JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Morning all! It’s my big girl’s 10th today - cannot believe I’ve been a mum for a decade. Feeling a bit emotional. So proud of her. Yesterday was completely crazy. The plan was to go for a run or workout, then drive over to my parents to pick the girls up, drop the oldest at her friend for a play date, then do shopping, a late lunch with the little one and some colleagues, then cook and bake for today. So already quite busy.

    I went for a run (smashed my longest distance, fastest mile and fastest 5k - yay!) then came home and realised that it’s been a while since my car has been serviced. Then remembered I had it taxed but did I do the MOT? Then checked and realised it wasn’t done and therefore not legal to drive - oops! Still sweating and panting from the run I made a couple of calls and managed to get it booked in but needed to be at the garage within the hour. Then had to get two trains to my parents place in a rush. Then got a taxi to the play date and on to the shops with the little one. Then struggling home with a gazillion bags! Then the cavalry arrived in the form of a mate I haven’t seen for a while and he gave us a lift home but said his kids missed mine and could we get them together that evening. I said yes, not really thinking about how much I had to do. Then had to rush on foot with the little one to pick up the car then go and meet the colleagues for late lunch. Then come home and frantically try and bake the cake and make lasagne before picking up my other daughter and then going round to the friend’s house for a movie. Got it all done, kids not in bed until gone 10 - absolutely shattered!

    If you made it through that essay congratulations! Suffice it to say that I am a bit tired today but very relieved I got it all done and happy that my birthday girl is so happy. On to the goals...

    Friday recap:
    - morning workout/run ✅
    - Pick up kids from my parents ✅
    - Take P to play date ✅
    - Grocery and card shopping with L ✅
    - Meet colleagues for coffee with L ✅
    - Make lasagne and bake cake ✅
    - Wrap gifts ✅
    - Put away laundry ❎
    - Pick P up ✅
    - Movie night with the kids✅
    - Early night ❎

    Saturday goals:
    - Make imam biyaldi and ice cake ✅
    - Get kids ready before their dad arrives ✅
    - Warrior class while kids have birthday breakfast
    - prep final bits for family dinner
    - Laundry away
    - Portion control at dinner
    - Early night!!

    Have a lovely weekend all x

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    JFT - Friday February 22 Determined
    2L of water - 🙂
    Calories in Green - 😕 I need to just go to bed instead of mindlessly snacking
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 😈
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 😕

    JFT - Saturday February 23 Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    Hubby wanted to eat out yesterday, he NEVER does this so of course I said yes. I need to get back on track though.

    We have the Grands tonight for the night again. I’m taking them home to their Dad early tomorrow though instead of waiting for Lauryn to be done work and pick them up.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Yesterday was a bust. I am about 180+ emails behind at work since being on vacation, and I allowed that to consume my day and didn't take any time at all to take care of myself. I know better than to do that, but it is what it is. Moving forward...

    Just for Saturday | 2/23/2019 | TENACITY
    1. Stay in the Green
    2. Journal every bite
    3. 64+ oz of water
    4. 30 minutes of activity
    5. 5 servings of Freggies
    6. Start next sewing project
    7. Be grateful for all that is, let go of what is not and what is not in my control.
    8. Be patient even if I'm tired and ornery
    9. One frivolous self-care thing: Bubble bath? Mani/Pedi? Tanning?
    10. Gratitude Journal | Joyce or Dodie | Simple Abundance | Daily Dialog | Calm app
    This Week's Tasks
    • Start writing down ideas for a home business. (How can I earn money for extras, i.e. trips, fence in the backyard, have 2nd bathroom put in, new windows in the house...)
    • Declutter a box in the basement - keep, throw, donate or sell piles
    • 2018 taxes
    • Budget for March
    • Clothes shopping: 3 pairs work pants, 3 new tops, comfortable dress shoes (brown), 2 pairs jeans, 3 new tops, underclothing
    • Meal plan for week and make a list
    • Shop for week
    • Clean and package serving-sized baggies of snacks and veggies
    • First Lesson for Half-Sized Me
    • Rewrite ARCs

    Happy Saturday y'all!

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    Today is tougher than I thought. I’m short so my calories to lose is only 1200. Today I’m going for moderation. I’m having what I want, but only eating half. My calories are still set to 1200, so before dinner Its showing I only have 288 left. Now my plan for today revolves around maintenance which gives me an extra 400 or so, and I was 600 under yesterday with exercise. So why does to 288 give me anxiety? Why do I feel like going over 1200 will derail me? I’m a scientist I understand mass & energy balances yet this is driving me nuts.

