

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Janetr You're welcome! Glad I could help a little. If the WBC is about the same as a year ago, I don't think there is a thing to worry about. xo

    I agree. If it’s staying the same, it just might be typical for you especially after bariatric surgery. My WBC runs around 7.0-7.5. My coworker’s is always around 4.0. My students hate it when they get her slide to count.

    Connie in KY
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Up to page 22. Forth if July was nice here. Spent the evening with campground friends. Friday went to the Alien Festival at 104 degrees in the afternoon! Donated blood as we were leaving. Walked to the car where I passed out! Scraped both knees and have felt “off” since!

    More later.

    RV Rita

    So sorry you passed out after donating. It’s a super hot day so it’s hard to rehydrate from the heat and donating. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Connie in KY
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Couldn't go to sleep, lots of reasons, but almost to the point now where I can try again. Still got the next three days off, so no biggie...

    Put up an antenna to get the local digital channels today and it worked quite well, so "cut the cord" today, as so many people are doing... which is not quite accurate, considering it was satellite TV... :smiley: but got rid of it, thereby saving the equivalent of two mortgage payments a year for TV service. With the antenna, we get a few local stations for local news, and a number of PBS stations. We also already have Netflix and Amazon Prime, so a nearly unlimited number of shows we want to watch when we choose... Having broadband internet at home is essential for my work, so can't get rid of that, but might as well take advantage of it.

    We bought the satellite system when we were living in the travel trailer, and have used it ever since, so we own the equipment, no leasing or return fees. Was probably half the cost of most satellite service, but even so, nice to be out from under one cost. Might just sell the equipment.

    Feeling sleepy enough that I think I can go back to snoozing. Hope so, anyway...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2019
    Lisa I hope you get to sleep now.

    Janetr OKC
  • lindablueeyes21
    lindablueeyes21 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi ladies I’m new and would love to make some friends on here feel free to send me a request
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 390 Member
    We went fishing on our son’s boat yesterday and I caught all the fish.None were legal size,so we didn’t keep any.But it was a good day for me.Still have 10 pounds to lose and I’m at a plateau 😔.I bought a jump rope,hoping that adding that to my routine it will help.Thinking I need to change my eating.
    Debby In Va
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday!
    Suebdew- Love all of the pics and you look fantastic! What fun! You have a family of "secret keepers". Not sure my DH could keep something like that from me.
    NYKaren- Beautiful garden pics! What a great trip you are on!
    Rita- Oh my, 104* AND donating blood?! I am sure I wouldn't have made it out of the donation chair! Please take some time today to take it easy and really hydrate yourself! I am guessing your hubby was with you when you passed out?
    Tracey- Yea! Here comes the bride! And her parents! You look fantastic! The dress I wore for my daughter's wedding was close to that color (a little more golden) and a different style. Can't wait to hear how it all went! I bet you are exhausted!
    Viv- I have run in a couple of Race For Life events. They are a lot of fun and also heartbreaking to see/hear all of the stories. Wow in regards to your mom! That must have scared her! Yup, time for some hearing aids?

    I had a good weekend and got a lot done. I got the bedrooms ready for daughter and her family. We are kind of playing "musical bedrooms". My son, Colin has the biggest bedroom because he originally shared with our oldest son. So...we are putting Lauren, Jaime, Joaquin and Chappie the wonder dog in Colin's room. Then Colin is moving into the guest bedroom. I bought some new bedding for Colin's bed (for daughter's family to use). I think I will pull the mattress pad off my bed and put it on that bed, to give them a little more support. I will also be putting the futon mattress on the floor for Joaquin. He is too big for the pack n play and three in a queen when it is hot, is too much. Lauren said he will sleep fine on the futon, because sometimes they find him sharing Chappie's dog bed.
    I got my flowers that I bought last week planted. Nothing major, just some purple celosia and some corsican mint. I painted the terra cotta planter box a nice slate blue, though. Looks very pretty, now. Oh, I also took pictures of some things that "don't bring me joy". lol I posted them on the local marketplace. All for free. Let's see if I can get rid of it all! Fingers crossed! Bikes and burley are all cleaned up, tires pumped, chains oiled, and ready for the kids to ride. I am borrowing a toddler bike helmet for Joaquin.
    It was also Tim and my 30th wedding anniversary, yesterday. lol It was a busy day for me and he has not been feeling well. So after I cleaned all of the dirt off myself, I took myself to taco bell for dinner. lol Not a healthy choice, but I brought tacos home, Tim was asleep and I sat and watched Grace and Frankie (I am on season 4) until bed time. I just love that show!

    Kids arriving! Last week of care until I am on vacation and my babes are here! Whoot! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    quick post for now. managed to be under 50 carbs for 1st time yesterday. it's a habit I guess, to develop. I used to eat lots of bananas and carrots...
    now, it's even more soy yogurt, Okara, more fish, more veggies, a smidgen of cheese now that major hay fever season has passed (for me).

    meeting today, well, the board voted all permanent teachers are invited. (I'm a permanent teachers) but the director excludes about 4 of us long-timer's without a reason. his position doesn't override the board's, but he tries. he says that the vote is old (but it was published again last year), and no other vote has taken place since then. he's shady and doesn't hesitate to switch around words (add one here, and subtract one there) to completely change the meeting of words.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    In the week up to May 1 my average weight was 60.53
    In the week up to June 1 my average weight is 59.66
    Week up to July 8 my average weight is 59.46
    so possibly loss of 0.44 lbs in 5 weeks or...simple fluctuation.

    not gaining anyway.

