What We're Eating



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Breakfast: 2 eggs 2 strips of bacon coffee
    Lunch: shrimp fajita bowl
    Snack: carrot celery and cucumber with homemade ranch dip
    Dinner: grilled chicken 1/2 baked potato and birds eye Normandy blend
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    avskk wrote: »
    I quit smoking (like, JUST quit smoking -- not even sure if it'll stick yet) and I fully admit I've been using food to cope, which I know isn't great. I had pizza for breakfast and I strongly suspect I'll have McDonald's for lunch. I'm planning a light dinner of bread, nice cheese, and lots of raw vegetables, so I can nibble all evening but not do too much damage. I overate yesterday for the first time in a year or so and I feel bad about it, even though I know this is a temporary phase and quitting smoking is important. Basically, what I'm eating is Everything, currently, and I have feelz about it.

    First, congratulations on stopping smoking!! You are awesome! You will have no regrets once you get a whiff of a smoker for the first time!
    Please try to get control of the eating if you can.
    I was very slim my whole life until I gave up smoking at 36. I had given up previously with no excessive eating.
    This time I gave up, I ate ALL the foods and gained 30 kgs in less than a year. I kept rewarding myself for not smoking. And the food tasted so good!
    It is my biggest regret that I didn't start managing my food straight away as it has been a long struggle ever since.
    All the best!
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Breakfast: leftover bacon and onion quiche, coffee with creamer
    Morning snack: Quest protein bar
    Lunch: taco salad (with hamburger, cheese, salsa, tomato, and crushed spicy nacho Doritos)
    Afternoon snack: leftover cranberry and white chocolate cake from New Year's
    Dinner: chicken and zucchini skillet
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited January 2019
    1 cup of Milky oolong Tea, 1 cup of Lifestyle Awareness Immunity Now Elderberry Tea

    1 cara cara orange, honey/vanilla greek yogurt, cup Tulsi Gotu Kola tea to drink

    Breakfast for dinner again
    2 eggs, 5 pieces of bacon, jasmine rice, toast w/butter and lingonberry spread, water to drink

    Dessert and/or late night snack:
    2 cara cara oranges, 6-7 giant olives stuffed w/garlic, cup of mint chocolate ic cream`
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Breakfast: Coffee with creamer
    Morning Snack: Quest bar
    Lunch: Taco salad! It was so good too.
    Afternoon snack: Probably a coffee, I'm falling asleep at my desk today....
    Dinner: Homemade tuna cakes with roasted broccoli and butternut squash
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited January 2019
    1 cup of Gotu Kola tea, 1 cup of milly oolong tea

    Avocalado shake: whole avocado, big hand full of baby spinach, big hand full of kale, coconut water, coconut juice, lime juice, pomegranate juice, coconut oil, frozen pineapples, frozen mangoes, ice

    dark Bread and butter, Lobster Salad (lobster salad from the meat of a one pound Maine lobster…. with field greens, tomatoes, avocado, fresh corn, sugar cured bacon, a deviled egg & champagne vinaigrette) Water to drink

    white raspberry cheesecake (1/2 a portion)

    Late night snack
    2 cara cara oranges, 1 cup of Lifestyle Awareness Immunity Now Elderberry Tea, maybe some roasted/salted shelled peanuts too
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Breakfast: Brown rice with hearts of palm, onions, and black-eyed peas

    Lunch: Chickpeas with potatoes and tomatoes, an orange, Clif nut butter bar

    Dinner: Butter lettuce with roasted beets, red bell pepper, and chile-braised seitan
  • Meganlea1234
    Meganlea1234 Posts: 11 Member
    Breakfast: Fruit Salad and lemon water
    Lunch: Big salad with 2 oz chicken and apple cider vinegar and water
    Dinner: chicken quesadilla (probably its Friday who knows) and water
    Snack: Pop Corn and a Soda (again Friday)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Breakfast: toast with blueberry pomegranate jam, fried egg with Panola hot sauce, coffee (black)
    Lunch: bowl of lentils and a smoothie made with almond milk, hemp protein, strawberries, kale & banana
    Dinner: red onion pie (baked with sharp white cheddar and a homemade oil piecrust), 2 squares of Ghirardelli cabernet matinee chocolate & Earl Grey tea.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Breakfast - porridge with honey
    Snack- lots of icecream
    Lunch- 2 eggs and an apple (and some sugar as apple was tart)
    Snack- yoghurt walnuts peach
    Dinner- chicken, peas, celery
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Breakfast- 2 deviled eggs made with avocado. 1 slice whole wheat toast.

