profit-maker of today.
    Meg I wouldn't trade a back massage for anything, not even a back facial ;)
    Allie ditto Barbie's comments. You've got this galfriend!
    Felicia stunning pic, absolutely stunning!

    Welcome Laura from Bedford TX, you joined by posting. To return, click the empty star above the page numbers to change it to yellow, then a link will appear in your bookmark list (click the black star between the bell and gear at top right.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 5/31, 60 g protein 5/31, rx/vits 3.5/31, meditate 5/31, knee exercises 5/31, SWSY UP 2/9, SWSY LOW 2/9, core 2/9, play with Tumble 2/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 4/31.
    01/05=LT: SWSY-Y MT: Tumble STAY-N ST: Xmas ornament thin-Y
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening all...

    Welcome to all you new ones! Glad you're here! Stay awhile and talk...

    Kelly - I was channeling you this morning... ended up awake at 3:15, and while I was in the bathroom putting clothes on and brushing my teeth, heard my son go by the door, headed outside for a cigarette. One of the many, many reasons why I get up early is that I don't like talking to people before I've had my coffee. I'm not verbal, I'm not social, and I'm cranky if I have to try to be either one of those things. Didn't quite moan in dismay, but sure enough, while I'm making my coffee, he comes back inside smelling of an ashtray, and he starts talking. Cheerfully. I could have smacked him, but just grunted in return, and scuttled in to my computer. :p He eventually went away.

    Chinese for dinner last night, finally found a place in town that didn't have reviews mentioning the word "roaches," in them. It was kinda awesome, and a rare treat. While not good for my calories, it was very good for my psyche. The 25-year-old son was in a door-slamming snit yesterday, as he wanted us to drive him to his eye exam early, for reasons I chose not to explore. I did mention, however, that perhaps he should have gotten his driver's license at, oh, any point in the last six months, so he could drive himself at any time he wanted to go. It did not sit well with him, and admittedly was not my finest hour either. He leaves for school in 11 weeks, and I know I'll miss him, but lordie, I yearn for the day my husband and I get our lives back. More some days than others.

    Planet Fitness is running a special where you can get the local gym membership for $10 a month, and in fine print, a $39 annual fee, charged in March, non-refundable. Supposedly, no commitment. Thinking about it... but it's also a 20-minute drive, down dark country roads, at 5 a.m., so my own personal commitment would probably flag pretty quickly. Plus, gyms are scary in the dark, and once I'm scared, I won't go back.

    One of the many benefits of aging is knowing your own patterns...

    Time to make the second cup of coffee and get some laundry going.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Hi all!
    Not delighted with myself, though I do feel a bit better this morning.
    Yesterday, while DH was out having a talking therapy chat with his daughter, I demolished the contents of the fridge. Haven't done that in years, but it was a good reminder that I'm all too human. Finished the day way over calories.
    When DH got back I praised him for helping his daughter and then made the sensible suggestion that she might change how she approaches these "relationships" that don't work out.
    That did not go down well. Grrrrrrrrrr! Sometimes I despair.
    Sooooooooooooo, I read an article I had bookmarked about how to deal with difficult people and managed to centre myself. o:):Do:):D We recovered and are fine this morning.
    The illogicality is what gets me and the emotional reaction to a perfectly sensible suggestion. I realise it reminds me of my mother and my uncontrollable rage I felt at her when she reacted emotionally to an argument. Once I actually hit her, so my own reactions can be way out of all proportion. :s:'(
    I was very grateful to the article for saving my sanity. :D

    Trying to get to see the kids as we haven't seen them for over two weeks. Hoping for tomorrow, even if it's just for an hour.

    Must write today, but first must run. Got to atone for yesterday's sins. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I have to go back to work tomorrow after 16 days off!
    I'll have to remember to set my alarm.
    I don't feel quite ready for this ... wouldn't mind another 16 days off.

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Morning from Ohio,

    I too was up EARLY this morning! I have laundry going and dishwasher emptied. Today is full of promise! I have some chores to do, some electronic stuff to sort out, and a little work to get done.

    Sorry about funeral, but it looks like you made great choices!

    Michele in NC- Baby stuffs have gotten expensive! I am not sure how we all managed to raise our children without any of this stuff. Imagine how our parents managed without even the things we had! I bought car seats for all of my grandbabies when they were born. That was their big gift. The other stuffs didn't interest me-hehe! Wow, just Wow!

    Felicia I am jealous! Looks like you are having a grand time!

    Evelyn We all have those days! Sometimes it is better to give into the craving than to "eat everything else" first. I have done that! When I really want something sweet (chocolate or cookie) so eat other stuff first, then end up with the cookie anyway! I have faith that you will burn that right off! I am trying to just have "one" not three of something sweet occasionally. Dark chocolate has definitely been my go to. Satisfying yet not too sweet.

    Suzanne I love your word for 2019. After a year of potholes, I think that is a great word. Kind of goes along with mine- BUTTERFLY

    [Machka[/b] I understand!!!! Getting back into the groove of work, home, etc after 2 weeks off is daunting! My next holiday for the shop is the end of May! I will be taking a few other days off here and there.

    Barbara I am glad you are feeling better. When the power is out, I am so grateful when it comes back on! It did make me realize how noisy my house is most of the time though.

    Heather UK I get it too! I avoid saying much about my husband's family as it brings out the protective side of him. He can be critical of mine though..... not sure if it is a good thing that a lot of what he says about mine is true-LOL! Men think we are the strange creatures. He seems to be overly concerned about everyone else and what they are doing. I am like-whatever. I figure everyone is doing the best they feel they can do at this time. I may not agree with them, but they are all adults.

    Well, I better get off here and get a few things done.
    Make the best choices you can make for you today!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Good morning all. A day of prep for me, making yogurt, red lentil soup and a lovely chickpea and spinach dish with harissa —sounds tasty yes? I was completely off the rails yesterday food wise (like Heather) and am happy that that is over.

    My visit with my 80 yo neighbor Terry was great, she is struggling with movement due to some pain in her legs and has been admittedly depressed of late—she admits that reaching out socially helps her and I’m happy to spend time with her. She is stressed about wanting to stay independent and private. We had a lovely chat and then a little shopping at a drug store, the only challenge is, she drives because it is easy for her to get into her car (mine is too low) and frankly—-I was terrified at her driving skills—I mean terrified. DH suggests perhaps I should mention to her son but I think that is too intrusive. She drives to doc appts and the grocery store and typically drives during low traffic times.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Heather I like how you gave yourself space after being upset with DH.

    Reminds me of the quote "Between the stimulus and the response there is a space. What we do with the space can make all the difference."

    I have to work on giving myself the space.

    :heart: Margaret