HALP! Heavy Lifting Made Me SUPAH Bulky!!!



  • CharlieCharlie007
    CharlieCharlie007 Posts: 246 Member
    Your hard work definitely paid off.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    @atevy, I also started lifting to help with my ED. It really does help to have somewhere else to focus the energy and urge for control, but in a much more productive way. You look amazing!
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    @atevy You look amazing and I'd bet you feel like a million bucks! Keep up the great work
  • purplefizzy
    purplefizzy Posts: 594 Member
    hawt pics here

    Girrl, your quads! Nicely done :)
  • purplefizzy
    purplefizzy Posts: 594 Member
    neldabg wrote: »
    hawt pics here

    Girrl, your quads! Nicely done :)

    Sorry to be off-topic, but you remind me of Colleen Ballinger.

    Except that chick has amazing eyebrows.
    Thank you, tho, she’s beautiful!
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    What workouts did you do to get such great results for your hip and legs in in such a short time?
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Thank you for getting back to me, this was very helpful.
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Wow, that's a great example of reshaping your body with lifting!

    Thank you so much! You, and so many of the other rockin' weight lifting women on here, are such an inspiration to me!

    What workouts did you do to get such great results for your hip and legs in in such a short time?

    This is going to be a little long so please bear with me!

    I follow pretty closely with the Thinner, Leaner, Stronger program! But I don't agree with the author's stance on diet entirely so mostly I just use his workout structures =) So don't feel like you have to go buy his book! It's just so-so in my opinion. Not a TOTAL waste of my money but not groundbreaking enough that I recommend it to everyone.

    For diet I'm in a very slight deficit...only about 150-200 calories under my TDEE. This makes weight loss extremely slow (especially since I don't have too much more to lose) -but- it does let me keep making progress on my lifts. I'm not quite ready for a bulk/cut cycle approach but I do look forward to it! Regardless of my weight I have noticeably leaned out and I'm quite happy with how I'm beginning to look. My macros of carbs/proteins/fats are the traditional 40/30/30 simply because it's easy for me to fit into my diet and I preform well with it.

    I do a 3 day split with weights and a 3 day split with cardio. And that's simply because I like cardio...it's not necessary if that's not your thing! My body's shape changes are strictly from the weights <3 But if you're interested in cardio I do the C25K program! I'm training for American Ninja Warrior 2021 so I need a good balance of both to be a well rounded athlete. My week looks like this:

    Sunday: Total Rest Day
    Monday: Cardio
    Tuesday: Push | Butt | Calves
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday: Pull | Abs
    Friday: Cardio
    Saturday: Legs | Butt

    Push | Butt | Calves
    - Incline Barbell Bench Press, Flat Barbell Bench Press, Seated Military Press, Side Lateral Raise, Weighted Hip Thrust
    - Standing Calf Raise + Seated Calf Raise

    Pull | Abs
    - Barbell (Straight Leg) Deadlift, Barbell Row, One-Arm Dumbbell Row, Barbell Curl
    - Standing Calf Raise + Seated Calf Raise

    Legs | Butt
    - Barbell Squat, Weighted Lunges, Romanian Deadlift, Weighted Hip Thrust
    - Standing Calf Raise + Donkey Calf Raise

    Each set I do 8x3 (so I lift 8 times, rest 1.5 minutes, and repeat 3 times). I lift what is heavy for me...which is enough that I don't compromise form but I have a brief moment where I really question if I can lift it haha! You should be slightly out of breath when you start the 1.5 minute rest but pretty much recovered by the next set's start! Don't try to go too heavy too fast. So long as it's heavy for you it doesn't matter if it's 25 pounds or 150 pounds...you'll see changes! If it feels like I finished the 3 sets and it was easy I'll add 5 pounds for the next week =) If it was a little too heavy and compromised my form I'll drop 5 for the next week.

    Getting into weight lifting can be confusing and intimidating. I'm fortunate that I have a gym at home so I don't have to worry about working around my schedule to get out and go to a gym. On the other hand I think that being a part of a gym's community would be nice at times! But whichever path you choose make 100% sure that you understand the form of the lift - never be afraid to ask someone or google videos - and practice it a bit with an empty bar. Start low (I started my squats at 50 pounds and now I've broken the 100 pound mark) and add a little bit at a time each week.

    Don't skip warm ups and don't skimp on cool down stretches =) And most of all find a way to make it fun...it's so worth it!

    Wow, so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share with us!
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    I so can't wait to be "supah bulky" 15 more pounds to go until I can start recomp! Already started lifting though!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @BattyKnitter, your avatar is pretty inspiring.

    Cheers, h.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    @BattyKnitter, your avatar is pretty inspiring.

    Cheers, h.

    Agreed! I like the updated pics.
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