TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have a question..Actually I was reading one of the posts and people there were saying that if we are at 1200 cals per day, we should eat the cals we burn through exercise so that we dont fall under 1200.. I havent been eating the cals i burned through exercises.. I am confused:huh:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I have a question..Actually I was reading one of the posts and people there were saying that if we are at 1200 cals per day, we should eat the cals we burn through exercise so that we dont fall under 1200.. I havent been eating the cals i burned through exercises.. I am confused:huh:

    I'm with you on that. I actually posted a topic about it a few days ago basically asking if I should be following the "Goal Intake" or the "Net Intake" (the latter incorporates your exercise). Basedon the numerous differnt opions here's what I found:

    MFP calculates your goal calorie intake based on how much you want to lose. So It calculates the deficit in for you to lose weight steadily. By exercising, you are incrasing the size of that defict so you are going to lose weight faster. Some ppl swear that yo uare doing yourself harm if you don't eat back the calories you burn in exercise, others swear you are hindering your weight loss if you do. My opinion? For what it's worth, I've decided to eat my goal calories daily (for me, currently that is 1230) but if I am particularly hungry or it's a special occasion then I will induldge in eating back my exercise calories. The key forme is personal comfort. Yes, I want to lose a weight as quickly as possible. Yes, I hav a lot of weight to lose. No, I do not want to be hungry or dissastisfied with my lifestyle. So it's about finding balance. I find that most days (like 9/10) my goal calories are enough to completely fulfill me. Also, I['m going to my doc in a few weeks to discuss my weight loss and have my thyroid tested. I plan to ask her for further clarificatoion then, so I will gladly share what she has to say if you are interested.

    Hope that helps!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Ugh. Feeling totally demotivated this morning. Worked out last night (Day 1 of Level 3 o 30 DS - holy hell, that is hard!) so I decided to skip the workout this morning. Actually, if I'm being perfectly honest, my hubby kinda guilted me into staying up later than I usually do last night which makes it hard for me to wake up early enough to get my workout and shower in before I leave for work. I normally go to bed about 945ish, but last night I was up until almost 11. Which made the idea of waking up at 530 to workout seem awful. So anyways, I slept until 615, came to work. Staricase as locked so I couldn't take the stairs and I felt so relieved. Ugh. What's wrong with me?!!? I feel like I'm looking for excuses to not workout.

    Encouragement. Lots of it! PLEASE!!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Ugh. Feeling totally demotivated this morning. Worked out last night (Day 1 of Level 3 o 30 DS - holy hell, that is hard!) so I decided to skip the workout this morning. Actually, if I'm being perfectly honest, my hubby kinda guilted me into staying up later than I usually do last night which makes it hard for me to wake up early enough to get my workout and shower in before I leave for work. I normally go to bed about 945ish, but last night I was up until almost 11. Which made the idea of waking up at 530 to workout seem awful. So anyways, I slept until 615, came to work. Staricase as locked so I couldn't take the stairs and I felt so relieved. Ugh. What's wrong with me?!!? I feel like I'm looking for excuses to not workout.

    Encouragement. Lots of it! PLEASE!!!!

    You can do this, think how good you will feel afterword (by the way I am writting this to myself today too! lol) Maybe the stairs will be open for lunch, Yay!!LOL. You are doing such an amazing job so far...30 lbs is amazing, I hope to get there soon. You make me feel like I can continue to do this after I start working, I know I will need tons of encouragement after this, I also know you will be there to give me the encouragment I need and you will say "stop making excuses ans self sabataging yourself" so that is what I am going to tell you. You are worth it!! We will do this together and reach our goal, we will have to meet up and have a skinny party! LOL I can invision it now..fruit skewers and baked chicken and tons of veggies! Along with a gunny sack race between the 2 of us and maybe a few more of the SAHMU Team! Have a great day! Dig in and find that strong motivated amazing women you are and go workout!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Its going to be hard for me this... I didnt think that my wart underneath my foot will trouble me... Have been trying to do those exercise which we not affect my foot much... I think i will keep my cals just 5% higher than last week... If I can dance, I would easily achieve that, but I dont think its right until my wart has dissappeared... I am going to reduce the cals slightly, just 5% higher than last week...

    I am so sorry you are in pain Renu, it encourages me so much that even with the pain you still workout! You may want to take it a bit easy on that foot, I would hate to hear that it got worse. Have a great day!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Can everyone please go to the spreadsheets and input there total points and weight loss this week, remember ifyou have gained weight count it as 0 for the week, also make sure the previous weeks are complete as well. Thanks and as soon as this is done I will give a little update on who won the highest weight loss for the week and who earned the most points.

