My bf cheated on me



  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    @ButterIsGood someday youre going to be so happy without him like you don’t even know <3

    I already feel very free. I guess I was trapped without knowing.

    Even if it hurts, you're better off without him. One day you'll meet someone who appreciates you and this guy will just be a life lesson.

    You mean soulmates?

    Yes, we all have a soulmate. I think mine is out there somewhere probably banging someone else.

    I'm not banging anyone else ... just sayin 😉
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    @ButterIsGood someday youre going to be so happy without him like you don’t even know <3

    I already feel very free. I guess I was trapped without knowing.

    Even if it hurts, you're better off without him. One day you'll meet someone who appreciates you and this guy will just be a life lesson.

    You mean soulmates?

    Yes, we all have a soulmate. I think mine is out there somewhere probably banging someone else.

    Nope. I'm going chaste 😋

    My fav Arianna fan, I find this hard to believe my dear 😋
  • ButterIsGood
    ButterIsGood Posts: 201 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    So I went out tonight to celebrate the end of this relationship at the cheesecake factory. My cheesecake was a little petty. But idc. I decided to not get my stuff from his place u61zcebwlxvu.jpg
    because I don't want to see him ever again.
    You can eat cheesecake every day when you're single. It's one of the unspoken perks. 🙌

    Actually its the opposite. Got to stop eating the cheesecake and work on my body
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    So I went out tonight to celebrate the end of this relationship at the cheesecake factory. My cheesecake was a little petty. But idc. I decided to not get my stuff from his place u61zcebwlxvu.jpg
    because I don't want to see him ever again.

    That guy is so 5 minutes ago. What's with the piece of cheesecake? The oreo is completely hiding it!
  • mherwig1
    mherwig1 Posts: 8 Member
    have you asked your BF - wouldn't be the first time a "Friend" wanted to sabotage a relationship.
  • ButterIsGood
    ButterIsGood Posts: 201 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    So I went out tonight to celebrate the end of this relationship at the cheesecake factory. My cheesecake was a little petty. But idc. I decided to not get my stuff from his place u61zcebwlxvu.jpg
    because I don't want to see him ever again.

    That guy is so 5 minutes ago. What's with the piece of cheesecake? The oreo is completely hiding it!

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    So I went out tonight to celebrate the end of this relationship at the cheesecake factory. My cheesecake was a little petty. But idc. I decided to not get my stuff from his place u61zcebwlxvu.jpg
    because I don't want to see him ever again.

    That guy is so 5 minutes ago. What's with the piece of cheesecake? The oreo is completely hiding it!


    Ok, better. God, I want that whipped cream. :)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    RivenV wrote: »
    Am I allowed to post pics of texts if I can cross out the bad words?

    I don't mean to sound harsh but what ever happenned to picking up the phone and talking to eachother instead of texting? I'm sorry this is happening to you but sometimes personal problems like that require personal solutions. Not public attention.

    I dunno. Maybe the same thing that happened to sending Telegrams or writing letters? And maybe whatever works best for you, regarding personal problems, isn't what works best for everyone. How about not drawing public attention to yourself while also not putting down someone else for asking for help? I'm sorry you have to deal with a stranger's issues, but you know you don't have to, right?

    OP, you're gorgeous, and this guy is a clown. If there's nothing irreplaceable at his place, just block his number and cease any/all contact with him. For real. He's gas-lighting you and making you doubt your friendships. No one needs that *kitten*.

    Didn’t you just do what you said she shouldn’t be doing? “Drawing public attention to yourself while putting down someone else” 🤷‍♀️

    Fight! Fight! FIGHT!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    So now this is a " post selfies, cheesecake and fight " thread

    Just bear in mind that MFP guidelines prohibit posting nude or distasteful images.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    So now this is a " post selfies, cheesecake and fight " thread

    Just bear in mind that MFP guidelines prohibit posting nude or distasteful images.

    I've never had a distasteful cheesecake.
  • cuteandcurvy1
    cuteandcurvy1 Posts: 11 Member

    She's a friend I truly trust. She told me she doesn't want to start drama but is only telling me because she thinks I should know. She rejected him and even threw out the flowers and chocolate he got her. He gave her the silent treatment for a few days but talked to her yesterday about how he can't stop thinking about her and how much her rejection hurt him. Today he messaged me asking if I want the valentines day gift he had ordered for me before he had asked for time out. I said no and that I'm coming to get my own stuff this week from his place. He was shocked by this. Asking me why I was planning to do that. I told him " you've told me before that all things done in the dark will come into the light" and that I didn't love him anymore. He started acting stupid at this point hence I know he was trying to keep this whole thing hidden. With his " what are u talking about???". At the end of the convo he said " so you're giving up on me like everyone else has??" All I've done for the past year is love him and support his decisions and been there for him. This just hurts too much

    Run. Turn the other way and don't look back. This man is toxic and will only cause you more heartache and will complete ruin your sense of self worth if you stay. Seriously, run.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    mherwig1 wrote: »
    have you asked your BF - wouldn't be the first time a "Friend" wanted to sabotage a relationship.

    No friend can sabotage something solid. He is clearly the main problem here.