    Lunch-Cheese and tomato sandwich.

    Dinner-Spinach and mushrooms with Chinese egg noodles and sautéed tofu in sesame oil, soya sauce and chilu sauce.

    Snacks throughout the day- Chocolate, diet ginger ale and coffee.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'm playing at keto so far today, so don't judge me.
    Breakfast: black coffee with 12 g keto creamer.

    snacks: 1 oz omega-3 trail mix + 12 g keto creamer.

    I'm about to start assembling a meatloaf for dinner, so that's going to scotch all the effort so far.
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Breakfast: Coffee with creamer, a few chocolate covered pretzels
    Lunch: Leftover tuna cakes with hot sauce, roasted squash, and a bit of roasted broccoli
    Afternoon snack: either coffee or tea, haven't decided yet. Definitely something warm!
    Dinner: 3-4 slices of Red Baron's pepperoni pizza, depending on how hungry I am.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited January 2019
    1 cup of Gotu Kola tea, 1 cup of milly oolong tea, 1 cup of Elderberry Immunity tea (NOT all at the same time, drank these teas thru-out the day)

    Turkey/ham/bacon/avocado/butter lettuce/tomato/red onion/may club on homemade white bread
    This was THE BEST club sandwich I've EVER had in my life (and I've had a LOT of club sandwiches in my lifetime)

    Avocolado shake: whole avocado, big hand full of baby spinach, big hand full of kale, coconut water, coconut juice, lime juice, pomegranate juice, coconut oil, frozen pineapples, frozen mangoes, ice

    Dessert or late night snack:
    2 cara cara oranges, cup of mint chocolate ice cream
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1 cup coffee w/almond joy cream, McDonald's sausage and cheese on bagel

    1 cup of Gotu Kola tea, 1 cup of milly oolong tea, 1 cup of Elderberry Immunity tea (NOT all at the same time, drank these teas thru-out the day)

    bread and butter, Caesar salad, t-bone steak (well done) loaded baked potato, roasted brussel sprouts and sauteed spinach, water to drink

    Dessert and/or late snack snack:
    2 cara cara oranges, cup of chocolate ice cream
  • laurenq1991
    laurenq1991 Posts: 384 Member
    edited January 2019
    *two soft-boiled eggs
    *steamed spinach, tomato, and baby bella mushrooms with black pepper
    *hot cereal (dry ingredients: 1/2 cup extra thick rolled oats, 1/4 cup brown rice farina, 2 tbsp ground flaxseeds) with 1 cup thawed frozen mixed berries on top
    *two Van's multigrain toaster waffles topped with 1 teaspoon of coconut butter divided between the two
    *vitamin D3 supplement (I wear sunscreen year-round)

    Lunch: one slice of pizza from the local pizza place with red pepper flakes, oregano, and garlic powder on top

    Snack: about 16 oz of unsweetened coconut milk (normally I wouldn't drink this much at once but I wanted to finish it up before it went bad), four dates, and a cup of chaga chicory tea (caffeine-free coffee substitute)

    I didn't have dinner yet but I plan to have a salad (spinach, tomato, baby carrots, white bean hummus, fava beans, nutritional yeast, and dried thyme) with a whole-wheat tortilla on the side.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    edited January 2019
    B—Banana, peanut butter chocolate chip Lara Bar, Tea with 1/2 & 1/2.

    Late lunch/early dinner—Zinburger Napa salad, no dressing, burger on top, 15 French fries, 2 rum & cokes. Coffee with 1/2 & 1/2

    Yasso frozen chocolate peanut yogurt bar.

  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Breakfast: Coffee with creamer
    Lunch: About 10 dino nuggets with ranch
    Dinner: Homemade Thai noodle dish with veggies, chicken, and a spicy peanut sauce, a smidgen of Cheerwine

    Extras: Might have a hot chocolate tonight for dessert with Bailey's added in. c:
  • shannonreidwiltshire
    shannonreidwiltshire Posts: 50 Member
    edited January 2019
    It's a Skinnytaste day :smile:

    B: 2 Skinnytaste Egg Cups
    L: Leftover Skinnytaste General Tso's Chicken; half cup white rice
    D : Skinnytaste Goulash
    S: Cinnamon Nut Thins; Light Babybel; maybe some Halo Top