    Just needed to vent and show myself that my anxiety is unfounded. At least I think my logic is sound.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Saturday 23 February

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :) Nice long walk through the village admiring other people's gardens covered the mileage; turned a blind eye to the people sitting out at the pub enjoying a drink and strod past ... it was tempting though!
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)

    Housework :) Did the minimum to make it look clean!
    Gardening :) did what I set out to do today but there's more to do. It was lovely and warm outside today - resisted the temptation to sit with a drink and look at the garden!
    Pay bills[ >:) they're not overdue yet and it was so nice to be outside! /quote]
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2019
    1. weigh :)
    2. walk on breaks :)
    3. at least 10,000 steps :(
    4. no candy/treats/social eating at work :)
    5. start tracking water/tea :)

    1. weigh
    2. swim a mile
    3. at least 10,000 steps--going to be hard as it looks WET today and there is nowhere to walk in my small town
    4. at least 8C liquid
    5. eat at least one big salad
    6. housecleaning--do all floors
    7. start organizing weekly work/social/exercise schedule
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    @PackerFanInGB you’re doing just great. Make sure you do that one self care thing. It makes all the difference. xx

    1. Start probate on my dad’s estate
    2. Do work proposal
    3. Do late tax return
    4. Send thank you notes to those who attended and wrote cards for my dad’s funeral
    5. Do a self pamper - foot spa
    6. Sort my papers
    7. Do an exercise dvd and 10 mins on bike

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    Today is tougher than I thought. I’m short so my calories to lose is only 1200. Today I’m going for moderation. I’m having what I want, but only eating half. My calories are still set to 1200, so before dinner Its showing I only have 288 left. Now my plan for today revolves around maintenance which gives me an extra 400 or so, and I was 600 under yesterday with exercise. So why does to 288 give me anxiety? Why do I feel like going over 1200 will derail me? I’m a scientist I understand mass & energy balances yet this is driving me nuts.

    Just needed to vent and show myself that my anxiety is unfounded. At least I think my logic is sound.

    I think your logic is sound but I really understand how going over 1200 makes you anxious. I used to be the same way, now I’m the opposite. I have to try to force myself to start being more disciplined. It sure is a balancing act! I really wish this Winter would go away, I think that would make a big difference in my struggle.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    Today is tougher than I thought. I’m short so my calories to lose is only 1200. Today I’m going for moderation. I’m having what I want, but only eating half. My calories are still set to 1200, so before dinner Its showing I only have 288 left. Now my plan for today revolves around maintenance which gives me an extra 400 or so, and I was 600 under yesterday with exercise. So why does to 288 give me anxiety? Why do I feel like going over 1200 will derail me? I’m a scientist I understand mass & energy balances yet this is driving me nuts.

    Just needed to vent and show myself that my anxiety is unfounded. At least I think my logic is sound.

    Would it be a good idea to look at it weekly aswell as daily (i think slittlemeister does this)

    So erm.. 1200 for 7 days is... *gets out calculator* ... 8,400 and so you can manage like that, so okay you might be over today but it might even out over the whole week?
    And if you get to saturday - sunday and youve got day 3000 left you know you can have 600cals worth of treats ;)
  • alipie420
    alipie420 Posts: 39 Member
    alipie420 wrote: »
    No more waiting for Mondays, or the perfect weather/conditions, I want to see results now!!
    JFT Friday Goals:
    1. Drink 80 oz of water (fill my big water bottle 3x)✔
    2. No eating JUNK 🤦‍♀️ (sweets or fried foods)
    3. Portion control-- stay in the green!

    I ended up eating a bag of sun chips this night, but I did control my portion sizes and opted for healthier choices.

    JFT Saturday:
    1. Drink my water
    2. Jog 1 hr ✔ (already jogged for the day)
    3. Stay in the green!!! No chips!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    alipie420 wrote: »

    I ended up eating a bag of sun chips this night, but I did control my portion sizes and opted for healthier choices.

    Great job! Its all about control!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    @mytime6630 - I made the decision a couple of years ago to call the police on a friend that was in distress mental health wise. It was a very hard decision to make and I had to call my three adult Godchildren and tell them they needed to tell the truth if the police or doctors asked anything. I hated doing it, she was kept under the Mental Health Act for over two months. I truly feel though that if I hadn’t she wouldn’t be with us now. She is much healthier, and is doing well now. I understand how hard it would be to have her in the hospital, but that may be exactly what is best for her.

    I’m happy you are doing something for you. Just the getting out and having the meetings will be an outlet for you. I’m looking forward to you sharing with us.

    I was just cleaning up my phone and found a quote that said something along the lines of “we never talk to anyone else more than we talk to ourselves in our mind. We should choose to talk to ourselves as we would talk to our best friends”.

    Hugs to you, I’m so happy you’re sticking around for us.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    @mytime6630 - I made the decision a couple of years ago to call the police on a friend that was in distress mental health wise. It was a very hard decision to make and I had to call my three adult Godchildren and tell them they needed to tell the truth if the police or doctors asked anything. I hated doing it, she was kept under the Mental Health Act for over two months. I truly feel though that if I hadn’t she wouldn’t be with us now. She is much healthier, and is doing well now. I understand how hard it would be to have her in the hospital, but that may be exactly what is best for her.

    I’m happy you are doing something for you. Just the getting out and having the meetings will be an outlet for you. I’m looking forward to you sharing with us.