    I had breakfast today at 10 as I didn't feel good and felt really hungry
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    SuebDew - what great birthday photos! Great looking family B) Now your secret is revealed though... how in the world are you 80 YOA? :D Are you sure it's not your 60th? Your DH (I presume he's that nifty white haired gentleman standing next to you) is a gem. <3 I bet that pup is keeping you young!

    - thank you for sharing those videos about the science of weight loss. Amazing! I had no idea that body fat has it's own chemical makeup. The part in the first video where he poured dry ice over the balloon was particularly illustrative. B)

    - Ah, the wedding is over! You and your daughter are the cutest. Love the dress! Both of them, lol.

    Viv - how worrisome about your mom's hearing. Glad the Police showed up and called you and that it was a faulty alarm. My hearing isn't that good - plus I sleep with a little fan running and normally have earbuds in at night, my DH conks out thoroughly. Having a little dog that keys in on unusual noises is a plus... if we could get a smoke alarm that sounds like a door bell, the whole neighborhood would wake up. :p

    Lisa - congrats on cutting the cord! Sounds like you have all of the TV information you need.

    Janetr - is this group a great resource or what? Your blood test results made me dig out my last one... seems I'm low normal on just about everything. Now I'm curious and will find the results from a decade back later today and see if there's a trend.

    Time to get the dogs up. Make it a super Monday! <3

    Cool SW WA State
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Suebdew ~ Loved seeing the photos of your party...you all looked so happy and pretty.

    Tracey ~ What a beautiful bride and bride's mom. Hope you all had a wonderful wedding day!

    Rita ~ So sorry to hear about your fainting spell. There's no way I would want to go to a festival on such a hot day. I hate the heat.

    Viv ~ Glad your mom was safe and the police did the responsible thing to check on her.

    Workout ~ Sorry, I don't know your posting name. Those fish don't look so small to me.

    Kelly ~ Happy 30th anniversary!

    Son's family stopped by on their way home from church yesterday. The pastor they have loved for so many years is retiring. They got back from Daytona Beach Saturday night and found out their black lab/rottweiler mix had chewed up their king sized mattress. Had to buy a topper until they can replace. This dog has chewed up a leather sofa and matching chair. The consensus is that she will be crated the next time they are not at home. Anyway, they were all tanned and really enjoyed some good sea food.

    Other than that, we had a very quiet weekend...I have gotten where I hate Saturday and Sunday as they seem to crawl by.

    Carol in GA

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Yesterday I learned that if I eat steak on Sunday instead of the overnight oats for lunch, then I need to have peas for fiber fullness. Otherwise I get too hungry and it all goes downhill. So many of the touted fiber rich foods have 4 g per serving, but peas have 10g per cup. Although that is a lot of peas.

    As you can guess, I was hungry and ate a few things before finding a bowl of bran flakes. But I am still winning the war, just very very slowly.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    Carol - I've been thinking of you and your sore knee. Are you still going to the gym? After tomorrow I'll be getting allergy shots every other week so may stop in and do a Silver Sneakers class. I have to be in town anyhow on Tuesdays to pick up my CSA produce box.

    I'm having mixed feelings about the weekly produce box... last year my garden was so unproductive - seems like the only tomatoes that set were the cherry type (I like to have some large ones to make into sauce). Onions didn't turn out, you name it. So now that I've signed up and paid for the weekly boxes throughout the summer, guess who has the best garden ever? LOL! That's the way it goes. But I'm getting many things that I don't normally grow - and it's encouraging me to cook and explore new recipes (Beth, does this sound familiar?) and I know the veggies are organic and fresh and yummy so it's not a complete wash.

    The farmer is kind of dingy - last week's box was pretty feeble.... I mentioned it and she exclaimed she forgot to put in the lettuce. I sent her an email this morning asking her what's going to be in tomorrow's box, maybe that will spark her memory. Sigh.

    - goodness, I hope you are doing better today.

    Kelly - I too wish you a Happy Anniversary. <3 Very excited for Lauren and family to arrive! Hope the weather cooperates - I bet you get some "lake breeze" that keeps things on the more comfortable side? (I'm still thinking of Rita baking in that HEAT, lol.) Is Tim's RA stable/ in remission?

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Tracey, the wedding day photo looks awesome. You have worked so hard to make this day special.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Thank you Connie for your answer about accountability friends!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    So stoked for my wife today. She bought her first size 2 tiny shorts today. Its been over 25 years since she last fit in them before our 2 girls. She has been a beast at the gym and really been crushing it. I quit training everyone else and just focus on her and its soo paying off for the both of us. Its brought us closer together as a couple. For all you ladies I stongly advise your hubbies to get involved. Everyone wins!

    beat you to it. my hubby and i have been riding (bicycle) to work every morning on our commute for years and when it's his day off, he goes to the gym with me (at 4:30) :0)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    A couple of my puppy got in there. My son, middle daughter and baby daughter gave the party with the youngest Lisa doing the planning and DH writing the checks. What a day!

    Nice photos ... and you do not look 80!

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly. Happy 30th Anniversary! m0703.gif