    Also make sure you go to week 5 and vote for a recipe!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional Challenge: (I figure thinking about this will help me recommit as well as earn a point for our team :wink: )

    for me the moment of clarity was a double whammy. I was super concerned and stressed about what type of finger foods to introduce to my then 9 month old son. all I could think was "if he gets used to eating bad foods like hotdogs, KD, anyhing with added sugar then he will end up fat like me". I was terrified about what I should and shouldn't give him. I swore he would never eat fast food, never taste a hot dog, and never drink juice. I was completely committed to keeping him healthy and giving him the best start nutritionally possible.... and then I went to the kitchen and heated up my lunch of pizza pops and poured a glass of pepsi... double standard much? But still I was sure that I could keep him from going down the road I was and had been on for so long. And then it hit me: how am i going to explain to a small child why Mommy is allowed to have McD's for lunch but he has to eat a homemade sandwich on whole wheat bread with a bunch of veggies. Why can Mommy and Daddy scarf down on chips and sweets and he is limited to a single sugar free cookie? And the final kicker was: why am I willing to put my son on a super strict diet (not that I would limit calories per say, but just limit his options. I would NEVER actually make a child diet) when I am unwilling to do it myself? So then, as my son napped and I drowned my sorrows and all my worries in various types of junk foods while sitting on the couch watching bad daytime TV I had a moment where I resigned myself to the fact that despite all my best intentions, my son wuld eventually either a) pick up on all my and my hubby's bad habits or b) rebel against all the fresh fruit and veggies and gorge on junk food at every oppurtunity once he was old enough. For just a moment, I resigned myself to the fact that my beautiful baby boy, as well as an future siblings would be fat like me...

    And then I said "F#@% THAT!". Right then and there I put down the junk food and I haven't looked back. Shortly thereafter my hubby joined me (and can I just say, he is doing awesome!!! he has lost about 45 lbs and looks amazing!) and together we are learning about healthy choices. We are training our bodies to be active instead of sedentary (sidenote: I actually miss exercise when I take a day off). We are learning that the previously-thought "bad foods" are ok in moderation. Becasue we want our son to grow into a confident, healthy, active little boy that doesn't feel encumbered by his weight. I also don't want him to be weighed down worrying about what he eats. In our house we have dessert every day! But our dessert (both for Mommy & Daddy as well as our son) is a bowl of fresh fruit. Treats, on the other hand, like soft cookies or a hot dog for lunch are occasional and that much more exciting for everyone when we do have them.

    So that's my clarity, inspriation and personal philosophy all rolled into one. And all that being said, I feel better about the day. I'm going to work out twice as hard tonight due to my renewed optomism. Wouldn't Jillian Michaels be proud :tongue:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge: (I figure thinking about this will help me recommit as well as earn a point for our team :wink: )

    for me the moment of clarity was a double whammy. I was super concerned and stressed about what type of finger foods to introduce to my then 9 month old son. all I could think was "if he gets used to eating bad foods like hotdogs, KD, anyhing with added sugar then he will end up fat like me". I was terrified about what I should and shouldn't give him. I swore he would never eat fast food, never taste a hot dog, and never drink juice. I was completely committed to keeping him healthy and giving him the best start nutritionally possible.... and then I went to the kitchen and heated up my lunch of pizza pops and poured a glass of pepsi... double standard much? But still I was sure that I could keep him from going down the road I was and had been on for so long. And then it hit me: how am i going to explain to a small child why Mommy is allowed to have McD's for lunch but he has to eat a homemade sandwich on whole wheat bread with a bunch of veggies. Why can Mommy and Daddy scarf down on chips and sweets and he is limited to a single sugar free cookie? And the final kicker was: why am I willing to put my son on a super strict diet (not that I would limit calories per say, but just limit his options. I would NEVER actually make a child diet) when I am unwilling to do it myself? So then, as my son napped and I drowned my sorrows and all my worries in various types of junk foods while sitting on the couch watching bad daytime TV I had a moment where I resigned myself to the fact that despite all my best intentions, my son wuld eventually either a) pick up on all my and my hubby's bad habits or b) rebel against all the fresh fruit and veggies and gorge on junk food at every oppurtunity once he was old enough. For just a moment, I resigned myself to the fact that my beautiful baby boy, as well as an future siblings would be fat like me...

    And then I said "F#@% THAT!". Right then and there I put down the junk food and I haven't looked back. Shortly thereafter my hubby joined me (and can I just say, he is doing awesome!!! he has lost about 45 lbs and looks amazing!) and together we are learning about healthy choices. We are training our bodies to be active instead of sedentary (sidenote: I actually miss exercise when I take a day off). We are learning that the previously-thought "bad foods" are ok in moderation. Becasue we want our son to grow into a confident, healthy, active little boy that doesn't feel encumbered by his weight. I also don't want him to be weighed down worrying about what he eats. In our house we have dessert every day! But our dessert (both for Mommy & Daddy as well as our son) is a bowl of fresh fruit. Treats, on the other hand, like soft cookies or a hot dog for lunch are occasional and that much more exciting for everyone when we do have them.