    I was just cleaning up my phone and found a quote that said something along the lines of “we never talk to anyone else more than we talk to ourselves in our mind. We should choose to talk to ourselves as we would talk to our best friends”.

    Hugs to you, I’m so happy you’re sticking around for us.

    We have had to call the CIT police 3 times on our daughter. Yes... the hardest thing in the world. I cried the entire time. The first time we refused to take her out of the hospital, but they could only hold her against her will for 24 hrs. One of her "so-called" friends checked her out. I was so upset... this friend of our daughter had no idea of what we had to do, and how hard it was to admit her. For weeks she would not even talk to us, then she got worse... and another call to the CIT officers. She is not bad enough now thankfully to call the CIT officers ... hers is mostly deep depression and crying, but we are seeing paranoia thoughts which concern us. She has a doctors appt on Tuesday .. so we will see what the doctor says. We have sent 2 letters to the doctor telling what is happening. My husband tells me I need to accept that we did not do this .. that this is genic ... but it is hard. I love my daughter so much, and never in a million years thought her life would be so hard for her. She received scholarships at college, and even a scholarship at the medical school where she got her masters degree, so very hard to understand why these things happen. But ... she is here tonite, sitting in the back room, so all is good tonite. I am hoping she will stay overnite, but we are keeping things as calm as we can.

    And, I am so proud of myself. I want to eat, but I ate my piece of fruit... and I have drank 5 glasses of water tonite! (Guess where I will be all nite LOL!!).

    And yes, I plan on sticking with all you guys as well. I only plan on doing WW for 3 months, so I am also logging my food here. That way I can also see how many calories I am eating.. since so many foods with the new WW plan are considered free ... and you don't really count calories. So I want to know how much I am eating.
    Thanks for you hugs also. This thread does have the most kind, caring people. Love you all.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    You have got to do what you've got to do! I think its great youre trying something different, no one expects you to keep hanging by a thread on here everyday, you NEED something different, something fresh! It will certainly give yoh that umpf.

    Im glad youre sticking around for us though! I (and im sure others) would miss you terribly!
    Im excited to hear about your alternative journey!

    Im still very sorry about your daughter, and as awful as it is maybe hospital is the best place for the timebeing, shes clearly under alot of stress which is now not only impacting her but others too. Youll just have to see what her doctor says
    Just remember you are an amazing mum, patience of a saint, kind and loving and if she does end up in the hospital it is in no way a reflection on you, remember tthse 3 Cs. (Its what i do with Ash) You didnt Cause it, You cannot Change it, you cannot cure it!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hugs @mytime6630 - great advice from Bex above and I’m glad WW will give you a new focus and agree completely that it is important that we are kind to ourselves. Life is so very unfair sometimes. I have a close family member whose child was born severely disabled and sometimes you just want to howl with the injustice of it - but all you can do is concentrate on one day at a time and each situation as they arise. You are doing an amazing job - hang in there x
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    You have got to do what you've got to do! I think its great youre trying something different, no one expects you to keep hanging by a thread on here everyday, you NEED something different, something fresh! It will certainly give yoh that umpf.

    Im glad youre sticking around for us though! I (and im sure others) would miss you terribly!
    Im excited to hear about your alternative journey!

    Im still very sorry about your daughter, and as awful as it is maybe hospital is the best place for the timebeing, shes clearly under alot of stress which is now not only impacting her but others too. Youll just have to see what her doctor says
    Just remember you are an amazing mum, patience of a saint, kind and loving and if she does end up in the hospital it is in no way a reflection on you, remember tthse 3 Cs. (Its what i do with Ash) You didnt Cause it, You cannot Change it, you cannot cure it!

    Thanks so much Bex! You know. .. I think you guys know more about my life than many of my friends. I don't tell too many about what our daughter is suffering. On another note ... did you partner get approved to stay on disability? You are also going through so much.... I can repeat all the things about you being an amazing mum, saint, etc.

    And what day is baby Casey's birthday???? I know its coming up soon!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I had a lovely day yesterday for my daughter’s birthday and managed to stay on track with food and exercise too. I went to the dreaded Warrior class (boot camp-style, claims to burn up to 1000cals) and actually felt like I’d made progress. It was still tough, but I could definitely keep up so that was really encouraging. Today is the last day before we head back to school after a week off so I’d like to make it a good day with the kids and a good day with diet and exercise so I can go back to work tomorrow feeling strong.

    Saturday goals recap:
    - Make imam biyaldi and ice cake ✅
    - Get kids ready before their dad arrives ✅
    - Warrior class while kids have birthday breakfast ✅
    - prep final bits for family dinner ✅
    - Laundry away ✅
    - Portion control at dinner ✅
    - Early night!! ✅

    Sunday goals:
    - morning workout
    - Walk/jog/time outside with the kids (was super warm and sunny yesterday, fingers crossed for more today)
    - Buy food containers, freeze batch cooked meals
    - Get bags packed for school, name label new shoes
    - General tidy-up
    - Hair wash and early night

    Have a good day everyone x