    So that's my clarity, inspriation and personal philosophy all rolled into one. And all that being said, I feel better about the day. I'm going to work out twice as hard tonight due to my renewed optomism. Wouldn't Jillian Michaels be proud :tongue:

    I was the same way, while pregnant I ate pretty healthy and then when my son was born I wanted to start his life out with a healthy lifestyle so he would stay that way his whole life. I am glad you and your husband are doing this together that is awesome. Give him a big high five from me! Have a great day!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardio done
    Hip flexors Done
    Under Carbs Done

    Push ups done!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I took off from exercising today..I was not in the mood as my foot was aching badly.. will be back on track tomorrow...
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    ugh I'm so so so so tired lately. i don't know what my deal is:( i've been getting plenty of sleep but man i just can't get with it. i wonder how much birth control pills can really effect you..i got off the pill about a month ago and at first it was horrible crampy and headaches and just not feeling good now i just have no energy and am so so tired ALL the time! and no i'm not preggo...dh took care of that but ugh wondering if maybe i should take a vitamin but what kind? i know i should..what do you guys like?
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I took off from exercising today..I was not in the mood as my foot was aching badly.. will be back on track tomorrow...

    That's a smart decision Renu. Take care of that foot!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    ugh I'm so so so so tired lately. i don't know what my deal is:( i've been getting plenty of sleep but man i just can't get with it. i wonder how much birth control pills can really effect you..i got off the pill about a month ago and at first it was horrible crampy and headaches and just not feeling good now i just have no energy and am so so tired ALL the time! and no i'm not preggo...dh took care of that but ugh wondering if maybe i should take a vitamin but what kind? i know i should..what do you guys like?

    I take a generic multi vitamin. But if you are having issues with lethargy you may be low on iron. There are supplements available, but it's best not to take on unless you are sure that is the issue as too much iron can also be bad. It's a simple test if you are able to get into see a dr or public health nurse, or if you want to "self test" before you start a pill, just try eating an iron heavy diet for a few days and see how you feel. There are lots of great iron rich foods you can introduce into your diet butmy fave is spinach. And especially when watching calories it's a great way to go (rather than loading up on red meats). Introduce a few cups of raw spinach at every meal (which, if you aren't a current spinach eater may sound like a lot but I personally just use spinach instead of lettuce in any salad I'm making). Either way, if you aren't feeling better in a few days you should probably see a dr. to rule out anything more serious. Take care of yourself!!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    yea ya know, i was anemic before but then had gotten it taken care of, i wonder if it could be that too. hmmm
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    yea ya know, i was anemic before but then had gotten it taken care of, i wonder if it could be that too. hmmm

    I hope you feel beter, before I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer and even after I would get so tired from nothing at all so I understand how you feel. Have a great day today.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    So here is the Good News:
    I got on the scale this morning and it said 218.6!!!!! I can't believe it I am out of the 220's! I am so glad this happened before my trip because it will help me stay focused!

    The Bad News:
    I am going out untill Tuesday night, I will miss you all so much but Lynda will be taking over for me for the week and she will be awesome! I will try to check in if I can, I am sure I will find time because I can't be without MFP it seems.:laugh:
    Have a great week and lets burn those calories ladies!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    So here is the Good News:
    I got on the scale this morning and it said 218.6!!!!! I can't believe it I am out of the 220's! I am so glad this happened before my trip because it will help me stay focused!

    The Bad News:
    I am going out untill Tuesday night, I will miss you all so much but Lynda will be taking over for me for the week and she will be awesome! I will try to check in if I can, I am sure I will find time because I can't be without MFP it seems.:laugh:
    Have a great week and lets burn those calories ladies!!!

    Say goodbye to the 220s forever! Great job Karie!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    So here is the Good News:
    I got on the scale this morning and it said 218.6!!!!! I can't believe it I am out of the 220's! I am so glad this happened before my trip because it will help me stay focused!

    The Bad News:
    I am going out untill Tuesday night, I will miss you all so much but Lynda will be taking over for me for the week and she will be awesome! I will try to check in if I can, I am sure I will find time because I can't be without MFP it seems.:laugh:
    Have a great week and lets burn those calories ladies!!!

    Say goodbye to the 220s forever! Great job Karie!

    Good job Karie.. Have a great time.. :-)
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    that's wonderful karie!!! good job! have a great time!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Big thank you to my girl Renu!!

    Renu, I know you have been having a tough time with injuries and health issues with your feet and legs this last little while. The last few days I've been a little demotivated about working out. I think it's cuz I finally hit the 30lbs loss that I had been looking forward to so my brain started whispering "take a break - you deserve it" even when I still have a long way to go to reach my end goal and I don't want to lose steam now. Anyways, I didn't do much yesterday and I did my 30ds grudgingly this morning but I just didn't have the "go get em" attitude I normally do. Anyways, I'm at work, bored out of my skull so I'm checking in on MFP again and I see that Renu is so dedicated that she is alternating walking at a mid-pace for 20 mins and resting her aching foot to get her exercise in. That dedication blew me away! I was inspired enough to go for a powerwalk at lunch (albeit a short one due to time contraints) and to jog the 6 flights of stairs to my office twice! And I enjoyed every second of it. I am offically out of the workout funk I was in and am so inspired to keep going! Thank you Renu, for being a leader and setting a phenomenal example!! :flowerforyou:
